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August 04, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-08-04

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4 S 9


Page Eight


Tuesdqy, August 4, 1970







Vol. LXXX, No. 59-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, August 4, 1970 Ten Cen

NEW YORK (A--National Football League players ended
their strike and headed for training camps yesterday after
agreeing with the owners on a new four-year package of pen-
sion and benefits totaling $19.1 million.
Both the pre-season schedule and the regular season,
with its multi-million dollar television contracts and heavy
advance ticket sales, had been threatened by the strike. Only
a few veterans had- broken the line and reported to camp
against the advice of the NFL Players Association.
The hand of Pete Rozelle, NFL commissioner, could be seen be-
hind the settlement that was hammered out in a 22-hour session
in the league's Park Avenue offices. During the wee hours of yes-
terday morning executives of all 26 clubs and all seven members of
the players' committee were present.
Rozelle was deeply involved at all times, bringing the two groups
together after federal mediation failed to reach an agreement. At
various times during the four months of negotiations the players had
tried to restrict the commissioner's power.
John Mackey of the Baltimore Colts, president of the NFLPA,
said he was proud of all 1,300 members who gave their full support
to the negotiating committee. "We believe more than ever that the
NFLPA is totally unified in our goals 'and beliefs," said Mackey in a
prepared statement issued 'by the association's public relations man,
Tom Vance. "The strike is over," he added. "Let's play football."
The owners quickly scooted for home and there was no news con-
ference, only a brief news release from the NFL office on behalf of
Tex Schramm, Dallas general manager and head of the negotiating
group, giving some of the details.
George Halas, pioneer owner of the Chicago Bears and president
of the NFL's National Conference, had this comment before leaving
for Chicago: "I never ran away from a fight in my life. The power of
the commissioner is undiminished. The fight for principle was up-
In his statement, Schramm said Rozellh would name an arbiter
in cases of injury grievances but all other facets of his power remain
The amount agreed upon in pension contributions by the owners,
$4,535,000, was the same amount the owners ha'd offered during the
negotiations. That came to $18.1 million over four years.
Within minutes after the announcement of settlement was
made, linebacker Butch Riley of the Colts reported to camp in West-
minster, Md. "He must have been hovering over camp in a helicopter,"
a team spokesman said.
Hank Strain, head coach of the champion Kansas City Chiefs.
said he was elated over the settlement. "At the most, the Chiefs
missed only one practice session," Strain said. The Chiefs had been
given permsision to play the College All-Stars in the annual exhibition
game last Friday night in Chicago, winning 24-3.
"We've got a squad of 57 right now and we know we're ready to
go," said a spokesman for the Detroit Lions.
Football widows' reaction
miXed on strike settlement









-Associated Press
"Let's play football"
These words from NFLPA president John Mackey (center) echoed the sentiments of most other NFL
veterans following yesterday's settlement of the football strike. Mackey is shown leaving the talks
in New York City yesterday with Los Angeles defensive back Kermit Alexander (left) and Tom
Keating, a defensive tackle for Oakland and former Michigan star.

Nixon in
President and Mrs. Nixon are
greeted warmly by a large Den-
ver crowd and Colo. Gov. John
Love (right). The President was
in Denver to address the Law
Assistance Administration. (See
Story Page 7.)

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Pira tes

fall as Cubs

-ASS (,Iated Pr

clip Mets

to close


By The Associated Press
D E T R O I T - Washington
scored four runs on five singles
in the third inning and Dick
Bosman and Joe Grzenda scat-
tered nine hits in a 4-0 victory
over the Detroit Tigers last
The big inning came against
Mike Kilkenny, 5-2. Wayne Com-
er and Ed Brinkman got one-
out singles and Frank Howard
drove in the first run with a
single. Aurelio Rodriguez follow-
ed with the fourth consecutive
single, scoring Brinkman.
Then after a ground out, Mike
Epstein iced the inning with a
two-run single.
Bosman, 11-8, scattered eight
hits and Grzenda came on in the
seventh to finish up. Jim Price
and Dalton Jones opened the
seventh with singles off Bosman

