page three 4 RE-RUN High-75 Low-55 Partly cloudy, chance of showers Tuesday, August 3, 1971 Ann Arbor Michigan News Phone: 764-0552 Tr*'ainmen win 42 prcent wage increase ~ WASHINGTON -About 190,000 trainmen won pay hikes of nearly $1.50 an hour over 42 months in a nation- wide contract settlement yesterday and called off their crippling strike against 10 railroads. Rail officials said trains will be rolling quickly to start moving tons of stranded food, grain, coal, steel, autos and other shipments in large areas of the South, Midwest and West affected by the strike. k Passenger trains affected were expected to be back on schedule by today. CITY POLICE DETECTIVES examine the damage at Kroger's supermarket shortly after a small bomb exploded there last night, injuring four persons and causing a blaze. 0 0 Four injure cas bomb explodes /a de he' ~it crouwded supermarke hre By JONATHAN MILLER at the front of the store near unless the manager put a large Four p e r a o n a were slightly the manager's office. sum of money in a bag and left injured, glass was shattered and The explosion r i p p e d the it outside the store a bomb a fire started when a small shopping cart to pieces and be- would explode. * bomb exploded last night in a gan a small fire in the store's "We never gave them any- crowded local supermarket. bakery department. thing," said Courter last night. The explosion occurred at ap- The bombing came after the The supermarket m a n a g e r proximately 7:20 p.m. at the store had received five tele- and the police said that there Kroger's supermarket at West- phoned bomb threats in two was no prior warning of last gate Center. Officers on the weeks, according to Kroger's co- night's explosion. scene said the device was placed msanager, Dick Courter. On June 30, the manager of in a shopping cart abandoned The callers had warned that a nearby Wrigley's supermarket ion Stadium Blvd. left $2,000 outside his store after receiving a similar threat. Officers found no bomb. Last week, at the Kroger's store, a package containing flares was discovered and the store evacuated after a threat- ening call. Bomb s q u a d detectives dis- mantled the device. All four of those injured last night were taken to St. Joseph's Hospital where they were re- leased after treatment. Health officials ordered Kro- gei's closed last night pending an examination of the damage caused to the food by smoke, fumes, fire and blast damage. Courter expressed hope last night that the store would be able to open today. He said he had no idea why .the bombing had occurred, ex- cept that "what they were after was money." Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, bomb squad ex- perts from the state police crime lab in Pontiac and city police detectives are investigating the bombing. No arrests have been made and the police apparently have no suspects or leads on the bombing, The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan. 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- -Associated Press nity year. Subscription rates: $10 by Superstars carrier, $10 by mall. Summer Session. published Tuesday Former Beatle George Harrison, left, gets together musically with through Saturday morning. Subserlp- Bob Dlylan during a benefit eoncert io New York Sunday. tion rates: $5 by carrier, $5 by mail, The settlement between the AFL-CIO United Transportation Union and the nation's rail in- dustry brought expressions of pleasure and relief from the White House. Secretary of Labor James Hodgson said the agreement in- cluded provisions allowing the railroads to change work rules for greater efficiency, offsetting some of the costs of the 42 per cent in wage hikes over 42 months. The agreement will boost cur- rent average wages from $3.50 to nearly $5 an hour over the life of the contract covering brakemen, conductors, switch- men, firemen and other workers who operate the trains. The settlement also got the White House off the hook of having to consider proposing emergency strike-halting legisla- tion to Congress, The new union tactic of strik- lug a fev vrailroads at a time, approved by federal court rul- ings only in recent months, seemed likely to set a pattern that could change the nature of future rail labor disputes. The union first s t r u c k two railroads and then gradually es- calated to others until some 30 per cent of the nation's rail sys- tems was shut down. The railroads won the right to modify long-standing work rules -principally ones that had re- quired crew changes every 10 miles and prohibited over-the- road and train yard crews from doing each other's work. Details of the rule changes will be worked out with the union on each of the 73 major railroads U.S. Steel ee upsprices 8 per cent ty rhe Associated Press U.S. Steel, the industry pace- setter, announced yesterday a price hike averaging eight per cent on virtually all its products, and other companies followed suit. The move promised to drive up the cost of all kinds of con- sumer products, ranging from trucks to toasters, but probably not immediately. The U.S. Steel increase was intended mainly to offset the cost of a new three-year con- tract approvedaSunday between the industry and the United Steelworkers, the company said. The new contract will raise the pay of 350,000 workers by 30 per cent over three years, plus other benefits. "Certainly it's inflationary," said R. Heath Larry, U.S. Steel Corp. vice chairman of the new contract adding that the indus- try granted it to spare the na- tion's e c o n o m y a damaging strike Deputy press secretary Gerald Warren said that "price increas- es of this magnitude and at this time are bound to have an ad- verse affect on the tonnage of steel produced in the United States and on jobs in the steel i n d us t r y."' -Daily-Jim Judkis Let Hertz put you Ann Arbor firemen re-enact a scene from a timeless 'television commercial ye'sterday during a practice drill.