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May 11, 1971 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-11

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Page Ten


Tuesday, May 1 1 , 197 1

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, May 1, 1971

375Wara x END SOON!
130, 3:30,
MlIMIle and 9:30
5:30 7.30

Wolverines return with victories

The temperature in Columbus
Ohio this past weekend may not
have been any hotter than usual
but the Wolverine bats certainly
appeared to be hotter than they,
have been during most of the sea-
son as Michigan cooped victo ces
in both ends of a doubleheatvie
with the pesky Buckeyes.
While the Michigan batsmen
bombarded the OSU pitchers wth
hits. lvei Mike Burmna
cooled1 the Buckeye bats allowing
only too hits, racking up his
sixth victory of the season, anl
bieceing the hbat past 14 bat'e s
to Uclipsi i old career s -
out raik ot Fritz Fisher by a
wide ussigin
is ai t the double ,
the Wolierincs r turnsd to Anii
Ai b ini s -I pssessssn at Iixti
p1ac in Ise HgTn wsiti aicu-
BigTen Standings
IN 1. PeP G B
Mb h a 7 1 .575 -
ll~io's 7 - .07 1
iXuni sit 5 1 .t67 1
lawa 7 5 .53,t 2
Olisu .~,i 7 .523
MI(IIGtNi 4 . ItO
urdue 4 .l 4
Ohio S1a3e t 7 .7tP 5
Indiana 1 7 .3ll it
Nerihw'tn ii 5 .201) 0

Subscribe to The DaiyI
" u
} 6
In the old ~
they smacked ~
the knuck
if we read with C
Today, reaiing wiTh your hand is to inereas
quite accepttable. won't has
In fsact, it's osmewshat of a status often."
,symbol, bessuise people ssho resud with lie
their hands ire grauduates of Uhie Evelyn Sinci
W5ood Course. taken khe
The htnd, bossever. hassit ailways increased
been the symbol of rapiud readinug. 'l'he isveriige o
old method of teaching stuitenits to in- Uain,
creiase their reading speced sian to equip seey intei
them ssithi ii reading machine. If ye
The Theory swas thsit ai niotsrized at it, swh
arm oii the mchie svittld extendi out - lessontm
oser the piige. The aim swould nose yiu result
down the page at a steady speed. Hope- you ecam ii
fully, your eyes ssoiild go along for The lIn f
-ide. withi yu
The machine. sshile- seemingly a opecud Thy
giiod idea, didm't liso up Tim ito expecta- magaztie
tions. It cotldn't sloss-wi swhen time aind echni
retider ran into ai ctnftising passage. We'l
And it was Tim' aswkwsartd tm use iii cisy other thi
chtairs amr beds. most pop
In 11945, Evselyis Wousi discosercid the sssrt
the hand us a des-ice fur reading faistes. iniprave
I-ir r-easmi for tisimig the hasnmd asO ii chiaiter
Tool n-as Tim "gise niy students the atillity techimiqiu
Tim meaih gioiips of wsoirds at a time iindi It's a

ference mark of 4-4 and a season
record of 16-10. A sweep of a -sin-
postposed double header w iti
Purdue by Illinois cinched tie
Wolverines fifth place berth.
The hottest of the Wolvsie.
lititeis v-as Leon Roberts ntis
pounded out three hits in ni'u-
trips to the plate, including a
home run.
In the first game of the in
bill. Roberts belted ishat w s up-
parently a grand slam h m' rui
to ice the victory for the Mield-
gan team only to pass teimmats-
Pat Sullivan oni the hipsts
for an automatic oat. A a -
sult he was creditet i oms a
ttsiec main single.
In that same game- T I--t
tinger smashed a tw -un v i'i
i ii tso as bt -.. hil:ti '.. i. C ( -
ros picked up n hut- a M(ive
acks gsuaneird thirec. edoIupis
Pe t Het pitched a i ir Ie
a adhis iii enasi- o ni ix i
vsbrinbo ktir first - da
vitr of theeaon, butafoun
ie spit pinivng sisoli hit
thmigt tei tiy tss-in n s
Bit a lwrtbiaiss if p ie
iiin, by Hi hr iis ius
phaxf,y and Gorey Murras, th
Mitlhigantemtfuald to pckup u
on ttii buss patus ni-i- thie Si-
point ie r s all-t c - uni s- is i n.
An s icuy-crippled Waivernm-
track squad journeyed to Illinois
er tne wcekiind iin an attempt
to bi-ing back ther first dual
victory ofbi- season, but fouid
the Illinois corps too tough vii
Hanspered by the lois of sort
stalwarts dis sprter Ge nr
Broin, and hurdlcers Greg S-
phax, and Godfrey Murray, t'e
Michigan team failed to pick up
points it usually counts upon.
As a result the Wolverine track-
men retured ni the short end
of a 89-51 score and their first
conference defeat of the outdooi
But tlu- gloom of the loss s-as
sonsewhat dispelled by a number
of fine performances from those
health enough to compete, High-
lumper John Mann. the de-
fendiing Big Ten outdoor chamii
aind a consistent e-10 leaper
managed to attain the seven
foot' goal amid a new varsity re-
cord bor a sictary ini the high

