420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reprints. Wednesday,_May 5, 1971 News Phone: 764-0552, NtIGHT EDITOR: LARRY LEMPERT Mayday and beyond SEVENTY-THREE PER-CENT of the American people support the withdrawal of all American troops from Indochina by the end of this year, according to a recent Gallup Poll. Those Americans who have opposed the war over the past six years may regard this as a significant gain. But to the Vietnamese peasant sitting in his hut, hoping against hope that the lives of those he knows and loves will not be forfeited that day on the whims of an American bomber, these happy tidings bring small con- solation. The War continues. People are still dying in large numbers - perhaps 'only' fifty Americans this week - and how many of 'them'? How many Vietnamese who see themselves as fighting for a decent society free from foreign domination? How many Vietnamese recruited to defend the Saigon military clique? And how many more who see merely the insanity of the seemingly endless war which has ravaged their homeland for thTirty years? And what can we do? We can mass by the hundreds of thousands to demonstrate our opposition to the War. We can work for and vote for candidates for public office who will try to change our foreign policies. We can try to understand the human faults and the social me- chanisms which lead great nations to become imperial monsters, and resolve to struggle against those tendencies. BUT THE WAR does not end. The B-52s continue their relentless search for an enemy we cannot hate, and the nation we were taught to cherish as a bastion of liberty and a light to the world, continues to crush revolu- tion in Indochina. So people search for new means of protest. Mayday was one. The attempt to disrupt the operations of the federal government appeared appropriate. It demon- strated that people were willing to put their bodies on the line. It provided a renewed illustration of bitter opposi- tion to government policy- The organizers of-the Washington actions have asked for a nationwide strike today to culminate the period of antiwar activity. As a demonstration of large-scale, na- tional opposition to the war, it can function as mass demonstrations have to some degree in the past, to in- fluence the policy makers. Students and faculty who oppose American involvement in Indochina should stay out of class today to participate in this demonstration. BUT OBVIOUSLY, the aim of the Mayday actions - "to raise the social cost of the war to a level unaccept- able to America's rulers" still appears a dreamlike hope. The left-student anti-war group which is involved in Mayday has some influence but certainly not a decisive one. But just as obviously, there are people who could raise the social cost of the war to an unacceptable level - and they are opposed to American involvement in Indochina - they are the seventy-three per cent that Gallup talks about. Suppose nationally respected leaders who support withdrawal from Indochina - George McGovern, Ted Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, Edmund Muskie, John Lind- say - asked for a day of general strike again the war. Suppose all the liberal Democratic Congressmen who op- pose the war voted against all military appropriations In light of the recent NLF offer to negotiated cease- fire with American troops, this assumes added signifi- cance. If those liberal leaders who oppose the war were willing to move decisively on the basis of the cease-fire proposal, a real end to the war might come much sooner. It is quite likely that a majority of the American people would support a campaign led by nationally re- spected leaders, to force the Nixon Administration to agree on such a cease-fire followed by rapid withdrawal from Indochina. It is quite possible that strikes and such tactics would receive wide support with such leadership. The task is no longer, as it was a few years ago, to convince people that the war is wrong - it is to con- vince them that they can and should do something about it. But the men who have the greatest potential for providing the leadership necessary for such a campaign continue to content themselves with mournful speeches. 'XHILE REALIZING that demonstrations, episodes of civil disobedience such as Mayday and student strikes are unlikely to have major immediate impact, their value must be recognized. They keep up a certain pressure on the government - they are a reminder that the war has not been forgotten. The choice' often is between watching an evil and remaining silent, or trying to do that little which one can. The Mayday protesters refused to be silent, and for that they deserve respect. -STEVE KOPPMAN greater community EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the first part of an interview of LSA Dean-designate Frank. Rhodes with Daily staff members Geri Sprung and Steve Koppman. A second nection of the interview will be published later in the week. DAILY: How does it feel to be Dean? RHODES: Well, it feels pretty good. I'm happy at the prospect. - Everybody comes up and offers their commisserations and tells me what an impossible job it is, and so on, but I think it's a chal- lenging job, basically, and that's -to really get them interacting with students. So I hope first of all we can make our basic aim the restora- tion of the dignity, the importance and the centrality of undergradu- ate education-especially in the first two years. We've got to get people out of graduate mothballs and back into undergraduate teaching. If we can get that right, I think the specialist teaching will tend to take care of itself, because the departments are very good at that. I hope first of all we can make our basic aim the restoration of the dignity, the importance and the centrality of undergraduate education- especially in the first two years. We've got to get people out of graduate mothballs and back into undergraduate teaching. why I took it. I think there are great needs and great opportuni- ties, so I'm happy with it. Here am I-an outsider by any standard. I'm British, I've been here only two years, I'm a scien- tist who'll be working with hu- manists. It reassures me greatly in the health of your academic community that it can risk its money on someone who basically has a very different viewpoint. I find this a very great trust. I don't mean this in any way to cul- tivate student opinion, but I'm deeply impressed that the com- mittee that interviewed me went through 9 people, or whatever, and in the end, the faculty-student vote was unanimous-with three stu- dents on the committee. It seems to me to be a very ex- citing thing that someone with ideas as mine which are fairly wild, I think, by conventional standards-can really be trusted with this kind of job. It's only a great University that could do