4 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY A 0 Tuesday, July 21, 1970 Tuesday, July 21, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ .1 1 I r- 4 041U *ft*O%*o*4 YknAsq It will f r*** for t .# r- 1**** of -o wt news briefs dT T E Corner of State and liberty Streets DIAL 662-6264 3 SHOWS DAILY Open 1:45 P.M. FEATURE AT 2 P.M. - 5 P.M. - 8 P.M. wildcat strikers hart financially 0604 6* t -a ' I4t !* R b 00$4 f0+ # iWf9. g t at c *', t * *1#*t * B) The Associalcd Press V A SOUTHERN DEMOCRATIC senator proposed sweeping changes in the administration's welfare reform bill yesterday, and voiced another warning that the proposals face rough going in the Senate., Georgia Senator Herman Talmadge introduced a broad amend- ment whose chief feature would provide tax incentives to private, businesses hiring welfare recipients. The Talmadge proposals, came on the eve of renewed hearings by a Senate Finance Committee that so far has shown strong bi- partisan hostility toward the administration package. NATIONALIST CHINA is building air bases on Taiwan cap- able of handling B52 bombers, apparently in hopes of strength- ening the U.S. commitment to defend the island bastion, Sen- ate testimony disclosed yesteiday. Though officials disclaimed any connection with the project; a State Department specialist on communist China said the base pro- jects probably would raise apprehensions in Peking, LONGSHOREMEN at two of Britain's paralyzed ports went back to work yesterday to prevent troops from moving in on the five-day-old nationwide dock strike. The government has warned that troops will be used whenever necessary to move perishable cargoes -vital to Great Britain, which lives on imported food. So far, however, no army units have been assigned to the dock- yards since the walkout began last Thursday and Queen Elizabeth proclaimed a state of emergency to permit the use of troops. LT. WILLIAM (ALLEY JR., charged with murder in the alleged My Lai Vietnamese village massacre in 1968, asked yes- terday for a stop to general court-martial proceedings against him and dismissal of the charges. His attorneys charged that a trial by general courts-martial would be a violation of his constitutional rights. They said Calley should be tried in a civilian court. Ass~oiated Press Def eat at sea Unis I n NE u IfAttitNIUHItN y molo 1W8BINS PMAVISI ow4 STARTS THURSDAY CHARLESTON, W. Va. (A) - A wildcat strike spreading through the Appalachian coal fields is costing miners an esti- mated $300,000 daily in 1 o s t wages. It also is depriving the United Mine Workers Welfare and Re- tirement Fund, the target of the strike, of an estimated $45,000 a day in lost royalties. The strike, in support of de- mands for liberalized pension benefits, is aimed at UMW President W. A. "Tony" Boyle rather than the coal mine ope- rators. More than 9,000 miners were idle in southern West Virginia and at one m i n e in Virginia yesterday in open defiance of more than t w o dozen federal court restraining orders ban- ning picketing at the mines. Working miners joined dis- abled miners and women on the picket lines for the first time at the start of the midnight shift Sunday night as all mines in Logan and Wyoming counties were closed, along with some mines in Boone, Raleigh a n d Mingo counties. Members of UMW Local 1355 at Osaka, Va., also voted to join the walkout Sunday. The strike was started by the Disabled Miners of Southern West Virginia in a move to im- prove hospitalization benefits for disabled miners and miners' widows. Industry sources said the 9.- 000 miners on strike resulted in a wage loss of $315,000 a day at an average wage of $35 per man. The strike is cutting coal pro- duction about 117,000 t o n s a day, they said. With tle welfare and retirement fund receiving 40 cents a ton, the loss there is $46 800 a day. Considering the business gen- erated by supplies to the mines and retail sales to mine families, industry officials said, the idl- ing of one-fourth of West Vir- ginia's 40,000 miners costs the state economy $2.5 million each day. U.S. District Judge Sidney L. Christie is attempting to ar- range a meeting between the dissident disabled miners and Boyle. And his suggestion won praise and support yesterday from U.S. District Judge John A. Fueld -in Charleston. Christie's move 1 a s t Friday sparked hopes that the pickets would be withdrawn pending receipt of a reply from Boyle. The pickets were not in evi- dence over the weekend, when mostmines are closed, but were back with more participants than ever Sunday night. I of tc se fi an as ci fi vif va Bc tiv ic de Te te 94. caj ist fol Ar U.1 Ply sa lio Capt. Christopher B. Castin shakes hands yesterday with tug Tamaran. The Fulvia s None of the ships 721 passeng 1214 S. University DIAL 8-6416 ENDS WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE _ _ _ LION IN WINTER WINNER ACADEMY AWARDS Including KATHERINE HEPBURN- BEST ACTRESS 7 P.M. ONLY _______PLUS A SUSPENSE GAME ABOUT TRUTH AND ILLUSION .. . "THE MAGUS" w. MICHAEL CAINE. and ANTHONY QUINN 9:10 ONLY . w.... -v a7.... .....__ .., .. L_? : r. ._ ..s_ r_:_IL A.I gs of the cruise snip ruivia (righut - Capt. Juan Garrido of the Spanish RUR'A C ank yesterday after a 36-hour fire. . gers were injured. 20 E AET DOUBLE FEATURE - STARTS TOMORROW Ir ( N V2 Emnuel,. t. Wolf presents r ANLWED ARTISTSFIM A Frank Psrry.Alsid Production ction "BEST ACTRESS-GERALDINE PAGE" -NationalBoard Of Review "SNE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST."-Rx Reed "MARVELOUS." : - N.Y. Times : "EXTRAORDINARILY SENSITIVE. "-ca. EmanueLL Wjfj s An ALED ARTISTS Film TKA Mm bAN FRANK PENRY = <;;:iI 'j' wi*JtC11SIDUfltYWN A I1Ni F'IF'TH p'or-uM ends tonite FIFH VENE T LBETY "F EMA LE AN IMA L" INF~AToN 01-700 7:1 5 and 9:00-Rated X -Associated Press Harvey in wheelchair Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey arrives at circuit court yesterday where has was scheduled to testify in the John Nor- man murder trial. Harvey fractured his ankle in a motorcycle accident earlier this month. Congress to Increase highway project costs WASHINGTON (W) - Congress is special trust fund from which highway poised to push the cost of the nation's construction is financed.- web of interstate superhighways past $75 Rising inflation in construction bids, billion - almost double the original plus changes to make the highways pricetag. stronger, wider, thicker and safer than SCORES DRUG ABUSE: Mitchell MICHIGAN REPERTORY' f ---university players--- 7 * TONIGHT * steinbeck OF MICE AND MEN "a maose p NWY r i WASHINGTON (W) Two Cabinet iece" Lydia Mendelssohn Air Conditioned -N . . ime Theatre 8:00 p.m. Ph: 668-6300 lI m ' v+.: i :ri: '.+fciY.,v!S3:x # ..