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June 12, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-06-12

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Page Twelve


Friday, June 12, 1970

£ Mexicans
take Win
fans fiesta *E
MEXICO CITY (1P) - Mexico ~
gained the W o r 1 d Soccer Cup
quarter-finals yesterday for the
first time in history and provided
the whole country with one mam-
moth fiesta.
The host nation beat Belgium
1-0 before 112,000 delirious, bon-
go-drumming fans in the Aztec
Stadium to tie with Russia at the
top of Group 1.
The winning goal against Bel-
gium came in the 16th minute on
a hotly disputed penalty convert-
ed by Gustavo Pena, the Mexico
England, the defending cham-
pion, and Italy also gained Sun-
day's quarter - finals. England BUMP E
edged Czechoslovakia 1-0 on a bit- athleticd
terly disputed penalty goal by Al- Sam Fah
lan Clarke in the 49th minute. It listens i
was Clarke's first championship
Italy moved into the quarter-4
finals for the first t Iinm e in 32
years by playing a scoreless tie
with Israel. In yesterday's other
game, in which no quarter-final
berth was at stake, tiny Morocco
held highly favored Bulgaria to a SAN FR
1-1 tie. the Oakla
Mexico, England a n d Italy Finley was
round out the quarter-finals for porarily y
which Russia, Uruguay, Brazil, ing order.
West Germany and Peru had U.S. Dis
previously qualified. ald S. Lev
Sunday's quarter-final pairings said the N
pit Mexico or Russia against Uru- team could
guay in Mexico C it y, Italy vs. federal ban
Mexico or Russia in Toluca, Bra- a petition
zil vs. Peru in Guadalajara and A San F
West Germany vs. England in Le- judge had
on. sion late
Since both teams are tied on approve th
goals scored and goals against, Finley, ow
Mexico and Russia will toss today land Athle
to determine their Sunday op- B u t le
ponents. The winner meets Uru- Trans - Na
guay in Mexico City. The loser Inc., tryin
meets Italy in Toluca. stopped a
)F, continued
mig#W###mim#gg; thahe u
Major League 1111
Standings team coul
I IbThe ba
AMERICA LEAGUE been sched'





Ar A6F


Vol. LXXX, No. 27-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 12, 1970 Ten Cents

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa (N - Chalmers B. "Bump" Elliott,
former head football coach at Michigan and a standout play-
er for the Wolverines in the 1940's, yesterday was named
athletic director at Iowa.
He replaces Forest Evashevski, who resigned last month;
culminating a simmering feud in the athletic department be-
tween Evashevski and head football coach Ray Nagel.
Elliott, 45, will take over July 1 at an annual salary of'
$27,000, $500 shy of that commanded by Evashevski.
In approving Elliott's appointment, the State Board of
Regents also approved the
naming of Francis I. "Buzz"
Graham as associate director:
of intercollegiate athletics.
Graham has served as business
manager of athletics and was ap-
pointed acting athletic director
after Evashevski stepped down.
Elliott was one of 30 candidates NIGHT EDITOR:
under consideration for the ath- PAT ATKINS
letic director's post at Iowa.
At a press conference in Iowa
City yesterday afternoon, Elliott Elliott, who has served as as-
said his chief objective will be sociate athletic director at Mich-
"pulling together of not only the igan since 1968, coached the Wol-
staff but the administration on verines to a 51-42-3 record dur-
one set effort to have an out- ing his nine-year stint as coach
standing athletic program at beginning in 1959.
Iowa." His t e a m won the Big Ten
Asked about t ie dissension championship in 1964, t h e n
within the athletic department, thrashed Oregon State 34-7 in the
he replied, "If we are all trying l Rose Bowl.
to win at Iowa then we have to It was Elliott's second appear-















-Associated Press
ELLIOTT becomes a Hawkeye, accepting the position of
director at Iowa. He tells what it's like to newsmen, while
hr (r), chairman of the board in control of athletics
)rder halts Seals sale

