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July 18, 1970 - Image 1

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4 9 AI U V* I 45 *

Page Eight


Saturday, July 18, 1970








43 ti

Vol. LXXX, No. 48-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 18, 1970 Ten Cents




Former Michigan basketball coach Dave
Strack and Detroit Tiger player develop-
ment director Don Lund today were ap-
pointed yesterday to the top two athletic
administrative posts under Michigan
Athletic Director Don Canham.
Strack, who has served two years as
the athletic department's business man-
ager, was named Associate Athletic Di-
rector, while Lund, a former baseball
coach and nine-letter winner at Michi-
gan, was named Assistant Athletic Direc-,
Both of Canham's appointments were
approved yesterday by the University's
Board of Regents and become , effective
immediately, Canham realigned the ad-
ministrative structure of the department
following the resignation three weeks ago
of Bump Elliott, who accepted the direc-
torship of athletics at Iowa. The post of
business manager of athletics was con-

solidated into Strack's new duties as As--
sociate Athletic Director.
Elliot was appointed Michigan's first
Associate Athletic Director in Dec. of
1968 folowing 10 years as the Wolverines'
head football coach.
Strack, who coached Wolverine basket-
ball from 1960 to 1968, will coordinate
with the Big Ten office on athletic de-
partment matters and work on scheduling
and game contracts in addition to over-
seeing the business operations of the de-
partment, including budget, purchasing,
and investments.
Strack also will manage the depart-
ment's personnel, both salaried and
Lund's duties will involve managing
several athletic alumni fund-raising or-
ganizations, the Victors, Maize and Blue
and 'M' Clubs. He will coordinate special
events and ticket promotion, serve as

liaison with the NCAA and assist Canham
in alumni and public relations.
Lund ,also will be in charge of Michi-
gan's broadening summer recreation
coaching clinics and will work with the
intramural and recreation committees cn
university-and city levels.
Canham said, "Michigan is fortunate to
have two such qualified men to fill these
administrative posts. Strack's record as
a coach and administrator has been out-
standing, while Don Lund brings to
Michigan outstanding qualifications as a
player, coach, and administrator."
Lund, who played major league baseball
with Brooklyn, the St. Louis Browns
and Detroit, has headed the Tigers farm
system for eight years. He coached four
years at Michigan, guiding the 1962 base-
ball team to the NCAA championship.
Strack, who has a master degree in
business administration, coached Michi-

gan to three Big Ten titles and three trips
to the NCAA tournament, with his 1965
team finishing second. He was voted
coach of the year that season.
Lund calls his position a "new chal-
lenge," and adds, "I feel flattered taking
the place of Bump Elliott."
While Lund has been involved vith
professional sports for much of his career,
he says, "I feel felt pretty close to the
athletic department since I came back
in 1959 (as baseball coach) and welcome
returning to amateur athletics once
"I've enjoyed working in an adminis-
trative capacity since I left coaching,"
says Strack, "and I'm happy to assume
the additional duties of this important
position. I'm very pleased that Don Can-
ham recommended me and I look for-
ward to working with my old friend and
teammate, Don Lund."









Tigers scrape



By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-Dick McAuliffe's
twoout single in the ninth in-
ning brought the Detroit Tigers
a 4-3 victory over the Chicago
White Sox last night, but Denny
McLain is still looking for his
first victory.
McLain, struggling from the
start, appeared headed for his
first victory until Bill Melton
tied it 3-3 with a leadoff homer
in the eighth. Gail Hopkins then
singled and Mike Kilkenny re-
placed McLain and John Hiller
relieved in the 9th when Chicago
loaded the bases.
McAuliffe's winning hit scor-
ed Cesar Gutierrez who had
walked and stole second, and
followed an intentional walk to
Mickey Stanley,
Detroit scored twice in the
first on a triple by Al Kaline
and singles by Willie Horton,
Freehan and Wert. Freehan
crashed his 15th homer in the
third to stake McLain to a 3-1
Pirates plank Reds
PITTSBURGH - R o b e r t o
Clemente slammed a tie-break-
ing homer in the eighth inning
and then cut down a run at
the plate in the ninth, giving the
Pittsburgh Pirates a 4-3 come-
back victory over the Cincinnati
Reds last night.

