Page Eight X THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 17, 1971 For Direct Classified Ad Se ic.Phoite 764-9557 Monday through Friday, 70 a.m.-4 p.m. FOR RENT FOR RENT rDI3ES, acos trotmWomant's Pool. 1-NORM 1APT.DImmediate occupancy.' 2 bedroomo, oairconditionted, 3 moan, $100 tnoo On caotpus. Furtisohed, nw $220 too. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, buitig. parking provided. 760-3225, INC., 327 E. Huron, 663-4101. oC7l aktol r toDiane or Mory. 48070 TWO MEN NEEDED to reot four-moan Summit, Hamilton Mgt. CO. apt. beginingtoll tet-m. Excellent conditions. B monoth loase. Col 261- Brown St. Apartments 6687 otter 5 p. io. 64070 ______ ____ 2 Bedroom Furnishted Apt. LARGE SELECTION o0 campuos apart-' n ilvl vial o al aments avail, too toll rentals. Summ1t On UT-M Bus line Boor Footboll Assoc. Hamilton Manoageet. 737 Stadiutm. 8 or 12 mo. leases Packard, 761-1655. Ctc $215-260 CALL 761-8055 SUMMIT HAMILTON MGT. CO. cC71 737 Poackard Will be open 9-12 BnSol Fun-toeing people S-tordays, July 31 whso kowBow to line. Sept. 1st. TBatCs what Coreiagr House cC7l is all about. HAVE YOU beens refusedhouig'be- Ca rriloge House 0no. Call 761-5778. 44071 1224 WASHTENAW-865-88'5 20and3 bed400mapartmenta F OR avoilable 0*model ope UNCONTRACTED 4 WORDS 1 day 2 days 3 days 0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 26-30 1.80 3.60 5.00 31 -35 2.05 4.10 5.65 36-4a 2.30 4.60 6.30 41 -45 2.55 5.10 6.95- 46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 INCHES 1 2.80 5 60 7.60 2 5.20 1040 14.65 3 7.40 14.80 21.10 4 9.40 1 8.80 26.95 5 11.20 22.40 32.20 N. S.:tach geoup of characters co Hyphenated words oer (this includes telephon 10 ltees equals 1intch UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ON HOUSING, CALL General Housing Information 763-3164 Family Husing Assignments 763-3168 Off-Campus Housing Bureau 764-7400 Residence Hall Assignments 763-3164 Small Group Housing 763-3205 HOUSING OFFICE 3011 Student Activities Bldg. 5741 NEED ROOMMATES Cal 663-4101 cC7l o BEDROOMIunfuritetsediaprtttets to, ilet fromo cmpus.toStoe oand rerigertor $160 peetmothtinludes ellt and watto. Maried copiles oly. 63-4101. C7i SANS SOUCI APTS. feturinog: Otne otndtwoobedoomtiapts- fine o 2- studentts,faimleo Balcois .. Diswshers Ate Con.... Ollbge Disposl Itdividual Storge Rooms Reerved Private Paring Lundry Faciitie ComomutetOtts to Cmps Neident Mnger, 662-2952 163-1044 S Man St 636 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE LEVI DENIMS Bell Bottoms:.$800 Traditianals ...$750 Button Flys ... $698 Super Slims .. $7.00 LEVI CORDUROY !several colors) Bells..........$8.50 Slim Fits . . ..' $6.98 LEVI STA-PRESS SLIM FITS Five Colors... $7.50 LEVI SLIM FITS Five Colors ...$5.98 LEVI -FLARES In many solids and stripes- Casual and Dress Fabrics $8.00-$1 4.Q LEVI DENIM JACKETS Untined.......9.00 Bl~iket lined . $13.00 BLUE CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS. $2.9 i i ues., s nur., z aT.-i I FALL CHOICE CAMPUS LOCATIONS FOR 1 OR 2PEOPLE ARE STILL AVAILABLE. DAH LMAN N APARTMENTS 545 CHURCH ST. 761-7600 cctc Observatoryi 4 MAN FURNISHED 165 per man OPEN SATURDAYS 9-11 i t E t4 y! i4 { i {( 1 FOR RENT 6il W. LIBERTY, 1 bedroot oroe1 son only. Furnishted. $140,tmoth. 6906. NOOM FOB BENT. Good smlc $111 W/refrigerator. 663-3016. 