Etlr Sirliian Daihj Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan balancing teacups Oh, won't He ever shut up? 131ine (9I3Edas .. A 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN Even so, Cuba thrives A POLITICAL CONFESSION without precedent occured late last month when Fidel Castro, in a nationally tele- vised speech, explained to the Cuban peo- ple in enormous detail exactly why his much-publicized campaign to produce 10 million tons of sugar failed. The remark- able aspect of this speech was that Ca - tro laid the blame for the failure square- ly on himself a n d his administrators. "This battle was not lost by the people," he said, "We, the administrative appa- ratus of the revolution, we the leaders of the revolution, have lost this battle." Such a frank admission of failure is a refreshing contrast to the usual political game of blaming others for setbacks and accepting credit for successes. Castro ex- plained that the administrators mistak- ingly concentrated their efforts on the agricultural aspects of the 10 million ton goal, channeling all resources into grow- ing a record amount of sugar cane, and neglected expanding Cuba's sugar mills, which were not up to the task of turning the abundant cane crop into sugar. CUBA'S FAILURE to achieve the 10 mil- lion ton goal is not surprising, consid- ering the state of Cuban economic devel- opment. What is distressing, however, is that traditionally liberal newspapers, who speak for a large number of people, are taking the position that Cuba's fail- ure could have been prevented had there been a different Cuban political organ- ization. These papers assert that legal political opposition to the Castro regime would have provided open debate on national policies, and as a consequence, mistakes that were discovered too late could have been uncovered and corrected before the damage was done. Of course, legal po- litical opposition implies elections so the people can choose whoever has the best ideas. What these papers are in fact say- ing is that free, open elections are the answer to Cuba's problems. BUT, HISTORY SHOWS that elections in Latin America have never b e e n anything more than a ploy - by the rul- ing powers to justify their continuance. Any idea that elections can provide Latin American people with the opportunity to better their economic or social situations is at best wishful thinking. That Latin American elections are a sham was demonstrated in the Domini- can Republic last month. President Joa- quin Balaguer was re;elected by a land- slide vote after his major opponent with- drew from the race contending that re- pressive police action and Balaguer's use of state funds for his campaign made the election a "fraud." A further demonstration of how social changes in Latin America are not en- couraged by elections is Balaguer's record during his first term in the presidency. In the last four years, Balaguer has not effected any significant social or eco- nomic reforms. And there are many needed reforms. T h e Dominican Republic wallows in a quagmire of government corruption, dis- torted land distribution, chronic 25 per cent unemployment, high illiteracy and low standards of public health. Still, Bal- aguer has not been able to significally improve these conditions in spite of mas- sive U.S. financial aid. In fact, per cap- ita, U.S. aid to the Dominican Republic is the higest of any Latin American coun- try. CUBA, on the other hand, receives no U.S. aid, and in addition has been sub- jected to a total economic blockade by the U.S.. Nonetheless, since the advent of Castro, Cuba has virtually eliminated il- literacy, provided equitable land redis- tribution, eliminated many formerly en- demic diseases, reduced the incidence of all other diseases, eliminated a chronic 25 per cent unemployment burden, built a network of good roads, provided quality medical care for all its citizens, raised the standard of living in general and in short, accomplished those goals which o t h e r Latin American countries have been un- able to achieve even with U.S. help. These economic and social accomplish- ments of Cuba, however, do not mean that the \effects of the U.S. blockade are neglible. T h e inaccesilibity of the U.S. market, with which Cuba did 80 per cent of its trade before Castro, forces Cuba to trade with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries on the other side of the world. The added cost of shipping around the world instead of 90 miles are con- siderable. In addition, m a n y products available in the United States cannot be readily obtained from socialist countries. FROM THIS perspective, an irrational obsession with the 'communist threat" prompted the United States to attempt the destruction of Cuba through economic strangulation. That Cuba is still well and thriving today is a testement to the vi- ability of its political organization. Any underlying reason to explain the 10 mil- lion failure will be found in U.S. belig- erance and not in the Cuban political or- ganization. -LINDSAY CHANEY TELEVISION may be a menace in disguise - a menace when it brings us every two weeks or so, our President speaking to us all on Prime Time TV with nothing new to say and no new way to say it. Tomorrow night is going to be another one of these occasions when Richard Nixon shall go before the American people and report that he is "encouraged about" or "pleased and proud of