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May 12, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-12

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Vol LXXXI, No. 6 S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 12, 1971 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
Fleming speaks on
faculty bargaining

President Robben Fleming reiterated
his views on faculty collective bargaining
yesterday, emphasizing the pitfalls of
such a development at the University
where recent months have seen increased
faculty inerest in unionization.
"If you believe in the power of indi-
vidual freedom," Fleming told University
members of the American Association of
University Professors (AAUP), "then col-
lective bargaining is leading you down the
wrong path."
Fleming expressed his belief that "it
appears that individual freedom will fall
to the common rule (in collective bar-
gaining)," and that individual freedoms
will be lost if faculties bargain as a unit.
Any money available for higher sal-
aries, Fleming hypothesized, would have
to be obtained through reduction in the
number of professors employed by the
University, an increase in average class
size, and a more extensive use of tech-
nology in teaching methods.
Fleming's arguments, and similar ones
voiced by faculty and administrators
have apparently had some effect at the
University, where faculty interest in un-
ionization-chiefly as a means for achiev-
ing higher salaries-has recently wavered.
The possibility of forming a faculty
collective bargaining unit for negotiations
within the University has been actively
under consideration by the University
chapter of the AAUP since the begin-
ning of this year, and by other chapters
of the national organization.
Economic problems have forced faculty
members everywhere to re-examine col-
lective bargaining," said a letter sent to
faculty members by local AAUP Presi-
dent and psychology Prof. Wilbert Me-
This "re-evaluation" has led to collec-
tive bargaining units being organized at
three campuses of Rutgers University in
New Jersey, at Oakland University in
Michigan, and at Eastern and Central
Michigan Universities through the efforts
of the AAUP. Currently, the question of
faculty unionization is still in the discus-
sion stage here.
"The goal of Mr. Fleming's speech at
the AAUP meeting yesterday was to
See FLEMING, Page 10

ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN MITCHELL speaks with California Governor Ronald
Reagan at the California Peace Officers Association meeting in San Francisco.
Mitchell urged policemen to copy the "decisive" tactics used in Washington, D.C.
against Mayday demonstrators last week. See story below.

Panel sees 'subversion*
courts dismiss charges
0 WASHINGTON (A') - Still recovering the word spread down the cellblock t
from over two weeks of anti-war pro- the questioning had nothing to do w
tests and disruptions, the legal system legal processing and that the questi
here has been conducting a massive cam- ers were from a congressional investig
paign aimed at handling the largest ing committee. Meanwhile, char
number of arrests for a similar period in against many of those arrested due
this city's history. the demonstrations are being overture
Finding many of the steps police took Superior Court Judge Charles Hall
in an effort to stop the demonstrations began Friday by dropping charges agai
illegal, Washington judges have dismissed 200 persons arrested outside the
chageagaWsintn a geums f desmod partment of Health, Education and W
strators. In addition, the propriety of cer See COMMITTEE, Page 3
tain actions by government officials has
come under question, though no legal
action has been taken. .
The latest objections to government
handling of the demonstrations are re-
lated to the questioning by congressional
investigators of many of those arrested.
These investigators, attached to the v .
House Internal Security Committee, say +...:::::::
they were looking for "those operating u ts e
nder the Communist influence," and.......
admitted questioning protesters without
the benefit of legal counsel. .,, .? =f.
A committee spokesman said yesterday
six of seven staff members may have
interviewed as many as hundreds of : ;>::: ::'
young people awaiting trial.
Police officials said, "There was noth-
ing usual about the whole situation." More * .:;:::
than 12,000 persons were arrested in the -
demonstrations last Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday.
A spokesman for the People's Coalition
for Peace and Justice, a sponsor of the
demonstrations, said the interviews were
"blatantly irregular, if not blatantly il-
"They (the committee) did it at such a
time that none of the lawyers heard about
It and none of the judges heard about it,"
said Frank Greer, a member of the
Coalition steering committee.
Greer, who was arrested at a demon
stration outside the Capitol Wednesday, T
said 10 of the 50 or 60 persons in his
cellblock Friday were interviewed. Despite continuing relief projects
He said the interviews stopped after the recent civil war in East Pakist


yesterday's AAUP meeting in Mason
Seale trial
The murder-kidnap trial of Black
Panthers Bobby Seale and Ericka Hug-
gins in New Haven, Conn., appears to be
drawing to a close.
Panther Party Chairman Seale and lo-
cal party leader Huggins are charged with
murder, kidnaping resulting in murder
and conspiracy to commit b o t h these
crimes in the May, 1968 shooting of Alex
The prosecution contends that Rackley
was shot on orders from Seale because
he was suspected of being a police agent.
On April 28, the prosecution concluded
their case against the Panthers after pre-
senting the testimony of several key wit-
Yesterday, Huggins took the stand in
her own defense and described her back-
ground in the party and told how George
Sams forced her to assault Alex Rackley.
Sams, a New York Black Panther, pre-
viously testified that he carried out the
murder of Rackley on orders from Seale.
He was convicted of a reduced charge of
second-degree murder last year, and is
now the key prosecution witness against
It has been the contention of the de-
fense, however, that Sams is a brutal kill-
er who carried out the murder without
orders from Seale, and forced other Pan-
thers to help execute his plan.
Testimony from various Panthers has
pointed out that Sams often tried to in-
timidate them, sometimes beating th e
"sisters" and usually carrying a gun.
The defense has also questioned his
sanity, emphasizing Sams' classification
by doctors ten years ago as a "mental de-
At one point in recent testimony, Sams
shouted at Seale's lawyer Charles Garry,
"What you want to do is paint me as a
monster," and denounced the Panthers'
charges against him as an attempt to
cover-up for Seale.
See SEALE, Page 10

re of despair
aimed at relieving conditions brought on by
an, refugees still suffer, as this photo shows.

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