:.. 1 L~ . jw 1w ". 4, T&- UFe fit tan ut 420 Maynof'd Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials orinted in The Michigan Daily express the individual oOinfons of the author. This must be noted in all reorints. Tuesday, June 16, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY JAMES WECHSLER The passive, Mr.. Nixon? i A Sony For Your Thoughts! CITE MASSIVE PROBLEM Civilian experts reco SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1970 Mews Phone: 764-0552 Legalize addictive drugs- THE USE OF addictive drugs and the laws which sur- round them constitute one of the primary reasons for the attrition of human lives in an urban ghetto. Too often, youths growing up in America's decaying metropolis, become enmeshed in a web of crime, poverty, and disease which have at their center the illegality of using and selling narcotics. Forced onto the black market, heroin and other ad- dictive drugs take on prices which are. invariably beyond the means of the addict. So to secure enough money to support this habit, he must turn to the most lucrative ac- tivities at hand - those of a criminal nature. And, once the addict becomes involved in the thievery, prostitution, extortion, which are the criminal themes of ghetto life, it is unlikely that he will be able to escape. Rather, he finds himself on a path which usually ends in prison, or, if he's more fortunate, in an inadequate mu- nicipal hospital. MEANWHILE, organized crime in the U.S. continues to feed on the prohibition against the sale of addictive drugs. The illegality of drug sales does not curb the mob's business operations, it merely makes it possible to charge the addict prices he is unable to pay. Of course, he will be offered the ready availability of enough drugs to pro- vide for his habit, in exchange for certain services to the syndicate. The addict had no choice but to agree. And then there is the question of what makes a per- son susceptible to a pusher. In an urban ghetto, the same conditions which perpetuate the degrading quality of life also perpetuate the frame of mind that can accept the offer of heroin. Often, for example, the family life of a youth whose parents are involved in the drug-crime-poverty triangle only steers him in a similar direction. The prohibition against the sale of addictive drugs is based upon a fear that allowing it to be legally sold would increase the number of addicts. This argument stems from an erroneous belief that it is difficult to ob- tain drugs on the black market. Rather, it is common knowledge in every decaying urban community that one does not even need to express an interest in "shooting-. up" before he is approached. And for those who are in- terested in trying drugs, the high school is often the first place to look. Legalizing the sale of addictive drugs would not in- crease the number of addicts, but would decrease their enslavement to a way of life which makes their few hours of drug-induced euphoria the only oasis they know. -ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ NIGHT EDITOR: MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN THE WORD that seems to be emanating from the White House area these days is that President Nixon is exhibiting re- markable restraint under fire but could get pitilessly rough if he finds himself in serious political trouble. In this portrait of a long-suf- fering, benign but not neglectful chief executive, he emerges as a lonely soul in need bf Senatorial "love" still grievously misunder- stood by an incurably hostile "lib- eral left" and gallantly refusing to unleash the emotions of the radical right. "The President would have little to lose in terms of votes, and per- haps a great deal to gain, by mak- ing himself the commander in chief of the hard hats in a war between the hard hats and the long hairs," Stewart Alsop writes in the current Newsweek; only his intelligence and his awareness of the "terrible fragility" of Amer- ican society leads Alsop to hope that "he will do his best to con- trol, rather than to exploit, the drift to thetrancid right." But Alsop precedes this faint reas- surance with the reminder that the President must be continuous- ly tempted to revert to "the tech- nique he used so successfully as a young politician clawing his way to the top," this time by unleash- ing "the fury of the middle-aged and the middle class against the radical young." IT MUST FINALLY BE said that this image of a centrist Pres- ident so far stoically enduring the taunts of liberal detractors is a tiresome threat, whether invoked by propaganda minister Herb Klein or by practicing journalists. The truth is that the President has repeatedly encouraged or con- doned the deadly polarization; he has tempered the tactic just enough to disarm the respectable constituency, but his instinct for the jugular is unconcealed. It was Mr. Nixon who issued the incredibly insensitive comment after the Kent State tragedy in which he appeared to equate the victims with those who fired the fatal shots. And finally it was Mr. Nixon who summoned the leaders of the construction workers to the White House after the ugly street as- saults in New York, and warmly saluted them. IT IS HARD to detect in any of these any spirit of self-disci- pline or conciliation. That things may get worse before they get bet- ter is entirely possible; the com- bination of economic disarray at