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July 28, 1971 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-28

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Page Eight


Wednesday, July 28, 1971

O e 1 -g eSEPTEMBER 27
Orioles stop Athletics, Al to fightQuarryin fcli

sweep doubleheader

By The Associated Press
BALTIMORE-Brooks Robin-
son ripped a two-out, two-run
homer inthe bottom of the
ninth inning, giving the Halti-
more Orioles a 6-4 victory in the
second game and a sweep of
th e i r twi - night doubleheader
against the Oakland A's last
Pat Dobson fired a four-hit-
ter, struck out 13 batters and
gained his 11th consecutive vic-
tory, taking the opener 1-0 with
Clay Dalrymple's double driving
in the ganie's only run.
Robinson unloaded on a 2-1
pitch after Boog Powell had
doubled with two out and none
The A's blanked on four hits
in the opener and held to three
hits throughout the first six in-
nings of the nightcap, erupted
for four runs in the seventh to
tie the second game 4-4.
Singles by Sal Bando and
Gene Tenace, and a double by
Frank Fernandez chased Balti-
more starter Grant Jackson.
Mets edge
NEW YORK -- Duffy Dyer's
pop fly single -climaxed a two-
run comeback in the ninth in-
ning and lifted the New York
Mets to a 3-2 victory over the
St. Louis Cardinals last night.
Chris Zachary, making his
first start since June 9, had
limited the Mets to three hits
and was leading 2-1 going into
the ninth.
Zachary retired the first bat-
ter but then Tommie Agee and
Cleon Jones stroked consecutive
singles, knocking him out.
Phils, Astros split
delphia Phillies and Houston
Astros each lived and died by
the home run yesterday as the
Phils slammed four for an 8-3
victory in the first game and
the Astros socked two in a 5-1
triumph in the finale of a twi-
night doubleheader.
The Phillies ripped Larry
Eacono-Ca r
and see:,

Dierker for four homers, one
more than the Houston right-
hander had allowed in 145%
previous innings.
Bobby Pfeil, pressed into duty
as a catcher with both Tim
McCarver and Mike Ryan side-
lined with injuries, hit two for
the Phillies, his first in the
major leagues. Daron Johnson
hammered No. 23 and Willie
Montanez No. 21 for the Phils.
Expos win
MONTREAL - Rookie right-
hander Ernie McAnally tossed a
five-hitter and Ron F a i r l y
cracked a two-run homer as the
Montreal Expos downed the
Chicago Cubs 6-1 last night.
The Cubs loaded the bases on
rj Major Leagt
W L Pt.G (B
Baltimore 62 38 .620 -"
Boston 58 42 .580 4
Detroit 52 48 .520 W
New York 51 51 .500 12
Cleveland 42 59 .416 20
Washington 40 59 .404 211.
Oakiand 63 38 .624 -
Kansas City 52 45 ,536 9
California 49 55 .471 15/.
Minnesota 46 54 .460 161,%
Chic ao 45 54 .455 17
Mi la'kee 41 .8 .414 21
Vesterday's Results
Botstan 4, Mitwake'e.3, 1st
Mileaukee 5, Bottn 1, ted
New York at Chicago, inc.
Minnesota 4, washington2a
Cleveland 4, California 3
Detroit 5 eansasCity 4
Balitietee 1, 0aklaed 0,1it
Baltimore 6, Oakiand 4, 2nd
Today's Games
Oakland at Baltimore, night
Boston at Milwaukee, night
California at Cleveland, night
Kansas City at Detcit, night
N aswinotat Chicaoeigtt
Wsintigtae at MienestasC,eigt

McAnally three times but man-
aged to score only when Billy
Williams slapped a run-scoring
single in the seventh.
Montreal took a 1-4 lead in
the first inning on singles by
Ron Woods and Fairly and a
fielder's choice.
McAnally's s a c r i f i c e fly
brought h o m e Stan Swanson
with the Expos' second run in
the second inning.
Indians scalp
CLEVELAND-The Cleveland
Indians spiked Clyde Wright's
no-hit bid with three runs on
two hits in the sixth inning,
then held on for a 4-3 victory
over the California Angels last

HOUSTON (') - Muham-
mad Ali praised Jimmy Ellis,
scorned Joe Frazier and an-
nounced at a post-fight news
conference yesterday he w il l
fight Jerry Quarry in Septem-
"The next fight from what I
understand - although nothing
has been signed - will be Sept.
27 with Jerry Quarry in' the
Astrodome," said Ali.
The former heavyweight
champion, in high spirits after
stopping an outclassed Ellis in
the 12th and final round in the
Dome Monday night, also said
he might have a second fight
before meeting Frazier again
for the title next year.
"I have an offer in England,
he said, "but I can't say who.
But it's anAmerican. Thewof-
fer is good."
He said he wants to fight
Frazier, to whom he lost a un-
animous decision, next March
in the Astrodome.
"The Astrodome is ideal," Ali
said. "I think a fight so great
should be held where as many
people as possible can see it.
We could draw 100,000 people."
For such a fight, the Astro-
dome could conceivably be jam-
med with 66,000 people, and
for information cull
Tickets are available
at Travel Bureaus or
the Michigan Union
32 Trips Day

ue Standings
W L Pct. G
Pittsbutirgh 55 36 .644
Chicago 54 47 .535 1
St. Louis 55 48 .534 1
New York 5? 47 .525 1
Philadelphia 45 59 .433 2
Montreal 41 62 .398 2
San Francisco 2t 41 .602
Los Angeles 53 49 .5?0
Atlanta t5 53 .505 1
louston 51 51 .500 1
Ctetteentti 48 .,56 .462'. 1
Stn ligt, 36 07 .350
tteel iday'Result
Pittsburgh at Los Angele. in,.
New York 3, St. Louis2
Atlanta at San Francisco, inc.
Ctttenteitat SaItDitgoit.
Pitadelpia8,Houstott 3, 1st
Houston 5, Philadelphia 1, ?nd
Today's Games
R~oust-on at Philadelphia. night
St. Louis at New York
Chicago at Montreal, night
Cttcinnati at San ieg , ni ht.
Ptltsbrgha attL s rAnelses, nit
Atlanta at SanFranisco

_ V

t1 th4(wLkc ly it

for such a fight Frazier h at
been quoted as saying he want
$5 million.
"He talks like an amateur,'
shouted Ali. "Why does he wani
$5 million? Why does he thinS
he's such a draw?" 1
Ali then threw a series a
verbal jabs at Frazier.
"He won't wear me down. H
won't catch me.
"Wear me down? He'll be it
such pitiful condition he'll hav
to retire.
"Ellis is a much better bt,
than Frazier. Ellis sings bette
than Frazier."
Then, with Ellis sitting nex
to him, Ali said of his forme
sparring partner and one-timt
World Boxing Associatioc
heavyweight champion: 0
"Anybody who fought like h
fought will be around for a Ion
time to come. He's not washe
has played s
recorded with
Noblick Upper,
Ten Thousand,
has been one
of the main
attractions at A
Mr. Flood's Party
for years, and
is a fantastic
guitarist and
country singer.
&:30 .504


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