Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY S4turdoy, August 14, 1971 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, August 14, 1971 UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 1001 E. Huron 10:00 am---The Lord's Prayer and Ours," Paul W. Swets 1:00 p.m--"Prayers of Life" E ~Paul W. Swets 'CARNAL KNOWLEDGE' I rU have experienced only three or four movies that 1 was genuine- ly sorry to see end. 1 was sorry K to see 'CARNAL KNOWLEDGE'm --nd" Vincent ConbyN.Y. Time 'CARNAL KNOWLEDGE' is S one of the best movies ever!" -Liz Smith, Cosmopolior Mike Nichols, Jack Nicholson, Candice Bergen, Arthur Garfunkel, Ann-Morgret and Jules Feiffer Q Carmnal Knowledge DIAL 5-6290 Doors_____________ Shaves at Ope at 1:15, 3, 5, 12:45 L WA 1 _v ,94P.M. 3" BIG FEATURES! From the country "SEX an I : A WOMAN, INGA" and I AM LOVE CURIOUS YELLOWV ALL THE ' - WAY" 0+0itd yCNEA~ON OUTRES COORb-POST Film groups on eampus clash (Continuied frocm Page 1) showings of the film by Orson Welles, members and sympa- thizers of ARM passed out leaf- lets explaining their side of the controversy, levelling s e v e r a 1 charges of their own, and call- ing for a boycott of Orson Welles' movies. ARM hsd placed the ad, the leaflet said, on the correct in- formation that Films Inc., a na- tional distributor, had cancelled all business with Orson Welles. Orson Welles, it explained, had subsequently obtained the film from another source. Although Frank Pedi of Films Inc. has refused comment on his company's dealings with Orson Welles, members of the society have confirmed that the concern has suspended business with them. The leaflet goes on to make several charges against Orson Welles, its former chairman, Art Maurello, and its current chair- man, Ed Crossmore. Orson Welles, Crossmore, and Maurello, it states have been involved in "unethical and il- legal" practices. The leaflet fur- ther implies "harrassment" and "criminal" -activities in dealings Brownies, anyone? I Love You, Mice B. Tokias Peter Sellers auditorium a angell hall TUES.-AUG. 17 7 & 9:30 p.m. onn arbor film cooperatise with other film societies and in particular with ARM. Maccello yesterday denied soy part in the accused activities and said he has cot beeo involved with Orson Welles since the spring. Crossmore, when contacted last night, denied all charges nmade by ARM, saying "nothing could be further from the troth." Trouble with Orson Welles film society, however, is noth- ing new, as the group has been coder investigation since early this summer. Director of Student Organiza- tions Vie Outman admitted yes- terday that there is "definitely a problem with the film societies." Orson Welles, Gutman said, is currently under investigation al- though it is not, he said, "a ma- jor investigation." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Dery La! eitcar SATURDAY, AUGU5ST 14 School of Public Health: Anna AwaordsCtremsisy, Pub. Healtih And., 2:i5 p.m.i Ann Arbor Film cpraetive: "Moni- key Bsic «."Anid. A. Angell H aIlI 7, 0:30 p.iii Trn Michigailm ,IiSoc. aiiiiEcoi- mica iCam~pus.Ctr: "Throucgh A tGlas Darkly," Firsi t ist Chuech, 502 E. Huons7.30. 9:30 pci. Sch. of Music: Opera.,RRo'sinis"Bac. ber cfeii'e,"cjMenidelsshn 'Theatr. NewmaniStuident A'soc.: "The i'awn- broker," SNewmiiiniCt , 09ii~ii The investigation, Gutman said, results from complaints from film distributors.", Crossmore said the investiga- tion is "fine with me," adding that Orson Welles has "nothing to hide." Gutman explained yesterday that he was trying to take ac- tion to halt the deteriorating re- lations between the campus' war- ring film groups. A meeting between film groups has been called, he said, to "put an end to the uncooperative spirit.", Among things to be discussed at the meeting, he said, are new SOC rules to regulate film so- ciety operations, Among these rules would be a regulation requiring all film groups to order their films through the SOC office, SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 Summer Commencement: Hill Aind., 2 Summe Commencemen:ItHilAud.,2 Astronamy Det.t: Open House at Raidio-Astroncomys Obervaory. Pce a i' Ht., 10280 N. Teeritocial Hd., 2-4.30 Rocik Co'cert:Cail 769-9405 fcor li- Summe FilmFestival: 'ciiey Shci Horses, Dn't 'Tieyi" Audi. A, Angell Hall,. 5, 7:30. 10 pcm. School atf5Music: Operai Rossinii's "Barbeof Srilli, ne' riss0oiii Thieai- tie, 8Op.ini MOND)AY, AUGUEST 16 Sri,. of Music: Operii, Hussiiis 'Bau. bir of Si'ville,"' Menidelssohn Thciatre', 8 General cII otices Political Sciece Students: Esarl1y iregistraitioin for student~is going to APSA conveniioniilook fSicnoicino S 'iii. office. 4 LAST TIMES POSITIVELY SUNDAY NIGHT at 5:00, 730 & 10:00 ACADEMY AWARD WINNERI BETSUPPORTING O.G YOUNG-BESACTOR 9i 35 mm Theatrical Print' JANE FONDA "BEST ACTRESS- OF THE YEAR!' -New York Film Critics 35 mm Theatrical Print "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!r~ -National Board Of Review KARL MALDEN -'CARROLL BAKER'" ELI WALLACH TENNESSEE WILLIAMS -EtIA-KAZAN." NEWTOWN "'CiNEMATION wdiINDUSTRIES "FANNY HILL" ffO F;FTH porumv 5:30 0 11 P.M. L OWNTOW ANN AROR "WmILPOOL" 7:15 P.M. "BABY DOLL" 9 P.M. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2 PM, d r or MATINEE ONLYgaCETY-O JANE FONDA MICHAEL SARRAZIN. SUSANNAH YORK THEY SHOOT HORS[S, DON'T l-THE? GIG YOUNG BONNIE BEDEUIA AND RED BUTTONS SCREENPLA BY JMSPOE ANDROBERT E. THOMPSON BASEDON THE NOVEL BYHORACMcOY ASSOCIATE PRODUCER-MUSIC JOHN GREEN EXCUTISVEPRODUCER THEODORE B. SILLS PRODUCED BYIWIaNLER ANDROERCARTOFF DIRECTED BY SYDNEY POLLACK ASBSDIRY OFTEAMEC~ANJ COOR DISTRIBUTED BY BROADCASTING COMPANIESINC. C em, em NCINERAMA RLEASINGC~ORPORATION AUDITORIUM A . ANGELL HALL SUMMER FILM FESTIVAL/ presented by osnwle I