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Page Eight
Tuesday, July 14, 1974
TusdyJly 14 197
By Phil Hertz
ir rig t
43 to
Bdilly Williams
The perils of anonymity...
. ..claim another victim
R'YEARS BASEBALL FANS around the country would
mutter about the lack of attention accorded to Henry Aaron
of the Braves. Well now that Aaron is being conceded his true
value (he's even getting to do commercials), I have another case
for America's diamond afficienadoes.
When the National League all-stars are introduced this
evening in Cincinnati, the Chicago Cubs' Billy Williams will not
be there. Through last Saturday's games Williams was batting
.320. He had slugged 26 home runs, knocked home 80 runs and
scored 76 runs. Thus he was tenth in the National League in
batting, third in homers and second in runs batted in.
And Williams is no flash in the pan-he's been in the league
for a long time and has been a consistant .300 hitter, usually
adding 20 to 25 homers and 75 to 100 runs batted in 'to his
credentials. He also has done something no other National
League in history has accomplished by playing in over 1000
straight games, a streak which is still in progress. The left-
handed hitter is enjoying what may be his best season of his
career, yet he wasn't accorded the honor of being named to the
All-Star team. Why?
THE BLAME can not entirely be affixed to Bowie Kuhn's
return of the ballot to the fans. At least he was on the ballot,
but the fans chose to ignore the Cub outfielder and he man-
aged only a seventh place finish in the balloting among the
National League's outfielders.
This was undoubtedly due to two factors--one was the
quality of the opposition, the other the lack of attention ac-
accorded him by the nation's media.
The six men who finished ahead of Williams in the balloting
were all deserving, although not necessarily more so than the
Cubbie slugger.-The leading vote getter was the incomparable
Aaron. The two other starters were Rico Carty, in the limelight
for much of the season because of his .400 plus batting average,
and the ever present Willie Mays, having his best season in three
years and thus given a last hurrah by his adoring fans around
thercountry. Also head of Williams in the voting were Pete Rose,
Roberto Clemente and Tommie Agee. Rose had led the National
League is hitting for two years and after a slow start is now
batting .328. Clemente is hitting .364, and Agee, although hitting
only .287 with nineteen homers, is generally conceded to be the
most valuable player on the World Champion Mets.
THE FACT THAT Williams trailed these players, however,
is in largeFpart due to the lack of press coverage accorded him.
Since he tends to be a trifle quieter than some of the other play-
ers and is probably steadier and less spectacular, he is often
overlooked by the moguls who head the nation's press. When, for
example, was the last time Williams was the subject of a feature
in Sports Illustrated? Thus when the fan went to vote he tended
to vote for the players whose names were embedded in his
thought processes.
The reader, of course, may say rightly that Gil Hodges, the
manager of the team, could have placed the deserving Williams
on the squad, if in fact, he was so deserving. It must be remem-
bered, however, that the other players were also quite capable.
Clarence Gastom, was named so the San Diego Padres would be
represented on the team, and Jim Hickman, Williams' team-
mate who is hitting about one hundred points above his normal
average, might never again be in consideration for the all-star
Williams is thus the victim of circumstances, but there are
a few compensations for being overlooked. The Cub leftfielder, as
previously noted, has not missed a game this year,- but he will
now have three days off to prime himself for the second half of
the season. He should also be prepared to tell himself that if he
continues his steady pace much longer, enough idiots like me
will begin to take notice of his anonymity, and that is the first
All-Stars play'
Former Vice President Richard Nixon w i11 Although
throw out the first balls at today's All-Star game pears to ha
in Cincinnati, the White House announced yes- can League
terday. The ex-gubernatorial candidate f r o m Luis Aparic
California will throw out a ball to each league, life beginsa
although there was no official word on which Weaver's b
league will get the first one. Beantowni
Nixon apparently figured that as long as he number twc
was in the neighborhood, he might as well drop his accusto
in. Nixon is meeting in Louisville this afternoon Oriole, Boo
with the governors of the 13 Appalachia states, ways. Harm
and he will fly directly from Louisville to Cin- slugger, wil
cinnati for the game, which gets underway at giant, Fran
7:15 p.m., with TV coverage on NBC, more's Dav
Nixon's son-in-law, David Eisenhower, club Rod Carew
statistician for the Washington Senators (the bat seventh
ones that play baseball) will also be in the official will sport h
party, and Eisenhower's wife Julie and Mrs. Nix- spot.
on will be in Cincinnati for a gala pre-game din- Jim Pal]
ner, gue, and wi
Much .of the reason for the National League's hander, an
role as favorite can be found in their first six League line
batters. You'd have to go back a long way to find hitter.
