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August 17, 1971 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1971-08-17

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Tuesday, August 17, 1971


Page Seven

N. Ireland rebels shift
-to tactics of non-violence

Jailed for contempt
Anthony Russo, a research analyst who refused to testify before
a grand jury in Los Angeles about the leak of the Pentagon papers,
surrenders to authorities on a contempt finding. Supreme Court
Justice William Douglas declined yesterday to bar the jailing of
Russo. (See related story below.)
!" e 25 9
It A hall

BELFAST, Northern Ireland
O) - Roman Catholics, Social-
ists and other civil rights mili-
tants opposed to the Northern
tretand government substituted
civil dsobedience yesterday for
guns, bombs and stones.
In Catholic Londonderry, civil
rights leaders said a work stop-
page was almost two-thirds ef-
fective and by nightfall 10,-
000 supporters had halted most
material services. Shops clos-
ed. Buses stopped. Postal deliv-
eries were nonexistent.
Leaders said the drive is
spr eading through Northern
Opponents said many work-
ers stayed home either because
it was the second day of the
Roman Catholic Feast of the
Assumption of the Virgin Mary
or were intimidated.
Results were evident, however.
Albert Anderson, Unionist
party member of the Ulster par-
liament, charged many persons
were threatened with violence
if they did any business during
the day - either by having
their homes burned or bombed.
The civil disobedience w a s
sparked by the "official" Irish
Republican Army (IRA) in
Dublin, which urged this ap-
proach instead of what it called
the "mindless militarism" of
In this respect the "official"
IRA, functioning in the Republic
of Ireland although it is il-
legal even there, differed from
the "provisional" IRA of North-
ern Ireland.
These two IRA factions a n -
nounced over the weekend they
were "together" in the battle
against the Protestant-dominat-
ed, British-backed government
in Belfast. But their subsequent

announcements raised a big
question mark about that to-
The "provisionals" issued a
statement of plans for a "rebel"
government in Ulster, with
Parliament and Cabinet mem-
bers to function underground
until power could be seized.
They said their "minister" f or
this ambitious program would
meet the world press to outline
the program in two weeks' time-
The so-called "official" IRA in
Dublin said nothing,
The provisionals made t h e i r
announcement at a meeting at-
tended by Joe Cahill, the man at
the center of last week's n e w s
conference which defied the in-
telligence services of both t he
Belfast government and t h e
12,000-man British occupation
Brig. Marston Tickell, chief
of staff of the British in North-
ern Ireland, insisted that 80

IRA officers have been intern-
ed and an even larger number
of volunteers are in the b a g.
Cahill and others in the IRA
scoffed at the claim.
The switch from violence to
sit-down tactics has yet to be
evaluated. As it developed, oth-
er political moves on high level
were generated. Prime minister
Brian Faulkner of Belfast asked
and got a two-day meeting this
week with Prime Minister Ed-
ward Heath in London.
Harold Wilson, former prime
minister and leader of the La-
bor party opposition in London,
demanded that Britain's Parlia-
ment be recalled after the Aug.
30 bank holiday for a two-day
debate on the Irish problem.
Parliamentary sources s a i d
recall is highly probable. The
legislators were not due to re-
turn until a special session in
mid-October to debate Britain's
entry into the Common Market.

SAIGON (A' - U.S. B52
bombers were reported striking
in the southern half of the de-
militarized zone yesterday for
the first time since the halt in
bombing of North Vietnam
nearly three years ago.
The U.S. Command refused
to confirm or deny reports from
reliable sources that the b i g
bombers have been attacking
four North Vietnamese regi-
Plea of not
guwilty made
by Ellsberg
LOS ANGELES 0I1) - Dr. Dan-
iel Ellsberg pleaded innocent
yesterday to charges of illegal
possession of secret documents in
the Pentagon papers case.
U.S. Atty. Robert Meyer told
the court that no electronic
eavesdropping devices were used
in investigating the Ellsberg
case. Ellsberg's attorneys had
argued in opposing his coming
here for trial that the govern-
ment should say whether evi-
dence was obtained by wiretap.
The judge ordered Ellsberg to
return Jan. 4, 1972 for hearing on
pretrial motions and setting of a
trial date. The action came after
defense attorneys asked for 75
days to file motions and govern-
ment attorneys asked another
45 days to respond:

ments in the DMZ.
The B52s and smaller fight-
er-bombers made up to 200
strikes on the regiments and
along a new North Vietnamese
road acrost the western end of
the DMZ.
Although there have been
hundreds of fighter-bomber
strikes and artillery bombard-
ments inside South Vietnam's
half of the six-mile DMZ since
the halt in the bombing of
North Vietnam on Nov. 1, 1968,
the B52 attacks are the first
by the big bombers reported in-
side the buffer zone since the
bombing halt.
The U.S. State Department
confirmed the existence of the
gravel-surfaced road more than
a month ago. It is said to be
able to handle trucks.
The North Vietnamese forces
made new shelling attacks and
ground assaults for the f i f t h
day Monday after driving South
Vietnamese troops from an out-
post on 1 500-ft. Mt. Nui Ba Ho,
9 miles south of the DMZ and
281 miles east of the Laotian
The 'hardest fighting occurred
when an estimated 500 North
Vietnamese attacked a c om-
pany of less than 200 S o u th
Vietnamese marines.
The South Vietnamese com-
mand claimed that more than
200 North Vietnamese were
killed, many of them by U.S.
air and artillery attack. Re-
ports said the South Vietnam-
ese lost 33 killed and 13
wounded. Two American advis-
ers were wounded.

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You're the only one who can.
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He can't break your matches. Or douse your campfires. Or snuff out
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And maybe while you're at it, lend him your voice too: tell people to
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He deserves it.
So does America. Al-\

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' v Adetsigrrmed r," r5h e.iii eel

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