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August 07, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-08-07

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Vol. LXXXI, No. 63-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, August 7, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Indians file
sui against
'U'on treaty
t In an attempt to force action on demands for greater
educational opportunities for Indians, Paul Johnson and
the Chippewa, Ottawa and Potowatomy tribes have filed
suit against the University.
The Indians base their suit on the 1817 Treaty of Fort
Meigs in which the three tribes ceded land to the "corpora-
tion of the college of Detroit"-later the University-with

Too many troops?
Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) talks at a news conference yesterday on the U.S. troop level, which he
says is close to half a million men over its legal limit. He said that since the draft law has ex-
pired the total has exceeded legal maximum.
Rise shown In state, national
unem loyment rates last mont h

the understanding that their
children w o u 1 d receive in
return a chance for better
Subsequent sale of these lands,
according to Johnson, head of
the campus' American Indians
Unlimited, was the major source
of funds for the University in
its formative stages.
The suit, filed Thursday in
Washtenaw C o u n t y Circuit
Court, charges the University
with mishandling these funds.
According to the suit the Uni-
versity has failed in its obliga-
tions under the treaty to pro-
vide the state's Indians with
educational opportunities.
On the basis of this charge,
a legal brief filed by the Indians
calls on the court to force the
University to determine the
amount of money derived from
the sale of the land, and deposit
this amount in a trust fund.
Further, the suit demands
that the University account for
all investment of these funds.
If this is not done, the Univer-
sity would be forced to pay in-
terest on the money into the
trust fund at 15 per cent com-
pounded annually since Jan. 1,
Johnson has estimated this
could amount to "at least a mil-
lion dollars." University finan-
cial officers were unavailable to
comment on this figure.
William Fenstemacher, assist-
ant vice president for academic
affairs, said yesterday that the
legal struggle which could re-
sult from the suit "won't help
either the University or the In-
dians." He noted the suit could
be settled out of court and
added that several administra-
tors desired such a solution.
The legal proceedings "would
only give a black eye to both
Indians and the University," he
See INDIANS, Page 2

AA Model
Cities head*
sues News
The chairman of the Ann Arbor
Model Cities Policy Board has
filed a suit seeking payment for
damages allegedly sustained as
a result of printed charges
against him.
The Ann Arbor News recently
reported that Ezra Rowry si-
multaneously accepted sick leave
pay for his job in a University
laboratory and Model Cities con-
ference pay for several days in
1969 and 1978.
Rowry is seeking a total of
$250,000 to be paid jointly by
the defendants for alleged viola-
lion of Rowry's civil rights.
The defendants in the case are
the University, the Regents, Uni-
versity Personnel Director Rus-
sel Reister, Booth Newspapers,
Inc., The Ann Arbor News, its
editor, and the paper's reporter,
Ron Cordray.
Apparently, the Michigan Civil
Rights Commission is also in-
vestigating discrimination char-
ges filed by Rowry.
Rowry's suit to the U.S. Dis-
trict Court in Detroit charges
that two Ann Arbor News articles
and an editorial were printed
"for no other reason than plain-
tiff was a member of the Black
Race and of African descent and
Furthe-, it states that "it is
not true that plaintiff fraudulent-
ly and wrongfully took money
from the University of Michigan
and the Ann Arbor Model Cities

From Wire Service Reports
The nation's unemployment
rate rose in July as high school
and college youths entering the
economy found jobs lacking,
the government said yesterday.
Accompanying the rise in the
jobless rate was an increase in
A total employment in the coun-
try. Most of the 1.2 million gain
in jobs was among teenagers,
but that group also suffered
the biggest rise in unemploy-
ment, Labor Department fig-
ures showed.
Meanwhile, Michigan's unem-
ployment rate skyrocketed to
10.3 per cent of the total labor
force, the highest jobless fig-
ure for July in 23 years, the
Michigan Employment Secur-
ity Commission reported yester-
Democratic National Chair-
man Laurence F. O'Brien, r e -
acting to national statistics
said, "The Nixon Administra-
tion's hsead in-the-sand ap-
proach to the national economy
continues to take its deadening
toll in the lives of millions of
1 "There is no indication of
any recovery." said Sen. Hubert
H. Humphrey (D-Minn.), Nix-
on's Democratic opponent in
1968 and again a potential
Dr. Geoffrey Moore, commis-
sioner of the Bureau of L a b o r
Statistics, acknowledged under
questioning from Humphrey
and other Democratic members
of the Senate-House Economic
Committee, that if an estimated
740,000 "hidden" unemployed
too discouraged to hunt j o b s
were added, the jobless r a t e
would have soared to 6.7 per
cent. Only the jobless who ac-
tively seek work are counted.
But Moore disagreed with
Humphrey on the state of the
economy, saying, "There are a
number of idications of recov-
ery" including a ree in housing
sa rt and a modest mprove-

ment in unemployment since
last winter.
Another witness before t ie
committee disagreed.
"The current recovery is
clearly -the slowest and feeblest
in the last 25 years," said Pro-
fessor Charles C. Killingsworth
of Michigan State University.
The July national employ-
ment report, after seasonal ad-
justment showed an increase of
500.000 in total employment to
78.9 million, a rise of 200,000
unemployed to 4.8 million and
a jump of 700,000 to 83.8 mil-
lion in the total civilian labor
The report also said average
hourly earnings of 45 million
rank and file workers remained
unchanged at $3.42, but their
average weekly paycheck drop-
ped 35 cents to $127.22 because

the strike of 500,000 telephone
workers brought down the
length of the average work
The Michigan jobless rate was
lip from June's 9.3 per cent, and
the state commission attributed
the sharp rise to increased lay-
offs by the auto industry for
model changeover.
Some 387,000 persons were un-
employed in Michigan last
month, compared to 347,000 in
In the tri-county Detroit area,
unemployment was 10.6 per cent
last month, the highest July
figure since 1963. Some 189,000
were unemployed compared to
171,000 in June when the job-
less rate was 9.5 per cent.
According to Labor Dept. na-
tional statistics, the average
See NATIONAL, Page 6

Salary equity sought for women

In keeping with University goals set last Sep-
tember to eliminate sex discrimination on cam-
pus, members of the Women's Commission are
currently conducting a review of University per-
sonnel files in order to unearth cases of salary
Zena Zumeta, the University's women's repre-
sentative, working under the auspices of the
Commission, is trying to find cases in which men
are paid significantly more than women when
doing the same job. Such cases could then be
remedied through negotiations with the em-
ploye's supervisor, through filing a suit through
the federal Fair Labor Standards Act or through
the yet-to-be-formulated File Review Procedures.
Assisting her is Employment Representative
Meryl Eriksson.
"It's a very time-consuming job;" says Zu-
meta. "We examine each file for the salary level
of the employe, education level, age, previous

employment, clerical tests, personal recommen-
dations from previous employers and supervisors,
duties of the current job, and sex of the em-
ploye. This serves to give us an adequate picture
of the employe.
"Then the files of other employes in the same
classification are examined. After evaluating
them we can form some opinion as to whether
salary levels in a particular area are suitable
for job tasks, and make some attempts to remedy
any inequities which we find."
To date, Zumeta has found seven of what she
terms "clear cut cases of salary inequity" after
examining the files of 150 non-union University
In addition to performing the file review, Zu-
meta and Eriksson also investigate complaints
of suspected ineqgity which are made by em-
Despite the enthusiasm shown by, the Women's
Commission toward this project, certain prob-
See WOMEN, Page 3

Zena Zumeta

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