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August 01, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-08-01

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Saturday, August 1, 1970

Page Eight


Chiefs clobber






Vol. LXXX, No. 58-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 1, 1970 Ten Cent

CHICAGO (P)-The world pro champion Kansas City Chiefs,
brilliantly directed by 35-year-old Len Dawson and quickly exploiting
the breaks, conquered a hard-trying collegiate squad 24-3 in the
37th All-Star football game last night.
Before a throng of 69,940 in misty Soldier Field, the 12-point
underdog collegians made costly mistakes quickly converted by the
Chiefs, who scored the seventh straight pro victory in the Chicago
Tribune charity classic.
The Chiefs, who only had five days' practice because of pro
football's raging labor dispute, scored 10 first quarter points on Daw-
son's - 36-yard touchdown pass to Frank Pitts and Jan Stenerud's
43-yard field goal.
The pro kings then wrapped up the game in the second period,
scoring -after two interceptions off each of the All-Stars' two hard-
pressed quarterbacks, Dennis Shaw of San-Diego State and Purdue's
Mike Phipps;
Four plays after Willie Lanier snatched a Shaw pass on-the All-
Star 19, Warren McVea scooted three yards for a touchdown. And
with seven seconds left to intermission, Jim Kearney stole a Phipps'
pass and raced 65 yards to score for a 24-0 halftime Chief lead.
The All-Stars held the Chiefs scoreless the entire second half, but
blew a great touchdown chance at the start of the third period after
Ted Koy of Texas recovered a Chief fumble on the Chief eight.
But three plays later the collegiate threat died when a pass from
Indiana's-John Isenbarger eluded Ken Burroughs of Texas Southern
in the corner of the end zone.












-Associated Press
All-Star Dennis Shaw fires under a hard Chief rush



7Ae Cour't
The football strike .

Football strike still on.-

briefs press
President Nixon with Secretary
of State William Rodgers at
press briefing at the Western
White House yesterday. The two
had conferred earlier on Israel's
response to the U.S. peace initi-
ative in the Middle East.\

0 0

... Sound and ur
T[HE ONGOING BATTLE between pro football owners and
players is somehow not terribly exciting. It is not like a
struggle of theimasses against the capitalist oppressers, but it is
rather a question of the size of the piece of pie that each group
should get. And it is a big pie.
The players' strike, however, does not have in it some
elements of human drama that- have been by and large
overlooked. By staying out almost to the man, some of the
players have placed their careers in jeopardy; they could
be the real losers in the struggle.
The player who plays on the specialty teams or on the taxi
squad will have a harder time than ever making the team this
season, and a year away from the wars dulls the warrior. When
(and if) the strike is settled, the big name players like Lenny
Dawson, Roman Gabriel and Leroy Kelly will have no trouble
continuing to earn their living on the gridiron, but there are 40
players on each team, some of whom are quite dispensable.
It is the faceless players with names ike Vilnis Ezerins,
Harry Theofiledes and Pete Larson who are trapped in the mid-
dle between the NFLPA strike and their desire to make the
team. All three were among those who chose to report to train-
ing camp in spite of the strike, and the choices they faced were
equally unpleasant.
Pat Matson, a guard for Cincinnati, perhaps best sum-
med up the possible consequence for those who chose to
report. "I think you'd find that if we (Cincinnati) had gone
to camp by ourselves, once the season finally started, we'd
be hit by a number of crippling injuries. There's a lot of
people in pro football who know how to make injuries hap'-
pen. if you know what I mean," he said yesterday. Matson
didn't report to camp.
Those few players who did choose to report must expect
some form of retaliation for their action, both from their team-
mates as well as opponents. As only 16 players had chosen to
defy the strike as of yesterday evening, it is easy to imagine
that at least some of those who stayed away were in part moti-
vated by fear.
Even though fear no.doubt motivated some players' de-
cision to stay away, the success of the strike is amazing.
Opposite the sixteen who reported, there are literally hun-
dreds of players who stuck by the NFLPA despite the fact
that their careers could suffer. If the strike does succeed
in getting greater concessions from the owners, it is the
unsung and unknown who should get most of the credit.
The fact that the vast majority of these players have stayed
away has made it impossible for the owners to break the_
The clearest lesson to be learned from the strike is that
professional sports are becoming more and more professional
and less and less sporting. No sane pro athlete can afford to
ignore the amount of money now available to sports figures. And
when Vince Lombardi, the ultimate spartan, does a shaving
cream commercial, it's enough to make you sick.
Whether the people want pro sports or merely have been
led to think that they do doesn't much matter; as long as they
demand them, they'll get them. As long as the demand is big
enough, there will also be a lot of money involved, and as long
as there is a lot of money involved, there will be disagreements
as to who should get it.
All things considered, it's kind of surprising that the pro
athletes in all sports haven't struck more often.