the job our boys are doing" in Cambodia and South Vietnam, "My advisers have told me," the President will confide, "that things are going better than we have expected. We have flushed out 34,876 Com- munists, confiscated 980,875 tons of rice, 3,000,908 rifles and let the Cambodians know the United States shall not be humbled, t h a t the United States finishes whatever she has started, that she is and was and will always be the great nation I say she is." And then the President will add that he knows many young people are against the war and feel they must dissent. The president, too, believes in dissent, he 'will assert, but he prefersthe legiti- mate kind that doesn't lead to violence, that is the good old American way. The kind that is - well, you know - so much less annoying. And then in his Dean Martinesque style, he will implore the silent majority to keep them cards and letters rolling in telling him what a fine de- cision he has made and how good is that Ameri- can way. Long pause. "I am ready to report tonight," he will whisper ostensibly to make us all think we're about to be let in on something top-secret, "that what I said when I spoke to you here two weeks ago, is ex- actly the same. We can and will meet our dead- line on withdrawing troops from Cambodia, and we will move ahead with our plans to withdraw troops from South Vietnam at the snail's pace I have promised." THEN WITH HIS customary you-won't-have Dick-Nixon-to-kick-around-anymore 1 o o k, the President will not so gently chide his detractors- especially Congress - for questioning his perog- ative to blunder without first checking with them so they could at least approve the booboo. "Partisan politics, a move to undercut your president" he will curse in his veiled prose. "Your president, right or wrong," he will let them know in no uncertain terms. And then with some inspiration he probably picked up from Billy Graham at last week's Ten- nessee crusade, the President will close with some allusion to God to help and protect "our boys" he, himself sent into the den of iniquity. And then all of us at home, clustered yet an- other time in front of our TV sets will realize yet another time that the Beverly Hillbillies would have been far more entertaining. *1 . t t r '_ t l ._ ' 'A ..., _. Y ' t A n ! + rl ti 4 a 1 '" R x r( . a ,, -,,,r ' 55 f - , v$ T .., r.. a '#I . . . /t . ,..... ". . / (1, h -.. ....r . t, Jy;;. ; ,,., r " _ 1 .1 ' l : r'ti, "' _ _ . *. < t 1 z Little boys have lost their heroes Jr +. - s SThis wtil Srt 1' 5' 5 I. _, , . ' ; . +. .bra d ' ,: * S Y r' i pr1 4 ' > ,, f SI h , e,. i t r C By DAVE CHUDWIN ,HEROES AREN'T what they used to be. In the past Americans could look for inspiration and leadership from the top people in the mili- tary, politics, sports, the sciences and the arts. Who can we look up to today? What public figures can young peo- ple use as examples to pattern their lives upon? Certainly not a military establishment which has kept the country in an unnecessary war for five years, mistakenly trying to win a poli- tical struggle through military means and spilling the blood of thous- ands in the process. It is hard to emulate military leadership which sees force as the ultimate solution in world affairs and year after year demands much of the national budget to feed its death machine. THERE ARE SOME POLITICAL figures that students look up to but they are either dead or far from the reins of power. It is not easy to admire men like the President and the Vice President who call you "bums" and "hellraisers." Most politicians are sincere men yet compromise their honor and their principles to ge re-elected and retain power. They appeal to the basest prejudices, fears and discontent of people to incur their favor and their votes. Even the better politicians, such as Sen. Edmund Muskie, equivo- cate on the issues of the day. Politicians generally have stood by and watched with equanimity the fouling of the environment, unnecessary deaths of people from starvation and disease, the continuing cancer of racism and the ab- surd slaughter in Vietnam. When they have acted, it's been too little too late, like bailing out a sinking ocean liner with a thimble. IN PREVIOUS YEARS youngsters, mainly boys, used sports heroes as examples. Yet stars today are less interested in the sport and sports- manship than they are in higher salaries, better retirement benefits and outside business interests. Men such as Cassius Clay, a member of a racist organization which preaches hatred toward whites, Joe Namath, an advertised drinker and girl-chaser, and Denny McLain, involved with gamblers and undesirable characters, are difficult to look up to. Even college athletics has become big business, coaches luring likely prospects to their schools like a herd of cattle, concerned more with win-loss records and gate receipts than education. Today screen heroes, or in many cases anti-heroes, are virtual unknowns, studios abandoning the old star system and turning to peo- ple like Dustin Hoffman, Ali McGraw and Jack Nicholson to play ma- jor roles in their films. The emergence of group plays such as "Hair" have also under- mined the importance of a single well-known actor or actress who dominates a production in favor of a presentation where the group is the star and parts are interchangeable. Finally great men of science and technology have in the past been considered popular