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May 09, 1970 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-09

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Saturday, May 9, 1970


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Think of Mother!



news to day
by The Associated Press and College Press Servie
rington resigned yesterday.
Harrington, 57, submitted his resignation at a Board of Regents
meeting and will be come a professor in history on the university staff
effective Oct. 1 .
Wisconsin had been the scene of four days of violent antiwar
demonstrations during which 40nor 50 fires reportedly broke out.
Harrington had been one of eight university presidents to confer with
President Nixon Thursday on recent campus disorders.


to cut

for war in Indochina
spreads on Capitol Hill

off funds

Check one: Q lila $3.00

0 11lb S3.00

ii ~

BASIC JUDAISM-Jewish views of God, Man, Ethics, celebration,
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--Prerequisites: A-3 courses in social sciences in different disci-
plines; B-general background in Jewish history. Wed. eves., 9-
10:30 p.m. Beg. Wed., May 13. Dr. Joseph Ben Dak

to cut off f
china war

Harrington told the board he had planned the resignation move Capitol H.
for sometime, adding it was unfortunate that it came "at this time thousands
of crisis." swarmed t
"I am not running away. Nor am I being pushed away," Harring- dors and a
ton said. "The Regents have not asked for my resignation." lawns in ar
* * ful lobbying

GTON (R) - Moves
unds for the Indo-
spread rapidly on
i 11 yesterday as
of young people
hrough t h e corri-
cross the spacious
massive and peace-
g effort.


I -I

._ _ _ .-

As Taught By

i) i
{t 7

TOTAL UNEMPLOYMENT climbed sharply in April to nearly One catch-all resolution drawn
four million, the government reported yesterday. up by Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-
The statistics, from a Bureau of Labor Statistics Report, showed aine will be int ducersoltin
that the national rate jumped from 4.4 to 4.8 per cent of the civilian lays down a broad policy for dis-
labor force, equalling the biggest one-month rise in 10 years and engagement from Southeast Asia,
continuing the sharpest four-month climb since early 1958. The 4.8 starting withracall foreatcease-
figure is the highest in five years. fire, withdrawal from Cambodia
The report brought renewed warnings from Democratic Party and an end to U.S. bombing.
and union officials that President Nixon's anti-inflation policies are "It's a vehicle for the Senate to
pushing the economy into a recession, express its will if other attempts
don't work," Muskie said. "I
JUDGE HARRY A. BLACKMUN, nominee to the Supreme Court, wouldn't like to see all our legis-
lative exertions come to nothing.
has criticized campus demonstrators for lack of responsibility, .
noted Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WVa) at a Senate judiciary committee held a nes confeece yesteray
meeting yesterday. to announce a massive nationwide
Quoting, with approval, from an opinion written last year by campaign for an amendment that
Blackmun, Byrd said that the Minnesota Judge had asserted that would bar all spending for fight-
disruptive campus tactics might be expected of a spoiled child but ing in Asia by next June.
not of a college student. Sen. George McGovern (D-
Blackmun wrote the decision for the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of S.D.), said the campaign - start-
Appeals. The court upheld the dismissal of a suit brought by two ing with creation of a bipartisan
Central Missouri State College students for readmission after they congressional committee - will be
had been suspended for taking part in a demionstration that disrupted patterned after the recent suc-
activities at th college, cessful nationwide effort to defeat
the Supreme Court nomination of
"College attendance, whether it be a right or a priviledge, very G. Harrold Carswell.
definitely entails responsibility," Blackmun wrote. "This is fund-
amental. It rests upon the fact that the student is approaching McGove tsai e it probably aus
maturity." the nation so citizens will bring
pressure on their congressmen.
NE E ID NC -Meanwhile, he said, intensive lob-
a+ _ _ _ bying will be conducted on Cap-,
itol Hill.
r p sJoining McGovern were Repub-
lican Sens. Charles E. Goodell of
New York and Mark O. Hatfield
of Oregon a nd Democrats Alan
Cranston of California. Harold E.
against Panthers =n==
again t Pan hersHughes, of Iowa and Gaylord Nel-
son of Wisconsin.
Also on hand were three Demo-
CHICAGO uA - The state of Illinois yesterday dropped cratic and two Republican mem-
attempted murder charges against seven Black Panther party bers of the House which twice in
members who were present during a shooting in which police the past two days has decisivelyI
killed two Panther leaders. defeated efforts to curb the flow
of money into the war effort.
Two policemen and four Panther members were wounded McGovern and the others also
in what authorities have described as a gun battle initiated told their news conference that
by the Panthers during a pre-dawn raid on a West Side apart- they were seeking television timej

-Associated Press
SENATORS GEORGE McGOVERN (D-SD), left, Mark Hatfield
(R-Ore), center, and Harold Htghes (D-Iowa) talk to newsmen
about antiwar legislation at a news conference yesterday. Seated
behind them are Reps. Daniel E. Button (R-NY), left, and Abner
Mikva (D-Ill).
Nort ibegins series
of attacks near DMZ
SAIGON R) - North Vietnamese forces launched a series
of attacks in the northern reaches of South Vietnam yester-
day but suffered a stinging defeat in the biggest battle there.
North resistance slackened in Cambodia base areas after one
brisk fight.
South Vietnamese infantrymen following up a U.S. B52
bombing raid clashed with a North Vietnamese foce defend-
ing a base area south of the demilitarized zone. They reported
215 enemy killed in the combined attack.
An Associated Press correspondent reported from Quang

