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August 04, 1971 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1971-08-04

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Cloudy and colder,
slight chance of rain

Wednesday, August 4, 1971 Ann Arbor, Michigan News Phone: 764-0552
Senate approves bill
IIE on subversive control

r spite a charge that new
%F powers granted the Subver-
sive Activities C o n t r o l
Board "reflect the spirit of
McCarthyism," the Senate
last night narrowly approv-
,'ed an appropriations bill fi-
t " s nancing the agency without
curbing its authority.
The $4.1-billion appropriation
for the departments of State, Jus-
tice and Commerce, including the
/ board, was sent to the White
House. The vote was 46 to 44.
Sen. Sam Ervin, rD-N.C.),
asked the Senate to reject the
compromise bill and force new
negotiations with the House on
his amendment to forbid use of
the SACB $45,000 appropriation
to implement a controversial ex-
ecutive order issued by Presi-
dent Nixon July 2.
'1 The executive order would
broaden authority of the board
created 21 years ago to identify
and publicize Communist groups
and frins
Associated Press
Under the Nixon order, the
W t ie -board-which had been stripped
Despite the lack of a draft law, the date capsules for the draft of virtually all authority by Su-
preme Court decisions-can use
lottery August 5are sealed into drums yesterday hv Jeph MeCoid new and broader standards to
and David Chase of the selective service system. seek out and list publicly organi-
zations it considers subversive.
REVERSES DECISION: "it is alien to the American
system of government, Ervin
said of that authority. "It re-
p er m it flects the spirit of Me-Carthy-
ty ermits liquor ore . ..thi
"You can have under, this ex-
tog a t /c u into every demonstration,
prying into every group whose
views this boards considers to be
By JIM IRWIN and Safety Engineering Depart- intellectually disturbing to the
# City Council voted unanimous- ment, the Health Department, government," Ervin said.
ly Monday night to grant a and the Fire Department. "This is a situation where the
club liquor license to the Uni- Representatives of the various courts are going to have to de-
versity Club, resolving with ap- departments informally i n - cide this issue," said Sen. John
parent smoothness one facet of spected the club facilities lo- L. McClellan, D-Ark. He said
a long-stand dispute over whe- cated in the Michigan Union Senate rejection of the compro-
ther the city or state has juris- and reached agreement w i t h mise bill would delay an appro-
diction over University affairs. club officials that as long as priation that should be passed be-
In June, Council had unani- the club remained solely a Uni- fore Congress recesses Friday.
mously denied a request for a versity operation it would be
club liquor license based on governed by University rules The Nixon also revives the at-
grounds that the city was not and inspected by University torney general's list of organza-
permitted by state law to in- health officials in the future. tions considered subversive.
spect the facilities because of Final approval for issuance of Another contested feature of
their location on University- the license must be given by the appropriations bill involved
owned property, the State Liquor Control Com- funds for the U.S. contribution
According to the club's presi- mission before the University to the International Labor Or-
dent, law Prof. Samuel Estep, Club can obtain the license. ganization, dropped at House in-
an arrangement satisfactory to The University Club closed sistence.
all concerned parties was work- last September due to lack of The Senate refused a plea by
ed out at a meeting held be- support and the addition of li- Secretary of State William P.
tween club officials and repre- quor has been seen as an "add- Rogers to reinstate the $7.8 mil-
sentatives of the city Building ed boost" to revive it. lion.
House votes to wihod$118m

The new dental building
Three new buildings
to open at 'U' this fall
Although the campus looks no different at first glance, three new
University structures are scheduled to open during the coining aca-
demic year.
For one accustomed to living in Ann Arbor's run-down rental
housing. the University's new dental building on North University St,
with its rows of fluorescent-lit offices and sparkling corridors, seems
like a reminder of the modern world that surrounds the campus.
The $18 million building, freshly painted and polished in antici-
pation of its full use fall term, has retained one touch of the old-the
familiar sounds of piped-in dentist's office music.

foreign aid payment

House voted to hold back
$118 million U.S..foreign aid
from the Greek m i li t a r y
government last night after
a heated debate with op-
ponents saying America
should not dictate Greece's
The House Foreign Affairs
Committee's suspension of the
Greek aid was upheld by the
House 122 to 57 in a $3.4 bil-
lion U.S. Foreign Aid authori-
zation bill.
A fight over the committee's
decision to curb $225 million
for Pakistan until it settles its
East Pakistani turmoil was
waiting in the wings.
The loud debate over with-
holding aid to Greece to try
to force the military govern-
ment back toward Democratic

rule was dominated by a shout-
ing exchange between R e p .
Wayne Hays, D-Ohio, and Rep.
James A. Burke, D-Mass., who
tried to restore the Greek
Hays accused Burke of mak-
ing a "patent plea for dictator-
ship." Burke accused H a y s
and his followers of making "ri-
diculous proposals" to tell oth-
er countries how to run their
Opponents of the Greek aid
curb contended the G r e e k
government is trying to restore
Democratic rule and is essential
to the Atlantic defense organ-
ization. Burke said it also gov-
erns a crime free society t h a t
America cannot match.
House Republican L e a d e r
Gerald R. Ford of Michigan said
he believes President Nixon

to Greece,
will restore the aid to Greece by
using the escape clause in t he
legislation under which the $118
million can be released if the
President declares in writing
that the aid is in America's
overriding national security in-
U.S. Ambassador to Greece
Henry J. -Tasca had told a clos-
ed-door House hearing earlier
in the day that opposition in
Greece to the military junta is
growing in intensity, sources
Assistant Secretary of State
Martin J. Hillenbrand told the
subcommittee a "power va-
cuum" could be created along
NATO's southern flank if the,
United States hedges in i t s
support for the Gieek govern-

Classrooms in the building have
been used for two years, but this
fall, the entire facility will come
into use.
According to Robert Door, as-
sociate dean of the dental school,
the building will supply modern
teaching and research facilities,
while being flexible enough to
meet changes in curriculum over
the years.
The new facility boasts a large
closed-circuit color television sys-
tem, the only computer system
on campus devoted exclusively
for teaching uses and a lecture
hall with acoustics so perfect
that electronic sound systems are
not needed.
Two other large University
structures will be used for the
first time in upcoming months.
The Power Center for the Per-
forming Arts will. be dedicated
Oct. 5, while the Modern Lan-
guages Building will be ready for
use during the winter term.
The Power Center, built with
a $3 million contribution from
former Regent Eugene Power
and $500,000 from community do-
nations, has been hailed for its
versatility for drama, opera and
musical productions.
The auditorium will have a ca-
pacity of 1.490 persons - twice
as many as nearby Mendelssohn
The new Modern Language
Building, to be completed by late
fall, will consolidate many of
the University's language and
communications facilities and
will include a large language lab
and two auditoriums.

law elarified
by officials
Members of the University's
Housing Policy Board yester-
day drew up a draft of a letter
to be sent to all incoming fresh-
men, stating that the Univer-
sity does not condone cohabita-
tion, premarital sex, and over-
night visiting in the dorm.
The move comes in the wake of
recent controversy during which
many University alumni and
members of the public have
railed indignantly against the
University's dropping of this
wording from the housing code.
University administrators have
hastened to assure the public
that the change in the housing
code represented only an editing
of the wording of the rules, not
a change in University policy to-
ward premarital sex.
"Our biggest mistake," says
housing director John Feldkamp,
"was in including the wording
concerning cohabitation in the
housing rules to begin with. This
area is adequately covered by
state law, and our treatment of
it was really unnecessary. But
now that we are trying to elimi-
nate all the extra wordage, the
general public gets the wrong

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