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July 31, 1971 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-31

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page three Z Sidt itan Rtii

Partly cloudy

,. Saturday, July 31, 1971

Ann Arbor, Michigan News Phone: 764-0552

Militar said
welfare parley-
Speial To The i)auy
PROVIDENCE, RI.-"The military runs by being able
to be a totalitarian process," war resister David Harris yes-
terday told about 50 persons who gathered for a workshop
on Resistance, as part of the annual National Welfare
Rights Organization (NWRO) convention at Brown Uni-
Harris, recently released from a federal prison term for
draft resistance, and Al Hubbard of the Vietnam Veterans
Against the War, told the group to resist both the draft
and the proposed volunteer
Amy . esterday's program included
various strategies and planning
workshops led by such persons
as Harris, Chicago 7 defendant
David Dellinger, NWRO Execu-
tive Director George Wiley and
black activist Imamu Amari
Yesterday's activities formed
By JONATHAN MILLER a quiet contrast to Thursday,
A 23-year-old escaped convict when heated discussion and
was charged yesterday with the firey speakers were common.
murder here last weekend of a The convention, which open-
retired Ann Arbor news office ed Wednesday night, has at-
worker, Theodore R. Ziefle, 68. tracted about 1,200 delegates
& The suspect, Glenn G. Charles and observers from all parts of
the nation as well as Puerto
m whoeaped from a tusty Rico, St. Thomas in the Virgin
farm last week near the Southern Islands and Canada, who have
Michigan Prison at Jackson - united in a struggle against the
was brought to Ann Arbor last present welfare system and the
night by city police detectives Nixon administration's proposed
after his arrest early yesterday Family Assistance Plan (FAP).
morning following a bullet-spat- At a press conference Thurs-
I tered chase through downtown day, Dellinger and anti-war ac-
Grand Rapids. tivist Rennie Davis unveiled fall
Announcing the arrest yester- strategy plans devised at a work-
day afternoon, deputy police chief shop which had been closed to
Harold Olson said that two fe- the press. Dellinger announced
males riding in the car with that the People's Coalition for
Charles at the time of his cap- Peace and Justice had voted
lure are being held by police in unanimously at its last planning
0 Grand Rapids for questioning. session to make actions against
Olson said that at the time of FAP their main priority.
his capture, Charles was driving FAP provides for an income
Ziefle's car of $2,400 for a family of four.
which is less than the present
The chase, during which shots annual allowances in all but six
were fired by officers, ended states. NWRO has called for a
after Charles left the vehicle he $6,500 floor.
was driving and tried to run for Dellinger also announced a
it. moratorium on "business as us-
Officers then captured him ual" scheduled for Oct. 13, and
without meeting resistance, Ol- a "return to Washington" for
son said. planned civil disobedience on
Ziefle was found dead at his Veterans Day-Oct. 25, to be led
home at 449 Fourth St. Monday. by veterans.
Charles was serving a li% to "It will not be just the tradi-
5 year sentence at Jackson for tional anti-war movement," Del-
carrying a concealed weapon. linger predicted, who will be
Be is a native of Grand Rapids. working against PAP in the fall.

men land on moon
A)-Two for mer University
students David Scott and James
Irwin. landedsafely and accon
aely on the seon yesterday.
Scott opened a lunar module
hatch to look at the canyon
banks, boulder fields and moun-
tan saround them and exclaim-
ed poetically: "Oh. boy, what a
fmThe men achieved the moon
landing at 5:16 p.m. EST to be-
gin one of man's greatest scien-
tific expeditions, an exploration
by car to the edge of a deep can-
yen and the base of the highest
": V zlunar mountains.
Before they got there, however,
they ran into a miner difficulty
with their spacecraft, as they
have several times during their
journey. A power cable connected
gy"from the command ship to the
v' lunar lander broke loose.
The lander was unable to be
-qitdPs separated from the command
F < ;ship until the command ship's pi-
lot Alfred Worden, found the
ARTISTP Gsloose connection and fixed it.
f Back on earth, Irwin's parents
Jrread passages from the Bible and
clutched each others hands until
AtheTlander dropped down safely.
His wife Mary will miss most.
if not all of the first moonwalk to-
o ~day t fulfill a church teaching
"Jim is commited to his mis-
sion and I'm commited to mine,"
-Asoiated press she explained."'In the meantime.
ARTISTS DRAWING shows the Apollo 15 astronauts David R. I'm going to. bed." she added.
Scott and James S. Irwin, riding in their lunar roving vehicle gently nudging the hordes of
on the moon's surface. newsmen out of her home.
$250million -ockheed
loan complromise win

WASHINGTON (At) - A $250
million loan guarantee for the fi-
nancially troubled Lockheed Air-
craft Corp. was approved yester-
day by the House.
The vote was 192 to 189.
The Lockheed-only loan legisla-
tion won strong bipartisan sup-
port as a compromise for a
broader proposal that would have
set up a $2 billion loan fund for
ailing corporations.

The bill now goes to the Senate
where supporters of a Lockheed
loan guarantee failed for the
third time earlier in the day to
end a filibuster against the pro-
posal. Another try may come
Rep. Wright Patman, D-Texas,
manager of the House bill, pre-
dicted the Senate would end its
filibuster early next week and
take up the House measure.
Patman said the bill was "a
package deal" put together by
congressionaltleaders nof both
parties and the administration.
Although it authorizes only the
$250 million loan guarantee
sought by Lockheed, the bill sets
up the machinery for further
loan guarantees that is contained
in the broader $2 billion version.
No other loans could be made,
however, without further action
by Congress.
The bill also provides that the
commercial banks making the
loan will have to share profits
from the transaction with the gov-
ernment in return for guaranteed
With Lockheed reportedly on
the verge of bankruptcy and
Congress heading out of town
next Friday for a month-long va-
cation, House leaders urged
swift approval of the bill with-
out changes and managed to de-
feat all proposed amendments ex-
cept one providing for a govern-
ment audit of Lockheed.
The outcome of the Senate clo-
ture vote apparently influenced
House Republican leaders to
abandon their previous support
of the $2-billion loan funds for
ailing corporations, which also
has administration backing.

However, senators who want
to help Lockheed get a govern-
ment loan guarantee so it can
continue development of its Tri-
star jet passenger plane, ducked
a chance Thursday to vote on the
$250-million proposal. After a
hasty head count they decided
they didn't have the votes to pass
Park concert
to _.feature
crafts fair
In addition to an afternoon of
rock music at Gallup Park this
Sunday, the Community Parks
Program is this week sponsoring
a crafts fair before and during
the concert.
Over 50 people will display for
sale or trade their handcrafted
wares of all varieties. Free regis-
tration for those still wishing to
sell their wares can be obtained
through Saturday by calling 769-
9405. Commercial vendors and
edibles cannot be allowed,
Crafts will be on display start-
ing 1:00 p.m. and the music will
begin at 2:30 p.m. and end at
6:00 p.m.
Scheduled to perform are the
Sunday Funnies, Doug and Clau-
dia Cartwright, the Rang Tang
Tiger Show and the Iris Bell Ad-
venture who will appear with a
special set prepared for the con-

Nixon reminisces
Former Whittier College benchwarmer Richard Nixon stands next to the statue of Jim Thorpe in the
football hall of fame in Canton, Ohio yesterday.

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