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June 06, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-06-06

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See Editorial Page


Si r igani


Fair, warming up
later in the day.

Vol. LXXX, No. 23-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 6, 1970 Ten Cents

Four Pages







found in
Huron R.
The Huron River contains the
highest level of mercury contami-
nation of any inland river in
M i c h i g a n, according to John
Hesse of the state water resources
Edward Bacon, a biologist with
the state Department of Natural
Resources; said however, that he
had "no fears" that the level of
contamination was high enough
to endanger the city's. water sup-
ply or to require a ban on sport
fishing in the area






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-Associated Press
Maddox on the picket line
Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox pickets in front of Atlanta News-
papers Inc., protesting what he called the leftist management
of the Atlanta Journal and the Atlanta Constitution. "We just
think he's stupid," said a Journal spokesman, commenting on the
Gov. camL"s sniper
forced police to shoot
JACKSON, Miss. (1P) - Gov. John Bell Williams says a
state investigation showed police acted in self-defense in
killing two young blacks during a confrontation with stu-
dents at Jackson State College.
In a television report Thursday night, the governor said
officers were fired on by snipers before opening up with a
fusillade, of 200 to 300 rifle and shotgun rounds May 15.
Officers fired only after encountering physical assaults,
gunfire and verbal abuse, Williams said, and any blame
should fall "on the peacebreakers-not on the peacekeepers."
Students at the predominantly black school have denied
police reports of campus sniping and the governor's report
brought swift reaction.
"Just another do-nothing speech," said Charles Evers,
-mayor of Fayette and a civil

Hesse reported that bottom sam-;
ples taken downstream of the
city's sewage treatment plant last
April contained .75 parts per mil-
lion of mercury. The next highest
concentration of mercury foundF
downstream of any city in the
state was .2 parts per million.
While no standards have been.
set regarding danger levels of I
mercury content in food, experi-
ments on animals indicate that a£
content of 8 parts per million in1
brain tissue cannot be tolerated. .
Bacon said that samples of fish -
and bottom sediments were taken '
yesterday at Barton Pond, which
provides 80 per cent of the city's o-Associated Press
water supply, to determine the ex- White House team arrives in Saioon
tent of the pollution. The samples
were taken to laboratories in Jack- Herbert Klien, President Nixon's communications director, answers newsmen's questions yesterday
son for study, and Bacon indicated after he and a 13-man White House fact-finding group arrived in Saigon. The group of congress-
that the results might be known men and U.S. officials is in Vietnam to investigate the effectiveness of the Cambodian operation.
early next week.
The source of the mercury con-
tamination has not been deter- FIRST DECISION:
mined, but Bacon indicated that it
was not believed to be the result of.
industrial pollution. i'
He said that studies have in- 1sruption charge droppedb
dicated that a population of 1 mil-
lion can be expected to produce up he
cidents as breaking thermometers. aring officer inAM c
a year through such trivial ac-Icd nsa rain h r o ees
A more important concern, he An outside hearing officer drop- "0 u r traditionally accepted Collins was the only member of
said,was with naturally occurring ped all charges against LaReese American ideas of fair play, justice the group who White could iden-
mercury deposits in the area. Collins, '70, who was accused of and due process dictate that the tify, recognizing him as a former
Severe restriction on sports fish- class disruption in a case stem- charges against the said Mr. La- pre-law advisee.
ing were enforced in the St. Clair ming from the Black Action Move- Reese Collins should be and hereby According to testimony from
River and Lake St. Clair when the ment (BAM) class strike, are dismissed," concluded the White, John Berry, '71L, and Tom
mercury content was found to ex- In his formal opinion, released statement. Sherman, '72L, Collins was seen
ceed three parts per million. yesterday, the hearing officer., Law Professor James White ac- walking quietly down the aisle in
In some species of fish sampled Myzell Sowell, a Detroit attorney, cused Collins of disrupting his the vicinity of the podium. He
in Lake St. Clair earlier this year, said that "based upon the record, class in commercial transactions was not observed using any noise-
the mercury content was found to the class was already disrupted , on March 26. making devices nor shouting.
exceed five parts per million. The when Mr. Collins was knowingly; Collins was with a group of ap- Students charged with class dis-
same species in Lake Erie, which observed in the classroom." proximately 150 to 200 persons i
is fed by waters from Lake St. who interrupted the class by uptions stemming from the BAM
is fd b watrs romLakeSt. Colins ondct as tereorestrike have been given the option
Clair, were reported by Canadian Collins' conduct was therefore shouting and noise-making with of either having a hearing by the
authorities to have a mercury con- "consistent with that of an idle' various clubs and other noise- jdi body o c r college
tent of two parts per million. curiosity seeker," continued Sowell. making devices. in which they are enrolled, or by
an outside hearing officer appoint-
OF7 *__ 1 ___ _ed by President Robben Fleming.

