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May 12, 1971 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-12

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Wednesday, May 12, 1971


Page Eleven I

Wolverine batsmen crush WMU, 5-i

The rainclouds that dimmed
the skies over Fischer Stadium
yesterday afternoon failed to
dim the brilliance of Wolverine
pitcher Mickey Elwood and his
slugging teammates as they de-
feated a tough Western Mich-
igan team 5-1 in a non-confer-
ence clash.
Elwood, who went the whole
way, allowed only five hits, while
the Michigan team pounded out
11 against three Western pit-
chers en route to their 17th vic-
A tory of the season.
The Wolverine pitcher gave up
Western's solo run in the sev-
enth inning when Western cen-
terfielder Dick Cox made it safe-
ly to first base on a grounder to
shortstop Mike Rafferty,
Following Ken Ottie's fly

ball to right field, shortstop
Greg Geyer walked. Then Dave
Rice, who had come into the
game to relieve starting pitcher
Brian Sullivan, lifted a single
to centerfield scoring Cox. Scott
Kemple then struck out to end
the inning.
Elwood was in trouble at only
one other point in the game,
during the first inning when the
first two batters to face him got
on base. Kemple led off the
inning with a single through
second and shortstop Felix Skal-
ski bunted successfully..
After getting the next two
batters, allowing Kemple to
reach third on a force play, El-
wood unloaded a wild pitch
moving Skalski to second, and
then got catcher Roger Cook

Pro hoopmen schedule
NBA-ABA all-star tilt

to pop up to end the inning
and the Western threat.
After that shaky beginning,
until the seventh, Elwood was in
in complete command, allowing
only one other hit in the fifth
to Ottie.
The Michigan team had its
big inning in the sixth, scor-
ing two runs on three hits and
a bases-loaded walk.
Sullivan started the rally with
a sharp single into the hole in
right field. Following a popup
to the Western third baseman.
by Mike DeCou, Wolverine cat-
cher Dan Mulvihill also dropped
a single into right.
Rafferty unloaded a solid
single into left center scoring
Sullivan, going to second on the
throw and bouncing Western
pitcher Sullivan from the game.
Reliever Rice promptly hit se-
cond baseman Mike Kocolowski
with his first pitch to load the
bases and then walked Elwood
to score the second run of the
inning. Mike Carrow then
grounded to short to end the
Earlier in the game Sullivan
got off to a bad start, leading
for information call
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off the first inning with a walk to
Carrow who made it to third base
on a steal attempt in which the
catcher overthrew the second
baseman, followed by a long fly
to right field by Leon Roberts.
The Wolverine third baseman
subsequently scored on a single
by Sullivan through second.
In the third the Michigan team
picked up another run as right-
fielder Mike Bowen pounded a
triple down the first base line
just inside the foul line and
scored on a Leon Roberts chop-
per to the shortstop.
The Wolverines added one final
tally in the eighth inning, as
Mike DeCou dumped a single
into right center, moving to third

NEW YORK (P) - The Na-
tional Basketball Association
players openly defied the league's
club owners again yesterday by
announcing plans to play an all-
star game with the rival Ameri-
can Basketball Association in the
Houston Astrodome, May 28.
The game, which will match
Il-man all-star teams from the
two leagues, was scheduled by
agreement of the players in the
ABA and NBA despite the fact
club owners had barred such an
event until formal merger of the
warring leagues.
Only last week the owners of
the two leagues agreed to seek
Congressional legislation sanc-
tioning such a merger. The NBA
Players Association has been
fighting the merger and current-
ly has a court injunction in force
barring any amalgamation.
Oscar Robertson of the NBA
champion Milwaukee B u c k s,
president of the players associa-
tion, said the game was being put
on because there was a demand
from the fans and to show tat
it could be put on without a
"The super game," said Rob-
ertson, "will show that tis two
pro leagues can play agyai'st
each other at the highest com-
petitive level without an ilegal
merger. The owners refused to
present any game between the
* two leagues without such x
merger. But with such refusal.
the owners' sole motivation be-
comes clear-money.
NBA Commissioner Walter XIn-
nedy and ABA Commis ioner
Jack Dolph declined comment on
the situation.
ABA Commissioner Jack Dolph
said the league would "take steps
to stop our players from partici-
pting if it is decided the game

on a wild throw that got by the
second baseman.
With Greg Buss running for De-
Cou, Rafferty lined a double into
left center to score Buss. Mike
Kocolowski then flew out to the
centerfielder Cox who made a
fine grab, and Elwood ended the
inning with a grounder to second.
The Wolverines now head into
their final homestand of the sea-
son as they host Northwestern
Friday in a double header, and
Wisconsin Saturday In another
twinbill in important conference
action. The Wolverines are now
17-10 in regular season play with
a 4-4 mark in the conference.

would be detrimental to the
league, which we have not."
Dolph also revealed he had told
the ABA's It member clubs to
"not grant permission to the play-
ers to participate prior to league
consideration and approval."
The net gate receipts from the
game will go to the newly estab-
lished Whitney Young Founda-
tion, which directs funds to pro-
grams that prepare ghetto youths
for college. The television re-
ceipts will go to supplement the
pension plans of the players in
the two leagues.
A share of the television re-
ceipts also will go to the partici-
pating players. Robertson said
the players had not yet decided
on a figure, but the winner's
would get more than the losers.
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