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July 03, 1970 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1970-07-03
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Friday, July 3, 1970

Friday, July 3, 1970


I / I s


as taught b y
Transcendental meditation is a natural
spontaneous technique which allows each
individual to expand his mind and improve
his life.
Introductory Lecture July 8
Angell Hall - Auditorium A - 8 P.M.
Students' International Meditation Society
local center: 769-3698
D own with Brown Bogs.I
Yes, if you want to change your old routine
of the some old lunches, try the Michigan
Union buffet.

Draft ceiling for August
set at lottery number 195


to e'ni

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Another bride, another groom . . .
Former Daily photo editor Andy Sacks rang in the fiscal new year with his wedding to the former
Miss Nancy Altman. The festive nuptials were held in beautiful downtown Pittsburgh. Both bride
and groom are reported in excellent condition, according to informed sources.
W =I l a i o/ voly ~ e " Q *
uss to idetif
deputy inMay divn" cs

WASHINGTON ()- Draft Director
Curtis W. Tarr yesterday announced a
top limit of No. 195 for draft calls in
August and said numbers called for the
rest of the year probably would not
mount much beyond that level.
The August limit of 195 is only five
lottery-numbers higher than the limit set
for draft calls in July-an indication,
Tarr said, that the draft pool is being re-
plenished, as expected, with low-number-
ed men now losing deferments.
The influx is composed mostly of form-
er college students losing their defer-
ments upon graduation..
This, Tarr said in an official state-
ment, is "really helping our manpow
Tarr reaffirmed. in instructions to local
boards throughout the nation, that then
need not send men with numbers higher
than 215 for pre-induction physicals.
That advice, for the past several
months, had been the only indication
of how high up on last December's lot-
tery list the 1970 draft might go,
Tarr's announcement yesterday in-
dicated it might not reach even that high.
Setting the August limit at 195, Tarr
added that draft officials "don't anti-
cipate that it will go much higher" for
the rest of the year.
The estimate is good news, especially,
to men holding numbers near the upper
end of the "middle third." who have been
unsure whether the rising tide of the
draft would engulf them before the year
was out.
At the time of last December's lottery.
the White House estimated that qualified
men in the lowest third-those with num -
bers from one to about 120--almost cer-
tainly would be drafted. Men with num-
bers above 240. spokesmen said then.
would probably not be drafted.
But men in the middle range of 120
to 240 were left to wonder about their
Since then, the Pentagon has repeat-
edly reduced its requirement for draftees
from an original estimate of up to 260,000
to a range now between 150,000 and
Monthly draft calls. consistently low
this year, have shown a marked down-
ward trend, reaching the year's low so
far with the August call of 10.000 an-
nounced Wednesday.

LANSING (P - The independent
governing boards of state-supported
colleges and universities won a vote
of confidence yesterday when the.
state Senate refused to endorse a
proposal to strip away their auto-
The 15-21 vote fell far short of
the two -thirds majority-26 votes-
needed for passage of the proposed
constitutional amendment.
The measure, sponsored by Sen.
Rozycki (D-Detroit), sought a pop-
ular vote on the question of removing
the current autonomy of the boards
and subjecting them -to the will of
the Legislature.
The House and Senate now control
the institutions of higher education
only through appropriations each
Rozycki spoke of the state's "edu-
cational dynasty" and noted that the
Legislature controls the billion-dollar
operations of the state highway de-
partment. "If it's good enough for
them, it's good enough for the uni-
versities," he said.
"If you believe in representative
government, I beg you to support
this amendment," he said.

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Monday through Friday,

1 1 :45-1:00. The

Efforts of the Ann Arbor City Attorney's office
to prosecute a Washtenaw County Deputy Sheriff
on a reckless driving charge apparently are being
hampered by Sheriff Douglas Harvey's failure to
cooperate in the case.
The incident in question occurred the evening
of May 6 when approximately 1200 students and
concerned citizens of Ann Arbor engaged in a
peaceful march through Ann Arbor to protest
President Nixon's invasion of Cambodia and the
killing of four students on the campus of Kent
State University.
According to Assistant City Attorney Robert
Guenzel. as the marchers moved east on Packard
between Division and Fifth, a car was deliberately
driven through the parade scattering the partici-
pants, many of whom narrowly escaped injury.
Although two Ann Arbor policemen trailing
the parade on three-wheeled motorcycles were
unable to apprehend the driver. several of the
marchers w ere able to get the license number on
the car. The complainants added that the driver
appeared to have a sheriff's patch on his shoulder.

Guenzel indicated that despite two months
of investigation no final action has been taken
in the case. "The main problem has been one of
identification," Guenzel said. "No one has been
able to identify the driver, since most of the
marchers only got a rear view of him."
The sheriff's testimony at a June 10 hearing
on the incident held by the county board of com-
missioners' law enforcement committee indicated
Harvey knew the identity of the driver. But Har-
vey stated he would not identify the man "because
there was no positive identification." The sheriff
added that the individual might face a depart-
ment trial board which would mean he would face
double jeopardy.
' One of the complainants, an employe in the
University's School of Architecture and Design,
left no ambiguity about his belief that the sheriff
was hindering the city's investigation, stating
flatly, "The sheriff has refused to cooperate in
releasing the name of the deputy even though he
has indicated his knowledge of the incident and
the individual involved."

