4te Siri gan Dailg Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan !1 4 ' 4. , 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ilk - 44'i ' - k 4 a -- FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1970 The 'U' creates an artificial man NIGHT EDITOR: ANITA WETTERSTROEM , i People are not political ideologies KENT STATE and the U.S. invasion of Cambodia are only a few weeks old, but already the turmoil they precipitated has almost completely disappeared, and the situation has returned to normal or at least near normal - the President is making his televised speeches, and the majority of the viewing public listen, agree or disagree, and life goes on. One of the factors that quickly returned the situation to normal was the ability of virtually all University students and "good Americans," who were so vitally concerned about the needless and sense- less deaths at Kent State, to almost com- pletely ignore the equally contemptible murders at Jackson State, and in Au- gusta. Oh yes, all these people said that the murders were unfortunate, and that they shouldn't have happened, but somehow their great sense of detachment from the southern tragedies, made the other mur- ders, a little less important, a little more tolerable. The reason for this detachment needn't be explained in great depth America claims to feel for, and sym- pathize with the black man, but it always expresses these supposed feelings in such a way that it doesn't get too involved, that Dlown in the boondocks THERE'S ALWAYS something so me place that falls into the "Believe it or not" category, and this week top honors go to the state house of Louisiana which passed a bill Tuesday declaring a person to be white if he has one-thirty-second or less of black blood. Under present Louisiana law, a person is deemed to be black "if he has a n y traceable amount" of black blood. Not secure with that amorphous guide- line, the legislators decided that a math- ematical formula would be more comfor- table. Then they could pin it right down to the nth degree and decide just who was what. It wasn't all that easy; though, with trouble brewing over just what fraction of black blood makes one black. The orig- inal draft of the bill, for example, said that persons with one-sixteenth b a c k blood are white. But on second thought, the legislators agreed that that was just a little too much black blood to go un- recorded. Lest anyone wonder why the legislature took such pains to define what black is, the representatives who authored the bill said it was needed because some state of- ficials had refused to issue birth certifi- cates because of fear of designating the wrong race and being sued. Oh, perish the thought. -N. C. it doesn't cross the barrier that separates the two worlds. AND PERHAPS.this is even the problem with American society itself. Every individual, and every political or social group is afraid to cross that barrier that separates him or them from those next door, across the street, around the corner or even across town. And this American syndrome reflects itself in politics. The people who opposed an idea and for that matter the people who support an idea get together in their own separate, isolated groups and they talk over the problem and how they are going to change it. THEY NEVER get together with the other side and talk about an idea. Although, occasionally they do have to exchange comments, but only when there is some crisis-real or phantom-that re- quires the immediate attention of the neighbor, city, state or nation. At that time, he groups exchange caustic remarks about the wisdom or stupidity of a deci- sion, hold counter rallies, get rid of their emotional frustrations and then pack up and go back to their own little. separate worlds. And when they get back home, they ask themselves why they couldn't convince the other people that their opinion was right, and that leads them into a discus- sion on how to convert people to their point of view. The discussion lasts until the next crisis. And, so goes the cycle. It is as a result of this cycle that polari- zation has taken place. It is not because some people are , very radical, and some are very conservative, but rather because everyone is basically content to communi- cate only with those within his own little niche, somehow suffering under the illu- sion that mass rallies will attract those that disagree, and that the rally speakers will convert them. So the radicals become "hippie bums" and the conservatives become "fascists," and everyone forgets that both the hip- pies and the fascists are people, and that when approached as people, they respond accordingly. Somewhere the concept that everyone is important, and that every person has feelings has been either lost or ignored. And, people have become political ideolo- gies with no feelings, and without the ability to communicate with, or persuade those that disagree with them. T HIS IS what happened after Cambodia and Kent State. The campuses called the National Guard "pigs," the National Guard called the students "hippie freaks," and both sides stood fast. The same thing happened after Cam- bodia, and will continue happening in the same manner until people realize that there is no way that you can convince the other side that you are right until you cross the barrier and try to talk to them like they are people, and not political ideologies. I - % - would like to apologize for bums students!" "The vice president and calling you I By CARLA RAPOPORT June 5, 1993 UNIVERSITY SCIENTISTS announced yesterday