Friday, May 8, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pro, Fi rue iv b 0 0 k S b 0 0 k S b 0 0 k S b 0 0 LIM K S b 0 0 k S Kaspar, son of Krapp Peter Handke, KASPAR AND OTHER PLAYS, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, $4.95. By EDNA M. DUBOIS Peter Handke, a young (un- der thirty) Austrian writer who has attracted attention through- out the European continent, is still relatively unknown in the United States. In addition to the play Kaspar, Handke's first full- length play, this volume com- prises two sprechstucke: "Of- fending the Audience" and "Self-Accusation." They have no action, but are confined to words. They do not employ the usual theatrical devices: there are no props, no costumes. In a sense, it could even be said that there are no actors, for the speakers do not attempt to rep- resent another reality. The speakers have no fixed lines, nor any fixed order in which to speak. In the notes prior to the pieces, Handke states that they are "autonomous prologues" seeking to make the audience aware. He seems to have suc- cumbed to the temptation to ex- pound his theatrical theories. Handke explains his plays to the audience before the plays are seen, instead of writing in such a manner that the audience would be able to fathom not on- .Urban Edward Banfield, THE UN- HEAVENLY CITY, Little, Brown and Co. $6.95. By JACK EICHENBAUM The statement with which Edward Banfield opens his pref- ace to The Unheavenly ity is also proferred by the book jacket. So for those who may never get to either: "This book will strike many readers as the work of an ill-tempered and mean-spirited fellow. I would not mind that especially, if I did not think that it might pre- vent them from taking its argu- ment as seriously as they should. I should like therefore to assure the reader that I am as well- meanring-probably even as soft- hearted-as he. But facts are facts, however unpleasant, and they have to be faced unblink- ingly by anyone who wants to improve matters in the city." What follows is an appraisal of current American urban prob- lems from a policy-oriented viewpoint, but underlying the analysis seems to be a senti- ment which strikes me as a- kind of "academic backlash." The liberal sympathy which gener- ally permeates urban s o c i a 1 scientific inquiry has hardened into a crusty stance which asks us to swallow our anathema for short - term freedom -infringing action, and question our faith in much current planning dogma in favor of long run gain. Banfield begins by pointing out the relativity of our urban problems. He insists that the crises our cities face may be due as much to social perception as to more absolute objective meas- ures. Problems exist largely be- cause our rising standards and expectations define t h e m into e x i s t e nce. Unfortunately this concern for relative values and qualitative judgment is missed in much of the rest of the book. The author blinks some facts out of the picture. Esthetic, eco- logical, and cross-cultural ar-' guements are ignored in favor of explanations in terms of eco- nomics and social class. It is around Banfield's some- what unorthodox treatment of social class that most of the dis- cussion hinges. Rather than use social status, political power, or economic position as a defini- tion, he chooses to isolate class on a psychological basis. An in- dividual is assigned to a class depending on his orientation toward the future. The upper class individual is most future- oriented; he sacrifices present satisfaction, investing rather in the improvement of the future of himself, his family. his com- munity. or mankind. Middle and working class individuals are in- creasingly less future-minded and globally provident, while the lower class person is essen- tially present-oriented, living for Today's writers -. - Edna M. Dubois is Chairman of the European Studies Dept. at Alliance College, Cambridge Springs, Pa. T. Anand received an M.A. in English from Co- lumbia and presently resides in Ann Arbor. Jack Eichenbaum is a Doctoral Candidate in Ge- ography at the University. ly the meaning of the play, but also the theatrical devices and the reasons for their use. "Offending t h e Audience," originally published in 1966, initiates the audience into a type of participation. While ex- plaining his theories of theatre, Handke forces the audience to become aware of its own func- tion. By equalizing the lighting in the theatre with that on the stage, Handke does not allow the audience to eavesdrop from the security of darkness. Lines are directed to the spectators in order to force them into mental participation. The stage is mere- ly a stage and time there is the same as time in the audience. "Offending t h e Audience" would have been a daring rev- olutionary piece in pre-Godot days, but now it appears more like a weak summary of thea- trical progress during the past fifteen years. If the audience leaves offended, as the title in- dicates that it should, it will not be due to the mild invectives delivered, but only because the audience will be sophisticated enough to grasp Handke's thea- trical theory and devices with- out elucidation. "Self-Accusation," a piece for two speakers, simply relates the story of a human life. Begin- ning with the statement "I came into the world," the piece fol- lows the normal growth process into a stage of rebellion. The piece is composed of short terse sentences, t h e overwhelming majority of which begin with the pronoun I. As with Beckett's character, Krapp, that unre- lentless recorder of his own life, recollection provides the sole action. In the introduction to Kas- par, Handke stresses again that the stage is merely a stage