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July 07, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-07

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Page Twelve


Tuesday, July 7, 1970








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DETROIT 1b--The Detroit
Tigers jumped on longtime
nemesis Gary Peters for five
runs in the first two innings
and went on to beat the
Boston Red Sox 6-3 last
night for left-hander Les
Cain's seventh consecutive
victory, .
The loss snapped a six-game
winning streak for the Red Sox.
The Tigers scored three times
in the first inning, Al Kaline
singling home the first run and
Jim Northrup clouting a two-
run homer.
In the second, Peters was
driven from the moundas De-
troit scored twice more, with
Mickey Stanley singling home a
Page 11
run, and Willie Horton driving
in the other on a force out.
Cain who had control prob-
lems and was relieved in the
sixth, was credited with his
eighth victory in 10 decisions.
Tony Conigliaro hit a two-run
homer for the Red Sox in the
fourth and they scored a run in
the sixth on a bases-loaded
pinch single by Mike Fiore.
Stanley paced the Tiger at-
tack as he continued his hot
hitting, garnering three safeties
in four trips to the plate. He
also scored a run and drove
home two.
Last night's 'tiger victory
moved them to within 6,2 games
of the first place Baltimore
Orioles and one game of the
second place New York Yankees.
The Tigers and the Red Sox
will continue their five game
series tonight at 5:30 when they
meet in a twi-night doublehead-
er at Tiger Stadium.




Santo, explodes


They're hoping for a long, hot summer in Chicago-a long, hot
summer from Ron Santo. The Cubs third-sacker, usually a 100- BI
man, suffered through a dismal spring struggling to raise his aver-
age above .230. But in yesterday's. doubleheader against Montreal,
Santo showed definite signs of a revival, as he belted three homers
and drove in 10 runs as the Cubs swept both ends of the affair, 3-2
and 14-2.
The first game was sonerve-racking that the Cubs' volatile man-
ager, Leo Durocher, was unable to eat between games. Bill Hands
breezed through the first six innings, and Santo's two-run homer
staked the Cubs to a 3-0 lead. But solo Expo homers in the seventh
and eighth made it a one-run game, and Montreal loaded the bases
with no one out in the ninth. Roberto Rodriguez then came in and
struck out the next two batters and ended the game on a groundout.
Elsewhere in the National League, the Mets stayed a half game
ahead of the Pirates by shelling the Cardinals, 10-3. Pittsburgh stayed
even by holding off the Phillies, 7-5. Cincinnati rekindled their long
ball touch for a 5-0 win over San Diego as Jim Merritt won his 14th,
Felix Millan ripped six straight hits to lead Atlanta past the Giants,
12-4, and Los Angeles erupted for 'five runs in the tenth and held
on to beat Houston, 10-8.
Hits galore paced a New York batting onslaught as the Mets
ripped off 17 hits, including a cycle performance by Tommie Agee.
Clutch relief by Bruce Dal Canton and Dave Giusti carried the
Pirates by Philadelphia. Cincinnati's Big Red Machine finally found
the range in their new Riverfront Stadium. After getting only one
homer in their first seven appearances in their new home, the Reds
exploded for three round-trippers last night. Tony Perez walloped his
28th and Johnny Bench his 26th for the Reds, and resurgent Pete
Rose added his ninth.
Senators see double

Vol. XXX, No. 39-S



Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 7, 1970

Ten Cen



The Washington Senators saw
double last night, and it wasn't
just a mirage in the summer
heat. The Senators had appar-
ently knocked out the Sam Mc-
Dowell, as Indian manager
Alvin Dark pulled his ace south-
paw with two out in favor of
Dean Chance.
But when the ninth inning
came around, Chance was gone

My son, the drum major
Former Olympic track star John Carlos, recently signed to a pro
football contract by the Philadelphia Eagles, got his first workout
yesterday in Philadelphia with a little fancy stepping.





