94c' fitigan ain Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODAS A day in, the life Congres, By ANITA WETTERSTROEM THE ARRIVAL of "ethnic-Cambodian Thais" in Cambodia is not particularly surprising. After a decade of Americans present in the area, fine distinctions of ethnic origins are somewhat ludicrous. .Equally undeserving of headlines is the announcement that the U.S. will provide arms and equipment to the volunteer Thai troops. What does deserve attention in the mat- ter, is that the announcement of this latest foreign commitment came from the State Department-Congress was left out again. Although it is a minor decision compared to Nixon's dispatch of American troops into Cambodia, it is because of its seeming in- significancetthat it warrants attention. It is precisely such "gentle" sidestepping of congressional deliberation of foreign policy matters that keeps edging us toward total- itarian government. Congressional war power has been effectively nullified. PRESIDENT NIXON opposes the Cooper- Church amendment as an affront to his powers as Commander-in-chief. Last year, he similarly, opposed Senator John Ful- bright's national Commitment resolution even before his new administration had de- fined his position on war power. The Fulbright resolution, which was eventually adopted by the Senate, humbly Too late for a comeback? suggests that the President observe Con- gress constitutional rights by asking the executive branch to interact with the legis- lative branch when making U.S. commit- ments.' The resolution defines national commit- ment as "the use of the armed forces of the United States on foreign territory, or a promise to assist a foreign country, gov- ernment, or people by the use of the armed forces or financial resources of the United States." As a simple "sense of the Senate" reso- lution, the Fulbright proposal has not the force of law and therefore can, and is ig- nored by the President as well as by the Departments of State and Defense. FEW WOULD DENY that there may come a threat to American lives so great and imminent as to warrant circumvention of democratic processes-an all out nuclear attack, perhaps. But such was not the danger in the Bay of Pigs, the Dominican Republic or Vietnam. Even in the much applauded Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy had ample time to deliberate at length with his hand-picked cabinet members but in- stead, he deemed it expedient to by-pass elected Congressmen. Similarly there was ample time to con- sult Congress regarding U.S. intervention in Cambodia. Comparable caches of North Vietnamese and Viet Cong supplies had been there for months. But again, the Pres- ident found it was more expedient to dis- regard his legislative counter-part Even the power to initiate war -tiested by the Constitution exclusively in Con- gress-is now under the exclusive control of the executive. Powers of the commander- in-chief, once defined by Hamilton as "nothing more than the supreme command and direction of military and naval forces." are now interpreted as conferring upon the President full constitutional power to com- mit armed forces to conflict without the consent of Congress. UNFORTUNATELY Congressmen t o o often defer to presidential supremacy and, in many cases, come out in their defense. Sen. Everett Dirksen, who often opposed any hint of restricting presidential prero- gatives, once said, "It is always possible that (the leaders of other countries) may come to the conclusion that, suddenly. the Senate of the United States has placed a limitation on the power of the President. and has in fact, handcuffed him . . . I shudder at the prospect of that kind of in- terpretation." It is rather inconceivable that such an interpretation could be any more danger- ous than the decisions of unfettered presi- dents and military heads have proven to be. THE UPSURGE of Presidential prowess has been accompanied by a swelling of military heads. Fulbright commented a year ago that "the men who fill the top ranks of the armed services have acquired an influence disproportionte to their num- bers in the nation's security policy. The defense department itself has become a rigorous partisan in our policies, exerting great influence on the President, on the military committees of Congress, on the 'think tanks' and universities to which it parcels out lucrative research contracts. and on public opinion." It is inevitable that military expertise gain such influence when a nation becomes so paranoid about security. And it is tragically ironic that a nation which is so bent on democratizing the world, frequently abuses its own dem- ocratic processes. PRESIDENTIAL USURPATION of con- gressional responsibilities cannot be dis- missed as a necessity of the nuclear age. The constitution cannot be disregarded as obsolete. The Nixon administration has proven that it will take more than a Senate resolu- tion to restore Congressional authority in foreign affairs. It will take an honest evaluation of our national security and a determined observance of our republican oovernment. Without this, our democracy is little more than an elective dictatorship. 