they have discovered a method for the artificial synthesis of the human being. This new process for the production of man opens the final stage of a genetic revolution begun in 1970 when a group of Wisconsin scientists announced the creation of a manmade gene. The team of scientists, headed by Nobel Prize winner, Peter Denton, will plan the implementation of their process during the next few weeks. MAKING A RARE PERSONAL appearance. President Robben Fleming commented yesterday on the far-reaching implications of this discovery. "I am pleased and proud with this unprecidented accomplishment. I again reiterate my firm and unyielding opinion that new discoveries are thoroughly beneficial and undeniably worthwhile to the whole University and the entire nation." After Fleming. Director of University Relations Richard Feldman quickly announced to the press that congratulatory note to the Uni- versity had been received from all the major heads of states, even the Soviet Union, Today, national figures-recovered from their initial amazement at the thought of the artificial production of men-regained their voices and began to express many questions and opinions as to the implications and possible regulations for manmade men. A SPOKESMAN FOR HUMAN Equality-an national organization formed after Chicago was burned to the ground in 1975-said in a television interview, "Under no circumstances should a small group of scientists at the University of Michigan be allowed to continue their Franken Steinian experiments without governmental regulations. "The'American people must be made to realize that this discovery is not just another transplant, rather, it has the possibilities for cre- ating an entire race. And this race may have any characteristics that the scientists at the University decide to give it. Scientific research of this caliber must be thought out and discussed by a group representing all American people." Members of this organization pressed unsuccessfully, in 1975-76, to have scientific research on the life process as well as military research regulated in part by board of concerned government persons and well publicized. A member of the University Board of Scientific Research at the University in an afternoon statement answered the above statement. e 7, "Human Equality's emotional appeal has no firm foundation," he said. "Scientists at this University as well as others have been the main reason for the present eradiction of all disease with the exception of aith a stomach disease found in Appalachia and parts of the South which have evaded their efforts. The death rate of the country has decreased astonishly." ims He continued, "If they think the government should control some- thing perhaps you should direct its attention to the over population problem which is plaguing our nation. ams es in "SCIENCE HAS DISCOVERED prefabrication of nearly every at vegetable and fruit. It stands by its moral convictions as shown by and scientists large contribution last year to the Former Farmers of Mc- America Foundation. the "The weapons and materials our Military Research department who has developed in the last twenty years have been the major bolster do and strength behind our country's troops in Vietnam, Venezusela, Laos, nion Thailand, Greenland, and Georgia (which seceeded in 1985), to name our a few,"I 1.00. "This new discovery is another indication of the nation's scientists geto strong commitment to the betterment of mankind," he concluded. These views and others will be studied by a newly appointed presi- acko dential commission on the artificial man. The committee is expected to release its preliminary reports by spring of 1995. I Letters to the Editor High ideals? To the Editor: YOUR READERS MAY wish to be brought up to date on the stat- us of the fraternity houseiat Hill and Onondaga and the city's at- tempt to buy it as a site for public housing apartments. They may re- call that the house was bought hurriedly, by a consortium headed by Prof. Harvey Brazer while the city was in the last stages of ne- gotiation. The status right now is quo as it was a month ago. Brazer's neighbors who invested in the group seem to be getting impa- tient for the city to sue to con- demn the property, so that they can be bailed out for their full $85,000 purchase price. The city seems to be getting impatient for Brazer and t h e group's lawyer, George Wahr Sallade, to announce what generous gesture they will m a k e so the property may be economically u s e d for a small, well-designed public housing com- plex. In spite of the public-spirited verbiage in which their news re- leases were stated, I became con- vinced after private conversations with Sallade and Mrs. Brazerthat their motives were snobbish and racist - they just didn't want the city moving a lot of p o o r blacks into their fancy-neighbor- hood. I denounced theiractions in statements to t he City Council and the news media. Now that a month has gone by without the generous gesture, I am inviting all members of the University and city community who wish to discuss what further action should be taken to meet at my apartment, 721 South Forest, on this Sunday evening, Jun at 8 p.m. -Prof. Max Shain School of Public He June 2 Telegra To the Editor: WE SENT THREE telegr this week to our representativ Washington - o n e to yen, Hart, one to Senator Griffin, one to Congressman Esch ur them to support the Hatfield- Govern Amendment to End War. We now ask everyone opposes this senseless war to the same, A personal opi: message of 15 words plus yt name