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May 07, 1970 - Image 1

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wee Editorial Page



t IV

Ridiculously clear, cold,
and frosty

Vol. LXXX, No. 2-S Ann Arbor, Michigcon-Thursday, May 7~1970

Eight Pages


lati nches






near DMZ
SAIGON -'S and South
Vietnamese troops launched
three new drives a c r o s s the
Cambodian border yesterday.
but savage North Vietnamese
attacks in South Vietnam's far
north raised the threat of a
new North Vietnamese offen-
sive there.
The three operations raised to
six the number of fronts opened :n
Cambodia. Informed sources said
20.000-25.000 U.S. troops and the
same number of South Vietnamese
w e r e overrunning Communist
bases along 230 miles of border.
capturing great stores of muni-
tions and food
North Vietnamese struck Fire
Base Henderson. a 101st Airborne
Division position 16 miles outh of
the demilitarized zone, killing 29
U.S. soldiers. the greatest number
of Americans slain in a single ac-
tion in 20 months.
Field commanders feared the
North Vietnamese might push
three divisions poised just above
the zone into the northern part of
South Vietnam. which is thinly
defended by allied forces.
The U.S. Command said that in
one area. which was not named.
more than 4 000 weapons. 64 trucks
and 426 tons of rice have been
U.S. troops opened two drives
north and south of Cambodia s
Fishhook about 70 miles north-
west of Saigon where American
forces first moved into Cambodia
on Friday.
The third operation is along the
northern fringes of the Fishhook.
where American armored forces
+and South Vietnamese troops en-
tered Cambodia to link up with a
U.S. armored column that seized
the highway town of Snuol on
Heavy enemy ground fire still
plagued a U.S. operation inorth-
east Cambodia which was begun
Tuesday from central highland
bases 200 miles north of the Fish-
About 1.000 more Americans
were landed by helicopter seven
miles inside Cambodia to join 500
U.S. troops who got through Tues-
day. But this is only a fraction of
the 6.000 U.S. and South Vietna-
mese committed to the operation.
Four U.S. helicopters were shot
down, one of them a command
The sixth operation is in the
Parrot's Beak 40 miles west of Sai-
gon. where South Vietnamese
troops with U.S. advisers opened
the first bil drive into Cambodia
last Thursday.
A lii e d headquarters claimed
more than 2,700 Viet Cong and
North Vietnamese troops have
been killed, mostly by air strikes
in the massive sweep operations
American losses were put at 24
killed and 69 wounded. Govern-
ment headquarters reported 176
South Vietnamese t r o o p s killed
and 71 wounded.,
A brigade task force of 3 000
men of the U.S. 25th Infantry Di-'
vision launched the operation
south of the Fishhook into an en-
emy sanctuary about 80 mie
west-northwest of Saion
This operaion roa. .into deays
when a bridge was not bu t
time. holding up a column o :200t
U.S. personl carriers. Ohe ee-
ments tha: had lo s. - by heli-
copter were hi by th:: ow:. a:ti-
ery barrage and 10 Ameica.s

were reported kited










Steve B urghardt addrene- the noon rallv
A)ortioi l'eforn Ill
fails il stateSenate
LANSING I- a ,a to era.:i Maeh:ar.i L4a-;ear-ld
abortion law failed b:: three votes n the Etate Senate vester-
day, but proponens oan a seonc atteo a- nmassg next
"Believe me, w:e're not defeated. declared Sen. N. Lor-
rai:ne Beebe iR-Dearborn . after the Sen~ate voted 17-19 yes-
terday against the reform m~easure.
The bill, sponsored by Se:n. Gilbert Burslev R-Ann Ar-
a c - s - . :. - ..' -y. s
bor. odC have allowed a won re to obtai an
abortion for any: reason durnmg the ftrst 90 day:s of pregna:ncv;.
If approved by: both Senate End House, the mueasure
would not have taken effect until aft.er the Michigan Supreme
Court issued an advisory o pan- -

