Page Eight THE MIHIA GDAILY Wednesday, May 12, 1971 Page Eight THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 12, 1971 HIGH PO Tokyo fc TOKYO - American consumer advocate Ralph Nader, during a recent visit to Tokyo cited the city as "a notorious symbol of world- wide pollution." In one smoggy week last summer over 8,000 peo- ple were treated in Tokyo hospit- als for severe eye and skin irri- tation and other pollution-induced Ask bills to cut campaign costs (Continued from Page 7) board advertising, the Hays-Ab- bitt bill sets an over-all limit within which the candidates can spend as they choose. T h e proposal would limit spending on House races to $30,- 000, only half of what the Sen- ate bill would allow. Both bills set a flexible limit to Senate races based on the size of the state, and again, the Hays-Ab- bitt limits would be lower. The Hays-Abbitt bill would require full disclosure of all campaign expenditures and re- ceipts, but not until 45 days af- ter the election. According to Hays, the pres- ent requirement for advance no- tice of contributions and expen- ditures, which other bills would continue, is too easily distorted LLUTION rces crisis ailments. At least 41 other people have died because of air pollution in the heavily-industrialized city of Yokkaichi, Japan. Tokyo traffic policemen will not stand at busy crossroads longer than 30 minutes, and 40 junctions have oxygen ma- chines available. Most of Japan's gasoline is derived from Middle Eastern oil, which contains par- ticularly large quantities of pollu- tants. Japan's oil industry adds ben- zene and toluene to the cheaper grades of petroleum, which the sun's rays convert into highly toxic gases. Compounding the ecologi- cal tragedy still further, the num- ber of private cars in Tokyo has doubled within the past three years, and the :Japanese car man- ufacturers, who equip automobiles exported to the U.S. with exhaust- control devises, install no such equipment on their domestic cars. Concern, outrage and protests are mounting among the Japanese almost as rapidly as the thicken- ing air. According to a poll con- ducted by the Japanese govern- ment last year, 52 per cent of the residents in the Tokyo and Osaka metropolitan areas were convinced they suffer from the effects of pol- lution. And a third of those polled blamed the pollution on the weak measures taken by the central and local governments. See POLLUTION, Page 10 4- The Look WANTING The Slacks: M RACER FLARES No-iron solids, stripes and patterns. $10 to $12 a pair. HERE'S WHERE !I1 ~:~IT'S CORNER OF STATE & LIBERTY STS. * DIAL 662-6264 GPEN5NOTESEECIALENDS TIMES! TODAY DU~liN 2SHOWS DUMN so HOIFIF1A1 3:45 6:15 PanavisiaooTechnicolor Iv i Geat STARTS a TOMORROW! The Action At MARTY'S "Wall-Of-Slax" You'll Find the New Double Knits By A-i $18 exclusive boot slit and heel-to-toe slant. SAFFELL & BUSCH 310 S. STATE ST. Master Charge, BankAmericard, American Express OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL 8:30 b 'I &. t