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July 22, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-22

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Page Eight

Wednesday, July 22, 1970


NFL owners meet
no progress reported
By The Associated Press
Pro football club owners and players still were deadlocked in
their dispute over player pension funds yesterday with the College
All-Star game only 10 days off. The owners of the 26 National Foot-
ball League teams met behind closed doors in a mid-town hotel,
breaking last night without any news of developments.
Meanwhile, in Chicago and Baltimore, conflicts over the use of
stadiums developed that could cause football's Bears and Colts serious
Across town in a Broadway hotel in New York, some of the mem-
bers of the NFL Players Association waited for some word of progress
by the owners in meeting their pension demands..
Many veteran players were training on their own and most of
the clubs had opened their rookie camps but barred them to veterans.
Kansas City, which is due to play the College All-Stars July 31
in Chicago, went on record Monday. as saying the veterans would
not report to camp, even if it should be opened, until a settlement
was reached.
A spokesman for the Chicago Tribune, which sponsors the All-
Star game, said ticket sales had been lagging a bit but not seriously.
He said time was running out but the game probably could be played
if the Chiefs were to get-to camp by Saturday at the latest. The All-
Stars are working out in the Chicago area and have been for some
time with the exception of a one-day sympathy strike in connection
with the Players' -Association.
The Chicago Bears, with 50,000 tickets already sold for the game,
sought an injunction in Cook County (Chicago) Circuit Court to
permit use of Northwestern University's Dyche Stadium for their
Sept. 27'contest with the Philadelphia Eagles.
Monday night, the Evanston City Council tabled by a 9-8 vote
a resolution allowing use of Dyche Stadium for that National Foot-
ball League home opener for the Bears. The injunction suit was filed
against the city of Evanston and Northwestern University which
previously obtained Big Ten permission to open Dyche Stadium to
the Bears.
The Baltimore Orioles, meanwhile, outlined their reasons for
holding firm in a date conflict at Memorial Stadium which may
force the Baltimore Colts to shift a home football date.
There is a possibility that the Colts' scheduled game with the
Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs on Monday night, Sept.
28 may be moved to Washington's Robert F. Kennedy Stadium.



Vol. LXXX; No. 50-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 22, 1970 Ten Cents



KA :






-Associated Press
Don't tread on me
St. Louis' Joe Torre and his Cardinal mates must wonder when the treading will stop. The Reds'
Woody Woodward clomped on Torre after throwing to first with only mild injury, but the Cards
lost again and are deeper in fifth than ever.

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Major League Standings


W L Pet.
Baltimore 58 36 .618
Detroit 53 39 .576
New York 51 42 .548
Boston 47 44 .517
Washington 43 51 .457
Cleveland 42 50 .457
Minnesota 57 31 .655
California 56 37 .603
Oakland 50 44 .532
Kansas City 34 58 .369
Milwaukee 33 62 .346
Chicago 33 63 .342
Yesterday's Results
Baltimore 2, Kansas City 1
Detroit 5, Minnesota 2
California 10, Boston 6
Chicago 5, Cleveland 3
Oakland 4, Washington 0
New York 4, Milwaukee 2
Today's Games
Detroit at Minnesota, TV
Baltimore at Kansas City
Chicago at Cleveland
Oakland at Washington
Milwaukee at New York


3 %

xNew York
St. Louis

W 11
52 43
49 43
46 46
42 50
41 52
39 54



Denny McLain, unable to com-
plete his previous five starts,
finally recorded his first victory
since his suspension was lifted,
but ironically was forced to leave
the game when .a line drive sent
him writhing to the ground in
Detroit's 5-2 victory over the
Minnesota Twins last night.
McLain left the game with a
six-hitter in the eighth inning
after Cesar Tovar's line shot
caught him on a leg. But Fred
Scherman came on in relief to
give McLain his first victory
since rejoining the Tigers July
1. He had been tagged with two
Tiger spokesmen said McLain
suffered a badly bruised shin-
McLain, suspended last Feb-
ruary by Commissioner Bowie
Kuhn for associations with gam-
blers, flashed some of the bril-



