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August 18, 1971 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1971-08-18

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Scenic Dallas
The scene of President John F. Kennedy's assassination seems to have become one of the tourist high-
lights of downtown Dallas, according to this charming souvenir postcard available in stores there. The
card pinpoints the locations where Kennedy was struck by three successive bullets, and identifies the
"sniper's perch" and prominent buildings. If you want one, send to All-Tom Corp., Box 3496, Arlington,
Nixonphe right

It's a mad, mad,
mad, mad world
(Editor's note: Mad world is a weekly collection of the most unusual
-sometimes bizarre, sometimes comic-reports of the Associated Pees.)
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The California Legislature came
idea last year that raised an extra $885,500 in the past nine
The idea was the personalized vehicle license plates, and
those are samples of the 35,420 special plates Californians have
purchased at an extra $25 each.
Other states have the "vanity plates" - so dubbed because
initials and names are such favorites - but in California the
rules for what you can put on your license plates are relatively
easy and the plates are selling like WOW and CRAZY.
Plates sold so far range from AAAAAA to ZZZZZ, f r o m
to CRUMMY. BEER, WHISKY, GIN and VODKA are on the
road. So are GRASS and SPEED.
Car owners may ask for any combination of six letters and
But such words as POLICE, GOD and FBI, and swear words
are not for sale. Odd letter combinations are also checked for
what they spell backwards, so other motorists won't be offended.
looking in their rear view mirrors.
NEW YORK - A policeman was arrested yesterday and
charged with growing marijuana plants near the precinct house
in Central Park where he is assigned, police said.
Patrolman John Gardellis, 26, and his brother, Arthur, 20,
were taken into custody at the bachelor apartment they shared
in Flushing, Queens.
Both were charged with possession of a dangerous drug, sale
of a dangerous drug and with growing marijuana without a
Inspector Jules Sachson, commander of the Narcotics Divi-
sion, said detectives and patrolmen worked "endless hours" on
the investigation and even bought some of the illegal drug from
the Gardellis for evidence.
LONDON - Chasity belts, the devices used to keep wives
and sweethearts faithful in the Middle Ages, are becoming one
of Britain's fastest growing exports.
Robin Hughessen, partner in a firm that has been making
this protective apparel for the past three years, says that demand
for the belts is booming.
"Ever since the government took off the sales tax we have
been inundated with orders from all over the world," he says.
The treasury decided to abolish an 11 per cent sales tax on
the belts after Laborite legislator Marcus Lipton argued in the
House of Commons there should be no tax on protecting a
lady's virtue.
The government agreed to regard chasity belts as safety
devices, which carry no tax.
The belts, made of hand-wrought iron, are replicas of those
made in the Middle Ages. Two keys are sold with each belt.
Hughessen said his company also had been flooded with
inquiries about chasity belts for dogs.
"We consulted veterinary experts on this and they decided
that the contraceptive pill was the answer," he said.
Most of the belts - costing $13.20 in Britain - are used as
ornaments, flower holders, or for locking auto steering wheels.
"But they are not just a gimmick," said Hughessen. "Some
of the letters we have received are very serious."
BALTIMORE, Md. - The barber who gave haircuts to the
last four presidents of the United States has been accused of
failing to file $32,935 in income taxes and Social Security with-
held from his employes.
Stephen J. Egiziano, now of Palm Beach, Fla., and pro-
fessionally known as Steve E. Martini, cut hair for Presidents
Dwight D. Eigenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson.
and Richard M. Nixon.
He is no longer the President's personal barber.

W ASHINGTON (P) - Eleven
leaders of conservative politi-
cal organizations and publications
say they are suspending their sup-
port of the Nixon Administration.
Their statement criticized Nixon
overtures to Red China "done in
the absence of any public conces-
sion by Red China to American
and Western causes." The signers
included three top officials of the
National Review, including editor-
in-chief William Buckley, the chair-
man of the Young Americans for
Freedom and two officers of the

the equally clear threat that he
will be risking a rightist primary
challenge by pursuing his journey
to Peking.
SHORTLY BEFORE news of the
Buckley blast arrived, Allard Low-
enstein was decrying the murmurs
heard in some liberal quarters that
Nixon's "China coup" had "just
about clinched his reelection."
Lowenstein, pausing here in the
course of his campaign for regis-
tration of 18-21 voters, argued that
the prophets of Democratic doom
had missed the crucial point.
In effect he contended that Nixon



