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May 29, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1970-05-29

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Daily News Analysis
A sweeping study of the literary college
from financial aids to the philosophy of
education is near the point of becoming
reality. But two things are holding it up
-money and the departure of William
Hays as dean of the college.
Both factors could have considerable
effect upon what kind of study eventually
is begun. But for now, as Associate Dean
Alfred Sussman puts it, "The project is at
dead center."
A preliminary study began in October,
1969 when a committee chaired by Suss-
man was formed to examine the idea of
a commission to study the literary college
and to make recommendations on how
that commission should be set up and what
it should study.
The committee's proposals were released






in March in a 40-page report. Sprinkled
liberally with references to writers who
criticize various aspects of higher educa-
tion, the report uses those comments as the
basis for questioning the literary college
and thereby indicating areas to be studied.
A few of the questions in the report are:
-"What does a degree from the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts certify
about the recipient of the degree?"
-"Does the present structuring of the
College into Departments impede inter-
disciplinary and program studies?"
-"Are there better ways of making use
of the ability of the graduate student to
teach undergraduates (than the present
teaching felloW system) ?"
-"Can a fair and appropriate role for
student participation in budget planning be
-"Is there any reason to consider total

submersion of the present faculty and stu-
dent governing bodies in a joint assembly?"
-"How should the College respond to
social needs? Or should it?"
In addition to related questions in all
of these areas, the report suggests exam-
ining the basic purpose of a liberal arts
education and how the college should meet
it; the issue of faculty tenure, interdis-
ciplinary professors and meeting the
changing demands and attitudes of younger
faculty members; and the college's rela-
tions with other units in the University,
with the public as a group of individuals
and society as a whole.
The report places the time required for
the study at about a year and a half. But
Hays says, "Two years of hard work would
be required to produce anything remotely
resembling a planning report."
The next step, according to Sussman,

would be the establishment of a commis-
sion to take the preliminary report and
establish priorities among the many issues
raised by it. Then the commission would
decide how best to do the study itself.
"We might have task forces to study
each of the questions identified as prior-
ities," Sussman says. "The thing to avoid
is instant solution which are trivial."
To do that, Sussman says the "task
forces" would be given relatively limited
assigments, thus allowing them to study
their given problem in enough dept to
make recommendations which will be use-
ful both now and in the future.
"The work might not be limited to task
forces, however. If some existing body, such
as Student Government Council or Senate
Asembly, is more suited to a particular
area, then I'd like to see them take part,"
Sussman says.

But the study is effectively stalled for
the time being, primarily because of a lack
of funds. The report asks for a budget of
$142,000 to pay for a chairman, admin-
istrative secretary, consultants, survey
costs, a regular secretary and supply costs.
"A couple of years ago that much money
wouldn't have been outside the realm of
possibility," Sussman says "but given the
expected appropriation from the Legisla-
ture, we're in a lot of trouble." However,
even given the possibility of a smaller
budget, Sussman says he cannot speculate
on what form the study might take because
of the changeover in eans at the literary
Hays, who has been dean for two years,
is leaving July 1 for a year of study at the
University Of California in Santa Barbara.
When hereturns, he will take over a new
position as Associate Vice President for

Academic Development, working in the of-
fice of Vice President for Academic Affairs
Allan Smith.
Smith discounts the impact of Hays'
departure on the form the study would
take, but Hays says, "I wouldn't be sur-
prised if the study were held until an
acting dean was appointed." Sussman
agrees that this is exactly what will hap-
The name of the acting dean will be
released in the next few weeks, probably in
time for the June 19 Regents' meeting, and
the state's appropriation to the University
should also be known by then. With both
uncertainties cleared up, the study will be
ready to proceed, although perhaps in a
limited or somewhat different form. But
both Hays and Sussman, in addition to
See LSA, Page 2

See Editorial Page
Vol. LXXX, No. 18-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 29, 1970 Ten Cents

'air, one-fifth chance
of rain
Six Pages

accused in
killings a
Army captains
face charge for
orders to shoot
Army charged two decorated
infantry o f f i c e r s yesterday
with attempted murder by
ordering their men to shoot
into huts in a South Vietna-
r ..se village.
Pentagon sources said two Viet-
,namese civilians, a woman and
her nephew, were wounded. The
woman reportedly died later and
her nephew, whose age was not
specified, recovered.
The formal announcement said
that Capt. Vincent N. Hartmann,
34, of Scranton, Pa., and 1st Lt.
Robert G. Lee, 22, of Springfield,
Mo., had been charged "with the
attempted murder of an unspeci-
fied number of human beings .. .
by ordering members of their
command to fire into buildings
used for human habitation" on orI
about June 15 last year.
The announcement provided
few details, but sources said shots
were fired against two huts out
of five ina asmall settlement.
The maximum penalty for at-
tempted murder is 20 years.
Both officers are now assigned
to the Army Infantry school bri-
gade at Ft. Benning, Ga.
They were serving with the 9th
Infantry Devision at the time of
the incident, whose location was
not specified in the announce-I
ment, beyond saying it was "inj
the delta area of Vietnam."
Hartmann commanded Com-
pany C. 2nd Battalion, 39th In-:
fantry, and Lee was a platoon
leader in the same unit.
The Pentagon said Col. Charles
C. Thebaud, school brigade com-
mander at Benning, has ordered a
grand jury type investigation to
determine whether the two of-
ficers should be brought before.
a general court-martial.
This alleged incident occurred1
about 15 months after the alleged;
massacre of more than 102 South;
Vietnamese civilians at My Lai+
and Son My in South Vietnam.i
The My Lai-Son My episode oc-
curred several hundred miles from
the delta area.+








