& W. or 4w 1% Tuesdav. June 16, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, June 16, 1970 m REPORT ON APOLLO 13 Faul ty WASHINGTON (/) -A high- level review board yesterday linked "an unusual combination of mistakes" and "a somewhat deficient and unforgiving de- sign" to the explosion that en- dangered the Apollo 13 astro- nauts and canceled their :noon landing. The report accused the space agency, the North American Rockwell Corp. and Beech Air- craft Corp. of permitting in- adequate thermostatic switches to be placed on the spacecraft. "It was a serious oversight in which all parties share," the report said. The eight-m e m b e r boaid, which included Apollo 11 astro- naut Neil A. Armstrong, recom- mended in the 914-page report that the oxygen tank in the service module be redesigned for future Apollo flights, including the removal of all electrical equipment from inside the pres- sure vessel. switch caused accident In anticipation that changes would have to be made, the National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration earlier postponed the Apollo 14 flight two months until next Dec. 3. At a news conference Edgar M. Cortright, the chairman (t the review board, said addi- tional delay might be required to make the design changes and test them and there is a pos- sibility Apollo 14 will not be flown until 1971. Apollo 13, with astronauts James A. Lovell Jr., Fred W. Haise Jr. and John L. Swigert Jr, was 205,000 miles from earth when an explosion ripped apart one oxygen tank and ruptured a second. The tanks supplied oxygen for breathing and for the spacecraft's electrical power. The astronauts made it back using oxygen and the propulsion system of the lunar lander. which was hooked nose-to-nose with their space craft. "All indications. are that an Former councilman seeks county office electrically initiated fire in oxy- gen tank No. 2 in the service module was the cause of the accident," said the report pre- sented Monday to the NASA ad- ministrator. Thomas 0. Paine. It is now known that the tank contained two protective ther- mostatic switches on the heater assembly which were inadequate and would subsequenly fail dur- ing ground test operations at Kennedy space center." On March 27-two weeks Le- fore the April 11 launching of Apollo 13-the launch crew had difficulty draining liquid oxygen from the tank. To vent the oxy- gen overboard, technicians turn- ed on a heater in the tank to convert the liquid to gas. Cortright said the whole chain of events probably began at the Beech Aircraft plant in Boulder, Colo. when a fill tube assemblyj became loose in the tank duringI manufacture. "This assembly was probably displaced d u r in g subsequent handling, which included an in- cident at the prime contractor's plant in which the tank was jarred." The report continued: WOW! A three -piece Treasure Chest chicken dinner, plus french fries, for only 79c! Larqer take-home oders also. Try a box 500n M I S T Rlo A h e-i PreaOY evCes Westo ror an "These procedures had not been used before and the tank had not been~qualified by' tests for the conditions experienced. The procedures did not violate the specifications which governed the operations of the heaters at Kennedy. "In reviewing these proce- dures before the flight, officials of NASA. North American Rock- well and Beech did not recognize the possibility of damage due to overheating. Many of these of- ficials were not aware of the extended heater operation. In any event, adequate thermo- static switches might have been expected to protect the tank." North American Rockwell is the prime contractor for the spacecraft. Beech makes the oxygen tanks. SPECIAL JUNE STEREO SALE Hundreds of "Specials" " receivers 0 changers 0 speakers 0 hi fi m musical instruments HI-FI STUDIO 121 W. Washington Downtown, across from Old German Restaurant--668-7942 WELCOME STUDENTS! Let us style your hair to fit your personality . * 8 BARBERS, no waiting * OPEN 6 DAYS The D oa Barbers Arborland-Campus Maple Village HELP WANTED EARN $25 by donating cerebro'pinal W HY Liassifieds _ fluid. Need 21-40 yr. old males-fe- males.764-0298. 25H27 TEACHING JBoe nfl o ni BUSINESS SERVICES vidual w'udai bc kgroud at con- servative synagiue in Flint. Call Mr. FOR PAINTING, carpet, and wall clean- Feilus Beth Israel Synagogue, Flint, in. call -789-7694. Professional Job. Mich. 388133 21J34 KNOW WHO'S making all the~ money this summer? The dealers!! The Big TASK Steel Ballroom needs dealers, make DOes t All!yourself as much (legal) cash as youj DoesIt ll.need all summer. . . Call Steve at~ Typing. Printing, Transcript ing 769-0245 for details. 