a more potent group of sluggers. Willie Mays, On pape
who has hit more homers than anyone except American1
Babe Ruth, will bat leadoff for the NL. St. Louis stronger tha
strongboy Richie Allen will bat number- two, the on Harmon
incomparable Henry Aaron will be third, Tony sitions, the
Perez, who leads the majors in homers with 29, At catch
will clean up. tween Free]
Rico Carty, who leads the majors with a .365 does comma
average, will bat fifth, and Johnny Bench, who istics. So fa
has a mere 28 homers, bats all the way down in and Tom Se
the sixth spot. The Chicago Cubs' keystone com- is not anyt
bination of shortstop Don Kessinger and second- predictions,
baseman Glenn Beckert will hold down the sev- there shoul
enth and eighth spots in manager Gil Hodge's cinnati ton
batting order and New York ace Tom Seaver will can learn ti
open on the mound. might be clo
h the National League line-up ap-
ve the corner on glamour, the Amer-
e starters are hardly patsies. Ageless
io, who seems to have discovered that
after 35, will lead off for manager Earl
oys, and Little Luis is hitting .313.
idol Carl Yastrzemski will m a n the
o spot, and Frank Robinson will bat in
med number three spot, and another
g Powell, will clean-up just like al-
ion Killebrew, the versatile Minnesota
1 bat fifth, while Washington's gentle
k Howard, mans the sixth spot. Balti-
ey Johnson, subbing for the injured
and the ailing Dick McAuliffe, will
, while the token Tiger, Bill Freehan,
is .218 average from the number eight
mer will start for the American Lea-
'ith good reason. Palmer is a right-
d so is every member of the National
-up except Kessinger, who is a switch-
r, a few surprising facts emerge. The
League infield is statistically far
an the NL's. Tony Perez has an edge
Killebrew, but at the other three po-
AL players have a clear margin.
er, there is a whopping difference be-
han and Bench, and the NL outfield
and a more impressive batch of stat-
r, it has not been a year for pitchers,
eaver's 2.45 ERA, tops on either staff,
thing to get excited about. Although
are folly, it seems safe to say that
d be a lot of hard-hit balls in Cin-
ight, and if the American Leaguers
to cope with Astro-Turf, the g a m e
ose for a change.
Vol. LXXX, No. 44-S Ann Arbor, Michigan"-Tuesday, July 14, 1970 Ten Cent
Daily News
The higher education approprial
and while the administration goes
paring the budget to fit the state a
been added this year-figuring out
anti-disruption measures attached to
In the wake of a rather stormy
campuses around the country, legisl
a wide variety of measure aimed
Michigan's legislature was no excepti
Perhaps the measure of most im
10 "classroom contact hours" per w
the University. Although the legis
professor productivity," the measure
bers who join class boycotts, such
(BAM) strike in March.
Vice President for Academic Afff
in dismay when he talks about the
tell the Regents that it's quite impos
effect in many areas of the Universi
concerned, it's out of the question," he
In some units, such as the nursi
faculty members already spend far
classroom-type activity. But in othe
not reach 10 hours weekly, problem
overall enrollment and the basic ques
to present more than a few difficulties
The prospect for the eoming yei
that, "I think we're going to have t
standing up in Lansing of how you
Smith says, with the implication tha
the measure removed.
Another provision is one prohil
to ahly University employe for the e+I
possess or permit to be possessed" o
arm or "dangerous weapon" not reg
"I guess we'll have to set up s
Smith says, adding, "But it's not go
who brings a weapon on campus f
will not register it and for those w
just a big bother."
Smith was not certain whether
provision would force expulsion of th
our entire monthly appropriation, we
to force them to give it to us. If the
ever the average cost for a student i
he said.
Perhaps the most confusing mea
financial assistance from the state f
in a civil court or a university judi(
prohibiting "disorderly conduct, viole
property" while participating in a cam
Other provisions in the measure
questions which they might raise, "n
that it's tough for the prosecution tc
Along with that section goes on
any student who damages University
See 'U', Pa
NFL veterans locked
out by club ownersI
CHICAGO (-)--With the pos-
sibility of a player's strike loom-
ing, the 26 teams in the Na-
tional Football League an-
nounced Monday their training
camps would be closed to vet-
eran players.
The statement was m a d e
jointly by George Halas, owner
of the Chicago Bears and pres-
ident of the National Confer-
ence, and LaMar Hunt, owner of
the Kansas City Chiefs and
president of the American Con-
The move, agreed upon un-
animously in a secret meeting in
Chicago Sunday, followed a
communications by the Players'
Association of the NFL instruct-
ing, veteran players not to re-
port as scheduled.
Halas and Hunt also an-
nounced that the camps would
open as scheduled for rookie
The action is similar to a
move taken two years ago when
the players threatened to strike.
