Ending oU'sexrule angers alumni
s~' Tb eningof he nivrsiy rle By P.E. BAUtER
The ending of the University rule against co- Halls, and termed cohabitation, overnight visita-
habitation in residence halls has caused head- tion and premarital sexual intercourse "unac-
aches for administrators as alumni and parents
have cancelled gifts, revoked wills and with-
drawn their children from co-ed dormitories in
a storm of protest.
"One woman wrote us to report that her min-
ister had used the University of Michigan as an
example of the sinfulness which is running ram-
pant at all Universities," says housing director
John Feldkamp.
The change came about on June 15 when the
office of student services housing policy board
voted unanimously to drop the no-cohabitation
rule from the rules of the housing office.
The rule previously in effect was passed in
1966 by the Board of Governors of Residence
certable in University housing units."
Housing Policy Board member Jerry De-
Greick, who proposed the rule change says the
rule "was never enforced and could not be en-
forced." He also called the rule an attempt on
the part of the University to legislate morality.
Since that time, University officials have
received many comments on the Board's ac-
According to President Robben Fleming, the
issue has caused one member of the University's
President's Club to resign, stating that he was
withdrawing all financial support from the Uni-
versity and returning his placque.
See LACK, Page 2
Jerry DeGrieck
Pres. Fleming
. L N Ar iiga JtsEh
Vol, LXXXI, No. 58-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 31, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages
cite accord
on draft bilI
WASHINGTON (R) - House-Senate conferees broke
their deadlock and approved yesterday a bill extending the
draft for two years. It also urges President Nixon to nego-
tiate a date for total withdrawal of forces from Indochina
in return for release of American prisoners.
Senate Armed Services Chairman John C. Stennis,
D-Miss., said he will try to get the compromise through the
Senate next week but conceded its fate "is in the lap of
many senators."
Antiwar senators have threatened to filibuster any
compromise eliminating the Sen-
ate's nine-month war deadline and
prevent enactment of the draftL-i
bill before Congress egins o r 1 s
month-long recess next Friday,
Aug. 6.
"I realize that at first blush
many will be displeased," Stennis t i
said of the antiwar senators.
"But when they thoroughly look d e e
at it they will see there's a lot ai
He said Democratic leader ny The Associated Press
Mike Mansfield's original lan- As the nation's steel mills pre-
guage and philosophy had been pared to shut down in anticipa-
kept even though Mansfield's tion of a strike tonight, the strike
nine-month war deadline was cut of the United Transportation
out of the amendment. Workers yesterday mushroomed
Mansfield, who had not been with walkouts against six more
shown the compromise in ad- railroads.
vance, would not comment imme- By last night, nearly every
diately on whether he accepts it. major steel company, including
Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., nine firms engaged in negotia-
said he and other opponents tions with the United Steelwork-
"probably" will filibuster the ers of America in Washington,
compromise next week. had announced plant shutdowns
Whether they succeed in put- to some degree.
ting off final draft action until Union negotiators yesterday
September or later, he. said, de- dismissed as "stingy," the steel
pends on whether Mansfield ac- industry's most recent offer.
cepts the compromise and agrees The union, headed by I. W.
to support a move to cut their Abel, reportedly is attempting to
filibuster off. win at least as much as the three-
Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y., year, 30 per cent wage hikes it
called the compromise "clearly won for its members in the alu-
inadequate" but said he believes minum, copper and can manu-
the Senate will vote to cut off facturing industries.
the filibuster and send the draft
bill to President Nixon next As the rail strike continues,
week. millions of dollars worth of per-
Stennis said he believes the ishable farm products are being
Senate will approve it. lost daily because of the strike
House Armed Services Chair- which now has affected 25 states.
man F. Edward Hebert, D-La.; An estimated 165,000 rail work-
said the conferees had upheld the era have been idled by the ex-
House negotiators' position to panding strike, as have thousands
work out a compromise on the of others in industries depending
war amendment so that "the on the trains.
President's hands will not be Labor Secretary James Bode-
tied."Lar ertyJms dg
tedr J son said 41 per cent of the na-
The draft law expired June 30., tion's track mileage is now idle
Only actual authority to draft
expired. All other Selective Serv- and reports from governors in
ice machinery remains in opera- in the 25 states affected direct=
Lion and Director Curtis W. Tarr ly gauged the strike effect in a
has scheduled the 1972 draft lot- range "from critical to disas-
tery for Aug. 5. trous.
G b Medieval festival begins today
God, played by Clifton Olds, left, gives his blessing to Noah, played by David Bernstein, right, in the
"Wakefield Play of Noah," to be presented in four city locations this weekend as part of the second
Ann Arbor medieval festival.
An informal opinion offered by
a member of the state Attorney
General's office has suggested
' that Ann Arbor cannot legally
amend the city charter to make it
easier for third parties to gain
ballot designations in city elec-
City Council has been consider-
ing placing such an amendment
on the ballot for voters to decide,
since it received a report from
its committee on Third Parties
and Related Matters which sug-
gested liberalization of the pres-
ent election laws.
Maxine Virtue, head of the
Municipal Law Division of the
attorney General's staff said:
"The matter is ' pre-empted by
state law and therefore the char-
ter may not be amended to per-
mit local parties to qualify pur-
suant to charter provisions for
candidates for local offices."
To qualify for the state ballot,
a party must gather petitions law, Lax noted, and the issue
with signatures equal to one per would ultimately have to be set-
cent of the number of votes cast tied in the courts anyway.
in the most recent election for The issue of third parties came
Secretary of State. Currently, up last spring when members of
that means about 14,004 signa- Ann Arbor's Radical Independent
tures. Party (RIP) complained of the
"It must be made clear that difficulties in obtaining a place
partisan candidates must qualify on the ballot for local offices.
pursuant to the governing pro- RIP subsequently ran two candi-
vision of the state law," Virtue dates on a write-in campaign.
said. "This is so even when po- The report of the Committee on
litical parties are purely local Third Parties recommended a
and even with respect to purely charter amendment which would
local offices." permit local parties to qualify
by filing petitions with the city
Virtue's informal opinion does clerk. The committee recom-
not constitute an official ruling mended that the parties be re-
from the office of the attorney quired to obtain a number of
general. In fact, City Attorney signatures equal to one per cent
Jerold Lax has indicated that he of the number of votes cast for
has received conflicting opinions the most recent victorious may-
from that office in regard to pos- oral candidate-about 150 votes.
sible charter revisions govern- At a special working session of
ing local third parties. City Council Monday, Council-
Regardless, an opinion of the men generally agreed that the
Attorney General's Office is not figure was too low.