Clemente's 10th homer of the
season sent rookie right-hander
Wayne Simpson to only his sec-
ond loss in 15 decisions.
With one out in -the Cincin-
nati ninth, Tommy Helms sin-
gled and moved to second on
Angel Bravo's pinch single.
Pinch-hitter Jim Stewart then
singled to right, but Clemente's
throw nailed Helms at the plate.
Trailing 3-0, Pittsburgh got
back into the game in the
fourth on catcher Manny San-
guillen's two-run homer, his
sixth, and tied it two innings
later when Clemente tripled
and scored on Al Oliver's sacri-
fice fly.
Birds bopped
BALTIMORE-Tom Tischin-
' ski punched a run scoring single
with two out in the 10th inning
last night, giving the Minnesota
Twins a 6-5 victory over the
Baltimore Orioles.
Harmon Killebriew opened the
10th with a single off Eddie
Watt. One out later, Twins' re-
lief ace Ron Perranoski bunted
to Brooks Robinson and Kille-
brew was safe at second when
shortstop Mark Belanger could-
n't handle the throw.
Watt fanned Leo Cardenas for
the second out, but Tischinski
singled to left, scoring Kille-
brew with the tie-breaking run.

Tischinski scored the tying
run from second in the ninth on
Cesar Tovar's single to right
w h e n catcher Ellie Hendricks
dropped Frank Robinson's throw
to the plate for an error. Tis-
chinski had walked and taken
second on a passed ball by
Dave Johnson crashed a two-
run homer in the seventh, giv-
ing the Orioles a 5-3 lead. Kille-
brew closed the gap in the
eighth with his 28th homer.
Johnson's blast snapped a 3-3
tie after Rich Reese drilled a
three-run shot in the top of the
seventh. Hendricks also homer-
ed for the Orioles.
Major League1

-Associated Press

U.S. forces launch offensive in Vietarm

Nearly 7,000 South Vietnamese and American troops have launched one of their biggest operations in two years in northern
South Vietnam in an effort to destroy an enemy buildup, the U.S. command said early today. In the picture above, a U.S.
Army helicopter slingloads supplies into a former Special Forces camp at Kham Duc past the wreckage of a C-130 cargo
plane shot down when the camp was evacuated in 1968. The supplies will support operations in area against elements of North
Vietnamese Second Division. Troops of the Americal Division have retaken the camp and met only light sniper fire. Waves of
U.S. B52 bombers rained tons of explosives in Laos and the border area, leading to speculation that South Vietnamese forces
may be preparing for a push into Laos against the North Vie tnamese supply network. See earlier story, Page 2.

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55 34
49 38
48 40
46 41
40 48
40 50
55 29
53 35
48 42
33 54
32 59
31 60

Pct. GB
.563 5
.545 6
.528 8
.453 141
.444 151
.656 -
.603 4
.533 10
.359 23:,
.351 261
.339 27

I ,

Regfen ts alter OSS


to limit power of policy board

-Associated Press
Richard Nixon: Middle American Champ

Bowling: Recreation for many Presidents

WASHINGTON OP) - President N i x o n
doesn't get much time to participate ac-
tively in sports, but on occasion he slips
across the street from the White House to
the Executive Office Building to bowl a
few frames.
Nixon used to golf but gave it up as
too time consuming. He closed down the
White House swimming pool in order to
expand press room facilities.
"He likes to bowl because it doesn't take
too much time," said Ronald Ziegler, White
House press secretary. "He can go over
to the alley in the EOB in the afternoon and
bowl a few frames or in the evening after
dinner, he can spend a little time over
Ziegler said Nixon usually bowls alone.
He sometimes bowls, however, with mem-
bers of his family, his staff and once, took
on a White House kitchen worker who he
heard had won a league championship. Re-
sults of the match are not known. No

White House aide would say what Nixon's
bowling average is but several estimates
ranged from 165 through 200.
Nixon once told White House newsmen,
"In many ways, bowling is better for me
than golf because it doesn't take as much
time. I don't have time to duck out and
play golf, but I can duck out and bowl."
He said he also likes what he calls bowl-
ing's double challenge--"Not only are you
competing against another bowler but you're
competing against yourself to improve your
Nixon, however, isn't the first White
House occupant to bowl.
Abraham Lincoln is said to have enjoyed
bowling in Washington. The first two bowl-
ing lanes were installed in the White House
in 1950 when President Harry S. Truman
came across a long, narrow room in the
He told his military aide, Maj. Gen.

Harry H. Vaughn, "That room looks as if it
were made for a bowling alley."
"I got the idea to have an alley put in
as a present for the President on his birth-
day, May 8," said Vaughn, now retired in
Arlington, Va. "So I contacted some of my
friends in Missouri and got the money to-
gether to have it done."
The alleys were a gift on Truman's 65th
birthday. Gen. Vaughan said Truman bowl-
ed some but preferred walking for exercise.
The two lanes were moved from t h e
White House basement to the Executive
Office Building in April 1955 to make room
for more office space. At the same time,
automatic pinspotters were added.
It is not known whether President Dwight
D. Eisenhower bowled. President J o h n F.
Kennedy and his family rarely used the
lanes, preferring other sports.
President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson
bowled a great deal while in the White
House. And as in other activities, Johnson
did not like to lose.