Meanwhile, negotiations be-
tween committees respresenting
the players and owners contin-
(formerly Lee's)
ued in New York. Reports are
the owners have agreed to ne-
gotiate pre-season pay but such
major issues as pension, option
clause and grievance procedure
have not been resolved.
Halas said the possibility of
opening the season with rookie
teams was highly improbable if
a settlement is not reached and
Hunt refused to speculate on the
status of the College All-Star
game, in which his champion
Kansas City Chiefs are to meet
the All-Stars in Soldier Field
July 31.
Heavy Duty Steering
and Suspension Parts
-Vietnain report
Ron Young discusses a visit he and nine other Americans made to Vietnam at a Washington news
conference yesterday. He said the purpose of the trip was to inquire into reports of growing expres-
sions for peace within South Vietnam. (See story, Page 3).
State court strikes down
bomb, narcotic exception
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step towards losing it.
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preceeding publication and by 2 p.m.
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appear once only. Student organiza-
tion notices are not accepted for pub-
lication. For more information, phone
Day Calendar
Tuesday, July 14
Music for the Disadvantaged Student
Lect: Mary Hoffman, Milwaukee. lec-
turer: 2043 Sch, of Music. 3:30 p.m.
Audio-Visual Ed. (enter Films: Mus-
cle: Dynamics of Contraction - Theor-
ies on the Origin of Life - Insect Par-
asitism: Alder Woodwasp and Its En-
emies - Ears and Hearing, 2nd Edi-
tion - Genesis 1-27: Multipurpose
Room. OL. L7:00 n m.
ation (CIC) & Center f or South &
Southeast Asian Studies Film: Gand-
hara Art & The Seven Wives of Ba-
hran Gur, 200 Lane Hall, 7 p.m.
Speech: Michigan Repretory '70 -
Merchant of Venice: Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, 8 p.m.
Ecology Film Festival: America: A
New Synthesis - The Squeeze (UM)-
The Third Pollution - (HEW-Booms-
yulle (NFBC -- The Best We Can do
(AIA) - The Cars in Your Life (NF-
BC) - The City and the Future (NF-
BC) h- A Child Went Forth (AIA),
Architecture Aud., 8:00 p.m.
SUBJECTS needed for
$1.50/hr. minimum
Apply in person:
Human Performance Center
Perry Building-Rm. 111
or ca1l 764-1590
$10 per month
FREE Service and Delivery
Nejac TV Rentals
LANSING (P)-The Michigan
Supreme Court yesterday struck
down a portion of the state con-
stitution dealing with search
and seizure of firearms, bombs,
saying the provision was in
conflict with the U.S. constitu-
The s t a t e constitution pro-
vides that prohibition against
unreasonable search and seizure
"shall not be construed to bar
evidence in any criminal pro-
ceeding against narcotic drug,
firearm, bomb, explosive or any
other dangerous weapon, seized
by a police officer outside the
curtilage of any dwelling house
in this state."
The court, in an opinion by
five of the seven justices, ruled
that the constitutional provi-
sion was contrary to federal
constitutional provisions dealing
with the right of privacy and
due process of law.
The ruling reversed a lower
court conviction of Lawrence
Pennington, found guilty of
carrying a dangerous weapon in
a motor vehicle after he was
arrested and found to be drunk.
When state police arrested
Pennington in Detroit for
drunken driving, they took his
car keys, had him taken to a
police post and the car towed to
a gas station.
Pennington- was interrogated
for about 15 minutes, then turn-
ed over to the desk office while
another officer went to the gas
station and searched his car.
In the glove compartment, the
officer found a partly filled
whiskey bottle and a loaded re-
Pennington subsequently was
charged with carrying a danger-
ous weapon in a motor vehicle.
The trial court ruled that the
search and seizure were unlaw-
ful and it excluded the bottle of
whiskey from evidence intro-
duced at Pennington's trial. But
it admitted as evidence the re-
volver and bullets because of the
state constitution which had ex-
cluded these items from the un-
reasonable search and seizure
Pennington was found guilty
of that weapons charge.
The Supreme Court agreed
with the lower court's finding
that the search and seizure were
unlawful, saying "the reason for
the arrest (drunken driving)
gave no cause for the search of
the automobile after the defend-
ant was already in custody."
The Supreme Court further
found that the state constitu-
tional section excluding guns
from the search and seizure pro-
hibitions was contrary to the
U.S. constitution.
TheSuree Cur aree US.contiuton
See 'U', Pa
Mixed Bowling Leagues
Michigan Union Lanes
3-Mid., Sunday-Thursday
3-1 am., Friday-Saturday
A-R C-O-N-J--T-I-o-N-E-D