Church group sets anti-war parley By PE. BAUER Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam (CALCAV), a 39,000 member interreligious peace group, has an- nounced plans to hold a national organ- izing conference at the University's Markley Hall, August 17-22. The conference, which is expected to assemble about $00 people from 35 states, will concentrate "on seeing how the re- ligious community can develop concrete plans and strategies which will help ter- minate the war in Vietnam at an early date," says the Rev. Richard Fernandez, Co-Director of CALCAV. In order to accomplish this goal, con- ference organizers are planning activi- ties which they consider to be "substan- tially different from what many tradi- tional denominational structures have at- tempted to do with respect to the war," Fernandez, a Protestant minister, as- serts. Instead of .scheduling speakers to ad- dress the members in large groups, CALCAV representatives plan to discuss strategy and tactics in small groups in order to better preserve the sense of community which they say is vital to religious awareness. Through these small group discussions CALCAV organizers are hopeful t h a t leaders of various local churches will be able to find a way to "build a mass base movement in local communities and de- velop a greater sense of commitment among their own constituents, as they seek to end the war," says Fernandez. The approach to political efficacy through the union of churches is not a novel one, says David Hauseman, a local organizer of the conference. "It's all part of the social gospel," he relates. "You know, love your neigh- bor as yourself. You can hardly love the Vietnamese when you're killing them." In addition to considering the Vietnam war, CALCAV members plan to discuss other national problems of which they feel the public is not always aware. One example, cited by Hauseman, is the alleged mistreatment of the Portuguese government in Angola by, the American Gulf Oil Company. "Americans are constantly giving their tacit consent to this type of behavior," he says, "because of their very inaction." Religious leaders who are expected to attend the conference include: Rabbi Bal- four Brickner, Union of American Hebrew Congregations; Harvey Cox, professor, Harvard University; William Sloane Cof- fin Jr., chaplain, Yale University; Mia Ad- jali, Women's Division, United Methodist Church; and Mohammed Kenjatta, Black Economic Development Conference. According to Mrs. Trudi Young, also a co-director of CALCAV, video-tapes of Dr. Daniel Ellsberg, who has admitted distributing copies of the top-secret Pentagon Papers to the press, Dr. Robert McAfee Brown, Dr. Robert Lifton and Dr. Seymour Melman have been devel- oped for the conference. page three , l 1 ritt n ad NONCHALANT High-82 Low-55 Fair and windy Wednesday, August 11, 1971 Ann Arbor, Michigan News Phone: 764-0552 Street battling grows worse in N. Ireland BELFAST, Northrn Ireland (M - The barricades went up yesterday and Belfast prepared itself for another night of the bloodiest rioting to rack Northern Ireland in half a century. Mob clashes, gunfire exchanges, gasoline bomb at- tacks and waves of arson raised the two-day toll to 17 killed and more than 100 injured. The violence caused millions of dollars in property damage and threatened to overwhelm the 12,000 hard- pressed British troops stationed in the Protestant-domin- Riot aftermath in Northern Ireland UNOFFI(IAL REPORTS: U.S. may change Viet. policy if Minh drops out of election SAIGON (,' - U.S. sources said yesterday the American gov- ernment would be forced to re- examine its policy toward South Vietnam should Gen. Duong Van "Big" Minh quit the presidential race and leave President Nguyen Van Thieu as the only candidate. U.S. officials had hoped the October 3 election would include a variety of candidates. They are known to be ups qualification of Nguyen Cao Ky Minh's threat to Minh has said he will quit the r mines that Thieu the election. White House I Ronald Ziegler, r a report that a de set by the dis- made to withdraw all U.S. troops Vice President by next June 30 if Thieu is the and worried by only candidate. pull out. The report, one senior Ameri- repeatedly that can spokesman said, is "the fig- ace if he deter- manent of someone's imagina- is trying to rig tion". Press Secretary Despite the officials disclaim- however, denied ers, however, the government ecision has been was not denying yesterday that a -.