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May 08, 1971 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1971-05-08

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Saturday, May 8, 197 1


Page Eleven

F'students 11q UVOFIli,


win awards ~~U 1f~
FE(rie nanvesilyt' rc oh, bi_. 1)<1v (U ?( II -
_wll.alism hornm the 1D"11OI,]( --- u
Cliib Foundation. so't RHN' AY h
.Jamnes Alyengrad. f:sn ~Alcrn.
itiii 7 1:t : a named inner of the hr1.: 1 i Knelt3Mo li Pc nts -Tonig ht--
College Grand award far hi,,c *5 ii ooiIiil c!)c
Garbage for the Chief'a Son,'
which appeared in the Daily. Allyit ''UDIV, MAY THE MAN onteI50fAt-lcI~ta'T l ii i 11N("i7,("<_,(
alo wohe $ 1efirtilei-olaee awrd A % Mph'.I+ <<e Mi l c itii1(clii ' "
expreaaion of opinion category' - IB RT
Stuart Gannea '71 waa awarde
$300 aa the fiast-place award win- General NoticesV LA C
ner in feature writing. Gannes is Focuty aiidlStafi hlt grice mt- VA NC
a former Daily Editorial director. hilt tictktits:fraloil iniaond to pin-
In the excellence of expressior chase go to Miii. AthlIetic hue., iieo Modern-action weslern, diec-
excteyJamea Beattie, '72, Daily S tateoudeaoliiie tar seotuog priorily
executive editor, won the $100 July i5. ed by John Foid. 119621 With
third-place award.- James Stewart, Lee Van Cleef,
Suaan Jonea, grad, from New Placem 7ent Andy Devine, Lee Marvin. See
York City, won sloe for third place CARL ER PLANNING the toue story of who killed
in feature writing. She ia currently 32f0 S.A.B. Liberty Valance
workng n he maters dereein toe mare iefa about followcig on-
workig onher aiters deree n touncementsr, roil 764-6338, or stay in
journalism.oalioe.Tm rowSna
-- -- ~~~Intervirw: May 14, Bob Eltms will in-TorowSna
sirhview prople intertedt in State tUni'.
Computers, j+ open College at*Lkiftala'a perom oato
.., ~operative aecanidary teaehere eati. span- TEBU
corelby Teacher Corpand the Peae
The Computing Center baa an- Carat; involves grail studly an eampas, T EB U
noanced that the Michigan Termi- inner-city teaehing, stiudy ad teach-
lng atoadi. Prog. aiailablte tar ta-
nalMSyst in nowS operat-widents with idegrees in ninth, science,AN E
ing on its normal achedule. Ter- anid English as a forign language. Call
minals may dial in an uaual, ex- 764-7460 ta make an nat. Diiected by Josef Von Stern-
cept that the data concentrator Sumtimer Worksthop, June 22 - Aug. berg. 11930) Marlene Dietrich
will not be available until May 10. 13, attereil by Schaol at Jaurn.,Coltv
of Oregon; phatagraphting the American in the role that brought her
West; 12 gradluate creiit hours may fame - sedoctive singer Lola
The Miohigan Daily, editedandilan- he earned. Lola wocpue h rfso
agesd by shadents at the Cnlveri lty f North Carlna, wehoterecive ieinilniaes h rfso
Michigani. New phone:764-t0552. Setand booklet outlining saciol work jobs in wlJenns.
Casopstaepidt AinAbar,Mich- NC. sttegavt; hnslobilescription
iga, 420 Mayiarilhi., Ants Arbar.'nil rquirementt.
Mirhigan40104. Publisheil ilily Tots- IDept. ofitt EW.. rhIno high-colibi A CHTCT R
daythrough Sunilay morinUnivr -apliotitsfom rooet A,MA, nil U IT RU
ily yior' Subsriptisoi',tei:' 010 by Pht.D.ogoils in the bihavisrali nit to
crrirt,f$10tiytnail.ooriiate iinPsythoilain Trauiin
hiieccSessiiiiipubolishediueitsilayProg.t ShiEliobeth Hasp ;12-mauth Monroe and Havens Stuects
thiow;,,,,Saitiurda~y iiiriiing. Siihcrip- internshis andtesilniesavilable
tiverbrocrhe ityoureitrstil nd9pm
" 75c
'9IA K T .

DAL 8-6416

1, 3, 5,
7& 9

Once upon a lime, the best male contraceptioes that money could
buy were in your focal drigsore. That time is gone. Today, the
worlds best condoms come fiom.fEgland, and are available in
America only fram
the exclsive U.S. iistributar tar two rearakable (nai highly poptular)
Britishi condilms-scientitically ahapeil Nu~oaionil stpertine Fether-
lite-Anil we mace them available through the privacy at the mails.
Both are superbly tine an4 tibb-lighter than ilrugotorebranils. They
anerage 1.25 emns apiece to be preectoe. These controceptives are maile
by LR Indlustriesofa Lonilan, the world'o largestimonutatturer at con-
traceptive prailuits. They noat only meet rigacousnUhS. FDA speciin-
tiono, bat are maile to Btitish Governtment Stanilaril 37114 no welt,
You wonttfinil a macaerliable ronilotmainywhere.
hsirillstratedl brorhure sello youi al obosisFetherlit onilNu~orm.
Anidlaboiit teven atiereAmiirican bronils which we honetcaefully
seletttilfromo the miote than onuniiiredilkindls ivilable toay. Anil
o i esxtlain the ditffetenoes.
We ailsotiavetonprert itionitiom tot wotoentiandilaowidevaoieity
oifibooks'toildypamphlcts onsbit cotolot sx opltiton, toil
Wantimoreicnfoomtationt I'so fre.Junsttndits your noameonil
illness.hietter ct i l ot ott dollarwrtllitend you all theinforation
plsto Fetherltite samiplos itndlone NiuFormt. Fot tout dllaroc
yo'lligetlhehtrocurieplus thirieieacroitiveifretondione
bradstinsuingio'both tImpoits). Allcoresptodence n dttttlmerchant-
tos isshiipptitliniiapiainiiriietrto prottect yout pivcyrs.tdle
guaironteewyour itoney backit if 'eot sautif iwii ttthorpoducits,
Foas2556-tC, C('hil illt, N. CI. '27514
atro littion. t' Threitt . Yttcl fruu$1.i...citi ititi t n:ticl
ptackagei fori$

The Quality Is
Steak Dinner $1,0.79
3035 Washtenaw across from Lee Oldsmobile
An tnttoductory attempt to understand the ptoblems of America's
homoseoual minority lrow the points of vtew of sociology, psy-
chology, law, and theology. Special attention will be given to the
Model Penal Code, the Wolienden, Quaker, and Hooter reportts,
and to the homophile civil rights movement. Selected papers will
be distritbuted for discussion. All sessions will be taising the ques-
tion: what might an enlightened religious viewpoint and public
policy be? Convtnet. Lloyd W. Putnam, OlsA Educationol Director.
Open tu all intercsted persans- straight or guy.
TUESDAYS-7 :30 p.m.
May 11, 18, and 25, Jane 1
801 S. Forest
MICHIGAN UNION ( 3rd flner) -764-7442
~Homooeouality presents a major problem for our society latgely
because of the amount of injustice and suffering entailed in i
not only foe the homosexool hot also f or those concerned about
him . Homosexuality is often viewed with either disgust or
anoiety, emotions which interfere with an objective understand-
eng of the problem . . . Educational programs should both give
information and reploce judgmsntal and condemnototy ttitudes
with wore objectise attitudes:"
-Task Force Report on Homosexalaity,
National Instilute of Mental Health,

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