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August 13, 1971 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1971-08-13

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Page Twelve


Friday, August 13, 1971

PaeTeveTEMCHGNDIL rdyAgs 1,17

Tigers win, gain second place
By The Associated Press American League East, one-half collected three straight hits and Pete Broberg shared a six-hit- twi - night doubledeader 1 a s t
MILWAUKEE-Mickey Lolich game ahead of Boston, which rookie Kurt Bevacqua smashed ter and scored Washington's night.
pitched a six-hitter for his 19th was beaten by Oakland 9-2. his first major league home run first run in 25 innings last night Fritz Peterson scattered nine
victory and Bill Freehan's tie- Jim Northrup's one-out single in support of the six-hit pitch- as the Senators defeated the hits and Roy White delivered
breaking triple keyed a two-run started the Tigers' eighth inning ing of Mike Paul and Alan Fos- Kansas City Royals 2-1 after two singles and a double, lead-
uprising in the eighth inning rally against Marty Pattin, 10- ter yesterday as the Cleveland being blanked 2-0 by Ken ing New York to a 3-0 triumph
yesterday, leading the Detroit 13. He scored on Freehan's triple Indians defeated the Chicago Wright in the opener of a twi- in the opener.
Tigers to a 4-3 victory over the off the left field wall, breaking White Sox 6-2. night doubleheader. Mike Kekich hurled a four-
Milwaukee Brewers. a 2-2 tie. Aurelio Rodriguez sin- Uhlaender led off the Indians' * hitter in the second game and
The victory was the Tigers' gled in Freehan with what first with a single and was raves bomb was lifted for pinch-hitr Gene
13th in 17 games and boosted proved to be the winning run. forced by Vada Pinson. Pinson Michael in the bottom of the
them into second place in the * * * stole second, went to third ATLANTA-Rookie Earl Wil- Michael e b obte
_ _ _ - A - r -w - hen s eo baseman Rich Mo- l ians slammed two home r 11th. Michael delivered a double


Indians to
split season
agreement has been reached for
the Cleveland Indians to play
approximately 30 games of the
1974 baseball season here when
the Louisiana Superdome is
opened, the Associated Press
learned yesterday.
The information came from
highly placed sources but there
was no immediate official com-
Construction began Wednes-
day on the covered stadium.
which will seat 80,000 for foot-
ball and 55.000 f or baseball. It
is scheduled for completion in
late 1973.
Sta um officials h a v e said
they are assured of getting a
major league baseball franchise
--or at least a shared franchise
-when the stadium is opened.
But they have not discussed
details of the baseball arrange-
ment publicly.
Bill Connick, secretary of the
stadium commission and chair-
man of the New Orleans Major
L e a g u e Baseball Committee,
would not comment on the re-
port that the Indians will move
some home games here,
"All I can say for the record
at this time is that an an-
nouncement of major league
baseball in the Superdome will
come a lot sooner than most
fans expect," said Connick.
Dave Dixon, executive direc-
tor of the stadium, has cham-
pioned the idea of another city
--most likely one in a cold-
weather c l i m a t e-sharing a
franchise with New Orleans.
"We feel that this is mere
speculation at this point," said
Dixon when reached for com-
ment on the Indians story. "We
have talked to a number of
clubs in baseball. We feel that
an excellent situation for New
Orleans will develop - that is
that our city will have major
league baseball in the dome.
"Best Actress of the Year"j
- Jane Fonda
--New York Film Critics

Athletics sack 1VL "aV " w L"V
ii TNeerecs OkladAh races let the throw get past him
BOSTON--The Oakland Ath- and scored on Ray F se's
letics scored six runs in the gronder.e
first two innings and romped grud.
to a 9-2 victory over Boston
yesterday, completing a four- Cards cap
game sweep of the Red Sox and PITTSBURGH-The St. Louis
hiking their road record this Cardinals capitalized on Gene
season to 44-18. Alley's error for three unearned
Bert Campaneris led the 13- runs in the third inning and
hit Oakland attack with three Steve Carlton made them stand
singles, his 25th stolen base of to defeat the Pittsburgh Pirates
the year, two runs scored and 3-2 last night.
two batted in. Tommy Davis The Pirates jumped on Carl-
drove in three runs with a sin- ton, 16-6, for two runs in the
gle and a pair of bases-loaded first inning on three hits but
grounders, while Dave Duncan Carlton shut the door from then
contributed his 13th homer. on, scattering eight hits in all.
Indians dance Capital split
CHICAGO - Ted Uhlaender WASHINGTON-Bonus rookie
Professional League Standings

in a 16-hit attack as the Atlanta
Braves bombed the Houston
Astros 10-5 last night.
Yankees sweep
NEW YORK - Bobby Murcer
cracked a two-strike, two-out
single in the bottom of the 11th
See Page 11 to find out about
the homeless Raiders and the
cycling soldier.
inning, driving in New , York's
winning run as the Yankees
trimmed California 2-1 in the
second game, sweeping their

and the Angels walked Jerry
Kenney intentionally.
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'Dishwasher and disposal
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W L Pet. GB
Baltimore 75 42 62 -
Detroit 64 52 .552 8
Boattan 64 53 .547 81/,
New York 60 5 8 .08 13
Cleveland 48 69 .410 24',
Washington 47 69 .405 25
Oakland 75 42 .641 -
Kansas City 60 5a .522 14
Chicago 55 62 .470 20
California 55 64 .462 21
Minnesota 51 64 .443 23
Milwaukee 41 62 .417 26
Yesterday's Results
Baltimore 8, Minnesota 2
Cleveland 6, Chicago 2
Detroit 4, Milwaukee 3
New York 3, California 0, 1st
Ne York 2, California 1, 2nd, 11 inn.
Kansas City 2, Washington 0, 1st
Washington 2, Kansas City 1, and
Oakland 9, Boston 2
Today's Games
Kansas City at Boston, night
California at washington, night
Oakland at New York, night
Baltimore at Chicago, night
Cleveland at Milwaukee, night
Detroit at Minnesota, night
- - - -
--~-- - -

WV L Pet. GB
Pittsburgh 71 47 .602 -
Chicago 63 52 .548 6"/
St. Loulis 64 54 .542 7
New York 58 56 .509 11
Philadelphia 51 65 .440 19
Montreal 46 70 .397 24
San Francisco 69 51 .575 -
Los Angeles 64 53 .547 3
Atlanta 63 58 .521 6/
Houston 58 59 .496 9"/
Cincinnati 55 64 .462 1"
San Diego 43 76 .361 25".
Yesterday's Results
St. Louis 3, Pittsburgh 2
Atlanta 10, Houston 5
New York at San Diego, inc.
Philadelphia at Loas Angeles, inc.
Other clubs not s hedule ,
Today's Games -
St. Louis at Pittsburgh, night
Houston at Atlanta, night
Chicago at Cincinnati, night
Philadelphia at San Diego, night
Montreal at Los Angeles, night
New York at San Francisco, night

Look who are up to
the marx brothers
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FRIDAY, AUG. 13-9 P.M.

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North Campus



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