By The Associated Press
A trickle of little-known vet-
erans reported to training camp
yesterday and the promoters of
a charity exhibition game in
Jacksonville, Fla., cancelled
their contract as the pro foot-
ball strike went through i t s
second day with a critical week-
end of decision ahead.
At the same time, two memb-
ers of the Cincinnati Bengals-
guard Pat Matson and quarter-
back Sam Wyche - said they
feared the threat of reprisals
in the form of "crippling in-
juries" if they reported to the
club's training camp.
Seven veterans reported,
bringing to 18 the number who
have showed up in camp since
the National Football League
Players Association acknowl-
edged it was on strike in a con-
tract dispute with club owners.
Cancelled was the Aug. 8 game
at Jacksonville between t h e
Miami Dolphins and the Pitts-
burgh Steelers.

"We can't sell professional
rookies at $6 a ticket," said Wil-
liam Basford, president of
Jacksonville Charities. "We will
not honor the contract as it
His organization, Basford said,
has already spent close to $15,-
000 to promote the game. He
said he might reschedule the
game if the dispute is settled,
but only under a new contract
in which the oprmotional costs
were paid prior to either team
getting any money.
Among the veterans reporting
Friday was Vietnam War re-
turnee Rocky Bleier.
Bleier, who gained 39 yards
in six carries as a rookie with
the Steelers in 1968, reported
to the Pittsburgh camp after re-
ceiving permisison directly from
the Veterans on the club who
considered his case special be-
cause of the injuries he suffered
in Vietnam.
Meanwhile, Baltimore's Mike

Curtis, the biggest name among
the players who have reported,.
explained his decision to report.
"I made up my mind I had to
report and get to work,". said
Curtis, who switched from out-
side linebacker to middle line-
backer with the Colts last sea-
son. "I had to shut out all other
consideration. The main rea-
son is I still have a lot to learn
about playing the middle.
"I made a lot of mistakes
there last season and I've got to
prepare myself for- this year.
I'm in sympathy with most of
the things the Players Associa-
tion is trying to do but I per-
sonally have to get ready men-
tally and physically."
Major League


Fleming tells SGC

to screen

prospective. OSS candidates

Tigers win wild one
on four walks in ninth

xNew York

64 39 +
57 45 I
54 46
51 49
49 54
46 55



By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Elliott Maddox
walked with the bases loaded-
the fourth free pass in the ninth
inning-to give Detroit a hectic
10-9 victory over Minnesota last
Former Michigan pitcher Bill
Zepp,. who came in when Pete
Hamm had loaded the bases on
walks, issued the free ticket to
ex-Wolverine M a d d o x and
forced in Norm Cash with the
winning run.
The Twins tied the game in
the top of the inning on Bob
Allison's two-run homer.
Jim Northrup, starting his
first game in a week, knocked
in four runs with a three-run
homer and single to give the
Tigers an early margin.
Northrup, who had been out
with a pulled hamstring muscle,
tagged young Bert Blyleven for
his homer in the third inning to
give the Tigers a 3-0 lead.
But Minnesota pummelled Ti-
ger Denny McLain and Daryl
Patterson for six runs and seven
hits in the sixth to take the lead.
The Tigers went on another
hitting binge in the seventh off
Blyleven and ace reliever Ron
Perranoski to score six more.
Birds make it 2
BALTIMORE - The Balti-
more Orioles tied a 43-year-old

American League record last
night, beating the Kansas City
Royals for the 21st consecutive
time as Dave McNally hurled a
3-1 victory.
* * *
ets take first
NEW YORK-Tommie Agee's
bases-loaded single in the sixth
inning capped a three-run rally
that gave the New York Mets a
6-5 victory over San Diego last
night and sent them back into
first place in the National
League's east Division.
The come - from - behind vic-
tory, coupled with Pittsburgh's
4-3 loss to Atlanta, gave the
Mets a one-half game lead over
the Pirates in the east.
* * *
Cubs sweep Reds
CINCINNATI -- Bill Hands
fashioned a five-hitter in the
opener, and Glenn Beckert and
Ron Santo headed a 16-hit as-
sault in the second game as
Chicago swept a twi-night dou-
bleheader from Cincinnati 7-1-
and 11-7 last night.
Hands, 13-8, throttled Cincin-
nati except for a fourth-inning
homer by John Bench, his 36th,
andscored his fourth victory
over the Reds this year without
a loss. He has hurled three com-
plete games against them.