and represents no other reality. The props are not props in the tra- ditional sense, for they do not represent an object, but simply are what they are. Handke, who obviously doesn't like to leave much to chance, reminds the audience that Kasper means clown in German and even sug- gests that the introductory notes be read over and over to the audience before the play be- gins. Didacticism is Handke's weakest point. If the spectators were allowed to discover the meaning and draw conclusions themselves, the impact would be greater. The protagonist Kaspar is an autistic sixteen-year-old who speaks only one sentence. With this one sentence, to which he attaches no fixed meaning, Kas- par attempts to express every- thing. His autism is destroyed by off-stage prompters who brain-wash him with language sometimes logical, sometimes il- logical, often droll, and occasion- ally frightening. After Kaspar's one sentence has been destroyed, the prompters begin the creative process. Kaspar is taught the names of objects and then the association between the name and the object itself. He is taught Isentences and t h e n taught to act in accordance with the sentences. Finally he is able to manipulate both objects and language. His life develops order and harmony. The prompters have accomplished their task: they have given Kaspar model sentences with which he can im- pose order upon chaos. However, Kaspar grows beyond the stage of obedience. He begins tb have self-confidence and rejects the teaching of the prompters through advocating freedom. Kaspar has reached the point of no return. He must be destroyed. Kaspar will undoubtedly have great appeal to the young as well as to anyone who has to some extent rejected societal teaching. This play does not make exciting reading because of the preponderance of stage direction. Dull reading, however, can make excellent theatre, and Kaspar is a novel play, well con- structed, with a worthwhile message for the modern audi- ence. Ona Aleister Crowley, THE CON- FESSIONS OF A L E I S T E R CROWLEY: AN AUTOHAGIO- GRAPHY, edited by John Sym- onds and Kenneth Grant, Hill & Wang, $14.95. By T. ANAND His father was a fine old crank who toured the country handing out tracts, proselytiz- ing for a sect called the Plym- outh Brethren. The important articles of this profession were an insistence upon the author- minoi that recalls Shaw more than it does Nietzsche. .,* "Twelve copies contain the portrait of me by Haweis and Coles, subsequently reproduced in volume II of the vellum edi- tion of my collected works." .. . . . "Another disquieting incident was as follows. Tengyueh was supposed to be in direct tele- graphic communication with Pe- king. One of the most absurdly characteristic arrangements was that the observatory at Peking god Crises: Target practice the moment, impulsively attend- ing to his bodily needs, "(espe- cially for sex)." While they are not inferable from the definitions, an array of other characteristics are also attributed to these classes. Up- per classmen are expressive, tolerant, violence-abhorring and bigotry-deploring. Middle class- men are success-minded, cultur- ally conforming and a little less violence-abhorring and bigotry- deploring. Working classmen are neat, clean, authority-respect- ing and dig a little violence. Lower classmen are self-effac- ing, anti,- social, authority - re- senting; they groove on violence and are paid to vote. Ensuing chapters unfold the gamut of America's glaring ur- ban ills--race relations, unem- ployment, p o v e r t y, education, crime, and riots - and relate them to social class. Crime is blamed largely on the present- orientedness of juveniles and the lower class; rioting is generally blamed on animal instincts and a taste for action; education is presumed basically incompar- able with the lower class out- look. In supporting his notion that the lower class syndrome is responsible for much of our woe. Banfield continually draws on material which defines the low- er class in more conventional terms. The connection between the lower class individual of the psychological definition, the lower class individual of the at- tributed characteristics, and the lower class individual of urban problems is never justified. And when the author speaks of re- pressive action against 1 o w e r c I a ss individuals, tentatively suggesting semi - institutional care for adults and massive ex- tra - familial socialization for children, even he is extremely cautious. The recurring feeling that the tenuous social class analysis in- validates many conclusions and policy suggestions is a little dif- ficult to shake. Nevertheless, be- yond this, Banfield sometimes makes much sense. He is bold enough to challenge doctrin- naire, liberal, u r b a n medicine, and offers alternatives. He gives considerable rationale for lower- ing minimum wages and fore- shortening compulsory educa- tion, as well as some insightful critiques of other present poli- cies. But the final chapters. which are concerned with the feasi- bility of more severe proposals end on a sour note. Banfield finds that most of the measures which he considers as leading to the amelioration of urban prob- lems will run counter to public opinion: they are generally pun- ative or run counter to the no- tions of self determination and individual freedom. Predictions for the future are seen to be de- pendent on the directions of subjective public opinion (we may begin to unperceive certain problems and perceive new ones) and the potential impact of the burgeoning planning profession on directing opinion. In any event, he doubts whether gov- ernment policy will have any significant effect and looks to- ward c o n