Contents of 'street drugs' revealed
A study of "street drugs" in Ann Arbor
has substantiated what many persons
have long suspected - street d r u g s
rarely contain the substances they are
sold as and often contain a number of
harmful substances.
The study, made by five University
undergraduates in the College of Pharm-
acy, concluded that of 55 drug samples
purchased by students only 16, or 30 per
cent, contained any amount of the drug
they wrre alleged to contain.
Perhaps even more significant is that
50 per cent of the drugs analyzed were
found to contain phencyclidine (PCP>,
a drug often prescribed as an anesthetic
for apes or a tranquilizer for large ani-
According to Matt Lampe of Drug
Help, a local drug information and crisis
center, PCP can be very dangerous if it
is mixed with "downers" (barbiturates)
or if , is taken in extremely pure forms.
The drug has a numbing effect on the
limbs and face and often results in
respiratory problems or even respiratory
Surprisingly, none of the samples stud-
ied contained any measurable amounts
of strychnine, a toxic substance that is
widely rumored to be an adulterant of
street drugs.
Lampe confirms the validity of these
findings. "I've only seen one case of
strychnine poisoning in Ann Arbor in
the past nine months," he says. "There
are a lot of myths about strychnine. Us-
ually when a drug upsets someone's
stomach they blame it on strychnine."
Other findings of the study include:
-In general, samples purchased as
LSD did contain LSD, though frequentty
it was mixed with other compounds;
-Only one sample purchased as mes-
caline contained a "trace quantity" of
the drug. Generally, drugs sold as mes-
caline were found to contain various
mixtures of LSD, PCP and other drugs;
-No samples alleged to be tetrahydro-
cannibinal tTHC), which is the active
ingredient in marijuana, actually con-
tained the drug. PCP was a common
chemical in these samples;
L A w'three -t R High-58
pimi mmin mma m "w~~miminPartly sunny,
cold and breezy
Thursday, May 13, 1971 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN News Phone: 764-0552
Anti-war group cancels
celebration at local park
A4sociated Press
Play litme
A young child performs in a theatrical production at a nursery for
workers' children near Canton, China. This nursery is at the Shui
Doug commune attached to a silk factory near Canton.
Ecological C wuartnings
may deaden interest
The "massive propaganda barrage" by environmental-
ists may be dulling our appreciation of health and safety
issues, suggests business economics Prof. Ross Wilhelm.
Despite crusades by Ralph Nader and his supporters, var-
ious new laws and government directives and continuous
political oratory, low-phosphate detergents and no-lead
gasoline are still not selling well, according to Wilhelm.
The University economist cited the two per cent rise
in cigarette consumption in 1970 - the first rise in two
years - as evidence that the public is turning a deaf ear
to health, safety and environmental issues.
Discussing the issue on his WUOM radio program,
"Business Review," Wilhelm said that for the past three
years "a massive propaganda barrage by groups who are
concerned whether we ar.e killing ourselves by one means
or another," has confronted the American. public.
The net effect of the whole campaign has been an
enormous number of new environmental laws and govern-
mental directives, but, according to Wilhelm, "so far
" as the general public is concerned, the effects of the massive
publicity over this issue seem to be wearing off.
"In recent political campaigns, issues related to health,
safety, and environment did not play a large role in
public debate nor in the decisions of the voters in most
election. Further, if we observe consumer buying behav-
A local anti-war group
has cancelled plans f o r a
"c o u n t e r celebration" of
Armed Forces Day after be-
ing informed that t h e y
would have to post $2,500
bond for the use of Hudson
Mills Park in nearby Scio
Charles Cambron, spokesman
for the Community Coalition for
t i e People's Peace Treaty
(CCPPT), said plans for t h e
May 16 outing were abandoned
after Hudson Mills Ranger Don
S ewart informed them that the
bond was necessary.
The picnic-rally w a s to be
held to raise money f o r the
Vietnam Veterans Against the
War and a local group of anti-
war mothers of prisoners of war.
Cambron said park officials
had previously indicated that if
he filled out an application for
a permit and could guarantee
adequate rest room and water
facilities, the group would be
allowed use of the park without
posting a bond.
James Pompo of the Huron-
Clinton Metropolitan Authority,
which runs the park, said that
after $5,000 damage was done
to the park several months ago,
Scio Township passed an ordi-
nance requiring bonds to be set
- primarily as a type of dam-
age deposit - for all groups of
over 50 people using the park.
The bonds are set "at the dis-
cretion" of the Chief Park Ran-
"The man who wanted t lie
park (Cambron) s a i d there
would be about 5,000 people
there," Pompo said. "We fig-
ured out the bond at about 50
cents damage per person.
According to Pompo, the only
previous bond that has be e n
asked from park-users occuted
when a rock group wanted to
hold a concert.
Hudson Mills Park has been
used many times by local Boy
Scouts and factory picnics with-
out the necessity of posting a
bond, Ranger Stewart :-elated.
"But this is a much larger
gathering than anything we've
had in the past," he explained.
CCPPT sponsored a bucket
drive on the diag last week .to
raise money for the rest rooms
and water facilities for the ill-
fated picnic.
Cambron announced yester-
day ,that the $60 collected by.
volunteers would be given to the
Vietnam Veterans Against the
Velazquez masterpiece
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has acquired this painting, the-
"Portrait of Juan De Paraja," museum officials announced yes-
terday, The price of the painting, over $5.5 million, set a world
auction record when it was sold in London last November, The
17th century masterpiece portrays the Spanish painter's mulatto
slave, who was executed in 1649.
SST bill passes Hu4-se
(continued from page 1)
at the House action but said
the question will not be decided
until the Senate acts.
In the Senate, the H o u s e
vote was hailed by SST support-
ers who said the issue could
reach the Senate floor again as
early as next Wednesday.
Sen. William Proxmire, (D-
Wis., the leading SST oppon-
ent, said the House reversal
"makes a travesty of the legisla-
tive process."
"There is no more reason now
than there was in March to vote
money for this white elephant,"
Proxmire said.
Sen. Waren Magnuson, (D-
Wash.), leading Senate backer
of the project, commented:
"This is an about face that two
months ago no one expected,"
he said. "I believe it does re-
flect the second thoughts of a
lot of people here have felt since
the project was killed."
Senate sources said the Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee
probably would take up the bill
next Monday.
"We've got the votes on the
Appropriations Committee to
vote it out," an SST backer
said, and my guess is that it
could reach the Senate floor as
early as next Wednesday."
Proxmire said there h a v e
been no technological b r e a k-
throughs since the SST w a s
scrapped to counter arguments
it would have a severe and
harmful effect on the environ-
The SST program was cancel-
led March 25 after Congress
halted federal funds.
The primary builder, the
Boeing Co., of Seattle, laid off
more than 5,000 workers and
began dismantling and packing
more than 13,000 parts and tools
and closing out some 3,000 sub-
contracts across the country.