Cincinnati 67 28 .705 --
Los Angeles 54 38 .587 111
Atlanta 46 46 .500 20
xSan Francisco 44 47 .484 21:
Houston 41 53 .435 25,
xSan Diego 38 58 .396 29'
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 8, Atlanta 2
Montreal at Los Angeles, Inc.
New York at San Diego, inc.
Philadelphia 9, San Francisco 6
Houston 3, Pittsburgh 1
Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 5
Today's Games
Cincinnati at Chicago, day
Atlanta at Pittsburgh
Houston at St. Louis
Montreal at Los Angeles
New York at San Diego
Philadelphia at San Francisco, day


California at Boston, 2, day-night

liance that earned him Cy
Young Awards the last two sea-
sons with 31 and 24 victories.
The s t o c k y right-hander
struck out only three batter's
but easily collared the league's
best hitting team.
McLain, 26, was cruising along
with a two-hitter in the fifth
inning when Rick Renick glan-
ced an infield single off Don
Wert at third and George Mit-
terwald followed with a tower-
ing home run into the left field
But the Tigers already had
given McLain five runs-two on
Willie Horton's 17th homer in
Detroit's four-run fifth - in
charging to their sixth victory
in seven games.
Al Kaline drove in another
run with a sacrifice fly and
Mickey Stanley drove in one
with a single.
The scrappy McLain actually
started off the scoring in the
third with a leadoff single. He
moved to third on one of Dick
McAuliffe's four hits and came
in when Cesar Tovar threw
wildly at second on Stanley's
d is appears
HOUSTON OP) -- Joe Pepi-
tone was not in his Houston
Astro uniform last night, and
reportedly had left the Astro-
dome saying he was going on
the voluntary retired list.
Pepitone, who did disappear-
ing acts with the New York
Yankees twice last season, had
been feuding with Richardson
and had asked the general man-
ager to put him on waivers so
that he could go to some other
The trouble between Pepi-
tone and Richardson apparent-
ly stemmed from an elbow in-
jury Pepitone suffered when
hit by a pitched ball last week.
Richardson had ordered t h e
first baseman-outfielder to see
the team physician and when
the doctor ordered Pepitone
into the hospital for treatment,
he balked and asked to be put
on waivers.

'M' swimmer
wins medal
EDINBURGH W} _..- Bill Ma-
honey of the University of
Michigan, swimming for Can-
ada, copped a gold medal at
the Commonwealth Games yes-
terday by winning the 100-
meter breaststroke.
Mahoney was timed in
1:09.00 to win by .04 over team-
mate Peter Cross. Queen Eliza-
beth was in attendance for the
first time at the games and she
presented Mahoney with his
It was Mahoney's second gold
medal of the games. He had
earlier won the ZO-meter
in ump suit
BOSTON W/) -. American
League President Joe Cronin
said yesterday that umpires Al
Salerno and Bill Valentine were
"technically fair umpires" but
he fired them-in 1968 because
they were "arrogant" and failed
to keep "an even temper."'
Cronin related a series of in-
justification for the umpires'
dismissal at a hearing before
National Labor Relations Board
examiner David Davidson.
Salerno "was in trouble
throughout his career," Cronin
said. With regard to Valentine,
Cronin cited an incident in
1965 in which Valentine got into
an argument with Minnesota
Twins manager Sam Mele.
Cronin said he believed Mele
"took a swing at Valentine" but
he said the umpire "antagon-
ized" the situation by waving a
finger in Mele's face.
"The first essential of an
umpire is to walk away from ani
argument, not antagonize it,"
said Cronin,

-Associated Press
HIT BY A BULLET during a confrontation between 'police and young people in Lawrence, Kan.,
Merton Olds (left), 25, a graduate chemistry student at Kansas University leaves a hospital where
he was treated for a gunshot wound in the leg. Meanwhile, a meeting, called by George Kimball
(wearing hat and holding microphone at right), a leader of the Lawrence Liberation Front, was
held to explain to the press what the group called "the other side of the story" of events leading
to the confrontation.
Student ret-1calls night


death in Kansas

Special To The Daily
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
Is an eyewitness account of events
on Monday night in Lawrence, Kan.,
when Harry "Nick" Rice was shot
to death in a confrontation between
youths and police. The description
which follows was obtained in a
telephone interview by Jonathan
Miller with Tim Cragg, a journalism
student at Kansas University.)
The confrontation has center-
ed on Oread Avenue, which is,
just one block from the univer-
sity. It leads up to the top of a
hill where Kansas University
(KU) is located. At one end of
the street is the Gaslight Tavern
and at the other end is the Rock
Chalk Tavern. Is got there at
about 9 p.m. on Monday night
and as I arrived the cops were
hustling people out of the Rock
Chalk, they gave no reason,
leave your beer and cigarettes,
out. About 10 minutes earlier
someone had opened a fire hy-
drant at the top of the hill in
an attempt to drain the city
water supply.
This was done because there
is a professor at KU called Ling
who is a real slumlord. For years
he has been charging exhorbi-
tant rents, especially to foreign
students. He owned this house
in the middle of Oread St. called
"the White House" which he
rented out to people. It is in
shocking condition and no one
will do anything about it so the
students and hippies and people
in general decided to burn it
down and they opened a fire
hydrant so that the fire depart-
ment couldn't put it out.

Anyway the police turned 'up
so the people from the Rock
Chalk went to the Gaslight.
Then some kid drives a red VW
into the middle of the street and
says set it on fire 'cause he
wanted the insurance, so some
people tried, but WHB-TV in
Kansas City said it was a gang
of black youths, when it wasn't.,
By now it was about 9:45
when over this ridge the police
emerged and one of them was
yelling "shoot them, shoot the
motherfuckers" and e v e r y-
one ran towards the Gaslight
and then there was this sudden
sound like firecrackers, I guess
there were 8 to 10 shots in 3 or

4 seconds. Nick Rice was about
ten feet in front of me, he said
"oh my God" and fell over.
The police were lobbing
tear gas and one of them fell
about three feet from Nick who
was lying there dying on the
street, half on the grass. Two
guys ran out of the Gaslight and
brought Nick in and the door
was shut.
Outside the police were letting
off gas and pointing their guns
at the windows of the Gaslight.
Suddenly the police left and
people started to go home. The
ambulance came to take away
Nick. That was the last we saw
of him. .-

LAWRENCE, Kan.-It was quiet
night as a "community patrol" of ci
from police in parts of the city where
and youths have resulted in two stude
However, it was shattered early t
rocked the city around 12:30 a.m. Thi
the outside air conditioning unit at t
town and several blocks from the sce
There was no indication the bla
disruptions. Police would not commer
juries were reported.
Gov. Robert Docking ordered 25 x
the city yesterday to relieve Lawren
also issued a "proclamation of emer
"possession, sale, carrying and use of
weapons" and restricts the sale of g
hicles. There was no curfew,
George Kimball, a spokesman for
said last night, "We're patrolling ou:
out a deal with the captain of the sta
out if we can keep it quiet. It was a
effort by the police to keep the lid on
Earlier in the day, Lawrence City
"Our police are mentally exhausted. '
fare out there." He said policemen ha
since the start of the demonstrations :
shot and killed Rock Dowdell, a 19-ye
University in Lawrence.
Meanwhile, there was no word or
sible for the fatal shooting of Harry
police Monday night. Reports said th
weapons, but last night a police spol
passed through Rice's head and could
Also injured in Monday night'
Topeka, a graduate student enrolled
a minor gunshot wound in the calf of
Dalquist, 26, was injured when a bric
Firings of guns by persons other
but Kimball denied the police report
"None of the people in the street had
the police were using guns, firing d
The next night, Friday, a patroln
in the chest by sniper fire, authori
following ones were filled with incide
and attempts to firebomb some old hot
Monday night, about 150 youths
campus in front of a local tavern, th
the crowd threw rocks and taunts at t
car and attempted to burn it.
Youth with Rice said they were
car with police in pursuit. Cristoph
Lawrence motor car dealer, said he si
abreast down the street.
"I heard one officer say, "shoot
"The order definitely came from the p
the people that were lighting the car.
Tim Cragg, a journalism studeni
had been "no communication of any k
police. There was no bullhorn, no w
pense until after the gunfire."
At a press conference yesterday
killings "murder" and promised if
munity tonight looking for trouble t-

Cardinal Chuck Taylor finds himself with a sticky problem

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