T Pone Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, July 29, 1970 Wednesday, July 29, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P My Lai cases referred toxArm y By The Aeatt Fess Charges against seven officers of fail- ing to obey a lawful regulation in con- nection with the alleged My Lai massa- cre will be referred to the Army's equiv- alent of a grand jury, the Army said yesterday at Pt. Meade, Md. At the same time, Army officials at Ft. McPhearson, Ga., completed a series of hearings to find out whether Capt. Ernest Medina will be tried in connection with the deaths at the Vietnamese hamlet. The charges against Maj. Gen. Samuel W. Koster, former West Point comman- dant, and the six others stem from in- quiry in t o the alleged massacre by a board headed by Gen. William R. Peers. The others whose cases were referred yesterday with Koster's to what the Ar- my calls an Article 32 investigation were Col. Oran K. Henderson, Lt. Col. David C. Gavin. Lt. Co l. William D. Guinn, Maj. Charles C. Calhoun, Maj. Frederick W. Watke and Capt. Daniel H. Johnson. Dismissal of court-martial charges against Col. Robert B. Luper and Capt. Kenneth W. Boatman, also charged as a result of the Peers inquiry, w e r e an- nounced. The Article 32 hearing to which the seven were referred is provided for under the U.S. Code of Military Justice and must be held to determine whether there Is sufficient evidence to wsrrrant trial by court-martial. In effect it is much the same as a grand jury Investigation in civilian legal proceedings. No date was set for the start of the In- vestigation. The announcements were made by Lt. Gen. Jonathan 0. Seamann, commanding general of the 1st Army. The Peers board announced its find- ings in March after a 14-week probe of whether the Army adequately investigat- ed or tried to cover up the alleged mass killing of South Vietnamese civilians by Americans in March 1968. Originally, some 14 officers w e r e charged in the inquiry with military vio- rrand jury lations ranging from dereliction of duty to false swearnz. All seven are charged with failure to obey a lawful regulation in performance of duties. Henderson,'Gavin and Guinn are charged with false swearing. Hen- derson is charged with making a false official statement and dereliction in the performance of duties. Calhoun also is charged with failure to report possible misconduct. Meanwhile, t h e Army completed an Article 32 investigation into the charges against Capt. Medina, who the Army has held responsible for 102 killings at My Lai. - : .. Katzenbaeh claims Tonkin bill repeal ends war's legality WASHINGTON WP) -Nicholas Katzenbach, former high-ranking Johnson administration of- ficial, said yesterday repeal of the Tonkin Gulf resolution would remove constitutional, authority for U.S. inyolvement in Indochina. The Senate, with approval of the Nixon ad- ministration, has passed two measures repealing the 1964 resolution but the House has not yet acted. The administration says it doesn't need the resolution. Katzenback told a House Foreign Affairs sub- committee that without the' authority granted by the Tonkin Gulf resolution President Nixon would not have constitutional grounds for launching new attacks outside Vietnam in order to protect U.S. troop withdrawals or to bomb enemy supply lines in Laos or Cambodia. "It seems to me jis only choice would- be to get out," said the former attorney general and undersecretary of state. Katzenbach said he is baffled by the admin- istration's willingness to go- along with repeal. The administration has taken the position that the broad grant of power to the President as commander in chief and his duty to protect American troops is sufficient to carry on its policies in Vietnam. "I really can't -believe the administration is saying it would have had the power to do everything that has been done out there since 1964 without congressional approval," he said. Katzenbach conceded that Congress would probably go along with new attacks and bomb- ing supply lines if Nixon decided they were need- ed to protect U.S. troops. "The President can do whatever he wants to in this area if he can get away with it polit- ically," he said. But by repealing the Tonkin Gulf resolution and then going along with such actions, he added, Congress would be expanding the powers of the President beyond the furthest any presi- dent has yet claimed. Katzenbach said he felt resolutions such as Tonkin Gulf were appropriate measures for Con- gress to enact if it wants to play a role in settin- war policy. But he suggested future resolutions be much more tightly drawn and have an ex- piration date. HOME FOR RUNAWAYS Ozone sets open house By JONATHAN MVItLER Ozone House, the community youth center, and other agencies are holding an open house Aug. 2 at 8 p.m. to introduce mem- bers of the Ann Arbor Com- munity to the concept of a youth center. The open house will be a joint undertaking of the three organ- izations which use the build- ing in which Marshalls book- store was housed, the other two being Network and Drug Help Incorporated. Network, which works in close alliance with Ozone H o u s e. serves as a general information and referral center for the Ann Arbor community. Drug Help is concerned with helping people with drug prob- lems. Drug Help is run by profes- sionals and semi-professionals and has a 24 hour crisis service, a two person team which goes to the scene of drug crisis to help people having problems with such drugs as LSD. Ozone was started to help runaways, to counsel them on their problems, before another running away. It is hoped that eventually runaways who have the agreement of their parents will be able to stay at Ozone while they work out their prob- lems and hopefully resolve them. To be able to function in such a fashion Ozone is an "over- ground" operation in the sense that it operates legally, being established as a non-profit cor- poration. The organizers sayr that there is no friction between the police and Ozone although there are still problems of com- munications between established social work agencies in the city and the center. The major problem, according to Lynn Caraeff, one of the vol- Litter doesn't throv itself away; litter doesn't just happen. People cause it-and only people can prevent, it "People" means you. Keep America Beautiful. 'tdvertising contributed or the public good -Daily-Richard Lee unteers working at Ozone, is money. The operating budget for next year is $40.000. Money will be sought from foundations, governmental agencies and pri- vate contributions. The main goal of providing a house for ruaways and a youth center cannot be met unless the money is forthcoming, as the present premises will have to be vacated on September 1, leaving Ozone House on the streets. Ozone intends its open house on Aug. 2 to be "a really beauti- ful thing," said Caraeff. "We want people to bring food. We want them to bring in- struments. We want them to bring everything and let them start taking over this place and make it into what they want," she says. Miss Caraeff also appealed for furniture, record players, pool tables, paint and anything else that could be useful. The present organization of the house is based on a staff of student volunteers, both high school and university. The di- rection of the house is in the hands of a steering committee of six students. Behind the steering committee stands an advisory board of professionals in the field of social problems and interested members of the community, such as parents. The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the UnIve ity of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552"econd Class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Mich- gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, SMiehigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- stty year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier. $10 by mail Mummer--Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning, Subscrip- tion rates: $5. by carrier, $5 by mail. the mini ad with MAX! power! For $3.10 we will run a 3-line classified ad for you for 3 days. Fill out the coupon below and enclose your check for $3.10. (checks payable to the Michigan Daily) send to: Classifieds, Michigan Daily 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, Michigan 49104 Nome Address leese indicate Address w ethisads line 3 THERE ARE 5 WORDS PER UINE - I STEREO SPECIAL 10 watt MonarCh Ami 2-8" 3-way speakers Garrard changer & Pickering diamond magnetic cartridge AN UNUEATABLE VALUE AT $250 HEAR IT-BUY IT 668-7942 FREE INSIUIOS -I4ARDS 2-4 P.M. SUNDAY rMA"M'in'.- il-.l.