Mann's success came a mere
three weeks before the Big Ten
meet where he will defend his
title against other seven f o o t
jumpers as Pat Matzdorf of
Wisconsin and Terry Heikkila
of Minnesota.
A sweep of the 660 yard dash
was also a welcome surprise as
Eric Chapman, recently return-
ed to the squad after a bout
with illness, Bill Bolster, and
Tom Flagg fimished one-two-
three. Chapm-nan posted a time
of 1:207.
The field vents ert iI the
scpne or two oth,-r well-receiv-
ed victories as fieshman Georgi
GilclIrist, after a disappiitin-
indoar seasan coiedilsef
paeiii the lasts maim set Its:
Isap of 22-4 , -whils Bob Mit-
chl11 took first in the pole vault.
Al Iriseis also turisid in a fine
i the4 ti-iple ji
Anoig t pomp Xtisii
etis, Dule Ain ibtss ime -d
teto d lii-spcyeIs. Ms k
Pice scnd in iii sshi e ) i
Eddy -cah d initlri ui the Wili-
aiid Lrse Miw t Ls m s-ei-hir
ii ths 440.
Bu'ckes omn p isda et
he Wealvs-ine buisti wilise.
the nsly Michigae team ta Iae
a little succuss with eih ock-
iyis this weekend, st hi Wol-
serui' osetters smuashed theis
way to a 0-0 vicouy ovNr thn
Bucks to ishd up its duail tu
schedule in tinte style,
As a result, thi Michigan tlt-
ters go into the Big Ten champ-
oiships this wekend, starting
this Thursday at Northisester,
with a slight advantage in dual
meet points with a total of 50.
Despite the edge, fise teams
still have a good shot at vise
title and a exciting and c 1 a
linish seems in the offing The
Wolverines are the defending
champions and are seeking their
fourth consecutive confereince
2n Saturday's action,. the tough
netters rolled through str-aight
set victories in six singles
matches before- the Bucks ral-
lied, Both the number 1 double
of Joel Ross amid Dick Raverby
and the number 2 team of Timi
Ott and Mike Ware were forc-
ed to go three sets, searing 0-4,
4-0, 0-4, and 0-7. 6-1, 0-2 re-


is across
~ur hands.
e their concentration so they
ve to go back and re-read so
principle worked.
e 1951, 450,000 people have
Evelyn Wood Course and have
their reading speed by an
f 4.7 times.
g the hand to read faster is a
resting experience.
um would like to try your hand
y don't you come to a Miii-
? In one hour's time. we'll have
mng down the page faster than
uact, you'll actually take home
a definitely faster reading
t can be used on newspapers,
s, correspondence, textbooks,
ial journals.
H tell you about some of the
mns that have made this the
)ular extra-curricular course il
d. We'll also show you how we
memories. and how we make
outlining an obsolete study
Rwild hoar..And i't s free.

Summer in Kibbutz Archeological Dig
9-11 Weeks 7-10 Weeks
$665 $765
Summer Sessions for credits.
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Order Your Dally Now-
Phone 764-0558
Michigan Film Society presents
Fritz Long's HORROR classic
8 pm.
Roger Corman's
Tomb of Ligeia
9:30 p.m.-in color
TONIGHT double bill $1
Friends Meeting House
1420 Hill 761-7849


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
May 1 1 May 12 May 13
4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., and 8:00 p.m. each day
STUDENT UNION-530 S. State-Assembly Room, Ground Floor

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