deep greens and blues What will w e think of ne xt? by tarry lempert PHYSICIANS, government officials, drug experts and chemical manufacturers are growing increas- ingly worried about a deadly and relatively new drug- abuse problem among the nation's children: the inha- lation of aerosol sprays. The aerosol product-hair spray, deodorant, house- hold cleaners or some other-is sprayed into a paper bag or a balloon and then inhaled because the pro- pellant produces a strange, floating kind of high. The propellants, usually hydrocarbons or fluoro- carbons, can also produce death, usually from cardiac arrest. -N.Y. Times, July 20 Was the desire to escape so great, the need to escape so great when we junkied our model airplanes to sniff their glue, when we envelopcd ourselves in luxurious varieties of smoke and smacked our lips and speeded all in vein? And now, with little or no thought to our underarms we're sniffing deodorant and hair spray Aerosol, "A strange and floating kind of high;" who needs neat hair or sweet-smelling armpits when you can get ripped on aerosol mist? It's like a vision of the future, foreshadowing thousands of Americans running around frantically with brown paper bags, sniffing cowshit cobwebs corncobs caraway urine simmered at medium heat (what a rush) gargling with Liquid Plumber shooting cleanser and soaring on a White Tornado dying in a euphoria of mimeograph ink and magic markers- What will we think of next? I SKE LETONS IN THE CAPITOL I 'What a way for a Woman's Lib freak to go ... she inhaled three spray cans of FDS!" i Northwest Detroit's maverick state senator, bushy-haired Jack Faxon, is considering plans to commit ceremonial suicide on the floor of the Senate. According to his plan, Faxon would make an impassioned speech - a la Patrick Henry - while two men dressed in white robes and black hats ceremon- ially hauled a guillotine onto the Senate floor, "My head has never really felt it belongs to my body," Faxon confides. "When my head falls in- to the basket, I will finally be able to smile." "I could tell you- about it in ad- vance," he adds, "and you could sell the pictures to Life maga- zine." Equality and justice for all dept.: Representatives' secretaries have to clock-in. Senators' secretaries don't. Justifying our vast faith in the wire services, two representatives of the Associated Press and United Press International Capitol bu- reaus recently exhibited the fine journalistic tradition for w h i c h their organizations are noted. "Was that vote 20 to 14, or 20 to 15?" asked the puzzled AP reporter in the Senate Press room at the close of debate on the state's tax bill. "I'm not sure," came the re- sponse from UPI's correspond- ent, "but if we both send the same figure it doesn't really matter." They both filed with "20-14." (Coincidentally, they got it right-or else the official Journal of the Senate is using their figures.) University administrators ve- hemently deny that the University will set up its own police force if the state legislature cuts off funds for the annual subsidy of the city police department. But some mem- bers of the legislature are not so sure. Shortly after the failure of his amendment to restore the subsidy failed on the floor of the Senate, Sen. Gil Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), hinted a bit of foresight in the Uni- versity. "It's a hell of a job set- ting up a police force, but at least they already have the right man for the job-Fred Davids," he said. Davids joined the University this year as director of safety, after serving as director of the State Police. A Letters to. The Daily No 'U' pollution To The Daily: THE SECOND PHRASE of the front page photo caption titled, "Fighting pollution" (Daily 30 July) read as follows, ". . . while U n i v e r s it y smokestacks belch smoke in the background." This is both inaccurate and mis- leading. 1) In the photo no emis- sion is visible frompthestacks. 2) Smoke is particulate matter sus- pended in air and has a gray ap- pearance. Walk over and observe the emission from the "U" stacks. It is never gray, but white in color. A white stack plume consists of water vapor and water vapor is not a pollutant. When air pollution is success- fully controlled, as in the case of the University stacks, it should be commended. The caption would have been much better one phrase shorter, thus leaving the reader to draw his own inferences from 'he photo alone. William B. Woods, Jr. Grad, Engineering July 30 Reactor reaction To The Daily: USING THE USUAL Daily meth- od of front page editorializing un- der the guise of factual reporting, you have very thoroughly told one side of the story of the controversy surrounding the proposed nuclear power plant in Midland. One comes away from your ar- ticle of July 20 with the impression of the alarmed citizenry of Mid- land fighting desperately for their 4 mir4hynn Daft! 