home, frustration in Indochina and the Wallace victory may pro- duce new, desperate demagogy. But this is a curious moment to suggest that liberals desist lest they provoke the President's deep- er wrath. Mr. Nixon's troubles stem from a series of misjudgments and mis- clculations about the war and the economy. He heeded much of the same Pentagon counsel that so long deluded Lyndon -John- son; he was beguiled by the advocates of do-nothingism in the price-wage realm; he allowed Mitchell's Southern strategists to convince him that he could out- Wallace Wallace, in a nicer way. He has confused the games of politics with the business of gov- ernment, creating a crisis of con- fidence among even many who still uneasily describe themselves as his supporters. , ,Will all this be changed if columnists embrace the vows of silence and kids go back to their books? Are we being told that the search for scapegoats may get rougher at any moment? "It is perfectly true that stu- dents have no monopoly on wis- dom. They did not suddenly 'dis- cver' war, or hunger, of poverty, or discrimination. But, as it al- ways has been through history, they are the least able to com- promise with injustice . . . "The war is the issue for many .of them - and many simply do not believe, as I do, that the Cam- bodian operation will shorten the war and speed the troop with- drawal. But that really is not the core of the issue: it is not the war they want brought home, it is the peace. They want to get on with the works of social renewal. "We should take students seri- ously, not because they are future voters or because they pose a threat to democratic process--but because they help voice the na- tion's conscience." Perhaps Finch, in his new White House sanctuary, will be able to call that speech to Nixon's at- tention. But let there be no pre- mature presumption that he will be heard any more clearly than before. (c) New York Post Sony Model 130 Solid-State Cassette-Corder Consolette so H1-FI BUYS ANN ARBOR-EAST LANSING 618 S. Main 769-4700 cn l nndThmoinh OoVtv F;,,,,,nto WASHINGTON OP) - A blue- ribbon panel of civilian pen- ologists, appointed after wide- spread alaegations of mistreat- ment of Army stockade prison- ers, recommended yesterday a .1ajor overhaul oft he Army prison system. The panel said Army stock- ades are outdated and over- crowded, lacking in medical and psychiatric help and adminis- tered by officers and enlisted men with little or no training in penology. "The problems of the. Army correction program are so broad, complex and delicate that sub- stantial chatiges in organization are required to cope with them," the panel said in a 133-page re- port listing 61 specific recom- mendations for reform. The six-member panel was appointed by Secretary of the Army Stanley R. Resor in April 1969 following outbreaks of pro- tests by prisoners, particularly at the Presidio in San Francisco and the Long Binh stockade in South Vietnam. However, the panel said it did not consider itself an investi- gating body and, therefore, "did not inquire into the validity of the allegation" of prisoner abuse raised in Congress and the news media, and by the prisoners themselves. Its purpose, the panel said, was to recommend improvements in the system. The panel did, however, call for deactiviation of the Presidio stockade with its functions transferred tohFt. Ord, Calif. From a physical standpoint, the Presidio stockade "is far be- low what one might well expect to find on a post which is the headquarters of an Army juris- diction extending over eight states," thepanel stated. There were no specific in- stances of prisoner mistreat- ment in its findings. However, the panel reported conditions in some stockades that it said were inconsistent with modern cor- rectional standards. Among these were buildings poorly designed, too little space in solitary confinement cells and a lack of programs to handle, train As visit arou tiona Role, cipli priso Kan Th tin A tor Inc., none refo Th of th whih youn mar mak cont cent witl ".H conf devia in n atric trea ing,' It priso men fifte requ thei: seve It trate and char mit LAST noticed; College, TUESDAY, in a little- speech at Arizona State Robert Finch said: Letters to the Editor Heavy Duty Steering and Suspension Parts 0*BALL JOINTS 0 IDLER ARMS 0 TIE ROD ENDS He's had it To the Editor:, The following is a copy of a letter sent to the chairman of the 16th Congressional District Re- publican Committee. AS A MEMBER of the Wayne C o u n t y Republican Committee and a 1968' Republican candidate for State Representative, I have been v e r y concerned about the course which our country has been following .under its present Republican leadership. T h e re- cent invasion of Cambodia h a s now caused me to re-evaluate ser- iously my personal commitment to the Republican Party. Under t h e Nixon Administra- tion the many critical domestic problems which face our nation have been irresponsibly ignored. The administration has tabled ac- tion on the urban crisis, unem- ployment continues to rise, the national economic situation de- teriorates, and young Americans have been alienated by a repres- sive and unresponsive government. Instead of dealing with these in- ternal problems, the president has ignored the pressing needs of the American people. He has chosen to continue and even to escalate the war in Southeast Asia, and he has increased