TIS SUMMER, and a young sportswriter's fancy turns to all
the other things he could be doing besides collecting dust
waiting for something halfway interesting to pop up in town or
move over the national wire.
Ain't much happening. However, a sea of controversey con-
tinues to swirl around The Daily Sports Staff's offer to give.
President Nixon an appointment as a trainee. Washington is still
feeling the after effects of our charitable efforts.
The story recently got mentioned in a syndicated column
-Washington Wanderings"-written by Dan Maclean (no,
he doesn't pitch for the Tigers). Maclean's column appears in
several East Coast newspapers, most notably the Hudson
(N.J.) Dispatch, and he felt the story was so important that
he ran it lead June 27. If this is all the better Maclean can do,
Washington mnust be dead in the summer.
The Sports Staff must commend Maclean, however, for his
excellent news Judgment. Any time the President of the United
States receives a job offer, it is news, big news. The national
media has severely repressed any mention of the Sports Staff's
magnanimous offer (have you seen it mentioned in the New York
The upshot of It all came, as you may recall, when The Daily
received a letter from Presidential rPess Secretary Herbert Klein, a
letter that was apparently released to the eager press. For those
of you who missed Mr. Klein's reply, I will repeat it.
Dear Sports Fans;
On behalf of the President, I would like to thank you for your
letter. We are delighted to know of all the expertise in Ann
Arbor. The President appreciates the offer of a job, but his
current, contract with the American people has some time
to go.
P.S. He enjoyed your humor.
Apparently, government contracts still employ the reserve
clause, otherwise I am sure the President would have accepted
our offer. I only have one other querry for Maclean. He says that
the offer was made by the sports staff of the student paper at
"Michigan University." Is that in East Lansing?
The "Michigan University" bit reminds me of a story that
ran in the London (England, that is) Daily Express after the
arrest of the 'Dionysus in '69' cast. The story said that "members
of the cast were arrested at Michigan University after perform-
ing naked in an arbour." Too many faux pas like that and
grammar experts might start a love affair with Winston cigar-

and McDowell was back on the
mound, and the Senators had to
know it was no illusion, as Sud-
den Sam struck out the side.
It wasn't black magic. When
Dark brought Chance in, he
moved McDowell to second base,
so, according to the rules, Mc-
Dowell was still in the game and
eligible to play anywhere. Thus,
on paper at least, McDowell got
both the win and a save in the
Indians' 6-4 triumph.
Dave May hit his first home
run since coming to Milwaukee
from Baltimore, and it provided
the winning margin as the
Brewers edged the White Sox,
3-1. Gene Brabender survived
eight White Sox hits, including
five doubles to notch the victory.
Baltimore and New York were
idle last night, while the other
games were on the coast.
Ex-Daily ace
Cusumano ,gets
publicity post
The University Athletic De-
partment has announced that
Bill Cusumano, Daily Associate
Sports Editor, 1969-70, will be-
come Assistant Sports Informa-
tion Director effective July 20.
Cusumano will replace Grayle
Howlett, Daily Associate Sports
Editor, 1967-68, who will leave
Ann Arbor to Join the NCAA as
promotions director.
Cusumano comes to his new
Job with a wide variety of ex-
periences in th e wonderful
world of sports. During his high
school days in Princeton, N.J.,
Cusumano played a rugged cor-
nerback in football and was an
outstanding backcourt man in
basketball. He considered sev-
eral offers before deciding to
attend Wake Forest.
Cusumano was a Demon Dea-
con Jock for two years before
a knee inJury and a love for
Marlboros and Southern Com-
fort forced him to a premature
and tragic retirement from the
hardcourt wars.
Bill then transferred to Mich-
igan, where-he joined The Daily,
starred for the Libels, naored
in history and political science,
and graduated this past May.
Bill is perhaps best remembered.
for his fine on the spot cover-
age of this year's NCAA basket-
ball tourney under the Devil's
Disciple head.