10 ROOM HOUSE an camopus,. to rent to group. Nail Manage: Co., '68-7517. Ask tor Aatt. GREATEST APARTMENTS in Ann Arbor 1111 S. Slate 06 Packard 2 Odrtis., Air-cood., well 1furnish1 Exc eaet Locat1on Call aftter5, 662-1002 or 1-004-38. CAMPU0 P ALL -MODERN 418 E. Washington Between State and Ditiiont Largeoandnmodernsfutrnise 1 bedroomos tor 2-3 studns Frtinformtattion call 668-690 FALL RENTALS a few campus apartments still available. per- 668- bSC7i CCtr CAMPUS MANAGEMEN'T, INC. 375 E HURON C H A RT ER REAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED RATES UNUUALopptuity to y faclty acres, 7504drn1, 2 bth,good temon 4 days 5 day,, 6 days add. 71-66. 571 3.20 3.90 4.50 .55 3.90 4.80 5.60 .75 WANTED TO RENT 480 590 6 80 .85 -- 5.70 7 00 8.10 1.05 EMALE WILLING 1tolhre hose-pt 660 8.10 940 1.20 tar Pll. Preer own1 CroomCl Joan, 7.40 9 05 1050 1,35 76-1946. 8971 8.20 10.00 11I.60 1.50 $10 EWARD oe inomaton ledin 9.00 1095 1270 1.65 to tll renal ot lrg oise. Cl 665- 9.80 11.90 1 3.80 1.80 790. 5971 DOCTORAL STUDENT desires etf. or 980 11.90 1380 1.80 sbleto Sept-Der. c. $120tea Call 19.10 23.45 2760 360 764-500. 3570 27 60 34.00 4020 540-- 35.30 43.55 51,60 720 PLEASE HELP Lnda tneedoefiieny 42.20 52.10 61.80 900 NOW. $12. 71-642. 6971 unts as one wood' NEED SINtE ROOM or eficietcy oe 5 characters cout as too wods fl.ClMihecoet1-586L7 ie combers),7 5 wrds per lie ROOM IN HOUSE needed by workin irl by Sept. 1. Would lie to sare -bthrootm and kiten. Needed very FOR RENT chepy. 764-322 0 am-S pan, 13L6 HELP WANTED A rbo For st nABYSITTEB wanted o 3 ma nn ttt Mon-Pet, -4 it our otte 769-601 Is PUPPETEER :travel ttd-est plyng elementry 3 BLOCKS FROM DIAG schools A no-routine job, salary, no WITH epiencenecsoary. Write workl, FURNISHED 4 -MAN Sline Mch. 4176 ot' interview 73171 APR MNS SEETARY - BOOKKEEPER-- Call PLUS 663-930 bt16 and 12 a.m. oe ap- ELECTRON IC security systems A -YIA AEIettii lvr Sauna & air conditioning atmbitious, dshing, and hunry de- praely needed by eqally ambitios Concrete sound proofing Siut dsorgaOnzed do-goders. Sell Outdoor recreation area Chiritmaso ards oe MAEDC 10t oo- botton plu ou ls te oy o in ie At. o. 02, knowing tu-. 769-5936 eeinigstper- inquireAo No10, stol or 70-3650. 5771 721 5 orest BABYSITTER 30 .m.-tttdtil. 3 o 4 663- 052 dytweek $6'dos, lnoweends Call NEED TYPIST 1n4 poe oprtos vet(i-oe the Pierto Ritan Music Fetvl - 00111cr in An Arbor. Coll 971-0479. BIKES AND SCOOTERS 26171 INSTRUCTORS ineeded at YM-YWCA 65 HGNDA 801 Diing corch,arhey itrcto $774, dpnlt.016622271_ 5771 m11114rt dnce.bto, ot palntng woodork, mod41 buldinogtnstructo '60 BSA 50 Lihtning. Bsi it ti t mutt Apply lt Ails At-opYM-YWCA, 30 serl. 44-0340. 160 5 FiPtlh Ave., Atn Arbor 671 M0050 BIKES, nee-dworS, 5-speed, $35; R.N INTERESTED in prtcipating i 3-speed, $15. 665-8391. 870 oatnevipychitrc tretmernt pt-ng.o0n caried out thoug totl teainn- 1969 HGNDA GB 30 ExIotnditioot volret sig: milieu, grop, b- 5.211 3oel, 6632585 970 havloro modic110n 14dth01011- ------ vate mtethtods. Slry opn. Callo ROOMMATES WANTED write: Me. Ctete Hwitt, RN.N 420 W. P1th Ae., lit, Mihiga 1 MALE TO SHARE 2 bdrtt 00. apt. 4003icTelphone: 235-751, ct277 w/ 2gst-d mencl~ osc to cmsitp. Col s11t 769-2397 evcs. 74Y71 cooE DAILY eeds adert-ising sles- meco or tte falt, A wll laying prt- ROOMMATE WASTED Pot- 2 bdt-,{timtoe ob Fot- mor ifo call Sool at apt. 1n housve l bok froto F.B. 764-0560. dHtr $77.50 inttt. util. Collt Mket t 761- 6704. 