New York




4 J/
1 .

Minnesota 34 17 .667 -
California 34 23 ,596
Oakland 31 26 .543
Chicago 21 35 .375 1
Kansas City 20 34 .370
Milwaukee 17 39 .3031
Yesterday's Results
Washington at Kansas City, rain
Baltimore 9, California 1
Cleveland 6, Oakland, 5, 10 inn.
Detroit 6, Milwaukee 2
Other clubs not scheduled
Today's Games
New York at Kansas City, night
Boston at Minnesota, night
Washington at Chicago, night
California at Detroit, night
Milwaukee at Cleveland, night
Oakland at Baltimore, night


day be f
asked in
Court peti
allowed f
satisfy cre
for j
drilled a
home run
inning tie
troit Tige
season an
slam, cam
John O'D
who had
after star
loaded the
Elliot N
out walk,
Norm Ca
hits, stru
the stage
The Tig
the seven
on a sac
first run
in the thi

ANCISCO (/P) - Sale of
rd Seals to Charles O.
s blocked at least tem-
esterday by a restrain-
trict Court Judge Ger-
in issued the order and
National Hockey League
d not be sold until a
nkruptcy referee acts on
filed earlier yesterday.
rancisco Superior Court
scheduled a court ses-
yesterday to formally
he sale of the team to
vner of baseball's Oak-
egal maneuvering by
tional Communications
ig to k e e p the team,
ny immediate takeover.
erior Court session was
until 10 a.m. Monday
ie effect of the restrain-
and a new offer for the
d be studied.
nkruptcy hearing has
duled for 1:30 p.m. Mon-
o r e referee Sheridan
ys for Trans-National
the U.S. Bankruptcy
ition that more time be
for Trans-National to
hrup shaps
td slam
Tiger win
OIT (P)- Jim Northrup
two-out grand slam
n, snapping an eighth
and powering the De-
ers to 6-2 victory over
e last night.
p's eighth homer of the
[d eighth career grand
ne off Milwaukee reliever'
onoghue, a left-hander,
just entered the game
ter Gene Brabender had
t bases.
Maddox received a one-
Al Kaline singled and
sh drew a walk before
r, who allowed only four
ck out Horton, setting
for Northrup.
gers had tied it at 2-2 in
th without a hit after
walked, went to second
rifice and came in on
r's wild pickoff throw to
drove in the Tigers'
with a run-scoring single



W L Pet. GB
Chicago 29 22 .569 -
Pittsburgh 28 29 .491 4
New York 27 29 .482 4%
St. Louis 25 27 .481 4%
Philadelphia 24 31 .436 6%
Montreal 20s35 .363 11%
Cincinnati 42 16 .724 -
Atlanta 31 23 .555 9
Los Angeles 31 25 .554 10Y2
San Francisco 26 31 .456 16
Houston 26 33 .441 17
San Diego 26 34 .433 17%
Yesterday's Results
Chicago at San Diego, inc.
St. Louis at Los Angeles, inc.
Atlanta 6, Philadelphia 4
Montreal 8, Cincinnati 4
Other clubs not scheduled
Today's Gaines
Houston at Montreal, night
Atlanta at New York, night
Cincinnati at Philadelphia, nighit
Chicago at .Los Angeles, 2, twi-night
Pittsburgh at San Diego, night
St. Louis at San Francisco, night

June 16 & 11 at Arborland
10 a.m. to 9p.M.
Owens-Illinois, Inc. will pay one cent a pound for all your old (but
clean and empty) bottles and jars, if they are separated by color
and free of metal.
It's a good chance for you and your organization to earn extra
money and help your community. When you return empty bottles
and jars to us, you lighten the load on your refuse disposal system.
You also reduce the opportunity for those bottles to litter your parks
and roadsides.
We'll make new bottles from your discards . . . any number. All
bottles collected at Arborland will be recycled through our glass
furnaces at Charlotte.