the prolifer'ation of expensive and dangerous nuclear weapons. INITIALLY, I believed that the Nixon-Agnew syndrome might be merely an aberration in an other- wise healthy political party. It has b e c o m e increasingly apparent, however, that most Republican leaders and congressmen are in support o present administration policies. In view of these dangerous and unwise policies I wish to advise you, and the entire community, that I can no longer continue to be associated with the Republi- can Party in any way. I wish to disaffiliate myself from the party by resigning from the positions which I hold within the Repub- lican organization. In addition, I will not seek another term as a Republican precinct delegate and I do not again plan to seek public office as a Republican candidate. This decision has been especial- ly painful for me to make; I feel that I have many good friends within the party. However; the administration's present policies have left me no other alternative. -Michael D. Knox, grad. 1968 Republican candidate for state representative, Dist. 28 Valid through June 21, 1970 * Limit one coupen per customer Serving dinner until 2 a.m. (Closed Mondays) 211 N. Main, 663-7758 . ... . for you from Estee Lauder*. . a creative approach to complexion care plus a "Beauty Classics" gift of Caf Frost Lip Gloss, Youth-Dew Purse Spray, Estoderme Emulsion and Creme. 17m Y I This luxurious gift, shown at t E r balancing teacupis - Y .. Yp Sunday, sweet Sunday, or Lots of free fun 1 nadine cohoda .-...1 Some people called it Baby Woodstock. And over the loudspeaker, the acting master of ceremonies dIeclared it was a part of the Woodstock nation that had gathered en masse at Gallup Park Sun- day for the season's first rock concert. And judging from the observation of a few people who were at the real thing, Sunday's event had some of the flavor of last summer's extravaganza. There was, indeed, a comraderie among the four thousand or so that gathered Sunday. Student and student-age types lolled on the grass along with parents and their babies-naked on their father's shoulders or rolling along in the stroller in front. Older folks joined grade school- ers, the Knights of the Road, a Detroit motorcycle club, sacheed in for the last few notes, and all the while the police unobtrusively 'directed traffic and eyed the scene from afar. The concert was markedly different from last year's-very little, perhaps none at all-political discussion or exhortations of Power to the People. The main attrac- tion was music and good feeling. The main purpose, the same. THE HARDEST PART of the after- noon was simply getting to the concert area. Parking facilities being less than adequate, most concert goers had to leave their cars far far away and troop across the concrete bridge, down- the banking, over the railroad tracks and dowr the dirt road into Eden. But it was worth the trip only for the very good feeling of seeing so many people together enjoying themselves and willing to cooperate with the bandsmen when they asked for quiet, clapping hands, joining hands, snapping fingers, a glass of water wine or beer and a little clean- up help. It wasn't a fashion show Sunday in the Coco Chanel-Christian Dior sense of the word. But the concert provided an array of bluejeans stitched, patched, cut off, frayed, loose, tight, ripped, faded, tie died and dirty. A multitude of bronzed shoulders like-w wise greeted the sun-many of them crimson by the time the afernoon had ended. "The air was perhaps the most tell-tale sign of the afternoon. It intermittently smelledof marijuana and a locker room, though much more of the former and much less of the latter. And to correspond with the air, some of the Kool-Aid was reportedly electric and joining the Pepsi Generation Sunday could have meant a whole new trip so to speak. THE PRIME REASON for it all was the music-the UP, Catfish and SRC- and the performers came through just fine. The atmosphere was physical, the people were, and the music was the per- fect accompaniment for thoughts and actions. During at least one number each band built to a vibrating crescendo and the crowd gyrated to its feet. "That was like an orgasm," one en- thusiast murmured at the appropriate beat. "Yep, someone nearby agreed, "de- finitely the orgasm experience." Perhaps. But everyone managed to keep his con- cert cool and the police remained in their unobstrusive spots throughout. And after the SRC finished their last encore and 6 p.m. rolled around, everyone picked up his belongings and trash, head- ed for the trash can to deposit the junk- and meandered out of Gallup Park back to the world at large. And as everybody traipsed back down the dirt road, back over the railroad tracks, up the banking and over the bridge, one wanted to turn around and yell in the best Jed Clampett style, "You all come back now. Y'hear." upper right, is yours with an Estee Lauder purchase of $5 or more made now through June 20th. From left: Estoderme Emulsion skin toner, 2 fl. oz., 7.50 Whipped Cleansing Creme, 3% oz., $5. Night Table Creme, 2 oz., $10. Eye Creme, $5. Wrinkle Stick, $5. All-day Throat Creme, 2 oz., 7.50 Skin Lotion, 16 oz. $6. ^r fr r5 foJ:. 4 t pyrr ri I ra ., f .M. t The Estee Lauder beauty representative will be here now through Friday, June 19 to direct you toward a lovelier complexion. J'a ob ~ rY' COSMETICS-STREET FLOOR LIBERTY AT MAYNARD