52Y69 COME BACK EARLY TO EARN! -- ----D-. - r-a -t fr #The Dily woos YOU to sell subcrip- TWO MALE GRADS seek roommaate to 7tons fr a rooison, any or all lot-ge 2 bdrm. mod. apt. $73/to. Call dy between Sept. 7-14th. Col 764- 66-0915 or Elliot at 764-3354. 79Y71 55, -P. 9-4, and ask for Beky or _.- ........_Jim . dHtr GJIRL TO SHARE moodernI 2-bdm 3- Sman. 761-6565. 91Y71( PRORAMME-Prt-time, preerex _.,.... .____ perenre wit PDP-4 omputer. Elec- OWN BOOM in older house" available trc-mechanial sil detirabe ate no.Prfr- nl. op IieWadr and ors negotiable. For inormation to 1 rawo. OTO call Mr. Water, 763-4560. 369 ' _---- - -ELEC ENIN., knwledeofoelag, WOMAN GRAD3 to share 2 pero2-, amp., power control, IC', deig bdrms. apt, in housteolose 1o cmolttt5ad bread-boarding. Part-time. 76- (w/at). $a0/mo. Call 769-1325, 87Y71 1351. 767 GIRL NEEDS roommate tr one bed- Continued on Page 9 room, modern apt. 761-6565, $0OY69 - ROOMMATE WANTED- Woman, grad. CLASSIFIED Write Katbee Henning, 11 Shotman Ave., Evanston, 11. 6022, at- leave ADVERTISING word" at Ms. Orient. Prg., 61 -Haven Hall. 71Y71f POLICY FEMALE graduate tudent to share Av t~mnamyb eoe Badsae. 7 blanks from campus. Rea- ram pbiacaton, but will ba-liled sonabe. 761-9579. SY70 acotding ta original numbe- o1 ____________ ____ days otder. Tis polcy in applcable . FALL2-3GIRL, md, pacius pi. a well t ado requiring prepayment, S.FALL e2-3ociBL, mod.naoial. .eI.,no refuds. AD SUBMISSIONS, S.9-ForestMalonaterent. og1tYb70 CANCELLATIONS & COECTIONS 769-105 Mara ater . 1Y70MUST E MADE BY 113 AM. OF rWO ROMMTES(GOg~) t shre THE DAY PRIOR TO THE DA TWOROOMATS (oupe) o sare THEY AEAB IN TE PAPER. large1,rrom-Beutiful old house near ratapus. $65. 663-250, Joel. 270 "Help Wnted add ,nanot diori- - nateono te basa atf s, ebor, creed, ornationl1origin to a an.e--. tent (i.e., "penerbly F still dis- cr1minatoy) ie" D "y'ouad' ar rn freo-chag ie ail to aximu0010 3 inesodys. Information rgrdng contnt ot - - c~~lasitied ad-cnnot be 4 ied IO N D " it - {pt-la or ta p bIct Ion. Adetsers fE li aes vyR S ttr enled. Nmbe ot lnttoiad4etiemnt #2 yateertoonr, 0555 numer1. I A WOBRt l~vlCl! (Hyphenated words under 5 chat-r I tero. Hyphenated mar4s aver 5 char- actera,.ire., phone nombeeo-2 words. LION APARTMENTS B i-level & Tri-level *Fullytfurniohed a0114rpreted Ocampusolocationt *vaouum cleaner for every apt. *air-conditionvd *11 baths *parking *laondry facilities 665-8825 525 Walnut 2 and 3 bedroom apatmente available 9 moadel open Mon.,Wed.,Fri.-1:30-4:3 oCtt FALL RENTALS Modern Two Bedroam Apartments located near campus 3 man-$240.00 4 man--$260:00 ANN ARBOR TRUST CO. PROPERTY MGT. DEPT. 769-2800 o REALTY 665-8825 Open Saturdayss 9to-s5oo0ill it Attn FALL FURNISHED 4-MAN $75/month per person Single space liability 8-month lease S Free weekly maid service 2 blocks to Diag o - 2, 3 man apts. also available Models shown daily 9-5 Sat., Sun. 10-5 UNIVERSITY TOWERS 536 5. Forest at S. University 761 -2680 rC7I FALL RENTALS Sttill a foss choice looations left HALL MANAGEMENT CO. 216'Niokeis Arcade 661-7517, ask tor Ann i i f 3 i ', CCtU BRIDGEHOUSE APTS. 1035 Wall St. 3 Well furnished 2 bedrooto apts. Neor.toedicol Eenbt-r Dishwasher, Air Cond, under cover parking 971-2024 after 5 p.m. o 1-044-t3852 COtc Campus & Hospital Area 4 man. apartmtento, balconies, A/C, parking, laundry acilities, carpeting, axmc kitcheaprivato atorage and Jloin TI, C1RCULMA - Came in an, 420 M4 twi ~ T we#w~F/556$F