4 YESTERDAY, PRESIDENT Nixon proud- ly told the nation that Cambodian venture has been a complete success. His speech surprised no one, reportedly not even one high-echelon Viet Cong leader who agreed that it might take a week or two to recover from the effects of the drive instead of the usual 24 hours. Today the pollsters will announce that a full 75 per cent of the people-people defined as those over 21-support the President and agree that Cambodia was necessary, proper and successful. It will probably take another couple of weeks before reports leak out that the war is not going so well, despite Cambodia, and that the Viet Cong have rebuilt every- thing they lost--whatever that was. And in due course, Nixon will take to the tele- vision again to a n n o u n c e something hopeful about the war, and 75 per cent of the people will support him. . . . So it goes. IN CALIFORNIA the same court that overturned Huey Newton's manslaught- er conviction denied him bail without comment. No doubt Huey will stay in jail until the state can contrive a second conviction. GOV. WILLIAM Milliken talked about pollution, and in Ann Arbor people talked whether the railroad should die now or in five years. Protestants fought Catholics in Northern Ireland, and Israel bombed Egypt. So it goes. IN HONG KONG, the Viet Cong charged that American chemical warfare crimes in Vietnam have caused hundreds of de- fective births or miscarriages, sickened thousands of civilians and killed thou- sands of domestic animals. The Viet Cong's Liberation Radio said American p 1 a n e s flew more than 40 chemical spraying raids on civilian areas in South Vietnam, during the first five months of this year. The broadcast, which gave no explana- tion of why there had been no previous report of the alleged incidents made these accusations: In June 1967, at Binh An, Binh Dinh Province, U.S., South Korean and South Vietnamese troops "captured more than 100 children, herded them into a small shelter and hurled grenades into it until no more pitiful cries were to be heard." In December 1967, U.S. and South Viet- namese troops "concentrated 469 children from Thuy Bo, Thuy Loan and Ha Nong villages, Quang Nam Province, into. a holding area, raped most of the -girls to death, and killed the rest of the children by shooting, throwing them into blazing bonfires, or crushing them to death be- neath the treads of their tanks." In March 1968, U.S. and South Vietna- mese troops on a search and destroy mis- sion against Son Tinh and Binh Son vil- lages, Quang Ngai Province, "penned up 270 children, tortured them, including tearing them to pieces, then put those still living to death." On June 6, 1969, in Vinh Long Province, "13 children were captured, tortured, stripped of all their clothing, bound hand and foot, left outdoors all night, and then shot dead the following morning." There was no comment from the U.S. Command in Saigon, which usually does not comment on such charges from the other side. FEARS OF invasion from the south forced concerned members of a Cana- dian veterans organizations to call for banning entry of U.S. draft dodgers. And, not to be outdone, a U.S. Veterans of For- eign Wars leader said he will urge his group to move its 1970 convention out of New York because of Mayor Lindsay's anti-war stand. DONALD NIXON closed a big business . deal with Ari and Jackie Onassis. After the election, Donald was hired as a vice president by millionaire restraunteur and hotel owner J. Willard Marriott, who is a leading Republican money source and a chief contributor to brother Rich- ard Nixon's campaign. Marriott's firm will cater for flights on Onassis' Olympic Air- ways. At a dinner in Athens, Donald sat next to Greek deputy premier Styliane Pattakos and proclaimed the member of the Greek distatorship "a good solid in- dividual." So it goes. The Onassis' said they liked Donald for his own unique personality. -MARCIA ABRAMSON ALEXA CANADY a * I mwoJAMES WECHSLER. Nixon and his Southern Strategy "All we're trying to do is give the South equal treatment. The people down here could stand a little more even-handed treat- ment for a change." - Vice President Agnew during a jour- ney to South Carolina last week- end. IN THE RHETORIC of most of the voices of the Nixon Ad- ministration, "the South" is a monolithic country inhabited by respectable, middle-class white folks who have too long suffered Northern persecution. That there remain 10,000,000 black citizens below the Mason- Dixon line is rarely mentioned. Equally forgotten are thousands of white Southerners who have participated in one way or another in the battle for equality and are also vulnerable victims of the present retreat on the Potomac. They are school officials, journal- ists, clergymen, lawyers and oth- ers who made their commitment to enforcement of desegregation laws and now find themselves morally deserted by the Adminis- tration. The real impact of what has happened since South Carolina's Strom Thurmond came to Richard Nixon's rescue at the GOP con- vention in 1968 is not truly meas- urable, in any school statistics or other arithmetical yardsticks. The payoff to Thurmond-and the Southern strategy giving coher- ence and continuity to the Thur- mond allance-has produced a psychological upheaval that casts