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily espress the individual opinions oftthe author. This must be noted in all reprints. Saturday, July 31, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552 NIGHT EDITOR: JONATHAN MILLER Summer Editorial Staff MARCIA ABRAMSON LARRY LEMPERT Co-Editor Co-Editor ROBERT CONROW .. . ...............................-Books Editor JIM JUDKIS...............................Photography Editor NIGM TEDITORS: Anita Crone, Tammy Jacobs, Alan Lenhoff, Jonathan Miller. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Patricia E. Sauer, James Irwin, Christopher Parks, Zachary Schiller. Summer Sports Staff RICK CORNFELD ...........................................Sports Editor SANDI GENIS... .........................Associate Sports Editor homes, for their very lives against the uncaring, calculating coldness of BIG BUSINESS. You might have at least men- tioned that another equally con- cerned citizens' group (who also have homes in the area!) is back- ing the power plant as a very neces- sary step for the future quality of life in this area. Currently, Consumers Power does not have enough power to sell to the Midland Dow plant. The Dow plant, therefore, maintains its own power plant which burns coal- the only power source currently available. AS THE MAJOR industry in the Midland area, Dow has taken a leading role in pollution reduction studies. Their efforts in this area were somewhat hampered by the action of a group of eager "beav- ers", who were so anxious to de- stroy "war research records" that they actually succeeded in de- stroying the records of Dow's anti- pollution research and of their large bloodbank-facts overlooked in the Daily coverage of the Beaver affair. Supporters of the reactors con- tend that such a "clean" power source could very greatly reduce air pollution in the Midland area. They further point out that reac- tors used as power sources have been in existence for over 20 years without a single surrounding com- munity coming to harm, But the witch-hunt after the atom goes on and will go on until peo- ple finally realize that we are using up our natural fuels at such a phenomenal rate that they won't last much longer; and even if they would, they are polluting our at- mosphere so greatly already that they could hardly be the answer to our ever increasing need for power. Lynne Sebastian Carlson, '69 July 20 'If you can take time out from the drugs I brought you last week, I'd like to show you our new line of aerosol sprays.' It's a mad mad, mad, adworlId (Editor's note: News is not the only specialty of the Associated Press, whose writers also indulge in the weird and whimsical. This column is a regular coection of the best of the not-so-usual.) LONDON - The London Transport Authority invited a group of city councilmen and police for a bus ride to prove the safety of a new bus route which residents along it had protested. Midway in the ride, the bus ran into a parked car. "We are reconsidering the scheme," said a spokesman for the transport authority. LOS ANGELES - A man spent the weekend digging for gold in a city park and found none. City officials weren't surprised. The 30-year-old drapery installer got permission to dig at Elysian Park when a metal detector gave a weak but encouraging reading. He agreed to share any gold with the city. After two days he and a few volunteer helpers had blistered hands and two broken picks. A park official said an underground water pipe probably caused the detector reading. SANFORD, Maine - An unidientified man came into the emer- gency ward of Henrietta Goodall Hospital during the weekend, com- plaining of a moth in his ear. A skeptical nurse peered into the man's ear with an otoscope and there was the little creature buzzing around inside. A physician repeated the examination and, attracted by the otoscope's light, the moth fluttered out of the man's ear. CAMBRIDGE, Mass - The paperback volume of the Pentagon papers went on sale last week in the Harvard Square bookstore, and one of the first customers was Dr. Daniel Ellsberg, who has admitted leaking the papers to the press. Sheldon Cohen, the bookstore owner, said Ellsberg, a regular customer, "came in, bought a copy for himself, and autographed two copies for my employes."