but Grzenda retired the next
three batters to end the Tigers'
biggest threat.
lucs bucked
won his first game since July 8
by tossing a three-hitter and
Bob Bailey socked a three-run
homer to cap a six-run fourth
inning as Montreal Expos wal-
loped Pittsburgh Pirates 8-0 last
McGinn struck out five, walk-
ed six and hit one batter as he
evened his r e c o r d at 7-7 by
stopping the National League
East leaders, who had pounded
37 hits and. 30 runs in their last
two games. He didn't allow a hit
after the second inning.
Bailey's homer, his 16th, car-
ried over the fence in center

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Major League Standings

field, 420 feet from home plate.
It came off reliever Dick Col-
. *
Jenkins foils Mets
NEW YORK-Ferguson Jenk-
ins held Newi York hitless for
six innings and finished with a
three-hitter last night, hurling
the Chicago Cubs to a 6-1 vic-
tory that extended the Mets'
losing string to three games.
Jenkins walked Ken Singleton
with two out in the first inning,
then mowed down 16 batters in
order before Bud Harrelson
opened the seventh with a
smash inside the first base line
that carried into the right field
corner for a triple.
The Cubs' 6 - foot - 5 ace
stranded Harrelson on third, but
lost his shutout bid in the
eighth on singles by Wayne
Garrett and Jerry Grote around
a wild pitch.
Ron Santo's run-scoring dou-
ble in the first inning gave the
Cubs the jump against left-'
hander Jerry Koosman and
Johnny Callison made it 2-0 in
the second with his 200th career
NEW YORK (P) -- Chicago
Cubs' pitcher Bill Hands was
rushed to Roosevelt Hospital
last - night suffering from acute
Hands, who has been the Cubs'
steadiest pitcher this year, com-,
plained of stomach pains dur-
ing last night's game with the
New York Mets. He was to have
started against the Mets today.
Cub manager Leo Durocher
said the right-hander would not
undergo surgery until doctors
had had time to observe his

EW L Pet. GB
Baltimore 66 39 .629 -
New York 57 47 .548 8'
Detroit 57 48 .543 9
Boston 53 50 .515 12
Cleveland 51 55 .481 15
washington 48 58 .453 181
xMinnesota 65 36 .644 -
xOakland 59 46 .562 8
xCalifornia 59 46 .562 8
Kansas City 39 67 .367 281
xMlwaukee 39 68 .363 29
Chicago 38 71 .347 31
x-late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Washington 4, Detroit 0
Kansas City 7, Chicago 2
Minnesota 2, Milwaukee 1, 1st
Milwaukee at Minnesota, 2nd, inc.
California at Oakland, inc.
Other clubs not scheduled
Today's Games
California at Oakland
Milwaukee at Minnesota
Kansas City at Chicago
Washington at Detroit
New York at Cleveland
Boston at Baltimore


New'U' discipline procedure

New York
St. Louis




7 %


By The Associated Press
"Most wives watch football in
self-defense," said Lucille Waite
of Chicago, but Monie Pallats,
an Atlanta housewife, plans to
play offense.
"Organized football is unfair
to wives, "Mrs. Pallats protested
upon hearing the professional
football players' strike against
club owners had been settled.
"I just might go out and pick-
et the stadium this year."
Reaction by Sunday afternoon
football widows to yesterday's
go-ahead for the 1970 pro foot-.
ball season ranged from mili-
tancy to resignation and from
disappointment to glee.
"I think it's terrible they're
going to play," said Mrs. Pal-
lats, adding that she had hoped
the season would be cancelled.
"If you can't beat 'em, join
'em," said Mrs. Waite, who was
a football -widow until she
adopted that philosophy. Now
she's looking forward to the
Bears games either on television
"or in person when we can get
"I'm really pretty happy about
it," beamed Mrs. Ron Erickson,
a Minnesota Vikings fan from
Long Beach, Calif. "Before last
year it wouldn't have mattered,
but now I've really gotten inter-
ested in the games."
"I'm disappointed," lamented

