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August 04, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-08-04

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Sign ordiA
A sign ordinance passed by Ann Arbor City
Council Monday night seems fated to become
a key factor in a legal struggle between com-
panies using billboard advertisements and oppo-
nents of such billboards.
Thelegal struggle has been going on since
1966, when the city passed an ordinance pro-
hibiting certain types of billboards entirely and
placing strict limitations on others.
Signs with moving or flashing parts, traffic
hazards and signs obstructing windows or doors
were prohibited by the ordinance. Sizes of re-
maining commercials and areas of the city in
which they can be displayed, were also limited.
When the original ordinance was effected,
several local companies took the law to circuit

nance faces court battle

court, where it was declared unconstitutional.
In a decision delivered January 12, 1971,
Judge Paul Mahinske declared the law to be
unconstitutional giving five reasons.
The judge said that the ordinance interfered
with the companies' rights of speech, press and
religion, finding the law to be "a transparent
attempt to exclude billboards, and other forms
of signs, from the entire city, in time, and not
to exclude such merely from residential areas."
Further, Mahinske found the ordinance too
broad and general. He saw no "reasonable re-
lationship" between the law and public health,
morals and welfare, and said that the city is
not empowered to take down signs on display
not conforming to the law at the time of the
ordinance's passage.
See COURT, Page 6

Anti-billboard demonstrators picket city council Monday with
placardless picket-signs.

,A Arbr ii g uns 4Ct
Vol. LXXXI, No. 60-S Ann Arbor, Michigan--Wednesday, August 4, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages

'U' staff pay
raise levels
still vague
In spite of recent action taken by
the State Senate on the University's
budget request for fiscal 1971-72, Uni-
versity faculty and staff pay raise levels
have not yet been set.
Last week, the Senate approved a mea-
sure that would provide the University
with $77.74 million - up from Governor
Milliken's suggested $76.3 million and
last year's $73.5 million.
Milliken had recommended a 6.5 per
cent pay hike for University staff. Al-
though the Senate added some $1.43 mil-
lion to his request for the University, no
additional funds were earmarked for sal-
ary increases.
Due to the uncertainty about the final
level of the state appropriation, early in
June University officials put a "freeze"
on staff salary increases - meaning that
most staff members are still receiving
paychecks for the amount they earned
in June, in spite of promotions or antici-
pated raises.
According to Fedele Fauri, University
vice-president for state relations and
planning, this month's paychecks will
- also be at the June level,
University officials last fall planned
a 10 per cent pay hike and asked the
Governor to recommend sufficient funds
for that purpose.
At that time, a report from the Amer-
ican Association of University Profes-
sors (AAUP) indicated that University
pay raise levels had not, been as high
as at many of the nation's universities.
See STAFF, Page 6
paeemen eall
erater after 'U'
HOUSTON (Ai) - Moon explorers
David R. Scott and James B. Irwin came
across some features that weren't on
their maps. One they encountered Mon-
day was a crater some 200 feet deep,
"Very large depression," noted Irwin.
"I'm going to call that big crater 'Wol-
"Good name," said Scott.
The third Apollo 15 astronaut, Alfred
M. Warden, hails from Jackson, Mich.,
the Wolverine State. All three at one
time attended the University:

Genie Plamondon, "minister of com-
munications" of the Rainbow People's
Party was arrested outside party head-
quarters on Hill St. yesterday morning
on charges that she conspired to smuggle
marijuana and hashish to her husband
Pun Plamondon in the Kent County
According to police reports, officers
of the Kent and Washtenaw County
Sheriff's Departments came to the Hill
Street house at 8:30 in the morning, ar-
rested Plamondon and took her to Grand
Rapids to be arraigned on charges of
conspiracy to possess marijuana.
She was arraigned in Grand Rapids
district court at 2 p.m. yesterday after-
noon. District Court Judge Lewis S i m-
houser set bond at $5,000.
Also arrested in connection with the
case was her husband Pun Plamondon
who was charged with the same of-
fense. Bond for Pun Plamondon was set
at $25,000.
He is presently being held in the Kent
County Jail on charges of possessing a
phony draft card.
Plamondon is also charged, with con-
spiracy in the 1968 bombing of the
offices of the Central Intelligence Agency
in Ann Arbor.
Residents of the party headquarters ex-
pressed surprise at the swift arrest, ex-
plaining that most of them were asleep
when the police came.
According to a party spokesman, Pla-
mondon went to the door when the po-
lice knocked, and went out to talk to
After some conversation, he said, she
was arrested.
See PLAMONI)ON, Page 2

C 1ie ortnguese uggr-cswt
Guinea's ambassador to the United Nations, El Hadj Abdoulaye Toure, accuses
Portugal of planning an invasion of his country before a session of the U.N. Secur-
ity Council yesterday.
8 D.C. protesters freed;
alleases may be dropped

Eight of about 800 demonstrators
awaiting trial on charges stemming from
mass arrests on the steps of the
U.S. Capitol during the Mayday anti-
war protest- have been accquitted by a
Washington, D.C. Superior Court.
Defense attorney Monroe Freedman
said yesterday that the government will
probably drop the cases against the re-
maining defendants. He added that if
the government does press charges, there
is "every likelihood that the judge will
throw the case out of court."
However ,the U.S. Attorney's office
said that there has been "no disposition
made as yet" as to whether charges will
be pressed against the other 800 de-
If the other 800 cases are dropped,
Washington courts Will have disposed of
almost all the cases resulting from the
mass arrests of more than 12,000 per-
sons during the Mayday protests.
Though official court records are not
available, prosecutors estimate that only
about 200 of the 12,000 persons arrested
have been found guilty after trials,

Thousands of charges have been dis-
missed by judges or prosecutors due to
lack of evidence.
The jury deliberated for just over four
hours on the case, in which the defend-
ants were charged with disorderly parad-
ing and unlawful*entry at the Capitol.
Freedman termed the jury's reaction
to the case as "very strong," citing the
original ballot of the jurors on the case
in which acquittal was favored by a
vote of ten to two. The attorney also said
that several jurors decided for acquittal
before the defense presented its case to
the court.
The arrests on the Capitol steps were
the last round of several days of mass
arrests of antiwar demonstrators in early
May. Two days preceding the Capitol
rally, police rounded up over 7,000 peo-
The police were criticized, and most
cases were subsequently dropped, b e -
cause field arrest forms with proper
identification and criminal charges were
not made out during mass arrests ear-
lier that week.
See 8, Page 2

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