-one-candidate race would have an effect on the official Ameri- can attitude toward the Saigon regime. U.S. embassy spokesman How- ard Kirchwehm said "Quite ob- viously if confronted by a ne a situation we would look at it and act accordingly. I am not going to get into a discussion of a hypo- thetical situation, however." Meanwhile the political situa- tion in Saigon was deteriorating rapidly yesterday as speculation on a number of subjects includ- ing a possible coup d' etat, was evident. The coup talk was encouraged by reports, not officially con- firmed, that the skies over Saigon had been suddenly declar- ed off limits to all aircraft. This was taken to suggest that Ky, who charges he was unfairly disqualified from the race, way planning to use an air attack on the presidential palace. One source said that air space -Associated Press over the city had been declared off limits for a people's self-de- Milton Eisen- fense rally last weekend. Ameri- ersity, recom- can sources said air corridors the establish- had been changed recently but ion growth to they knew nothing about any new orders on flying over the city. ated province. Roman Catholic areas barri- caded themselves with hijacked buses against another night of terror. Dr. Patrick Hillery, foreign minister of the Irish Republic to the south, flew to London for emergency talks on the crisis with British leaders. Northern Ireland authorities arrested 24 suspected terrorists to add to the 300 interned on Monday in an attempt to break the back of the illegal Irish Re- publican Army's (IRA) v i o- lence campaign. The IRA wants to reunite this six-county British province with the Irish Republic, by force if necessary., Northern Ireland's decision to intern members of the outlawed IRA unleashed a state of ur- ban warfare. The Roman Cath- olics minority in this largely Protestant province vowed to fight the decision by b o t h violence and peaceful means. The Northern Ireland Cabi- net, meeting in emergency ses- sion, was reported by sources to have been stunned by the ex- tent of the violence touched off by the order. Rioting erupted for the se- cond straight day when British troops pushed through the bar- ricades of key Catholic areas- the Bogside in Londonderry and the Falls road in Belfast - in search of IRA terrorists. T w o British soldiers were wounded. Some of the worst fighting took place outside the Rose- mount police station in London- derry, scene of the 15-hour siege Monday. Mobs tried to hurl gasoline bombs through brok- en windows, but charging troops firing rubber bullets managed to keep them too far back to set the building afire. The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552, Second Class postage paid atAnn Arbor, Mich- lgan. 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- siay year. Subsription rates: $10 by eaerier, $10 by malt Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5 by carrier, $5 by man. Billboard restraint continued By ZACHARY SCHILLER Washtenaw County C i r c u i t Judge John Conlin ruled yester- day that "the status quo must be preserved" in regard to Ann Ar- bor's new sign ordinance until a vacationing judge returns to make the final ruling in the case. The ordinance, which prohibits various types of signs as well as putting limitations on their loca- tion and size, was passed last week by Ann Arbor City Council, Shortly after the law's pas- sage, Central Outdoor Advertis- ing Company of Lansing obtained an injunction from Livingston County Judge Paul Mahinske pro- hibiting enforcement and publi- cation of the law. Mahinske also ordered the city to allow Central to erect new signs until the. matter could be finally settled at a show-cause- hearing Sept. 13. Last Wednesday, at the urg- ing of city officials, Judge Conlin temporarily restrained Central from erecting new signs. Conlin emphasized that he was only in- tervening in the case because Judge Mahinske was on vaca- tion. Conlin held yesterday's hearing in order to determine whether his ban on new billboards should be continued until Mahinske's re- turn. At the hearing, lawyers from Central said the company would not put up any new billboards until the September hearing, whereupon Judge Conlin ruled that the city must continue to process all requests for billboard installations. The sign ordinance is actually the second such ordinance passed by the council. The first one, ap- See SIGN, Page 6 Aim for zero Former Maryland Sen. Joseph Tydings (left) and hower, acting president of Johns Hopkins Univ mend to a Washington news conference yesterday ment of a national policy aimed at zero populat stabilize the number of Americans.