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May 13, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-13

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Vol LXXXI. No. 7-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 13, 1971

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

SUnion workers
s Wvote for local
president VP

Northeast merges with Delta.
Documents were signed in Miami, Fla. yesterday to merge Northeast Airlines and Delta Airlines.
George Storer (left) chairman of the board of Storer Broadcasting Company and Bill Michaels, presi-
dent of the company, are shown after the signing. Storer owns 86 per cent of the stock of Northeastern
~~~~- - -- -----
New biell to fundST
narrowly passes House
WASHINGTON (R') - The which will be incurred in re- off since then demanded t h at
battle over developing an Amer- establishing and carrying o ut decision be reversed.
ican supersonic transport plane the new program," the company But Rep. Sidney Yates (D-
(SST) was revived yesterday said. Ill.), the SST's leading House
when the House executed an Speaker Carl Albert (D-Okla) opponent, said "The American
about face and voted $85 million told the House it would be people do not want the SST."
to restart the project. foolisi to kill the plane after The House vote turned an
The Senate will take up the spending $1 billion on it. $85.3-million contract termina-
renewed fight next and Demo- House Republican leader Ger- tion fund for the SST into that
cratic Leader Mike Mansfield of ald Ford of Michigan said Con- much money to revive develop-
Montana predicted the outcome gress "was acting in the dark" ment of two prototype planes.
there will be close, when it killed the SST eight Secretary of Transportation
With the leaders of both par- weeks ago - and said the SST John Volpe expressed pleasure
ties in the House behind them, workers who have been laid See SST, Page 3
backers of a drive to breathe -
new life into the 1,800 mile-an-
hour passenger plane won an I .. '
initial test by 201-195 and nailed
down by 201 to 197 on a second , °
vote. Eight weeks ago they lost
215 to 204.
Mansfield said the resurrect- A :
tion will meet "very extended :.
debate" in the Senate where the
SST was killed two months ago
51 to 46. "It might be nip and t A
tuck" this time, Mansfield said. ....'..
In a statement, President Nix- , q
on congratulated the House for ,
having very wisely reversed .
their earlier position," and add-
"The Congress has today tak-
en an important first step on
behalf of thousands of workers
across the country who have L
been engaged in the SST pro-
gram - and whose vital skills
and experience might otherwise
be lost to the nation."
Nixon restates a pledge 't'hat
the SST will not be committed
to production until all environ-
mental concerns have b e e n
thoroughly satisfied."
The Boeing Company, which
has laid off more than 5,000
r workers since its contract to de-
velop the aircraft was cancel-
ed, said any attempt to recon-
struct the program must be on I a
the basis of an entirely new I Town'
conrct.new contract must ful- John King, a resident of the small south-central South Dakota co
ly recognize the rights of the stagnant pool of water near his home. A resident of this district
parties under the terminated Town" has filed suit against the city alleging discrimination beca
contract and the large costs the white neighborhoods.

Votes were still b e i n g
tabulated late last night in
the election of officers for
Local 1583 of the American
Federation of State, County,
a n d Municipal Employes
(AFSCME). The union rep-
resents 2,700 University
s e r v i c e and maintenance
Seeking re-election as presi-
dent is Charles McCracken, who
served as chief negotiator for
the union during its contract
dispute with the University last
Opposing McCracken is Wal-
ter McCloskey, recording secre-
tary of the union and also a
member of that negotiating
Candidates for the first vice-
president position are Clarence
Massey and Harry Barnett, both
stewards for the union. In addi-
tion, Massey also served on the
bargaining team and helped lead
a wildcat walkout at University
Hospital a year ago.
McCloskey and Barnett, seek-
ing greater exposure than their
better-known opponents, have cir-
culated leaflets to promote their
campaigns. McCracken has dis-
tributed campaign buttons which
say "We're backin' McCracken,"
while Massey has done no cam-
The Rank and File Caucus, a
group of about a dozen militant
AFSCME members have en-
dorsed and campaigned for Mc-
Cracken and Barnett.
McCloskey has primarily at-
tacked the financial arrange-
ments of the union and has called
for the establishment of a strike
Re-elected as second vice-
president and secretary-treasur-
er were Willie Collins and Neva
Middleton. Collins and Middleton
ran unopposed.

Charles McCracken

SMC leader
to speak at
junior high
In a reversal of a previous de-
cision, permission has been given
a group of local junior high stu-
dents to hold a school assembly
featuring a socialist anti-war ac-
Peter Camejo, a prominent
member of the Massachusetts
Student Mobilization Committee
(SMC), will be allowed to ad-
dress a Scarlett Junior High As-
sembly- Monday, all apparent ob-
jections by school officials hav-
ing been satisfied.
Las week, Camejo was barred
from speaking at Scarlett for
what planners termed 'political"
reasons. In a letter explaining
his denial, principal Joseph Va-
chon said his action was based
on "information which came to
(his) attention" and was effec-
tive "system-wide."
Later, however, Vachon said
his decision was based solely on
the lack of "adequate" informa-
tion provided by the school's
SMC chapter - sponsor of the
anti-war program. He claimed
that because he had never re-
ceived a formal written request
for an assembly, Camejo could
not be allowed to speak.
Students and SMC's faculty ad-
visor, Gail Reed, contended such
written requests had never been
required before.
Much of the charge that Va-
chon had based his denial on
political considerations stemmed
from a letter distributed among
Ann Arbor secondary school prin-
cipals attacking Camejo and
criticizing his book "How to
Make a Revolution."
Vachon says he borrowed the
letter, printed in a small Massa-
chusetts newspaper, from Ann
Arbor Pitneer High School of-
ficials and made copies to show
to Scarlett faculty. He said the
article "aroused his suspicions"
about Camejo but later said it
had no effect on his decision to
bar him.
Huron High School principal
Paul Meyers, a member of the
group in which the letter was cir-
culated, said yesterday he had
received no communications con-
cerning Camejo and explained
See SMC, Page 10

*mmunity of Winner, stands by a
of the city known as "Indian
use better services are offered in

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