heroes. Einstein, Edison, Samuel Morse and Alex- ander Graham Bell were well-known public figures. Today, however, scientific undertakings are too complicated for just one person or even a small group of people. But if this country is to have the leadership, inspiration and vision it so desperately requires, we must have people who can take it upon themselves to do something, even if they be alone, Everybody cannot be a hero but if there is no one to admire, no one to look to, no one to emulate our society will be in bad shape. We need people with skills, understanding, compassion, and guts in every field to turn things around and set an example. I "... .hi NSwhole thing wilblow over in 24 hours." -White House Aide Mi11X: A lousy skin 1ick The California primaries (F PARTICULAR INTEREST today will be the primary race in the country's most politically volatile state. California voters are choosing Democratic and Re- publican candidates for governor and for the U.S. Senate. In the Democratic race for the senate seat, the two leading contenders are George E. Brown and John V. Tunney, who are both representatives in the lower house of Congress. Early polls indicated that Tunney was leading Brown who is strongly opposed to U.S. involvement in Southeast Asia, but his lead disappeared when Los An- geles County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn entered the race and drew off some of the conservative support t h a t Tunney held. THE DEMOCRATIC race has heated up in recent weeks with both candidates levying insults at e a c h other. Tunney calls Brown a "radical" and Brown says that Tunney is a "poor loser . . . like so many other rich boys who never had to work for a living." In the final poll released last week, Tunney had 31 per cent, Baown had 27 per cent, Hahn with 8 per cent and 20 per cent were still undecided. The race is far from over. THE REPUBLICAN race is just as heat- ed as its Democratic counterpart. The two opponents a r e incumbent Senator nicolor Inc. And Simon has been using it to his political advantage. IN THE GUBERNATORIAL races, t h e Democrats have Assemblyman Jesse Unruh facing Los Angeles Mayor S a m Yorty. A poll showed t h a t Unruh led Yorty 47 to 24 per cent, but the last time the mayor ran, he showed how incorrect polls can be when he defeated his op- ponent in last year's mayoral race even though the polls showed him well behind. One can only hope that these polls are more accurate. Regardless of this outcome, either man will still have quite a sizable fight on their hands in November when he must face Governor Ronald Reagan who was unopposed for the Republican nomina- tion. It would be preferable if Rep. Brown came out the winner in the fight for the Senate seat and went on to defeat the Republican candidate. Brown was one of the first critics of Lyndon Johnson's war policies and is presently a leader in the House opposition to the Nixon adminis- tration. He h a s shown courage while others have remained silent over fear of losing votes back home. IN THE GUBERNATORIAL r a c e - or any other race - almost anyone would be better than the Mayor of Los Angeles. When in trouble, Yorty resorts to fierce name calling. He was re-elected last year by carrying the "law and order" to higher extremes than it had ever been exploited By DAVID MELLINGER A healthy young moviegoer who emerges from a showing of The Minx is bound to have certain questions on histmind. It is a pro- vocative film, that elicits ques- tions such as "Why was this film made?": "How could any director cast such poor actors?": and "How in the devil did this film get past its first screening?" Try as I may, my attempts to squeeze a few droplets of good from The Minx were doomed to failure. The only thing the staff succeeding in doing was making a film was remarkably devoid of talent. Any attractive aspects ap- pear accidental The film's purpose is hard to track down, but it is probably in- tended to tie together such things as a "wild" party, a businessman cheating on his wife, grown men playing with guns, corruption on Wall Street and a call girl mas- turbating in her motel room with the aid of a revolver barrel while using a special device to observe a couple of young lovers in the next room. Since the film's title is "The Minx," one immediately begins to look around for a minx, which Webster describes as "a saucy jade." No one in the movie comes near fitting the bill, though ap- parently it refers to Terry. the gun-rubbing call girl. The plot allegedly tells of a businessman's intrigue to force his opponent's company into a merger by bribing two members oi the latter's board of directors with money, good times, and women. I have not had much to do with. wealthybusinessmen, but if The Minx is representative of their world, they all ought to resign and become cab drivers. Harry, the businessman has an ugly, -nivel- ling wife, an unimpressive office, obnoxious unsophisticated aides and companions and his wild par- ties are for the birds: festivities include one of the board members dancing the twist. The aura about this movie continually screams "No class! No class!" and renders it totally unbelievable. The Minx is hogwash, and as an honest skin-lick it compares with such greats as Vixen-soon coming to the Fifth Forum-like prune- flavored Kool-Aid with cham- pagne. A RIO~J tlG LOW 500) -I SA5E. 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