t i n u e d economic growth and upward social mo- bility as built-in alleviation. Another earnest urban opus has entered the academic arena, this one more conceptually based than most, but at the same time ; more limited in finding scape- goats. There will be many who 1 will be more than a little disap- pointed that corporate capital- ism, defense expenditures, taste- + less architecture, urban pollu- tion, and an anti-urban cultural heritage are not considered. ized version of the Bible as the exact, literal words of the Holy Ghost, and the terrific immi- nence of the Second Coming. The son grew up in a house per- meated with the reek of Christ- ian eschatology: so much that, coming in one morning and finding no one downstairs, he thought the Lord had come and made off with everyone but him. That is to say: he was edu- cated at home. Later he went to public schools and up to Cam- bridge. Crowley's sun is in Libra. What does that mean? It means that while small, he decided he was of the devil's party and identified himself with the Beast of the Apoca- lypse. From there his life fol- lows the pattern of myth: es- cape from the father's religion into the world; exhaustion of experience; the blundering-into the Call) ; resistance; accep- tance: (self-) apotheosis. The determining event (the Call) happens in Egypt when he's twenty-nine. His wife puts him in touch with AIWASS, an in- telligence who dictates to him The Book of the Law. Like Yeats' poem, this text proclaims the end of the Christian era (worship of the Father). A new Aeon of Horus begins (worship of the terrible Child). Leo was on the horizon when Crowley was born. What does that mean? It means the Law of Thelema, the ethical keynote of the new age, is the individual creation of value. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." In the Confessions this is explicated ("We have a sentimental ideal of self-sacrifice. . . .") in a way telegraphed to us daily the cor- rect time. Now at Yunchang there was a relay and, as often telegraphed to us daily the cor- rect time. N o w at Yunchang there was a relay and, as often as not, the telegraphists would be engaged in smoking opium for three or four days at a time. Consequently a whole bunch of telegrams would arrive late one evening telling us that it was noon at Peking." * * * Crowley was one of those fin- de-siecle figures who couldn't decide whether he was more in- terested in the cultivation of cultural values associated with the aristocracy (hierarchical or- der), or in their subversion (pro- miscuous "experience"). B u t then the Borgias were popes and patrons by day, murderers and voluptuaries by night. In either case life was conceived as art, consciously selected (di- rectly counter to the life of the prophet). He presents himself through a series of masks: rock-climber, sage, mystic, traveler, sexual eight-day cyclist, and the only English poet of his time. The narrative voice is much like those Nabokov can create, super- cilious and pedantic, coming from somewhere off center. He was fend of creating and assuming false identities in the literal sense of imposture, e.g. Count Vladimir Svareff. If the mask represents an "exposition of a personality," it also, it goes without saying, conceals a "more intimate self." For the professional Aesthete. schizo- phrenia is an occupational haz- ard. Megalomania is constantly dissolved in the gaze of the Other. Perhaps his peculiar fear of being pierced-struck or cut, but not pierced! -helps one un- derstand his insufferable insist- once on his own greatness. * * * So far, so good. But every so often, carefully prepared by a couple hundred pages of flawless work, a crack opens. There is a certain hilarious pathos when the man of whose talents Yeats was envious, and seven years after the publication of-his first volume of verse. tells us a con- versation "led to my endeavor- ing to put a certain vividness of phraseology into my poetry. The Eyes of Pharaoh' was my first attempt to give vivid and immediate images. I chose my similes so as to strengthen the main theme." But there's also the feeling one has when de- scending stairs in the dark and finding one step more or less than expected: a quality of con- fusion that makes the life, the book, something special. As we receive it, the Confes- sions is a collaboration between Crowley and his editors. One's reminded most of "certain con- temporary works" (like Pale Fire) : Crowley's tone (one doesn't want to say he's merely in self-deception): the two in- troductions in which the editors struggle over the carcass; notes which gloss the initials "p.d.q."; illustrations in which the bearer of the word Thelema is shown performing "a yogic technique of breath control" seated upon a leopard's skin, his nakedness covered by a fig leaf... . * * * ... ghazals, purporting to be by a certain Abdullah Haji (Haji, with a soft 'h,' satirist, as opposed to Hai with a hard 'h,' pilgrim) of Shiraz. I caused him to flourish about 1600 A.D., but gave to the collection of his ghazals the title Bagh-i-Muattar (The Scented Garden), which implies the date 1906, the value of the Arabic letters of the title adding up to the equivalent of that year of the Hegira. I also invented an Anglo-Indian major to find, translate, and annotate the manuscript, an editor to complete the work of that gal- lant soldier (killed in South Af- rica) and a Christian clergyman to discuss the matter of the poem from the particular point of view of. ...." where you're going ... - c and no one s offeri ng you any good suggestions or wat you want to do.. . The Grove Press conspira'"cy ' rl < X.X ............ 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