Minnesota 62 36 .634 -
xCalifornia 58 44 .569
xOakland 56 45 .554 "
Kansas City 38 65 :368 2
xMilwaukee 38 65 .368 2
Chicago 37 68 .352 21
x-late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 5, Cleveland 4
New York 7, Milwaukee 3, 1st
New York at Milwaukee, 2nd, inc.
Baltimore 3, Kansas City 1
Detroit 10, Minnesota 9
Boston at California, inc.
Washington at Oakland, inc.
Today's Games
Washington at Oakland, day
Boston at California .
New York at Milwaukee, day
Cleveland at Chicago, day
Minnesota at Detroit
Kansas City at Baltimore


President Robben Fleming yesterday
refused to commit himself to choosing
a Vice President for Student Services
approved by Student Government Coun-
cil, but did ask SGC to go ahead with
plans to interview candidates for the
SGC had passed a resolution on Thurs-
day "agreeing to act as a-screening board
for the Vice Presidency of OSS during the
coming few weeks if President Fleming
agrees not to appoint a new Vice Presi-
dent without consulting SGC for its ap-
According to SGC Executive Vice Presi-
dent Jerry De Grieck, however, "We are
going to procede and interview candidates
even though the President did, not defi-
nitely say he would choose any of the
names we gave him."
"It's understood if Fleming appoints
somebody without our approval, he (the
appointee) would have no legitimacy in
our (SGC's) eyes," De Grieck said.*
Fleming, who is leaving for Australia,
refused comment last night on the latest
developments in the search to find a
permanent vice president.
The search for a new vice president
began two years ago when Richard Cut-
ler resigned and Fleming appointed Bar-
bara Newell as Acting Vice President.
A search committee, with equal faculty
and student representation, was then
formed. Last fall this committee selected
five candidates for the position, the vice
president to be picked by Fleming.
- Two of the candidates however, were
eliminated almost immediately.
Peter Steinberger, 27, a graduate of
Michigan's law school, was apparently
rejected by Fleming because he refused
to discuss the job with him in a closed
Carole Leland, 35, an official of the

College Entrance Examination Board, was
the next to drop out, calling the job an
"impossible one" in view of the current
student climate and the administration's
intransigence on many issues.
Miss Leland visited Ann Arbor in June
and was reportedly offered the job, which
she rejected.
The third candidate, Hubert Locke, a
black Wayne State administrator, was
accused of insensitivity toward black
students and also ran into student op-
position on the structure of the still un-
born OSS policy board.
As controversy over the power of the
policy board arose, Fleming postponed a
decision on Newell's successor. As spring
approached, all three remaining candi-
dates, Locke, Alan Guskin, a psychology
lecturer in the Residential College, and
Walter Shervington, a lecturer in the law
school, all dropped out of contention
citing the long delay and philosophical
difference with the administration as
their reasons.
At the July Regents meeting, the policy
board was finally established with all
policy decisions to be jointly worked out
by the board and the Vice President. The
Vice President would hold the power to
The board itself would consist of five
students and four faculty.,
With the controversy over the board
settled, SGC this week started interview-
ing possible candidates for the OSS slot.
Monday they met with law Prof. Robert
Knauss, chairman of Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs, and
Gretchen Wilson, a graduate student at
the University.
De Grieck said he has received a posi-
tive reaction, so far, from the community
with respect to their possible candidacies.
- Next week SGC plans to meet with Bob
Merrion, principal at Highland Park High
School in Detroit.

SGC President Marty Scott Thursday
backed SGC's action, explaining "There
should be wider involvement in the deci-
sion-making and the candidate should
have a broad base of student support."
The SGC resolution accuses "President
Fleming's delay and conceptualization of
the position" as being the cause of the
five original candidates either dropping
out of contention or rejecting it.

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Es L Pet. GB
New York 55 46 .545 -
Pittsburgh 56 48 .539 %
Chicago 54 49 .526 2
Philadelphia 46 52 .469 72
St. Louis 45 58 .436 11
Montreal. 44 59 .426 12
Cincinnati 72 34 .681 -
Los Angeles 59 42 .585 10%4
Atlanta 50 53 .485 21
San Francisco 47 52 .475 22%
Houston 46 57 .446 24%
San Diego 40 64 .383 31
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 7, Cincinnati 1, 1st
Chicago 11, Cincinnati 7, 2nd
Atlanta 4, Pittsburgh 3
St. Louis 5, Houston 1
Los Angeles 8, Montreal 5,
2nd game, ppd.
New York 6, San Diego 5
San Francisco 8, Philadelphia 3, 1st
San Francisco 7, Philadelphia 2, 2nd
Today's Games
Los Angeles at Montreal
San Diego at New York, day
San Francisco at Philadelphia
Pittsburgh at Atlanta, day
Chicago at Cincinnati
St. Louis at Houston

-Associated Press
Good bye, Chet
NBC newscaster Chet Huntley has a
pensive moment before his final broad-
cast last night. Thus ended a long
career as radio and TV newsman in-
cluding 14 years on the Huntley-Brink-
ley newscast. He now returns to his
native Montana to take part in a recre-
. ational resort development.

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