800 den
Over 800 students and
faculty peacefully rallied on
the Diag and then marched
through the campus and sur-
rounding downtown area earl
yesterday evening to protest
U.S. intervention in Cambodia,
the Kent State illings, and
the trial of Black Panther
Bobby Seale.
The 5 p.m. march followed an
earlier .oon rall' 'hich gathered
about 800 people, and a march b
about 200 through classroom build-
ing calling for a general str'ke
Students aso picketed the An-
;,elI-Mason Hall complex 'hie
the a.nthropology department join-
ed the protest b cancelling
classes. .
Picketin Hlealetting. and d's- .
cussion sessions encouraging stu- '
dents to pa ticipate in the strike
'ill continue today.
Student-chosen representatives
had planned to lead a walk-out
from today's memorial services to
progt that they called the cor-
plicit oPresident Robben Flem-
in and May or Robert Harris in
the national "war machine" and
re presion ef olitcal dient.
Howev'er,further meetings early,
thi morningle t the walk-out
plan in doubt.
Robert Knauss, piesident of the &iiznrde
Senate Advisory Committee on_
Student Affairs SAcUA -the -
faculty's executive committee -7
said yesterday bACUA might call
for a special Senate Assembly
meeting for the faculty to discuss
the strike,
The protests at the University
were not limited to the Ann Arbor
camp us.
At the University's Flint Cam-h
pfacultyyesterday in support of the
nationwide demonstratioins. Presi- By AITA FETTER
dent Robben Fleming had indi-
cated Monday that a one-day A report released ye
moratorium of classes at lint committee of the Off
would be permitted if the faculty versity Housing oppos
aproved, The faculty then voted versitys plan to pay t
40-6 to call the moratorium. bor School Board for
In addition, the University's to children of Univers
Dearborn campus will hold a living in Northwood a
hour memorial service today for The University ann
the four students killed at Kent weeks ago its decisic
State University a spokesman said. $252,000 to the schoo
Along with the services plans 1970-71 to defray
were being made for an all day costs for the 386 childr
teach-in concerning U.S. involve-' age living in its marr,
mnt in Indochina. unmts The Universit
No such plans were made for the that it felt this cost s
Ann Ar'bor campus. The marches corporated in the aa
here occurred without incident structure.
Although few uninformed police Residents of Northw
were observed on the march route, ments which are
Police Chef Walter Krasny said North Campus. do no
that a "partial mobilization" of erty taxes as the d
city police was in effect yesterday University owned ant
becaus of the strke actiitis. tax-exempt.
See ST'DENTS, Page 9TheeUn'versity is ur



F; The arsociated Pre"s
Two governors c a lle d for
college and university shut-
downs yesterday, as an in-
creasing number of students
across the country engaged in
protests a g a i n s t President
Nixon's Indochina policy and
the four killings at Ohio's
Kent State University.
Hundreds of colleges were closed
down, many of them with the
approval of their faculty and ad-
in California, Go-. Ronald Rea-
gan urged that all public colleges
and universities in the state close
oday and remain shut down
through the weekend to "allow
me for rational reflection
and to encourage all to disavow
violence and mob action.-
In Ohio Gov. James Rhodes
recommended that all colleges in
t sate experiencing unrest be
sh ut dowin ismmediately .
Meanwhile, the White House
announced last night that Presi-
dent Nixon will meet this morning
with eight university presidents to
discuss the spreading campus dis-
ruptions and the war in Southeast
Yesterday, Nixon met for nearly
an hour with six students from
Kent State University and dis-
cussed methods of preventing a
recurrence of the fatal confronta-
tion at their Ohio campus Mon-
' day.
In that incident, four students
were shot and killed by National
Guardsmen patrolling the univer-
sity. Since the deaths at Kent
State, campus protests against
President Nixon's decision to send
U.S. troops into Cambodia, and
alleged political repression in the
United States, have vastly multi-
In Kentucky yesterday, Gov.
Louis Nunn ordered state police
and the National Guard to patrol
the University of Kentucky cam-
pus .withmounted bayonets and
liv.e ammnun ition." The order camne
after about 750 students failed to
observe a 5 p.m. curfew set by
university President Otis Single-
tary after a building housing the
Air Force ROTC program was
Meanwhile, in Washington, Sen-
ate leaders of both parties urged
that Nixon appoint a special pres-
See PROTESTS, Page 8