and address only costs $ Our Congress is finally tryin end the war. It needs your] now. -Joe and May 14 Jo Ellen Iva Staying nubile in Never-Never -A LEXA CANADY b 0 0 k s b 0 0 k s Kathrin Perutz, BEYOND THE LOOKING GLASS: AMERICA'S BEAUTY CULTURE, Morrow and Co., $7.95. By MARCY ABRAMSON Perhaps the strangest thing about this book is Miss Perutz's own overt narcissism; she has won the game and she wants everyone to know it. When she went to famed hairdresser Kenneth for a facial, the operator peered at her through two sets of magnifying glasses and asked her to take off her eyelashes-but they were, Eu- reka!, her real lashes. She began dying her hair platinum at an early age and became a blonde bombshell with a 42-inch bust. The male world stopped for her. After her novels were published, she became more sedate, but maintained the same figure as Jean Shrimpton; when she went to a beauty spa, everyone agreed that she was the most beautiful woman there (until they decided she must be black). Honestly enough, Miss Perutz thus admits to a strange love-hate relationship with America's beauty culture, and her new book, Be- yond the Looking Glass, is accord- ingly a confusing cross between The cartoon illustrating this review is by Tomi Ungerer, whose very, very strange graphics have been recently collected and published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (S6.95) under the title TOMI UNGERER'S COMPROMISES. expose and paean. Although nov- elist Perutz devotes several pas- sages to her deep love of language and poetry, she nevertheless de- Glares, "The beauty culture has rescued me from self-hatred more often than poetry or philosophy; it is a part of my growing up and Americanization." Beyond the Looking Glass takes times even as shocking as the Morrow book-j acketeer promises. Though a good deal here is also routine - everyone knows women buy a lot of eye make-up - the facts, especially about cosmetic surgery, can be astonishing, and Beyond the Looking Glass will probably become a source book on the subject (it is conveniently in- dexed). But what Miss Perutz fails to provide is a real analysis of this phenomenon and its consequence in American life. She recognizes t h a t Americans manufacture beauty in order to defy death, win love, and get rich, yet she does not deal with physical and psy- chological consequences of the beauty culture in any meaningful way. For example, Miss Perutz reports a suicide of teen-age twin sisters who never found out that their flat chests could be remade with silicone, but she does not go further to seek out psychological data on the frequency and serious- ness of such disorders in adoles- cents-which I suspect are severe. The painful question of con- sumer safety is not one for a de- votee such as Miss Perutz, unless perhaps she simply believes as- surances of chief chemists at lead- ing cosmetic companies. Unfort- unately, her assertion that con- sumers "can all buy with assur- ance that the product is safe" was belied just last week when federal authorities revealed an in- credibly high : rate of bacterial contamination in many cosmetic products on the market. Some products were found toxic enough to kill any toddler who got into mama's supply, although the cos- metics effected only an infection in adults. Miss Perutz's book is oriented predominantly toward the upper class who Can afford beauty spas, face lifts, and silicone implants; she does not consider the frustra- tion of those who grow old and are left behind by the media; she does not deign to investigate whether or how such women are able to adjust and to come to a more satisfactory modus vivendi search for real alternatives to the present culture. Age is out; wrink- les are ugly. Beauty therapy of- fers hope for some mental patients and criminals-what matter that it may have created more ills than it will ever cure? Although Miss Perutz mentions Women's Libera- tion here and there, she does not interview any women who might offer a more humane and realistic concept of "beauty." Some of Miss Perutz's report is incisive, however. She gives an exact portrait of the vapid lives of many New York upper class women who fill five days a week with beauty culture-from fit- tings at the eyelash salon to sit- tings at the reducing studio. She retells every moment of her stay at a beauty spa, including the emptiness of many of the women and of their intolerance when they suspect that she may be a black passing for white. Her in- terviews well reveal the callous- ness of certain famous plastic sur- geons out to make a fortune. Miss Perutz accepts the need Land for women -like herself - to go through six-hour ordeals of burn- ing scalp and bleeding sores to straighten and tint hair. She speaks radiantly of the tremen- dous change breast surgery has made for some women-usually finding them husbands. She never considers, of course, the basic question of the relega- tion of women to housewife and sex object, and the use of the beauty culture to keep women in their subservient position. Arti- ficial social values of "masculine" and "femine" are accepted by Miss Perutz, who writes of the "femini- zation of society" which leads "to interest in the ephemeral." In sum then, her portrait is one- sided, for there are many more ways of looking at beauty than offered by Vogue or Miss America. Perhaps Miss Perutz has simply served as an unwilling diagnos- tician; others will have to come forth to restore belief in the in- nate human, personal beauty which is, indeed, more than mas- cara deep. lo Ii IMEMBR 7 A46