AUD. A ANGELL HALL, MAY 13, 1910, 8:00 P.M.

ment Dec. 4 to answer what they called a one-{
Judge S AEn.usided view of the war.
Judge Saul A. Epton of Circuit Court granted the motion They said that although they
to dismiss the attempted murder charges. do not plan to participate in to-
Nicholas Motherway, an assistant state's attorney, said day's anti - war demonstration.
new evidence showed that bullets fired during the raid by a they hope violence can be avoid-
search party of black and white policemen did not come from --

Tri that the day-long battle began when the 54th Regiment
moved into the Da Krong Valley, 17 miles south of the de-
militarized zone, to assess the effect of the B-52 strike.
- - 3T h e North Vietnamese troops


p4. _______

g u n s belonging to the de-
State's Atty. Edward V. Hanra-
han elaborated on the move and
said the new evidence was received
from the police crime laboratory!
April 28.
Hanrahan said a preliminary re-
port, made at a time when the
laboratory did not have all the
weapons seized at the Panther
apartment, identified two expend -
ed bullets as having come from a
gun belonging to defendant Brenda

Hoover says police wrongly
accused' of harassing Panthers

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Harris, 18.
The charges were based
on the original laboratory
Hanrahan said, and "our
ence to fundamental legal
pals compels us to dismiss

the in-

Hanrahan said lesser charges!
against the seven Panthers also
were dropped.
The state did not say where the!
two expended bullets had come
from or if the crime laboratory!
had determined their origin.
A defense attorney, James Mont-j
gomery. told reporters after the
hearing: "It seems obvious that
the bullets supposedly fired from
Brenda Harris' gun were actually
fired from police guns."

rector J. Edgar Hoover says law
enforcement agencies were not
to blame for confrontations be-
tween the Black Panther party
and police.
Testimony released yesterday
by a House appropriations sub-
committee q u o t e d Hoover as
saying police in several cities
have been "wrongly aecused of
harassment by many well inten-
tioned but uninformed voices
echoing outright lies generated"
by the Panthers.
"A free society is in trouble
when blatant propaganda so
overshadowsnthe truth that the
rule of law is jeopardized,"
H o o v e r said in his testimony
March 5.
Although Hoover strongly de-
fended police in each instance, a
special federal investigation is
still under way in connection
with the fatal shootings of two
Black Panthers last December by
Chicago police.

But Hoover attributed Panth-
pr-police clashes in both Chicago
and Los Angeles to the militant
b 1 a c k organization's "intense
hatred of and vindictive hysteria
against local police."
He described the Panthers as
a "black extremist organization"
consisting mostly of "hoodlum-
type revolutionaries," who stock-
pile weapons, espouse Marxist-
Leninist doctrines and terrorize
black communities.
While condemning the Panth-
ers, Hoover also attacked "prom-
inent individuals" who, he said,
have made "substantialecontri-
butions" to legal defense funds
for party members accused of
Specifically, he named com-
poser-conductor Leonard Bern-
stein, film director Otto Prem-
inger, black entertainer Dick
Gregory and the wives of or-
chestra leader Peter Duchin and
film director Sidney Lumet.
"Let us clear away the rhe-
toric and confusion purposely
generated to shroud the Black
Panther issue and get it back
into proper perspective." Hoover
"An organization which stock-

piles illegal weapons. trains in
guerrilla warfare and seeks con-
frontation with enforcement of-
ficers for the expressed purpose
of killing them is certainly in
violation of the law."
"Yet," he added, "when law-
ful process is applied to bring
the Black Panthers under con-
trol, their cries of genocide and
harassment are seemingly ac-
cepted without question."
Besides lambasting the Panth-
ers, Hoover also criticized judges
in Detroit, Washington, Phila-
delphia and St. Louis, contend-
ing they delivered light sen-
tencesto hardened criminals.
"The law abiding majority,"
he said, "is rapidly losing pa-
tience with those whose flagrant
abuse of the humanitarian prin-
ciples of parole and probation
makes a mockery of justice.
"They are properly question-
ing the reasoning, wisdom, moti-
vation and capabilities of some
jurists and parole and probation
authorities who appear more
concerned with finding excuses
and evasions'for unrehabilitated
repeating offenders than main-
taining the welfare of the gen-
eral public."

stood and fought to defend the
base camp but withdrew shortly
before dusk. The government forc-
er-bombers, reported counting 93
of the north killed by air strikes
es. supported by American fight-
and 122 by the infantrymen. They
also found a 'ware house contain-
ing 1'l tons of supplies.
In another battle, this one in-
side Cambodia, U.S. 1st Air Cav-
alry Division soldiers suffered
eight killed north of the Fish-
hook region. This was the largest
number of Americans killed in a
single operation in Cambodia. The
U.S. Command said 24 North
Vietnamese were killed.
The North Vietnamese, how-
ever. were moving through t h e
northern provinces of South Viet-
nam. Da Nang was shelled and
ground attacks were launched
against the provincial capitals of
Tam Ky and Hoi An.
{An American armored column
from the 5th Mechanized Infantry
Division that had been supporting
jovernment operations in the Da
Krong Valley area was attacked
as it was pulling out. More than a
dozen American casualties were
reported. The U.S. troops reported
killing 11 North Vietnamese.
The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
a' ed by sntdents at the University of
Michigan. Nes phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
mn. 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
dav through Sunday morning niver-
-itv %r ear'. Subscription rates: $10 by
Carrier.. $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
t n ates 5. by carrier. $5 by mail.
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