Lynda Carruthers of Los An-
geles. "My boy friend, my two
brothers, five of their friends
and my father all watch the
games . .. in my bedroom. It's
the only color TV in the house. I
like to watch the other pro-
grams but they outnumber me"
Joe Gully of Wantagh, L.I., is
outnumbered in his home seven-
to-one but that doesn't stop him
from his Sunday afternoon pas-
"Mother hates football," said
21-year-old Ellen Gully, a Man-
hattan secretary. "She tried to
break the TV set last season.
Well, not really. It's color and
she just touched the knobs on
the back that aren't supposed to
be touched. Both teams turned
out red and green but Dan just
went to the back porch and
turned on the black and white
"I'm really looking forward to
this season," said Ellen's moth-
er, Eileen, "especially after what
happened yesterday."
It seems that Joe decided to
tear himself away from the
baseball game long enough Sun-
day to launch his boat at the
shore but it was Mrs. Gully's
car that ended up in -tne water
with 'only the radio .ntenna in
He wouldn't have thought of
doing that once the football
season started," she said.

University President Robben Fleming
has announced new procedures designed
to centralize and strengthen his power in
dealing with building occupations and
disruptions of University facilities.
Under the procedures, deans and other
administrative officials responsible for
various University buildings are required
to give. advance warning to disrupters
that their continued occupation of facil-
ities may subject them to disciplinary
action or criminal prosecution.
Officials authorized to act for the
president under the procedures are in-
structed-that they must first consult with
the central administration before issuing
orders to vacate facilities.
Fleming said the procedures were
adopted "to assure that the right of
peaceful dissent is adequately safeguard-
ed" and "to comply with the extremely
technical notice requirements of state
laws dealing with disruptions at educa-
tional institutions."
The law Fleming referred to is Act.
No. 26 of the Public Acts of 1970, signed
into law on June 2 by Gov. William Mil-
liken. The bill makes it a misdemeanor,
punishable by a maximum fine of $500
or 30 days in jail or both, to occupy Uni-
versity facilities in violation of its rules,
"When the chief administrative, officer
of a publicly owned and operated in-
stitution of h i g h-e r education, or his
designee, notifies the person ,hat he is
such officer or designee and that the
person is in violation of the properly pro-
mulgated rules of the institution."

Allan Smith, vice president for aca-
demic affairs, said it was that wording
which made the new procedures neces-
sary, as, well as the wording of the Re-
gents' interim discipline rules, which
contain a similar clause.
Fleming said, however, that the new
consultation procedures apply only to
major disturbances and are not intended
"to limit the authority of faculty and ad-
ministrative personnel to order cessation
of disruptions of classes or other activi-
ties" in less serious cases.
Hurricane' s
Hurricane Celia moved this
housetrailer off its blocks yester-
day when the storm, packing
winds of over 115 miles per hour,
struck the Texas coast at Rock-
port. (See Story Page 3.)

Smith said that while no additi
procedures would be needed to cor
with Act 26, an amendment to the Hi
Education Appropriations Act of
would require establishment of a "sim
gun registry.
An amendment of that act prohibits
expenditures of state funds for the c
pensation of any faculty member,,
members, administrator or for the ed
tion of any student found possessir
firearm "or other dangerous weapon'
University property unless he has ref
ered it with the University.

xCincinnati 74 34 .685 -
xLos Angeles 60 44 .577 12
xAtlanta 50 56 .471 23
xSan Francisco 49 55 .471 23
x~louston 47 59 .443 26
xSan Diego 42 65 .393 31'
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 6, New Yorl 1
Montreal 8, Pittsburgh 0
St. Louis 4, Philadelphia 1
Houston 7, Atlanta 5, 1st
Atlanta at Houston,,2nd, inc.
San Francisco at Los Angeles, inc.
Cincinnati at San Diego, inc.
Today's Games
Pittsburgh at Montreal
Chicago at New York, day
St. Louis at Philadelphia
Atlanta at Houston
San Francisco at Los Angeles
Cincinnati at San Diego


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