that. DAILY: What's your conception of the role of LSA? RHODES: You know, at the be- ginning of the catalogue it says that the aim of LSA is to explore every aspect of life creatively, and that's it, in as many words. Two statements it makes-first o all, that we share the conviction that the good life is the fully ex- amined life and that no man can successfully cope with his prob- lems until he's gained some in- sight into the nature of the uni- verse in which he lives. Then it goes on to say that we want to help every student to un- derstand himself and the world round about him not by offering knowledge in a narrow sense, as facts alone, but in the broadest sense of awareness of man and his surroundings. So if you want a one-sentence definition of my goal for ISA it's exactly that one-to explore the whole range of human knowledge and experience and to do it creatively. DAILY: How do you go about doing that? RHODES: That's a big question. There are ways in which we ought to be doing it. The first thing I've got to say is that in order to do that at all, you've really got to create a learning environment where people feel anxious to do it. At the moment, LSA isn't really much of a community. So aim num- ber one is to really make it more of a community. I want to see students and faculty realy talking together-not just across a lecture bench, but really talking to one another as people, and there are various ways to do this. One is to encourage as many faculty as we are able to use to take an active part in undergradu- ate courses-at the moment, many of the brightest stars on the LSA faculty don't get near undergradu- ate audiences-especially, in the first two years. We've got to really do all we can to encourage faculty members who have a tremendous range of skills and experience in all kinds of different positions- from all over the world-all kinds of philosophical backgrounds, so- cial backgrounds, religious beliefs DAILY: Don't you think there'll be opposition to this? It seems that many professors, especially those considered experts in their fields; tend to prefer to do their owp re- search and teach graduate ^tu- dents. RHODES: That's a good ques- tion. Clearly, what I have to say when you're asking me what I can do is that I'm not the boss of LSA. I'm the servant, literally, of a par- ticular group of scholars the scholars are undergradautes, grad- RHODES: I reject the tern peas ants-if we have to have it, I coun myself with them. But some di take that attitude, and I don't sup pose anyone works in a more eso teric field than I do-I deal witl microfossils in geology, and pro lems with micro-evolution and cor relation which are intensely eso teric. Even the language is impos sible, but I still teach 600 under graduates a year, and I get tre mendous enjoyment out of doing it. Basically, if you're a professoi in a University, you acknowledg yourself to be a person who car make the esoteric meaningful, an if people aren't able to make i meaningful, I think they're in th wrong game. DAILY: Do you think you ca build support to work toward these goals? RHODES: I said these things very forcefully when I was inter- viewed by the selection commit tee, and they received them very well. I think there's a strong feel ing in the college, amongst thg faculty, that we've really lost oui bearings and that we're just rudderless ship without any sense thing for me to read that in intro ductory statement about LSA :n the catalogue-I think we're ter rible in achieving it. Here we say to students here's the whole world of experience- let's open it up and let's debate it together - that's a tremendous thing to do. I think if we can ap- proach it on that kind of level we're going to get faculty support we're going to get student support. I just know that students want this kind of educational experience they don't want these little boxes Chemistry 103 or History 207 or Geology. I think another way we can ex- pose undergraduate audiences to the best people we have is to start thinking about the whole structure of undergraduate teaching. We're simply fossilized into this notion that it has to be three lec- tures a week for a whole semester, and that's worth three credit hours, or whatever, I wonder itwe don't need to experiment with something like, for instance, in literature, we might have some body who's a kind of anchorman giving an introduction so the course. We keep him on for let's say, the first five or six weeks of the semester, and then we start bringing in these experts to give mini-courses on specific areas that are still part of the big one, but maybe they lecture every' Monday for five weeks or some- thing, and you might have several mini-courses going, using the same lecture hours, and a student then could really begin within that um- brella course to study these au- thors he's interested in. If he's in literature, he may be forced for a time to study Shakespeare while he might really want to read D.H. Prof. Rhodes uates and faculty-and so all I hope to do is to persuade them to move with me in a particular di- rection-it has to be done with their cooperation and not against their will. How can we do it? First of all, what we have to say to them is that if they're concerned with the quality of graduate education, then they dare not ignore what goes o:, at the undergraduate level. If Basically, if you're a professor in a Univer- sity, you acknowledge yourself to be a person who can make the esoteric meaningful, and if people aren't able to make it meaningful, I think they're in the wrong game. :''::$:. ;. '"fXrf .}agi r;"{- '," ;x:+.{':"}} s"::.rr.r:{^:::::igse i {"}';":i}}:.";:::% r"~:~<{::","s ;{{,"::r.::r;"f rr}r{. fm they're having some second-rate man teach the students who are their future graduate students, they're going to be in deep trouble, and they deserve to be. So, even from their own self- interest, they have no right to pre- tend that undergraduate education doesn't matter. But, second, it seems to me, if they're really expert in a parsicu- lar field to which they're devoting their whole life, and many are in a very distinguished way, they should have something to say to )undergraduates. If they believe it's that important, then it's too im- portant to keep to themselves and to graduate students. DAILY: It seems some profes- sors feel that the important parts of what they're doing are so eso- teric it can't be communicated meaningfully to these peasants, these undergraduates. Lawrence, but then you bring in the expert on Lawrence to talk about him. Instead of cramping students as we tend to, what we could do, at a large University like this, is to be- gin to make individual courses of the kind that people want, rather than having one mold that we force4 everyone into. 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