3933 Conferences and Mailings -- -- Call The Professionals f .EARN $25 by donating- cerebrospinel fluid. Need 21-40 yr. old males-fe- 761 -4 146 or 47 males. 764-0298. 251127 PERSONAL AS A PSYCH 171 experiments. SBS will now be open EVENINGS only- 7:00 to 10:30. (2 hrs. credit). 34F33 THE ONLY PLACE in Arnn Arbor to buy her diamond engagement ring. CHECK IT. AUSTIN DIAMOND 1209 S. University 663-7151 FE !I GIRLS: A Summer Law Club Dating Service will professionany match you up THE SENATE YESTERDAY conf exclusively with law students at no as Secretary of Health, Education and cost. Send the following information Richardson, now under. secretary c which must include name, address. phone number, height. and interests; Finch in the Cabinet post. Finch is bec which may include a picture, age,. the President. year in school, and anything else. All Preieno. information wil remain confidential.' Other nominations confirmed withe Mail to Law Club Social Committee. Pierce, Jr., a black New York lawyer, as c/o Lawyer's Club, 551 S. State street, ury Department, and Edward F. Zigler, a --- -2F chief of the Children's Bureau in the STUDENT BOOK Service (oink) will' now open only EVENINGS (oink) 30J5 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desire work in her home. Thesis, technicE typing, stuffing etc. IBM selectrir Call Jeanette, 971-2463. 12Jt THESES, PAPERS (inc. technical) typ ed. Experienced, professional; IB? Selectric. Quick service. 663-6291. 42Jt NOW ON CAMPUS Campus MultiService TYPING PRINTING THESIS SERVICE Fast, Dependable, Low-Priced 214 Nickels Arcade 662-4222 Summer hours: 10-4 Mon2--Fri. 3,1 MULTI PLE TYPING SERVICE Thesis Service Papers fy e'A LOST AND FOUND l LOST-Pregnant black and brown tor- e. toise shell cat, one white spot on tc1 neck. June 13 vic. Packard and Hill. You really don't want all those kit- tens, so please return her-769-0227. tc D A33 LOST - Reddish blond puppy with white legs and face, wiry hair, urg- ently needs special medication.508 Elm. 663-0434. 2A29 DID YOU lose something on June 9th Eat 1 :30 in front of Paraphernalia. If yes call 1-626-1032. DA29 tc MISSING in action since Sun.. April 30-Burmese cat. Dark brown w/gold jand white spots on stomach. Please call 665-0505 persistently if you see him. 1A29 FOUND - Female Sealpoint Siamese. from 7:00 to 10:30 (olnk). 36F33 Creative Photography WEDDINGS and portraits. Professional1 quality at -student rates. Call John4 Evans at 769-0053 for appointment to see portfolio. F60 STUDENT BOOK SERVICE will now be open EVENINGS from 7:00 to 10:30 and we promise not to replace the burned-out bulb in the Romance Languages room. 32F33 BLOOD IS RED, bruises are blue, come to SBS and we'll comfort you cone EVENINGS 7:00 to 10:30) 41F33 A MW ,-ZF..IMENWT in (aitalisti NGC THEATRE .COPORTION Now LUA NATIONAL GENERAL.COMPANY.. Showing FOX HV ILLa6E 375 No.MAPLE RD.-7694300 r Mon.-Thur. 8:15 Fri. 6:30-10:00 Sot. 1 :30 5:30-9:30 very well groomed. Tower Plaza No. f ANEW VY r jmz v1 n caita " 7L or 761-7428 after 3. DA29 pig culture-SBS will try it in the EVENINGS, 7:00-10:30. t 2F33 MUSICAL MDSE., Creative Wedding and Portrait Photog- W oodtdiml Ernest L. Quenon, a Demo- crat who lost his seat on City Council last April, announced his candidacy yesterday for the office of Washtenaw County Commissioner from the county's seventh district. He will face Republican in- cumbent Bent F. Nielsen in the November elections. In announcing his candidacy, Quenon cited the need for a stronger city government as well as improvement in the "woefully inadequate" county welfare system. In a statement released yes- terday, Quenon said "the thrust toward a regional solution to local problems is forcing a re- definition of the role of county government." "The possibility of county home rule," the statement con- tinued, "or even of metropolitan government. should be studied and debated by the citizens of Washtenaw County." In his statement, Quenon also The Michigan Daily, edited and man- awed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second Class potage paid at Ann Arbor. Mich- gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann .Arbor. Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day ihroauh Sunday morning tiniver- sity year Subscription rates: $10 by carrier. $10 by mail Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5. by carrier, $5 by mail. th ne ws by The Associated Press and Co said the city should no longer require the annexation of sur- rounding areas as a condition for sewer and water service. "On the state level, more pow- er of environmental control over urbanized developments in county areas, a more modern law enforcement structure, and a welfare reform must be press- ed," Quenon said. Billiards Table Tennis Bowling Foosball M. Union Sun. 1:00 4:30 8:15 a wadleigh-mauricel love nera OicendSrtr RADIOS, REPAIRS raphy by a top professionlineednot kbe expensive, if done by RICHARD LEE. Call 761-9452 before noon. DJtc Pic k-U and Dellivery AM FM STEREO 35 watt receiver. Best offer. Must sell. 761-9593. 2X33 FOR SALE: Available CHEAP, CHEAP, Cheap-I or 2 girls Keith Jarret's first Jazz album, o Prompt Service needed to help divide $90 ma. fTurn- Sit Down old friend, and Btiff Rose's CALL 971-2446 ished 2 bdrm apt. close to campus. Thorn album. All only played' once: JtcACall Margi or Peggy at 483-4683. X33 I've overspent this month. $2.50 each J __ ___or if your tastes are this desperate, ALTO SAX and CLARINET and trom. $7.00 for all (big deal). 764-7622. DFtc USED CARS and drum set. Must sell. Best offer. 1964 VALIANT Convertible. Ugly but Ca 682-4058. DATING COUPLES runs well. Call 769-1147 or 663-9785 SONY STEREO sound system, walnut, after 5:00 p.m. 43N31 Garrard turntable, spkrs., amp, exc. W ANTED cond., must sell. 662-3724. 50X30t '68 LEMANS SPRINT, OHC.6, 4 BBL., - - - - --. for paid psychology experiment. Both 3 spd., etc. AM-FM w/rear spkr., tach, FOR SALE-SPINET PIANO members must participate. Call Mal- recline seat, power str., brk., new Wanted. responsible party to rake over colm Brenner, 769-0364; 764-2572. 28Ftc glass tires. Call 662-6205 after 6. low monthly payments on a spinet B-W- d 42N33 piano. Can be seen locally. Write BROWSE in drafty comfort-we'll keep -----..----_ _ Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby- the front and back doors open. SBS 1969 MGB-Exc. cond., 11,000 miles. Call viller, Indiana. 48X32 will now be open EVENINGS only- Jim Beck. 761-1907. 35N29 - 7:00 to 10:30.38F33 66 IMPALA Conv. Auto. Power steer- DON'T THROW away money and time ing. $1100 or make offer. 769-1647. - on an amateur when you can have 40N28 LONDON--3 round trip tickets from your thing, photographed by a pro- - Det. June 26-Aug. '26. Cheap. May fessional at a reasonable price. Call 66 MUSTANG 2 plus 2, FM, other acces. negotiate 1 way sale. Dave, 761-7839 Richard Lee at 761-9452 before noon. Call 761-1916. 36N30 after 4 p.m. 16Qtc ----- - ----- ---_.--TO AVOID the blistered noonday tripes '64 VW, Green - Excellent condition. 2 TICKETS to Europe for sale. June -Student Book Service will now be Asking $600. Call 769-0043 37N30 26-Aug. 6, Call Suzy, 769-1883; Car- open EVENINGS from 7:00 to 10:30. -- -. olyn, 668-6202 eves. 18Q31 40F33 '67 OLDS 442-New engine, almost en- -- tirely rebuilt. Excellent condition, LONDON-DETROIT. Aug. 30. $95.5Call TO Upper and downer users who may 769-4289.NDd 665-0150. 15@31e wonder if it's a bummer. Any age. - - IAlso recovered users. Let's rap. Call WELFARE SECRETARY Robert Terrel Bell as acting U.S. commissionel Bell replaces Dr. James Allen Jr., last week. Bell, state superintendent of public years, has been associate commissioner, in Health, Education and Welfare's office Bell will serve in his new assign designate Elliott L. Richardson is able to the president for a permanent replaces * * * REPRISAL KILLINGS could nun Cong take over in South Vietnam, sai yesterday. While this conclusion is labeled s Rand Corp. said any tranquil epoligue require a fresh decision on the Viet Can regime's adversaries would be inconsl concludes. The study's subject "Viet Cong RC for the Future" is at the heart of U.S. and central to the 'blood bath" argumer Vietnamese government. * * * WEST GERMAN Chancellor Will government will continue its policies three major state elections. "We have a four-year program anc that we will carry it out during the lit told a closed meeting of the executive c cratic party's parliamentary delegation, The state elections do not directl liament--in Bonn, where Brandt rules w of a coalition of his Social Democratic Scheel's Free Democratic parties. A RHODE ISLAND LAW allowing schools was ruled unconstitutional yes In a 21-page decision, the judges I the First Amendment of the U.S. Cons teachers employed in denominational sc The law was challenged by a grou td production. tecbnicoIor' from warner bros. PASS LIST SUSPENDED Eves 6:25, 9:05 r. r I- p - A CAmaM -e Matinees 1:00. 