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next Democratic nominee - re-
gardless of his identity - as a
"sure" winner. But he was taking
sharp issue with the notion that
Mr. Nixon had permanently and
decisively "outflanked" his liberal
opponents and staged an over-
whelming political miracle.
It was not many moments after
Lowenstein departed that the news
ticker brought official word of the
right-wing rebellion against Nix-
on's heresies. The statement not
only rebuked him for his China
maneuvers but also for "his failure
to call attention to the deterio-
rated military position in conven-
tional and strategic arms," his
failure to sound the alarm over
Willy Brandt's "Ostpolitik" and
his alleged non-response to Soviet
thrusts in the Mediterranean.
Much of the statement sounded
like a plagiarism of an earlier
Nixon's assaults on the "appease-
ment" doctrines of Adlai Steven-
be sufficiently fortified by evi-
dence of the public popularity of
his China initiatives to discount
the thunder on his right. But the
predicament he faces could grow
much stickier.
For what is unmistakably clear
three summers after his nomina-
tion to the Presidency is his in-
ability to build a dedicated per-
sonal constituency. Whatever real
devotion he evoked was among
those radicals on the right to
whom he was a symbol of hard-
line ideology. Any chance he might
have had to establish a firm new
identity among liberals and mod-
erates was largely dissipated by
his promotion of the Mitchell-Ag-
new frenzy. Those who most earn-
estly welcome any faint beginnings
of a thraw in the Far East may
ultimately assign him some higli
marks in history for that effort,
but they have acquired no belated
ardor for the man.
As Lowenstein warns, this ap-
praisal does not mean that Nixon's
is a hopeless case; 1968 really did
happen, and a Democratic Jack-
son-Mills ticket next year could
sweep him back into office. But it
is surely premature to begin to
depict him as invincible - even
with Chairman Mao's blessing.
O New York Post
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to M a r y
Bafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Let-
ters should be typed, double-
spaced and normally should
not exceed 250 words. The
Editorial Directors reserve the
right to edit all letters sub-


American Conservative Union.
IT MAY BE ONLY a matter of
time before Bill Buckley assures
us that he and his cohorts were
kidding, but their discomfort over
Richard Nixon's China exercises
seems entirely genuine. Yester-
day's right-wing manifesto avoids
a final farewell; it is more like
the temporary recall of an am-
bassador from a hostile capital for
urgent consultation rather than a
declaration of total war.
"We do not plan at the moment
to encourage formal political op-
position to President Nixon in the
primaries, but we propose to keep
all options open in the light of po-
litical developments in the next
months," the disenchanted said.
They sadly described their pro-
nouncement as "an act of loyalty
to the Nixon we knew in 1968."
Implicit in the statement is the
intimation that he can still come
home if he gets off the Chinese
sauce and sobers up. But there is

had now created a "credibility
crisis" in the one group where his
credentials have heretofore re-
mained strong - the GOP's right
"Now they are saying what much
of the country has felt for a long
time-that Nixon can't be trusted.
"If he goes ahead with the China
approach, we may really achieve
the change in China policy that
liberals have been fighting for
since the Joe McCarthy days. And
it will be pretty impossible for
him to continue the war in Viet-
nam and stick to the domino the-
ory if he's reaching agreement
with Peking.
"But even if all that happens, he
won't neatly win over many of the
Americans who have mistrusted
him for so many years. And if it
doesn't happen, he will be vulner-
able to the charge that it was a
grandstand play signifying noth-
LOWENSTEIN hastened to add
that he was not projecting the

420 Maynard Street, Ann.Arbor, Mich.
Edited and managed by.students at the
University of Michigan
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual
opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints.
Wednesdoy, August 18, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552


Summer Editorial Staff
Co-Editor Co-Editor
ROBERT CONROW .......,..............................Books Editor
JIM JUDKIS ..... .......................... .......... Photography Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Anita Crone, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Jonathan
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Patricia E. Bauer, James Irwin, Christopher
Parks, Zachary Schiller.
Summer Sports Staff
RICK CORNFELD .. . . . . ....... . . .............. Sports Editor *
SANDI OaSIS ................Associate Sserts Editor
Summer Business Staff
JIM STORNEY ..,............. . . . ..Business Manager
JANET ENOL ........................ Display Advertising
FRAN HYMEN .. . . . . . Classified Advertising
BECKY VAN DYKE... . . ..Circulation Department
BILL ABBOTT .....................-. - ... General Office Assistant

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