Yesterday's Results
Cleveland 6, Kansas City 0
Detroit 4, Chicago 3
California 10, Washington 0
New York 8, Oakland 2
Minnesota 6, Baltimore 5, 10 inn.
Boston 8, Milwaukee 2
Today's Games
Detroit at Chicago, day
Cleveland at Kansas City, day
Minnesota at Baltimore, day
California at Washington, day
Oakland at New York, day
Milwaukee at Boston, day
Es L Pet. GB
Pittsburgh 51 40 .560 -
xNew York 47 40 .540 2
Chicago 43 44.4A94 6
St. Louis 40 48 .455 9Y
xPhiladelphia 37 49 .430 11Y2
xMontreal 37 51 .420 12%
Cincinnati 63 27 .700 -
xLos Angeles 52 35 .598 9Y2
,Atlanta 43 45 .489 19
xSan Francisco 41 44 .482 19%
Houston 39 51 .432 24
xSan Diego 36 55 .396 27%
x-late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Houston 5, Chicago 2
St. Louis 11, Atlanta 6
Pittsburgh 4, Cincinnati 3
Montreal at San Francisco, inc.
New York at Los Angeles, inc.
Philadelphia at San Diego, inc.
Today's Games
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh
Atlanta at St. Louis
Chicago at Houston
New York at Los Angeles, day
Montreal at San Francisco, day
Philadelphia at San Diego, day

The R e g e n t s yesterday approved a
section of the bylaws giving final author-
ity for appointment of division heads in
the Office of Student Services (OSS) to
the vice president, leaving the student
policy board to advise in the appoint-
The basic bylaw adopted by the Re-
gents was the Student Government Coun-
cil and Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) compromise,
which establishes the OSS vice president
and student policy board, without defin-
ing the relationship between the two.
The question of who has the final
authority in OSS has been the main
point of contention between the Regents
and SGC and SACUA. Although the com-
promise was intended to avoid that con-
flict, R e g e n t Lawrence Lindemer (R-
Stockbridge) offered an amendment spe-
cifying that the OSS vice president "shall
designate newly-appointed heads of the
various units of OSS with the advice of
the Student-Policy Board."
"We are extremely upset over the
amendment to 7.04 which gave the vice
president power to appoint without the
consent of the policy board," Jerry De-
Grieck, SGC executive vice president said
after the meeting. "It was an unnecessary
amendment since the vice president and
the policy board will always be able to

agree on at least one person. It shows a
lack of trust on the part of five of the
Regents Gertrude Huebner (R-Bloom-
field Hills), Otis Smith (D-Detroit) and
R o b ert Nederlander CD-Detroit) voted
against Lindemer's amendment.
Final approval was given for the es-
tablishment of the Center for Afro-
American and African studies, with J.
Frank Yates named as acting director.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan
Smith said he hoped to have a perma-
nent director to recommend to the Re-
gents at their next meeting in September.
No action was taken concerning The
Daily, following discussions Thursday be-
tween the Regents, Daily editor-in-chief
Martin Hirschman and L. Hart Wright,
head of the Board of Student Publica-
The passage of the OSS bylaws brought
to a close the latest chapter in over four
years of controversy over the office. In
June 1969, an ad hoc student-faculty
committee submitted a bylaw draft which
would have given the OSS student policy
board binding control over the vice presi-
dent. It was subsequently approved by
Senate Assembly and SGC.
Since then, the Regents and President
Robben Fleming have held numerous dis-
cussions with representatives of SACUA
and SOC. Disagreement centered around

the question of who was to have final
authority, with Fleming arguing that no
executive officer could function properly
if he or she was bound by a policy board.
The compromise was originally sug-
gested by f o r m e r SACUA chairman
Joseph Payne, who maintained that re-
gardless of the wording of the bylaw, the
actual relationship between the OSS vice
president and the student policy board
would depend upon the people in those
Fleming has argued to the Regents that
"no vice president who is a good admin-
istrator will go against his policy board,"
and that he did not believe "there should
be any reason that they should fail to
Two other amendments to the com-
promise proposal were made by the Re-
gents in addition to the one by Lindemer.
Regent Robert Brown (R-Kalamazoo)
introduced one which changes from three
to two the maximum number of students
SGC may appoint to the board from any
one school or college. Brown said his
season was to help guarantee the seating
of graduate students on the board.
Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing)
moved to add a clause to a section which
reads, "Policy boards may be established
for each unit of OSS." The clause speci-
fies that the OSS vice president and
policy board shall have that power.

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