3:40 z 0 N~ . .erfectcot m mtodern Cocatni "'A IRPORT' is a great film all the way!" -Chicago-Daily News A ROSS HUNTER Production BURT LANCASTER -DEAN MARTIN JEAN SEBERG - JACQUELINE BISSET -GEORGE KENNEDY 'IELEN HAYES - VAN NEFLIN - MAUREEN STAPLETON BARRY NELSON -LLOYD NOLAN A"i"tU'' Y-CCowU DANA WYNTER - BARBARA HALE :,-" Mon.-Thurs. Fri.-Sat. All Day Eves. ' Eves. '' Sundav $2.25 $2.50 $2.25 Matinees Monday thru Saturday $1.75 BIKES AND SCOOTERS ONE WAYTicketfon - Larry, 663-2121 after 10 p.m. 37F30 the Rhode Island affiliate of the Amer HONDA 125 Scrambler - 3,500 miles. or 662-0941. 6 14Q29 ONCE AGAIN! Light or heavy house- first salary subsidies were withheld in Great shape. 1036 Oakland. No. 2.1~ keeping: rates depend on what you order issued in federal court here 4Z32 U one way ticket London to have me do. 764-7622. DFtc 4Q1roit, June 24 $90. Call 761-5337, ANDREW! The law allowed 15 per cent salar '67 YAMAHA - 4,000 miles. $400. Call 4--.-- , nonpublic schools which qualified on 663-3267 after 6. 5229 ; PAINTI]NG - Student desires painting TRANSPORTATION jobs; inside and outside. Four years I eligibility requirements virtually limi 1970 HONDA CB 350. Call 761-1916. experience. Call 662-4736. FlI Roman Catholic parochial schools. 50Z3. LEAVING for San Francisco June 22.CRahi o PETS AND SUPPLIES share driving and expenses. See Larry Bedard, 1331 Geddes. 26G31 2 LOVEABLE cute male kittys with INDI1A Overland. $204, regular trips. 39 shots--FREE. 662-4112. 5T22 Landsdowne Gardens, London, S.W. 8, WANTED TO BUY U.K. 50 PHOTO 5UPPLIEb The, fi~tu- Ia'& 'utk e- COSMETICS custom matched shades WIGS privately fitted 810 Brown WE SERVICE WIGS Ending Wednesday I i I S~ICI LAN "THRILLING ! YOU WILL HAVE TO SEE IT FOR YOURSELF!" --wa Meto le, Daily N.'. WANTED-Potter's wheel. 2117 Wash- tenaw, AA 48104. 29K31 151 SIZES FITTED SWIMWEAR Different size tops and bottoms 810 BROWN lone block from Main off Hill) SYF. MAGIC BUS leaves when moon is full (6-20). Need riders. Call Dr. Sun- shine, 668-8052. 27G31 CHICK looking for another Chick to share experiences and driving on long camping trip to California. Mary H. 1-871-4728 or 1-875-7259. _ 24G29 RENT, A TV orI AIR CONDITIONER Special StudentRates Short or Long Term HI FI STUDIO 121 W. Washinton 668-7942 AT CENTURY The Best in Good Used Cameras WE BUY, SELL, TRADEj Everything Photographic DARKROOM SUPPLIES LUMINOUS PAPER Repairs on all makes Century Camera (At our new location) 4254 N. Woodward, Royal Oak Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd. LI 9-6355 Take I-94 to Southfield Expr. North to 13 Mile Road-then East to Woodward and North (Michigan Bank, Security and Diner Charges accepted) lDt, THE TRIAL OF FOUR PERSON of actress Sharon Tate and six othe until today. Attorneys estimate the trial will t jurors to be locked up nighly. The long-delayed case had been e: the morning session was devoted to con chambers and the afternoon was de' * * A TASK FORCE of South Vietm in three attacks yesterday to drive en Speu. Although heavily outnumbered, tl Cong were well entrenched in the pro the only route between Phnom Penh Som, once known as Sihanoukville. The battling at Kompong Speu op bility gap following positive official r terday morning that the town, 30 mil had been retaken by government troops. STARTS TOMORROW-7:00 and 9:10 0 r;P'"TH s'Or'UM - !Z, Y~AVENU1E ^T L9UERTV {rulDOWNTOWN ANN' ARmOR NfORc MATION 7E'1-8700 ENDS TONIGHT "A fni drama about t r Q O a swinging lady!" ADUMED RUSS MEVER'S y : ,- s V IX E N - Also Tonight Only A SNEAK PREVIEW A complete feature length screening of a new thrill- er. See two movies for the priceof one. "Vixen," 7 :00- "Sneak,' 8:00 only-'Vixen," 10:00 THE GAY LIBERATION FRONT HAS THE RIGHT 4 STO HOLD THEIR CONFERENCE SUPPORT THE GLF Mass Meeting!dTsigh 2nd floor Student Activities Building TV REK $10 per ja FREE Service or ---NO DEPOSIT I CALL; Nejac TV 66s -56E SERVING BIG 10OSCHO and "BEDAZZLED" THURSDAY "ADALEN '31"