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Brewers' Gus Gill is tagged out at plate
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Major League Standings

W L Pct. GB
Baltimore 30 30 .625 -
New York 44 35 .557 5%
Detroit 42 35 .545 6%
Boston 41 36 .521 8%
Washington 37 44 .56 13%
Cleveland 34 44 .436 15
xMinnesota 49 26 .653 -
xCalifornia 47 32 .595 4
xOakland 45 35 .563 6%
xKansas City 29 49 .372 21%Y
Chicago 28 53 .343 24
Milwaukee 28 53 .343 24
x-late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Detroit 6, Boston 3
Cleveland 6, Washington 4
Milwaukee 3, Chicago 1
Kansas City at California, inc.
Minnesota at Oakland; inc.
other clubs not scheduled
Today's Games
Boston at Detroit, 2, twi-night
Minnesota at Oakland
Kansas City at California
Chicago at Milwaukee, 2, twi-night
Washington at Cleveland, 2, twi-night
New York at Baltimore


New York
St. Louis

44 36
45 38
39 40
39. 41
34 46
33 48



Opening day,
After a six-month struggle with the
University administration, a children's
day care center finally opened yesterday
in Mary Markley Hall.
Planning for the center was begun last
January by members of Women's Liber-
ation when they asked President Robben
Fleming to allocate space for the center.
Fleming then appointed a committee
headed by education school Dean Wilbur
Cohen to study the request.
Marti Lowry, one of the organizers of
the center. said the committee took no
action on their request for space. "They
pretty much forgot about us," she said.
"Finally we collected signatures on a
petition and presented it to the Regents."
Soon after the center organizers pre-
sented their petition to the Regents, Di-
rector of University Housing John Feld-
kamp offered them space in several res-
idence halls to use as a temporary loca-
tion for the ceniter. "We chose the dining



at the day-care center draws kid
dayM care

Cincinnati 58 23 .718'
Los Angeles 48 32 .600
Atlanta 41 38 .519
San Francisco 37 42 .469
Houston 34 48 .413
San Diego 32 52 .378
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 3, Montreal, 2, 1st
Chicago 14, Montreal 2, 2nd
Pittsburgh 7, Philadelphia 5
New York 10, St. Louis 3
Los Angeles 10, Houston 8
Cincinnati 5, San Diego 0
Atlanta 12, San Francisco 4
Today's Games
St. Louis at New York
Pittsburgh at Philadelphia
Montreal at Chicago, day
San Francisco at Atlanta
San Diego at Cincinnati
Los Angeles at HoustonR

rooms in Markley because it was the big-
gest," Miss Lowry said.
The number of children at the center
yesterday ranged from about 14 during
the morning to only three in the after-
noon. Miss Lowry said 20 children have
been registered with the center, and with
sufficient volunteers they should be able
to handle many more.
Miss Lowry said organizers of the cen-
ter are still trying- to pressure the Uni-
versity administration to provide more
space in a permanent location the center
could occupy in the fall.
One of the arguments presented in the
proposal for the temporary center was
that it would help to anticipate problems
which might arise in a permanent center
and that much could be learned, both by
the University administrators and the
group running the center.
The original aim of the center organ-
izers was to provide day-long care for the
children of University students and em-

-Daily-Sara Krulwich
[s and smiles.
ployees. However, the center now effec-
tively serves only students because chil-
dren may be left there for periods of only
three hours at a time.
Miss Lowry explained that the center
does not have the facilities to handle
children for longer periods of time. "The
children are all on different schedules,
and they all need to take naps sometime
during the day. That just wouldn't be
possible here," she said.
The center has one salaried director,
but it is staffed entirely by volunteers.
By charging 50 cents per hour to parents
who can pay it, Miss Lowry said the
center should be able to pay the director
and be self-sufficient. Play equipment
was donated by the education school for
use in the day care center.
Anyone interested in working as a
volunteer may contact 663-6829. Parents
may register their children by calling
761-4051, by applying on the second floor
of the Student Activities Building, or by
registering at the center.

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