Arthur Max Ross, University
vice president for state rela-
tions and planning, was found
dead yesterday in Allen Park,
According to the Allen Park
Police Department, the 54-year-
old Ross' body was discovered in
a room at the Ramada Inn, a
motel, at about 4 p.m.
The cause of death remained
unknown last night. A medical
examination to determine the
cause will be performed this
morning at Wayne County Gen-
eral Hospital, in Eloise, Mich.
President Robben Fleming said
last night that there were no im-
mediate plans to appoint a re-
placement for Ross.
In a statement, the president
called Ross' death "a great per-
sonal loss, as well as a misfortune
for the University."
"We shall greatly miss his keen
s mind and perceptive counsel,"
Fleming said. "He was a man of
much talent."
As vice president for state re-
lations and planning, Ross' main
responsibility was to coordinate
the University's dealings with the
state government in Lansing. In
this capacity, he was instrumental
in the University's annual attempt
to secure a large appropriation
from the state.
In addition, he was appointed
to the newly-created University
Council, a student-faculty-admin-
istration body which will propose
University - wide conduct regula-
Commenting on Ross' death,
Jerry De Grieck, executive vice
president of Student Government
Council, said last night that "his
loss will be mourned by all sectors
of the University community.''
"In our work with Arthur Ross
through SGC and on the new
University Council, we found him
a fair and honest man, one who
was concerned with the welfare of
students," De Grieck said.
Ross' executive secretary, Mar-
garet Johnson said last night that
she had not been informed of
Ross' trip to Allen Park, and did
not know why he had traveled
there. Mrs. Johnson added that
rRoss did not come to his office at
Sall yesterday.
Lt. John McKeever of the Al-
len Park Police Department said
last night that Ross' body was
found lying on the bed in his room
at the Ramada Inn. No unnatural
marks were found on the body,
McKeever said,adding that Ross
was wearing glasses and appeared
to have been reading a newspaper.
At the medical examination to-
day, an autopsy will be held if
doctors are unable to determine
the cause of death otherwise, Mc-
Keever said.
Ross was appointed vice presi-
dent for state relationsand plan-
ning in July, 1968. He also held a
See VP, Page 3

rate takes
new jump,
WASHINGTON (- - The na-
tion's unemployment rate reached
the highest level in five years,
climbing from 4.8 to 5 per cent of
the labor force last month, the
labor department reported yester-
Nearly 160,000 workers lost their
jobs in May, bringiig the 1i
number of unemployed to 4.1 mil-
lion in the sharpest continuing
climb in unemployment in 12
The five month climb in the na-
tional jobless rate from 3.5 to 5
per cent this year is the sharpest
of any five month period since the
1957-58 recession when it rose
from 5.1 to 7.4 per cent.
The department reported nearly
all of the increase was among blue
collar workers who had lost their
jobs, rather than failure of new
entrants to the labor force in find-
ing employment.
"These are the experienced
workers, the breadwinners of the
United States," said Sen. William
Proxmire (D-Wis), charging that
President Nixon is trying to solve
inflation at the expense of work-
ers by deliberately dampening eco-
nomic activity.
The department also reported
that all of the May increase in
joblessness was among white work-
ers, whose unemployment rate rose
from 4.3 to 4.6 per cent. The rate
for blacks and other minority
groups was reported to have drop-
ped from 8.7 to 8 per cent.