The petition said the Seals were
worth between $6 million and $8
million and that the club had li-
abilities of $3.8 million.
Attorneys told Levin that Jerry
Seltzer of Oakland, who owns -the
Roller Derby, h a d offered $4.5
million for the Seales. A written
offer was shown in court.

work togethher. Ithink this can
be done and will be done."
Dissension was evident last
month when Nagel was fired the
same day Evashevski resigned.
However, he was reinstated four
days later after being reprimand-
ed for past conduct and failure to
cooperate with university officials
and the Board in Control of Ath-
The row between Evashevski
and Nagel blossomed recently af-
ter the disclosure that the state
auditor's office was investigating
expense accounts filed by assis-
tant football coaches.

ance in the West Coast classic. In
1948, playing fullback, he led
Michigan to a win over Southern
Elliott, a native of Detroit who
grew up in Bloomington, Ill., got
started in coaching as an assist-
ant. at Oregon State in 1948. He
wecnt to Iowa in 1952 as an as-
sistant to Evashevski, then head
coach of the Hawkeyes.
He returned to Michigan as
backfield c o a c h in 1957, being
promoted to head coach in 1959
with the retirement ofBennie Os-

would have
tive appropi
Fleming yes
time Gay I
quest to ho
In a letter
ment Counc
Fleming We
the conferer
proposed coy
ly negative
"Unless o
public supp
reaction to
Fleming said
sharp contr
rejection of
practices an
would not b
Earlier ye
(SRC) expr
of GLF to I
an attempt
their resolut
measure bef
mittee on V)
the top facu
"We made
tion that S
has certair
Smith, assis
student affa
the students
In a meet:
its intention
"I am not
final answer
said. "The
before when
will get hot.
has approac
to hold a co
responded t
a letter stati
conference t
in nature ax
those people
terest in thi
not provide

Police, sunbathers clash
Some 8,000 beachgoers clash with police at a park in Pontiac, Mich. Police entered the park yesterday to arrest two students
for the possession of alcoholic beverages. The people around the students then came to their assistance in resisting arrest.
At least one police officer was injured and over 25 people were arrested.

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. ('P) - Gov.
Ronald Reagan put the National Guard
on alert yesterday for possible use to
quell week-long disturbances in the Isla
Vista region near the campus of the Uni-
versity of California at Santa Barbara.
The governor acted after Santa Bar-
bara C o u n t y supervisors declared the
county a "state of disaster" and urged
Reagan to order the National Guard for
the second time in Isla Vista.
Meeting in emergency session, the
board voted unanimously to request the
Guard following a wild night in which
375 arrests were made. About 650 arrests
have been made in the last week, mostly
for violations of a dusk-to-dawn curfew.
Some 600 guardsmen were called into
Isla Vista by the governor last February
after the local Bank of America branch
was destroyed by fire. They remained
four days.
"I think the National Guard would be
more acceptable to the community" than
local law enforcement o f f i c e r s, said
George H. Clyde, chairman of the county
Board of Supervisors.
Reagan issued a statement in Sacra-
mento saying he had "authorized the
commander of state military forces, Maj
Gen. Glenn C. Ames, to place National
Guardsmen on alert in the event they are
needed to maintain law and order in the
Isla Vista area of Santa Barbara."
A spokesman said the guardsmen would
be available at the call of mutual aid
officers in the area who had asked the
supervisors to declare a state of emer-
The demonstrations began last week in
protest of indictments returned against

17 students in connection with the bank
burning and riots. Throughout the dem-
onstrations, the protesters-most of them
students at the University of California
campus here-have said they were fed up
with the establishment, the war and
social conditions.
In the last two days many demonstra-
tors also have said they were protesting
"police brutality" against those arrested.
Police have denied using any brutality.
The latest disruptions at the university
began last weekend when students at-
tacked a bank for four straight nights,
'Los Siete'
minus one
Six Latin Americans are on
t r i al in San Francisco on
charges of killing a policeman
,and wounding his partner in ,
1969. Their trouble with au-
thorities has led to the slogan,
"Los Siete de la Raza," (the
seven of the race). The seventh
member of the group has not
been captured by the police.
New York police where intro-
duced to Los Siete on Wednes-
day when the slogan was on a
note claiming that the Weather-
man faction of SDS had bomb-
ed the N.Y. police headquarters.
See story on Page 2.
-Associated Press

Guard alerted af~ter


breaking windows, knocking out street
lights with stones and trying to set the
building afire.
Despite the curfew, a crowd of several
hundred students openly waged war on
the local branch of the Bank of America,
a target of disturbances extending back
to February.
Last night, the curfew for the troubled
area of campus remained at 7:30 'p.m.
while curfew for the rest of the campus
was 11 p.m.
No violence on the campus was reported
early last night.

n Santa Barbara

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