orncing the war aind rcism preceeds yesterday's march
committee oppses rent
0 defray,7 school cost

ion on i's constitutionalit
Sen Charles You,.gblood B-De-
troit tacked the court o:nio.
amendment onto the bill In earl
debate yesterday Some a:torne'.
senator> had quioed the ei-
Sen Bai Bron -H h
Judci ar Commi teoedaa'
the ;:ropoeal e ~stata:~u
he taiooreform he cn'e-
th bila'o-ota'd "ue-
w as a.: amecn .:iehc oil
haic ca~ld:o oo;: coa
the 'i e ne:: na,.
before erm. a.' abt: o
to her

Me emor'ial
seiie at
Hill today

A .~c'O :.~ihe; ce :or

::. : r

G sdno ilbe held a: -noo
S .ak t :>~se:vice Il be'
AnA~b: Myo Robert Harris:;
nS:aeAc 0"Ccomm:tee on
Un~ e n' Afa'sChairman Rob-
or: nan~~: U~vor~t~'Pre.siden:
Rob Fe:n.ad Student
0 >i'n~nt Coun Pesident
I.' ":e calle T..esdav
o' Fl:.::c a:the eet of in-
d:' dua iau ebers. I: is
ex~cto K.la bou an. hour

_terday by a
icet o i-
he Ann Ar-
its services
ity students
ounced two
on to pay
1 board for
en of school
led housing
y Indicated
hould be in-
riment rent
;ood Apart-
located on
tpay prop-
rellings are
i therefore
der no legal

ocligation to pay the school board
for its services. It agreed to do
so after receiving a request for
mor.ey from the school board.
The amount of payment offered
to the schools is based on a. ap-
plication of the Ann Arbor school
tax rate to an estimate of North-
wood Apartments current prop-
erty value.a
The report came from a rate
committee mnade up of representa-
tives of the Student Advisory
Commitee on Housing, the North-
wood-Terrace Association and the
Housing Staff. The report chal-
lenges both the feasibility of meet-
ing the payment and the legi-
timacy of the payment itself.
In oi'der to budget the school
payment from Northwood. ten-
ants there would have to pay an
additional $16 per month, This
hike w:ould be acompanied by a $5
monthly increase for ever-growing
operational expenses,
Ae^cringtothereprt Uni
rently spend at least 33 per cent of
their in~come for housing at a time
w-hen most Americans spend 20
posed rent would destroy any ad-
vantage of a low rental oppor-
tunity. the report contends, and
would overburden those who can
least afford to pay.
Furthermore. the increased rent
would make the Un~iversity apart-
ments among the most expensive
units on the Ann Arbor market
and would seriously damage the
U~niversity's commitment to in-
crease its admission of low in-
come studen:t.

where the rent payments include
money to support schools, "We
ee that we should not use gen-
eral funds money. to subsidize the
tbe accomodated inthe
apartent. he said.
men ofthe scoo taxes by the
U niversity is specifically prohibit-
ed by Michigan law. "Violation of
this law' by the University of
See GROUP, Page 8



OLE e '7. ~




en~ .c .e igious
,.cePreden foSindent A:-
t.'.vist":c ~:o~ any co:.-
'c.00 earv cucanio:na

public: and that we would
oring police to the campus"''
Protesting the president's de-
cision. GLF - coined by other
,.t u d e n t gi'oups and seve:ral
a~umni-demonstrated in front
of Fleming's house last Friday
dur:ng the presidential tea-,
Pic.<etting. chanting and car-
ry i:: signs-one being "Take a
nomosexual to tea"~-the dem-

in Flemin~g's head.; GLF :mem-
ber Jeanne Lenzer said, "It
seems to me that Fleming would
more readily approve of having
an educational conference than
lettin~g us dance togethert"
Although different c a m p u s
groups have expressed a willing-
ness to get facilities for the GL.F
conference in their name, GLF
has declined the offer.,

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