Arthur Ross

Tarrant tells
youth's name
to court
Despite attempts by University
officials to stop him, Shawn Tar-
rant, former University housing
d i r e c t o r for special projects,
Thursday gave the name of a stu-
dent alleged to be involved in an
assault April 1 on another student.'
Tarrant had originally refused
to give the information, claiming
that under state law his job as a
counselor prevented such testi-
mony. He was then sentenced to
12 days in jail for contempt of
court and subsequently fired by
the University after it was dis-
covered that he had falsified in-
formation on his job application.
The University was appealing
the contempt conviction.

rights leader. "He has no feel-
ing at all for black people."
Members of a biracial city in-
vestigating committee also dis-
puted Williams' report.
"The story about the snipers is
really confusing to me," Rueben
Anderson, one of the committee

u'J iiospitai groups' attempts to
form bargaining unit postponed

Collins is the first student to,
have a verdict returned by an out-
side hearing officer. Several other
hearing officer cases have been
postponed and the case of An-
drei Joseph, '71, has already been
heard and is awaiting a decision.

as ti
on n
a p
a gi

bers said last night. "We in- By HESTER PULLING -On the position that the In- to enlarge the proposed consti- was put on
gated this thing for 10 days After seven hours of examining terns-Residents Association is a tuency. Henry Hill, 71 BAd, was ummer
we never heard a story such witnesses, the Michigan Employ- labor organization under the cri- The association's definition of semester as a result of his partici-
he one told by the governor ment Relations C o m m i s s i o n teria of the state Public Employes their proposed union included "all pation in a class strike disruption
t a man coming to a window (MERC) yesterday adjourned un- Act: and residents and interns and fellows during the BAM strike.
was already broken out and til July hearings to determine -The University is the employer employed by the University and -
ting out of this window. We whether an organization of in- for "our appropriate unit." possessing the minimum equiva-
d no such testimony." , terns and resident physicians at'Ho r u for Regents lent of a MD or DDS degree but
dinssaidhisendportwas-theUniversityMedicalCetbargint Robert Battista sought to show excluding post doctorate fellows -.
don a complete and impar- qualifies as a collective thtathrndviulsdecibd-r in the basic sciences."
investigation by t h e state, ing unit. ta h niiul ecie r
Invetigtiornc byrh estate In unit. t s n I not employes of the University.; However, Battista wanted the
Lout interference or influence! In their attempts to unionize,1 but are in a training program. pooe no oadtoal n
ny part." the hospital group-which calls it- proposed union to additionally in
ie fusillade was fired during self the Residents - Interns Asso- "Therefore," Battista concluded, elude physical therapists, occupa-.
olice confrontation with a I ciation-is seeking to be recog- "their status is akin to students tional therapists, nurse anesthe- r
nized by the Regents as a legiti- and they should not be given bar- siologists, pharmacist interns and
rl's dormitory. Some 70 offs- mate labor unit. gaining rights." all trainees at the University Med-
a mixture of highway patrol- According to the association's Battista added that if MERC ical Center.
and police, were at the scene. counsel, Harvey Wax, the group does decide to recognize the hos- Before the hearing however,
lice saw a gun at the broken plans to show legitimacy on two pital association as a bargaining Harvey Bucholtz, vice president of
[ow, Williams said. grounds: unit, then the University wanted the association said "we have no
---_ ------~ plans to affiliate with any other
SCHOOL ELECTIONS MONDAY groups at the University."
We have unique interests both
in educational and service areas,"
Sg Bruce Brink, president of the
h A Vt W - 1 W N0" k'- 7 /"l group added.


On Monday, June 8, registered citize
Ann Arbor will be voting on two ci
millage proposals: a one mill proposE
a vocational educational center, and
mills operational increase request fo
Ann Arbor Public Schools.

ens of
al for
a 3.10
r the


&qJ(II £


On Monday's ballot, there will be two
questions concerning the vocational edu-
cational facility-one requesting one mill
for operations; the other, for permission
to borrow a sum not exceeding $5 million
to build and equip the facility. Repayment
of the $5 million worth of bonds, would

tional education. The Legislature appro-
priated $2 million for such programs this
year compared to Ohio's $70 million allot-
The three main reasons for the 3.10 mills
request for Ann Arbor public schools, ac-
cording to school officials are:

Wax attempted to prove that
University interns and residents
were employes - not students by
examining several residents in the
association. He showed that the
residents received no grades, took
no exams, were allowed special
privileges given only to University
staff members, received hospital
insurance and spent over 90 per
cent of their time teaching medi-

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