a shadow over the 1970s. NOT LONG AGO the Wall Street Journal, in a survey of the Southern findings: "The landscape, offered these Nixon administration's easing of federal pressure for school integration has rekindled Southern defiance reminiscent of the Dixie of a decade ago. "Southern segregationist leaders say Washington's slackening of past efforts to integrate schools has heartened them greatly. They see new hope in reasserting old at- titudes of fervent resistance, at- titudes that in the past couple of years had been abandoned as futile." It does not seem to matter that HEW Secretary Robert Finch and Education Commissioner James Allen make intermittent sounds that seem to contest these great expectation. The elder statesmen of Southern reaction believe they have heard the true message from Agnew and Attorney General Mitchell and that it was confirm- ed anew in the President's emo- tional, bitter assault on opponents of the Carswell nomination. (In a recent interview with right-wing journalist Holmes Alexander, Mit- chell described Mr. Nixon's state- ment as a "very factual" descrip- tion of Senate "anti-Southern" bias and added: "The country wants the South in the same post- ure as other regions.". Again "the South" for which the administration speaks is the Old Guard of diehard segrega- tionists, not its disadvantaged Ne- groes or the whites who were mov- ing in new directions when Mr. Nixon took over. PERHAPS THE LARGEST as- pect of the tragedy is that so many young white Southerners- especially in the universities-had discarded the prejudices and stereotypes of their fathers and begun visualizing a new era. Whatever his other failures, Lyn- don B. Johnson had contributed significantly to the change in an- cient Dixiecrat habits of minds. But now the word from Washing- ton is regression. Historically this new deference to old (white) Southern customs could hardly have come at a more explosive moment. For a variety of reasons, including the frustra- tion of domestic dreams caused by our interminable investment in Vietnam, black separatist move- ments had began to assume new strength in the latter part of the 60s. The assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy intensified those passions. In a time crying out for reas- sertion of the human values and dignity of the equalitarian freedom movement, the Nixon administra- tion's advent-and the ominous Southern signals accompanying it -brutally undermined the Ken- neth Clarks of the country who bravely remain unreconstructed integrationists. That is what was wrong about the timing and tone of Sen Ribi- coff's celebrated "challenge to Northern hypocrisy" and Moyni- han's memorandum on race rela- tions (ably dissected by Bayard Rustin in the current issue of New America). They were speaking and writing in a period when all the dominant tendencies of the na- tional Administration were to en- courage right-wing Southern in- transigence and to practice "be- nign neglect" toward the blacks. Ribicoff's words were seized and exploited as a rationalization of Southern reaction, not as a sum- mons for Northern action. while Moynihan's appeared to sanctify complacency. MEANWHILE THE appalling transcendent fact is that millions of black Americans-regardless of previous hopes-once again feel themsleves strangers in their own country; Even the administration's economic policies of "planned un- employment" have an inescapably discriminatory r e s u It. W h e n Messrs. Nixon, Agnew and Mitchell talk of "the South" as an op- pressed racist entity, they seem to formalize the announcement that the clock is being turned back. And that is how Panthers are born every day, and why even their most irrational excesses acquire so many apologists. (c) New York Post Agnew: More of the same "Oh, yes, Mr. President... your flag is almost finished... I'm sewing on the stars now!" .i' VICE PRESIDENT Spiro T. Agnew has again attacked the antiwar bloc in this country. This time his setting was the U.S. Military Academy's graduation ceremony at West Point. . His speech sounded just- like his past attacks on the media, youth and anyone else who opposes Nixon's other policies. He toldĀ° the audience--who jumped to its feet when Agnew entered-that this is an era when "criminal misfits of society are glamorized while our best men die in Asian rice paddies to preserve the free- dom that these misfits abuse." He kept the audience enraptured by telling them that "this is a time when application, achievement and success are derided as callous, corrupt and irrelevant . . this is a time when the charlatans of peace and freedom eulogize foreign dictators while desecrating the flag that keeps them free." But even that was not enough for Agnew. He added more flavor by saying that much of the nation's discontent is "contrived by a clever, sustained assault on America's system and institutions." TOWARD THE end of his speech, Agnew warned his audience that it was up to them to save American society. He told the West Pointers that it was up to them to bring "courage, strength, resolve and dedication" to this country. What does Agnew have to say about My Lai or the invasion of Cambodia? He justifies it as being a fact of war, but he never really questions the necessity of that war. Agnew maintains that the flag keeps dissenters free. What analysis. By that logic, the massive armies are unnecessary. The tax c o 11 e c t o r from Baltimore County-which does not include the city of Baltimore-has come a long way. But this speech is just more of the same old story. Unfortunately people are believing it. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Admissions office and discrimination To the Editor: . I AM UTTERLY incredulous that Mr. Gayle C. Wilson, the Ex- ecutive Associate Director of Ad- missions. "does not recall" dis- cussing the University's policy of limiting the number of women ad- mitted in the freshman class. I hope this letter will give his mem- ory a gentle jog. I met with Mr. Wilson twice during February. In the first in- terview Mr. Wilson talked at length on the development of this discriminatory policy. The conver- sation is recounted in the Daily magazine of Sunday, April 12. Since I wanted to be sure of my facts, I went to see Mr. Wilson again a few days later. I said, "Mr. Wilson. I want' to be sure I have some points straight. A r e some less qualified men admitted in preference to more qualified women in order to maintain sex balance in the freshman class?" Mr. Wilson replied, "Yes, that's right." -EDWARD ZIMMERMAN I\ I AC qtJ 10.~ a6D I ARE 6G) ASLEEPi w c Y . 1W AOT A, I have records of these inter- views in my notes. -Kathleen K. Shortridge May 28 Reply from NMU To the Editor: I AM A GRADUATE of North- ern Michigan University (NMU), and I have just been shown an article, written by the Associated Press, and carried in newspapers on May 14, which relates to my alma mater. The article quotes John McGoff, Williamston resi- dent, member of the NMU Board of Control, and president of the Panax Corp., East Lansing, a large newspaper group in Michigan. In a speech to Heath International, Inc., a businessman's group, Mc- Goff criticized the three major universities in this state, and their presidents, for blaming "their in- ternal ills on the government or on American foreign policy rather than taking a hard look at them- selves." University presidents in general, he said, are "weak sisters" because they "permit a minority of students to consume their time and energy at the expense of the majority of students who want an education." Obviously, such a view could be debated. The real importance here, however, is that McGoff, a uni- versity board member and an im - papers, his firm, Panax Corp., has power, a great deal of power. And how does Panax use that power? He criticizes presidents in speeches, and writes front-page editorials in his newspaper; but he also condones much more. In Mar- quette. Mich., the home of NMU. the only daily newspaper is owned by Panax. Their coverage of a demonstration by blacks on cam- pus this past year was so distorted that it was the basis of a mistrial in the cases of several black stu- dentsd who had been arrested at the demonstration. McGoff says university presidents should take 'a hard look at themselves"-he is, I hope doing the same in his business. The situation, I know, in Marquette is tense-a ban on guns on the campus had to be ordered, and Civil Rights Commission in- vestigators have been on campus The town's one newspaper, there- fore, occupies a crucial position. It can help to calm or inflame public opinion. I feel it is unfor- tunate that McGoff and Panax are involved in the affairs of Mar- quette at this time - especially with Mr. McGoff sitting on the NMU board. I certainly would like to see the governor's office in- vestigate this matter. Is there not a conflict of interest involved here? Typical of the manner in which Panax operates was the decision by the Ypsilanti Press to mail co- nie nf it t rsitions which listed shown it is not unbiased observer Rather, it is an active participant and can the community it serves ever trust the newspaper :again? I don't think so. Interestingly, a few days after the Press' ill-con- sidered mailing, the university lift- ed the suspensions of 41 students who had been arrested. Perhaps these were not guilty. Perhaps, like the four students who were killed at Kent State University, they were just observers. Yet, the damage has been done by this Panax newspaper to student-par- ent relations. In some cases, no doubt, the damage will never be repaired. Perhaps, too, the news- paper succeeded in forcing some students to leave school because an outraged father cut off funds after reading the newspaper ar- ticle. Students have charged police brutality at EMU, and the univer- sity is investigating. I wonder how the Ypsilanti Press will cover this story. In conclusion, I would like to encourage McGoff to take a "hard look" at his own operation, where his expertise supposedly lies, and quit criticizing in public, in his newspapers, the men whose lives have been dedicated to the uni- versity. McGoff's responsibility is great indeed. When he speaks out, he speaks with the knowledge that he controls thought - his news- papers are mainly in towns where no other newspaper, or local news agency, exists. I do not feel this of j' -'1 -C'( I'm twR5q- XfIK3SFOMY. W5 AFXT_ ; E4Gx 50 'MO63f a E 1' LL\~Y~ r I