Tuesday, August 17, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Tuesday, August 17, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Powwow: Remnants of a fading culture By JIM IRWIN A recent powwow held near here gave curious Ann Arborites a colorful glimpse of the rem- nants of American Indian cul- ture. Yet an inescapably modern set- ting was a firm reminder of a culture once thriving in peace and harmony with nature, now dwindling since the invasion of the white man. Historically, powwows were were political gatherings of two or more Indian tribes to trade, dance, sing, and renew treaties. The powwow near here was held Aug. 7-8 at Knights of Columbus Park outside of Ann Arbor. Included in the program were Indian dance demonstrations and contests, traditional Indian food, games and crafts such as bas- ket - weaving, quill work, bead- work, and leather - craft. The::powwow was sponsored by Anericao. Indians Unlimited, a recently fornied local organiza-' tion, partly to raise money for Indian scholarships. The costumes were spectacular -made of skins, feathers, furs, beads and bells worn by Indians as they danced in a circle to the sonorous chants and rhythms of Indian drummers. Although the styles of Indian costumes were originally very distinct for different tribes, ac- cording to Joyce Tinkham, an officer of American Indians Unlimited, the various styles blend over the years as Indians moved to different parts of the country and adopted styles of other tribes. Geometric designs on the cos- tumes, Tinkham explains, are usually indicative of plains In- dians such as Sioux tribes. Flow- er styles designs are character- istic of woodland Indians. The feather bustles originated in Oklahoma but -have been adopted b almost all Indians, throushout the country. Photography by Gary Villani