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May 12, 1971 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-12

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page three I id i an Iat

Hc igh- ,O0
Occasional rain, cooler

News -'nl-- -74AAcrl)


Wednesday. May 12, 1971


News Phone: 164-V55

N.Y. Panther
case nears
NEW YORK {A1 - The bombing conspiracy case against
13 Black Panthers will go to a jury tomorrow after an 8-
month trial, the trial judge disclosed yesterday.
The judge's charge to the jury began yesterday after-
noon, and was expected to continue through tomorrow
Before State Supreme Court Justice John Murtagh be-
gan his charge, Asst. Dist. Atty. Joseph Phillips ended a
41/2 day summation for the prosecution.
Phillips concentrated on a
claim by one of two women de-
fendants, Joan Bird, that she A ppointee
had been subjected to pollc
brutality after her 1969 arrest.
"Just another of Joan Bird's ato
lies," was Phillips' appraisal of
the charge.
Phillips cited testimony by a
detective, who quoted Bird as
saying she suffered injuries to
her face when she dived to the
floor of the automobile in which BY JONATHAN'MILLER
she was arrested. Two University administrative
The car was parked on the appointments take effect this
Harlem River drive when an month, one of which figures in
exchange of shots took place be- the implementation of last
tween two patrolmen and two year's agreement between the
alleged Panthers who were never University and the Black Action
apprehended. Bird was seized in Movement (BAM).
the vehicle. She did not testify Thomas Butts, director of
press at the trial. orientation since 1967, is leav-
Bird's mother testified to the ing his post to take on the job
injured condition of her daugh- of director of financial aids,
'e sub- ter whenshe visited her at a while Donald Perigo, ex-dean of
raction police station. student personnel at Alpena
The 13 Panthers on trial are Community College. is replac-
charged with plotting to murder
policemen, conspiring to bomb
police stations and other public
places and possession of weap-
ons and explosives.
They were arrested in April
19119 and brought to trial last
Sept. 8.
The trial f o 1o w e d seven
Cemonths of preliminary san-
ice ments, durig which ten o
defendants remained imprison-
ed, unable to raise to bail rang-
ney Gen- ing up to $100,000.
d police The Panthers claimed the in-
the "de- dictment was part of a nation-
se Wash- wide campaign of harassment
nst May against the militant black party
week. -an accusation denied by the
ton's de- Justice Department.
lb force Prosecution e v i d e n c e was
partly drawn from the testi- Thomas Butts
ior other mony of p o1ice- officers who
hell in a apparently infiltrated Panther ing Butts as orientation dir ec-
eeting of ranks. tor,
Then trialrisaks.achi Butts favors placing the of-
icers As- The trial Is approaching a fice of financial aids under the
feelings conclusion at the time similar same vice-president as other stu-
to that of the trial of Bobby dent services, including the ad-
ie Presi- Seale and Ericka Huggins in missions office but says he i
s." New Haven. "... .. -


Safety bumper
Paul Taylor of Buffalo, N.Y., displays a shock absorbing bumper before the Senate Commer
committee on auto insurance. Taylor claims the bumper he invented can be produced at a fi
of the cost projected by auto manufacturers for such a device.
Committee sees 'subversion';
Mitchell commends D.C. pol

(Continued from page 1 )
fare. He ruled unconstitutional
the parading-without-a-permit
law under which they were ar-
Other judges made similar
moves as they continued hear-
ings for some of the 12,000 per-
sons arrested.
Many of those arrested Wed-
nesday on the Capitol steps for
4 "unlawful entry" were freed.
A n o t h e r 346 demonstrators
were released on bond after
Greene ruled their fingerprints
and arrest records must be kept
out of Federal Bureau of Investi-

gation files. Many said they re-
fused to submit to police process-
ing for that reason.
When Greene made the ruling.
the demonstrators were scatter-
ed in various detention facili-
ties. But earlier in the day they
had been held in a cellblock de-
signed for no more than 250 per-
Superior Court Judge James
Belson toured the cellblock Fri-
day morning and ordered imme-
diate transfer of many held
there. He called the block tanta-
mount to "cruel and unusual

In related news, Attori
eral John Mitchell urge
in other cities to copy,
cisive" tactics used by t
ington, D.C. police agai
day demonstrators last1
"I hope that Washing:
cisi e opposition to mi
will set an example f
communities." said Mitc
speech to the annual me
the California Peace Off:
sociation, adding that his
'are fully shared by th
dent of the United State.


View of the average protester

"American as apple pie" has rarely been
used to describe the average anti-war
protester. but a team of psychologists feels
the student protester's true identity "is
hidden only by his bold clothing and
abundance of hair."
Drs. Kenneth J. and Mary Kay Gergen.
psychologists at Swarthmore College, say
they found exactly that in a recent atti-
tudinal survey of more than 5,000 anti-
war demonstrators at 40 American colleges
and universities.
From their survey, presented to the 78th
annual convention of the American Psy-
chological Association, they drew this com-
posite portrait of the average protester:
"It might well be said that the protesters,
women as well as men, embody many of
the highest goals of the society.
"The average protester comes from a
prosperous home. His parents are making
important contributions to the community.
He attends a good school. He achieves high
marks and his aspirations are high.

"He has strong moral concerns, a deep
loyalty to the American heritage, and an
intense commitment to end the war, which
he feels to be tearing his country asunder.
The Gergens reported the research shows
the Vietnam war has seriously impaired
the institution of h i g h e r education in
Other findings 'of the Gergens' survey
supports the above contention:
"The war has influenced students to
disengage themselves from the process of
higher education," including a lessening of
interest toward graduate studies.
"Communication among members of the
college community has broken down." And
there is 'widespread fragmentation' and
hostility among various student and facul-
ty campus factions. '
"The Vietnam war has influenced stu-
dents, teachers and administrators to 'lose
faith in the system of higher education.'
with "49 per cent of 1,200 faculty members
polled feeling the war has caused them to

believe the present system of higher edu-
cation is inadequate to meet the needs of
contemporary society."
The Gergens conclude: "These various
results leave little doubt that one of the
important casualties of the war has been
the system of higher education."
And, accordingly, the greatest "casualty"
rate has been among students who "are
likely to do very well in their school
The Gergens also noted that the typical
war protester "knows more about Vietnam
than what he reads in the papers." Two of
every three polled "have had a close 7riend
or relative stationed in Vietnam," and be-
cause of this they have very close "emo-
tional ties to the outcome of the war."
Politically, those polled indicated only
five per cent considered themselves to be
"radicals." 50 per cent said they were "in-
dependent," while 25 per cent said they
were Democrats. Only nine per cent de-
scribed themselves as Republicans.

"more concerned about getting
the job done than about who my
boss is."
As one of the admin-
istrators most concened with
implementing the agreement be-
tween the University and BAM,
Butts feels confident that his
office has the money required
to fund poor black and minority
There is danger however, says
Butts, that revised federal poli-
cies, presently being considered
by the Nixon administration,
may have a deliterious affect on
the program.
Recently B u t t s announced
that the substantial tuition hike
slated for September should not
hinder any financial-aid students
from returning to the Univer-
He explained although none
of the University budgets for
the upcoming fiscal year have
been finalized as yet, his office
generally receives a portion of
the revenue from tuition hikes
to offset increases for students
holding scholarships, loans or
At the orientation office Pen-
go feels one area in which he
will concentrate will be the
orientation of transfer students.

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