Dean Francis Allen of the law school will resign effective
June 30, 1971, the University announced yesterday. Allen is
expected to take a year leave immediately following his
resignation, then return to the law school as a member of
the faculty.
Yesterday the University 'also officially announced the
resignation of William Hays, dean of the literary college.
Hays, who was appointed dean July 1, 1968, will spend the
next academic year with the psychology department of the
University of California at Santa Barbara, then return to
the University as a s s o e i a t e vice president for academic
The 50-year-old Allen, who was appointed dean of the
law school July 1, 1966, said

-Associated Press
PRESIDENT NIXON and Evangelist Billy Graham and his wife
arrive at Neyland Stadium on the campus of the University of
Tennesse last night where Nixon addressed Youth Night of the
Graham Crusade.
Nixon addresses
Gr"aham crusade
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. DP - President Nixon told a Billy
Graham crusade last night that youth must turn to "those
great spiritual resources which have made America what
it is."
It was Nixon's first campus speech in almost a year, and
the oval football stadium of the University of Tennessee over-
flowed with an audience estimated at 75,000.
The President stood through a long, loud standing ova-
tion, smiling and nodding while the small group of dissidents
chanted: "One, two, three, four, we don't want Nixon's war."
The answer came back in boos from the throng.
Evangelist Graham, Nixon said, told him there would be,

Associated Press
Break it up now, boys and girls
National Guardsmen at Ohio State University hold their rifles in a ready position as they broke up
a demonstration yesterday of 150 marshmellow throwing protesters. The students had gathered in
front of the university's administration building where student leaders and school officials were
meeting. Later last night the last 1,900 of the 5,000 guardsman called to Columbus last week were
Anti-war groups to hold rally in
Detroit, peace pienic' at air base

By DEBRA THAL the base would be closed and that
The Student Mobilization Coin- the annual air show would be can-
mittee (SMC) in cooperation with celled. However, protest leaders
the Detroit Coalition to End the say they plan to hold the picnic
War has called for a march and outside the gates if they are not
rally in Detroit tomorrow followed I.lGdnsidlCba e n
by a "Picnic for Peace" at Self- Selfridge official Col. Kenneth
ridge Air Force Base. I. Gunnarson said yesterday, "In-
rTdge AM or aseDayactionswillformation has been received that
The Memorial Day actions will indicates some of the protest or-
be part of a nationwide protest gnztnshaweepniga
against the Cambodian escalation ganizationsthaduwerepnnia
andthedeahs f yungpeoleat peace picnic' during this aerial
and the deaths of young people a hwwr famltn aue
Ohio's Kent State University, Au- shw gwere of a militant nature
gusta, Ga., and at Jackson State with a long record of violence.
College, Jackson, Miss. "Therefore, it would be impru-
Early yesterday military offi- dent to risk possible injury to
cials at Selfridge announced that civilian guests and the loss or

students on hand representing
just glad," he said, "there
seems to be a rather solid
majority on one side rather
than the other side tonight."
That brought an outpouring of
loud applause and a standing ova-f
At one point Nixon said: *"I re-
spectthose whodisagree with me."
He said he was proud the great
majority of America's young
people do not approve of violence
and, as he said he does, "do ap-
prove of dissent.
"But, they say they want the
right to be heard and when they
speak they think other people
should be silent so that they can
be heard," he added.
"And so, it is a generation that
is not the lost generation, as some
Americans think. It isn't the beat
generation. It isn't the beat-up
generation. It can be and will be-
come the great young generation.
That is what T helieve and that is

different points of view. "I'm


Students mobilize

A nationwide movement for a "New Con-
gress" has emerged out of renewed protest
against the war in Southeast Asia, with
a local chapter opening at the University.
Directed by liberal students who wish to
work "through the system," the movement
aims at making students an effective force
in determining the outcome of the con-
gressional elections, through a three-point
--Involving students throughout the
country in a coordinated nation-wide ef-
_n a-All fn iiMoinfA.ningn A file of

sity of Chicago came to meet witi
active people.
The original organization wa
following the publication of a f
editorial in the Daily Pri
Princeton University's student n
which read, "This point .in histc
how far down the road to tyr
political system has carried us .
throw the real 'bums' out of off
From Princeton the movemer
to over 300 campuses, with Prin
maining the national coordinati
Princeton computerizes questionr
garding campaign experience fill
nannlD intrstfOd in wnrrkino- for

