Pag Tw THEMCHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 13, 1971 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 13, 1971 U PROJECT Computers change course instruction _____ -=_drama- Originality key to classy 'The Brass and Grass' 4 By ROB BIER Inbred student fear of computers, re- sulting from such commonplaces as mis- arranged schedules and incorrect grade reports, has not hindered the growth of computerized instruction at the Univer- sity. Indeed, such computer use appears to be increasing rapidly. Judging from the classroom applica- tions currently in use at the University, the computer offers three broad advan- tages and benefits: -It allows visual presentation of com- plete textbook concepts, which are diffi- cult or impossible to adequately demon- strate any other way. -It allows students, working directly w i t h a computer, to repeat a problem several times or to experiment with their own ideas far beyond the point where a professor's presence might inhibit them for fear of appearing "stupid." -By grading tests, and in some cases, even papers, the computer can free the professor to spend more time actually talking to his students, thus, ironically perhaps, humanizing the teaching pro- Three types of terminals are used to get data out of and into the University's IBM 360/67 computer. The most com- mon is the electric teletypewriter. There are a variety of pen-an-ink plotters and drafting devices, which work on some variation of the concept used in the fa- miliar Etchasketch toy and use a type- writer keyboard for programming. Final- ly, there are a number of cathode-ray tube (CRT) devices. It is the CRT which figures most prom- inently in the presentation of various textbook concepts. One of the foremost developers of "computer graphics" for classroom use at the University is aero- space engineering Prof. Richard Phillips. Not only has he been instrumental in de- veloping some intriguing programs for use of the SRT in the classroom, but he has helped develop a relatively simple, low-cost method of making computer- animated movies for a wide variety of uses. In the a r e a of computer simulation, Phillips has developed a program using the CRT which allows the student to fire retrorockets on an imaginary Apollo cap- sule, the object being to bring the astro- nauts safely from an earth orbit. The student, after calling for the proper pro- gram, first selects an orbit height. The earth and its atmosphere are then dis- played on the screen, and the orbit is au- tomatically plotted, with force vectors, representing the capsule's direction and speed, plotted along the orbit. Then, the computer flashes, "Fire rockets now," and the student picks a speed reduction and angle for firing of the rockets. From there on the computer takes over. The change in orbit is plotted, and the student can "watch" the capsule come down. Meanwhile, a graph in one corner of the screen monitors the "G's," or gravity forces which the astronauts are experiencing. If the G-force goes over By MARCIA ABRAMSON The Brass and Grass Forever, an original musical which opened last night, has the framework for a first- class show. Jerry Bilik's book and music have some real problems, but it's the basic material that counts, and the show is worth seeing. It's not otfen you'll see such a high quality non- professional show. What The Brass needs is elimination of repetition and better choreography. More really funny lines would help, too. But you can't ask everything of a group like the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, and you really get much more than you expect. The Brass and Grass Forever is a complicated story about a plot by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to take over more power and thwart the threat of the liberal establishment to cut the defense budget. The plan is to have an undercover agent lead a band of hip- pies in an attack on major government centers (NOT the Pentagon) and stop "business as usual." If there's one thing you can say. it's that the plot is timely.) The first act belongs to the Joint Chiefs, as engaging a bunch of maniacs as ever roamed a stage, especially Jerome Patterson as Admiral Beebe, the doddering chief of the navy who launches into poetry about the ocean blue at the least provocation. Unfortunately, the charming quar- tet's hit of the first act, "The Art of War," was repeated in the second act's long number, "Defenders of the Right." Since the commanders are not changing or deep characters, there is no need for so much repetition. The tactical opponents of the joint chiefs were of course the hippie fam- ily. And here is where Bilik went very wrong, because Ann Arbor audiences know very well that freaks do not say, "Like crazy, man" or talk like the beatniks of the fifties. The final twist settles everything well enough, as you expect. In between, there is a lot of fun for cast and aud- ience. The music is generally excellent; the tunes are clear and bright, and most of the singing quite good, ex- cept for Ginger Myers' pseudo-operatic attempts which did not fit in with the play at all. Neither did the song of the sentry, "How Many Must Die?" It was a nice number but slowed the show and had nothing to do with the plot. See BRASS, Page 10 10, the astronauts are "killed," and the student must start again. Once a "landing" has been completed, the student can call up a variety of graphs showing de-acceleration against time, G- force against time and others. On cer- tain models a "hard copy" of the CRT display can be obtained on a photocopy machine linked to the CRT. Another use Phillips is making of the computer is in the field of "computer- aided data reduction." By using the com- puter in conjunction with actual lab ex- periments, he hopes to overcome t h e problem of enormous data-taking experi- ments which can lead the student to lose any idea of what he is actually doing. One such use would be to allow the stu- dent to feed raw experimental data to the computer, which would then plot it graphically, thus eliminating many time- consuming operations on the student's part and allow him to have a much clear- er view of how the experiment is pro- gressing. See COMPUTERS, Page 8 r Showings Friday-Sunday for Moy & June. 7 & 9 P.M. The book by Bob Dylan TARANTULA BOB DYLAN I 4 FRIDAY & SATURDAY CITIZEN KANE Directed by and starring Orson Welles as William R. Hearst. American success story gone sour. One of the greatest and most enjoyable -American movies. SUNDAY MONSIEUR VERDOUX Charlie Chaplin laughs at and indicts war and society through his livelihood of murders. -Don't miss it! ARCHITECTURE AUD ITOlRIUM Tarantula is Bob Dylan's first book, the only book he has ever written. It is a work of power and imagination, of variety and richness-of words and spirit. Tarantula is filled with peaks of brilliance and fields of humor. It is the plain truth. t is the complicated truth. You may wish to read it through more than once, for it is not easy to get it all the first time. Tarantula $3.95 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY $