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August 17, 1971 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1971-08-17

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ge three 8he 4 hnrn Rtilt

See Page 12

1 W A W Vj E -" Afor details
Tuesday, August 17, 1971 Ann Arbor, Michigan News Phone: 764-055?.
Mrs. Nixon goes to Some draftees to get

cornflake country

FANS AWAIT the First Lady's arrival yesterday in Battle
Special To Tihe Daily
BATTLE CREEK - A smiling first lady touched down in the
cornflake capital of the world here yesterday for an afternoon of
meeting the people and returning unused federal land to the state.
Though Mrs. Nixon's aides insisted that her trip was "strict-
ly non-political," Michigan Republicans turned out in force to
pledge their support for her husband in his upcoming re-election
P campaign.
Among the notables at yesterday's "Legacy of Parks" cere-
mony were Republican Lt. Gov James Brickley, Mrs. Robert
Griffin, whose husband will be seeking re-election to the Senate
next year, and dozens of local party workers.
"Good luck in November," shouted one enthusiastic supporter
to the president's wife.
After brief ceremonies at Fort Custer, where Mrs. Nixon
turned over some 700 acres of federal land for use as a state
recreational area, the first lady chatted with the amiable crowd
and signed literally hundreds of autographs.
The ceremonies were highlighted by a rendition of the na-
tional anthem by the Gen. George A. Custer American Legion
Post Number 54 band.
Due to the amount of time the first lady spent signing auto-
graphs, a scheduled visit to a boy scout's hot dog stand had to
be curtailed.
See MRS. NIXON, Page 10
rRIP, HRPFf_ meet,
discuss peition..
si'ecial To The Daily
FARMINGTON - Ann Arbor's Radical Independent
Party (RIP) Sunday held its first meeting with the Human
Rights Party (HRP), only four days after RIP decided to
4 ally itself with the state-wide party.
The meeting focused primarily on HRP's current
petition drive to get the party placed on the state election
According to state law, the party must obtain about
15,000 signatures during a six-ntooth period to be placed
on the ballot.
Currently, five months after
the petition drive began, t h e
party only has about 6,200 sig- n
natures -w gith the eventual
goal bping 20.000 signatures to
account for any "invalid" signa-
to es that might be collected.
The group set a target date -
of Sept. 15 to turt in he pett -
tiors, it spite of RIP member
Eric Chester's contention t h a t -
the date was both "unrealis-
tic and unreachable,."
At Sunday's meeting the par-
ty also passed its first major
resolution which empowers the =°
group's officers to bring lawsuis
in the name of the party against -
industrial polluters in the state.
Representing RIP, Nancy
Burahardt told the party that
lIP's alliance with HRP is "a
happy occasion -.
Pledging h r group's support
for the siate-wide party, Burg-
hardt nevertheless, warned that
RIP "strongly opposes Demo-
crats and Is against supporting Corn into to
any Democratic candidates."
RIP, according to Bu r g - Traffic across the Blair Bridge ov
hardt, now wishes to be known terday as farmers dump corn into
as the "Human Rights - Radi- An estimated 1,000 bushels of co
cal Independent Party" look on.

Army announced yesterday
that thousands of draftees
serving at posts in the Unit-
ed States will be discharged
up to four months early.
Secretary of the Army En-
hRo t Froehlke said as many as
1 900 GIs will be sent home
rty under the program, which
will apply to men scheduled for
release between Sept. 1 and
June 30, 1972.
The majority of these men
already have served in Vietnam
and Korea and can no longer
be sent overseas because of their
,short time remaining in the ser-
-vice. Draftees normally s e r v e
two years.
Froehlke said the early d i s-
charges are in anticipation of
congressionally administered
cuts of 50,000 m n in the aver-
age' strength of the Army for
the current fiscal year.
The action follows Secretary
of Defense Melvin Laird's a n-
nouncement Saturday that the
Pentagon wasropreparing to cut
50,000 5meni from tOe Army to
meet the reduction called for
in the selective service bill pas-
sed by the House and awaiting
Senate action.
Laird called that "a mistake,"
saying such a reduction would
cut into basic Army structure.
However, one Pentagon gen-
eral said the Army could make
the cut "without any real ser-
ious problem." He said h i g h
priority outfits such as the 82nd
Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg,
N.C., would be kept at f u 1.1
strength while low priority units
would be allowed to drop off.
Under Congress' plan, a 50000-
man cut in the average strength
of the Army for the current fiscal
year will push the total number
of n-ten in the service by June
1972 below the administration's
planned level of 942,000 men.
Laird said Saturday this could
force the Army below 900,000
men at the time.
I the cut by the lawmakers
had been expressed as a reduc-
tion in strength for June 70,
1972-the so - called end - year
strength -Laird would have had
most of the year to get down to
that figure. But because average
strengths are involved, the long-
er Laird waits before beginning
the cuts. the more men will have
to be cut.

rmy discharge

A lookoutide
Capt. Ernest Medina peeps around the corner during a court
recess yesterday at Fort McPherson, Ga. Medina is accused of
slaying Vietnamese civilians three years ago at My Lai.
Wallace acts called
ineffectual by j*udge
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. 4 -A federal judge said yesterday
that Alabama Gov. George Wallace doesn't have the power
to set aside federal court orders and that the governor's
challenge of a desegregation plan amounted to mere talk.
Wallace had issued an executive order to the Jefferson
County School Board last Thursday to transfer a white
pupil from a court-assigned predominantly black school to
a predominantly white school nearer her home. He said
he was trying to help President Nixon carry out his wishes
for no massive busing.
But U.S. Dist. Judge Sam i
Pointer Jr. ruled that it is the C ourt evels
school board's responsibility to
obey court orders regardless of
a directives from the gover-
"The school board is not free
to disobey the court ...," Point- The Kroger food store at 2111
er said. "Even taking the plain- Packard pleaded guilty yester-
tiff's assertion that the gover- day mniing to charges of mis-
nor ordered the school board to representation and short weight.
violate the law, we would only The supermarket was fined $50
have an exercise of free speech by 15th District Court Judge S.J.
by the governor, to which he is Elden en charges brought by the
entitled." County Office of Weights and
Wallace declined comment on Measures.
Pointer's decision but said lie According to a spokesman of
still plans to issue a third execu- the Office of Weights and Mea-
tive order, probably tomorrow. sre' tn inspector frens that of-
directing school officials in fic( I stee the scales ,nr the pro-
Hobson City and Oxford to leave duce ,t the Kr oer store after
their schools as they are de- ieceiving a complaint from a pri-
spite a court order to pair them vate citizen.
The governor Ilso may invite The inspector examined 10
parents to challenge their chil- rackages of peache' and found
dren'. classroom assignments if them all to be en. oiqart ur to
required to travel long distances e'ne ounce lover than their
by bits. an informed source said. stomped a'i'lt, resuling in
Poiiiter denied a motion to prices two to thi cents 1igher
add Wallace as a defendant in than they should hye been. 'he
the Jefferson County school said.
suit as was asked by- U. W. It was determined that the
Clemon, a black Birmingham cause of the deviation in weight
civil rights attorney. was not due to a faulty scale,
Clemon charged that Wallace because the scale, when tested,
interferred with a court-ordered weighed accurately up to three
desegregation plan by ordering pounds, which is higher than the
the school board to transfer range needed to weigh peach
15-year-old Pamela Davis. packages.

Itbed waters
er the Missouri River stalls yes-
I the river to protest low prices.
rn were dumped as Patrolmen

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