for, elections
h political department. Many of whom are acquainted
with congressmen.
s formed In addition to linking up with other
ront page peace groups, Sullivan said that the local
ncetonian, organization is working with SACUA to ar-
ewspaper, range for students to be given released time
ry shows to work shortly before election time.
anny our "We have got to get the University be-
Let us hind us," he stressed, "but we have to
ice." watch the reaction from Lansing." Sul-
nt spread livan expressed fear of repressive action
.ceton re- from state legislators who feel threatened
ng center. by student activism within the political
naires re- system.
ed out by "Some congressmen and senators believe
the un- that a tremendous amount of nower can

damage of government property,"
he said.
Gunnarson would not reveal
which groups he was referring to.
Gunnarson said he had "noth-
ing to do with" any decision to
call in police to intervene with the
demonstrators. However, the Ma-
comb County sheriff's office said
yesterday they plan to "take
whatever action is necessary to
see that no laws are broken."
Because the protesters will not
be allowed on the base, it is likely
that they will congregate in a
large empty field outside the Navy
gate. The sheriff's office said if
"the owner" chooses to ask them
to leave, deputies will make sure
they do.
Tomorrow's march will start at
the corner of Woodward and
Kirby in Detroit at 11 a.m. and
proceed to Kennedy Square where
the rally will be held from ap-
proximately noon until 2 p.m.
Speakers will include State Rep.
Jackie Vaughn III (D-Detroit),
James Lafferty, co-chairman of
the Detroit Coalition, Jacqueline
Rice, a black liberation and wo-
men's liberation activist, and Ger-
ald Brown, a GI from Selfridge.
Also speaking at the rally will
be the president of the Wayne
County AFL-CIO, Tom Turner,
whose union has come out in full
support of the protest for the first
time. A supportive statement by
Michigan AFL-CIO President Gus
Scholle is included in the union
Buses will be provided to trans-
port the 20,000-30,000 people ex-
pected from Kennedy Square to

his decision to 1 e a v e was
"b a s e d entirely on personal
considerations." He added that
he had "the highest regard for
this great law school and for
the University of which it is
a part."
Allen also said he would like to
do some work in the area of juve-
Snile problems within the legal sys-
Sources in the law school cited
the turbulance of the past year9
centering around the Black Law7
Student Alliance (BLSA) as a
major factor in Alen's decision to
Demands by' the BLSA for
greater numbers ofhblack students
in the law school and a revision of
admissions requirements has cre-
ated divisions within the law
school faculty, and as dean, Allen
found himself in the middle of the
controversy, the sources said.
In addition to the BLSA de-
mands, Allen was also faced with
requests to secure new facilities
for the law school, especially a
larger library, and with deciding
how to expand the school's legal
aid service.
However, the problem of secur-
ing funds for increased construc-
tion and expansion has been com-
mon throughout the University
over the past four years.
Commenting on Allen's resigna-
tion, Vice President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith said, "Frank
Allen took the deanship with the
understanding that, after five
See ALLEN, Page 2
State denies
trial appeal
LANSING (M-)-The state court
of appeals denied a motion today
seeking a change in trial site for
John Norman Collins, accused of
killing an Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity coed last summer.
Collins, 23, is scheduled to go
on trial Monday in Washtenaw
C ount y Circuit Court. He is
charged with first degree murder
in the killing last July of Karen
Sue Beineaa 18-ya-old col-
lege freshman from Grand Rapids.'
legeBeiema, a 18yea-ol col-

OV 0 i1 S
Gov't sut
on draft
cases end
ice Department yesterday ack-
nowledged that U.S. attorneys
have been told to drop indictments
against young men who refused
be drafted after having been re-
classified or whose induction dates
were moved ahead because they
broke Selective Service rules.
The order affects about 600
pending criminal indictments in
federal courts, a spokesman for
the department said.
The department made public a
Any Daily subscriber not re-
ceiving tomorrow's Daily should
not call 764-0558 to complain
because we didn't publish to-
morrow's paper and we aren't
going to. Happy Memorial Day,
memorandum sent to U.S. attor-
neys after the Supreme Court held
that speeding up induction or re-
classifying a young man as pun-
ishment for draft delinquency is
Those involved, the spokesman
said, refused induction or did not
show up for induction. They had
be en declared delinquent by the
'Selective Service after such draft
infractions as burning their cards
in opposition to the Vietnam War
or not leaving a forwarding ad-
dress with local draft boards.
The memorandum, signed by
Asst. Atty. Gen. William R. Wil-
son, was sent to attorneys Jan. 30.
In that decision, the court threw
out the conviction of 22-year-old
David E. Gutknecht of Gaylord,
Minn.. who had refused induc-
tion. His induction wassmoved up
by his draft board after he had
left his Selective Service card on
the steps of the Minneapolis fed-
eral building in protest of the
IVietnam War.
The court also declared uncon-
stitutional the reclassification of

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