Michigan Union serves a buffet luncheon in
a relaxed atmosphere. Eat at your leisure
with a selection of meat, salads and desserts
to suit the most discriminating tastes. The
price is only $1 .92 plus tax.
Private rooms available by reservation
PHONE 764-7535
..r.it's like walking
'' on clouds

Draft Director Tarr

draws fJ
WASHINGTON 'P' - The Rev. Bill
Graham said yesterday the purpose o
Honor America Day tomorrow is to sa
"there are some good things abou
"We hope it will remind us that all is
not pessimistic and hopeless," Grahan
told a news conference. "There has beer
too much negativism."
The Honor America project, led jointl:
by Graham and comedian Bob Hope. wi]
feature memorial and patriotic service;
at Washington, D.C.'s Lincoln Memorial
the Smithsonian Institution's fourth an
nual Festival of American folklore, an'
a gala stage show ending with blasts o
fireworks above floodlit monuments.

A merica


-lags, grass to

Friday. July :6
Day Calendar
Cinema (Gild: Sidney Poitier. Glern
Ford &.' Anne Francis. ''The Blackboard
Jungle- & "Wild & Woofy-' <cartoon,
Architecture And.. 7:00 & 9:05 pin.
Saturday. July 4
Cinema Guild: "The Blacboard Jun-
gle" and "Wild and Woolfy"' (cartoon):j
Architecture And.. 7:00 &.9:05 p.".
Monday, July 6
Music for the Disadvantaged Studentj
Lert.: Dr. L. F. Sain. Coordinator. Ur--.
ban Education, 2043 School of Music,
3:30 p.mr.
Audio-Visual Ed. Center Films: "Gal-
leval Enland: The Peasant:' Revolt.'
ilo: -re C lade nre o ea son ' - t d
"Medieval Mind." Multipurpose Rin.
Undergraduate Lib.. 7:00 p..n
Degree Recital - W Ness. organ; Hill
Aud., 8:04) p.mn

THE f9tKE S o
o . 'Wx;*"s St.

Joining the Honor America Day cele-
bration are expected to be a group of
people led by Rennie Davis who have
demanded the right to plant miniature
Viet Cong flags on the Ellipse behind
the White House where Boy Scouts and
others will set out American flags.
Ambassadors from the Woodstock na-
tion likewise have promised a huge pot
party on the Mall--branded a "smoke-in"
-and have also promised to bring red.
white and blue marijuana joints.-
Also heading to Washington are hun-
dreds of New Yorkers aboard the "Honor
America Express," five busloads from In-
diana. several from Massachusetts and
other areas, and 400 flag-carrying, jog-
ging Boy Scouts from Williamsburg.
At the nation's birthplace-Philadel-
phia's Independence Hall-actor Howard
Keel will read from the Declaration of
Independence and Sen. Hugh Scott I(R-
Pa. ) will make a keynote address during
the traditional observance.
In Boston where much of the unrest
against British rule emerged during co-
lonial days, Richard Cardinal Cushing
has ordered the ringing of bells in Roman
Catholic churches at 11 a.m. to coincide
with the Washington activities.
In the nation's youngest state-Hawaii
-an Honor America parade will be held
tomorrow morning in Waikiki. The pa-
rade chairman. Robert E. Cole Jr.. says
it will be a "flag-carrying" march. "there
will be no banners, no signs, just flags."
Jazz musician Louis Armstrong's 70th
birthday will be celebrated and the wives
and families of American servicemen
missing in action or captured by the
enemy in Vietnam will be honored prior
to a fireworks show in the Rose Bowl at
Pasadena, Calif.
Six tons of fireworks will be set off
after performances by acrobats. clowns
and Navy singers at San Diego Stadium.
The Boy Scouts are participating in a
flag-carrying marathon from Williams-
burg to Richmond, Va., and then on to
Washington. The marathon relay began
Tuesday with each youth running about
one-half mile during daylight hours.
Graham has denied that the Independ-
ence Day program planned is political
and said he would pull out if it became
an endorsement of pro-war or anti-war
"The only trouble we've had on the
program is to get some Republicans to
help us," Graham said of the religious
and memorial service he will lead to-

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662-4251 740 PACKARD 662-4241
Hungers y
0r Cleaning
Packaged Order
Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. MON.-SUN. 7:30 A.M. TO 11 P.M.
Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. WASHERS STiLL ONLY 25c, DRYERS Sc

Handcrafted by the makers of the famous Deserta
Boot, the Wallabees are designed for maximum com-
fort with a shape that exactly fits the foot. Glove-soft,
leather uppers, unique soft-padded inside construction
and plantation crepe wedge soles combine to relax the
foot. Try a pair - you won't want to take them off.
Oxford style illustrated available in Black or
Brown Novo calf and in Sand or Brown Hunt-
inq Suede. Also boot style in Sand Huntinq
Suede. Women's at $23, men's of $25 the pair.




political protest
In an apparent reversal of roles, members of the South Oakland County Police
Officers Association picket the State Capitol yesterday, demanding to see Gov.
William Milliken because of an arbitration dispute. Talking with picketers are
state Reps. George Montgomery (D-Det.-dark suit) and Daniel Cooper (D-Oak
Park-white shoes).

' ., .~r.


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