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July 28, 1971 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1971-07-28

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Val. LXXXI, No. 55-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 28, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages
Legislature set to begin debate
on 'U' appropriations bill today


tio r0haln
The akAging verfiowi
Shseiiff's Department Captain El;
lint Fredland sits back in his tiny
office at the county jail. "Whoever
designed this place, he says,
"should've been hanged, drawn and
Though Fredland hastens to add,
"I'm not running a Statler-Hilton
here and I've no intention of doing
so," he sees serious deficiencies
with the present jail and is looking
to the day when he and his 115
prisoners can move out of their
cramped quarters in the 35 year -
old building on Ann Street and into
a new stricture, "desi ned with the
future in mind.''>
"I've even got plans," Fredland
whimsically says, "for a building
with a central administrative and
processing area with cell blocksf
fanning out from the middle."
But for now, Fredland's plans
are only a pipe dream. At present,
the Washtenaw County Jail is sad-
ly deficient and overcrowded,F'
Sheriff's Dept. officers will can-
didly admit.
Sheriff Douglas Harvey's Un-F
dershseriff, Harold Owings, is the a
departmental officer responsible
for overseeing operations at thet
jail, Owings sees the jail as being
btdly below standardsin "at least"
eight niajor areas."
Though stressing that the "oiily
real solution is a new jail," the
Undersheriff psits these prioritiesI
as those which the jail must meet -Da y-Jim Judkis
See OFFICIALS, Page 3 For "troublemakers": The incorrigible cell at the County Jail

Funding still
falls short of
'UJ' requests
Special To The 1aily
LANSING -- The Senate
Appropriations Committee
yesterday reported to the
S e n a t e the $312.1 million
1971-72 H i g h e r Education
Bill which would provide the
University's Ann Arbor cam-
pus with a general fund al-
location of $72,233,000.
That allocation represents an
increase of $1.2 million over the
amount suggested or Ann Ar-
bor by Gu. William Millikems
last February.
It approved by the Legislature,
the bill would all far short ot
th $89,382,000 originally re-
quested by University officials
last fall, and represents an in-
crease of only $2.9 million over
last year's appropriation to the
Ann Arbor campus.
Not surprisingly, the proposed
bill provides no funds for con-
tinuation of the University's an-
nual subsidy to the city of Ann
Arbor for police and fire serv-
ices-which last year amounted
to about $1.2 million.
Members of the Legis lature
have long maintaied that these
payments are creating dissen-
sion in other state campus town
-none of which currently re-
ceive support from the colleges
they house.
Specifically, the funds added
to Milliken's proposal are ear-
marked for:
-Increasing the enrollment
of the dental and medical
schools( $320,000n;
-Increasing the total num-
ber of Ann Arbor students by
296 ($718,00); and
-Correcting a "non-existent
surplus" of $18,009 in the Uni-
versity's general fund which had
incorrectly been anticipated by
the governor.
The bill is unusual in that the
Senate rarely increases, the gov-
ernor's budget recommendations
for higher education, and often
reduces his figures substantially.
Tomorrow, the Senate is ex-
pected to approve the bill with
little or no alterations. Shortly
after, it will be sent to the
House for action r
The House in past years has
tended to approve higher educa-
tion funding at levels slightly
exceuding the Senate This year,
observers predict that t e House
See 'U', Page2
Senate nixes
tax hike here
Special to The Daily
LANSING - The Senate yes-
terday rejected overwhelmingly
a House-passed bill to raise the
state personal income tax from
.9 per cent to 3.9 per cent
The bill, which would increase
income tax payments by S0 per
cent, will now go to a House-
Senate conference committee
Bth Democrats and Republi-
cans indicated they wanted more
information on what the in-
creased revenues from the bill
would be ued for,

Equal pay bill to become law

A bill guaranteeing equal pay for equal
work in the same job, which will insure pay
equity for all employes from factory workers
through professionals, is due to be signed by
Gov. William Milliken today. It has been de-
signed specifically to eliminate sex discrimi-
If signed, the bill is expected to become law
April 1, 1972.
The bill, an amendment to the state Mini-
mum Wage Act of 1964, follows the guide-
lines set by the Fair Labor Standards Act of
1938, enforced by the federal government.
This will allow it to make use of federal pre-
cedents which have already been set, while at
the same time extending the legislation's
The bill covers all employes-including pro-
fessionals, faculty, and administrators-
working for employers of more than four per-
sons. Enforcement of the provisions would
be effected by the state Department of Labor.
Under the law previously in effect, equal
pay for equal work was enforceable only in
cases involving low level employes who
worked for employers of less than eight peo-
Under the new provisions, employes would
be forbidden to differentiate between male
and female employes doing the same job by
means of salary, except when the payment is

made on the basis of a seniority system, a
merit system, a system which measures earn-
ings by quantity or quality of production, or a
differential based on a factor other than sex.
A suspected violation of the new law would
be tried in a "Show Cause" hearing, in which
the Department of Labor would take an em-
ployer to court. Unless the employer could
prove that his practices were not discrimina-
tory, he would be required to alter his wage
scale and administer back pay accordingly.
The employer convicted of using a dis-
criminatory pay scale would be obligated to
raise the lower salary to a rate which is equal
or comparable to the higher one. The back
pay allocated would cover the period from
the acceptance of the bill as law to the time
of the hearing, not to exceed three years,
Employes who suspect that they are the
victims of discriminatory pay practices would
also be able to bring their cases to court. If
the employe should win such a self-initiated
case, the employe would be awarded double
back pay..This practice is intended to give
the state's employers an incentive to review
their wage scales, while at the same time
urging employes to examine their own cases.
Representatives of the University's Wom-
en's Commission are hopeful that the passage
of this bill may be successful in furthering the
commission's efforts to eliminate sex dis-
crimination within the University.

According to commission member Helen
Forsyth, "The University was confronted
with the, concept of equal pay for equal work
during the Cheryl Clark case, and they stated
that it was a simplistic one, suitable only for
lower level jobs. This new law would enable
us to be more efficient in such cases."
Cheryl Clark, a research assistant with the
Highway Safety Research Institute filed a
complaint with the University last January
charging that a male employed in the same
job classification with the same duties re-
ceives a higher salary.
Clark's charges were reviewed under the
University grievance procedures and declared
unfounded by the University. Her case is soon
to be appealed.
In a letter commenting on her case, Presi-
dent Robben Fleming argued against the
universal applicability of the concept of equal
pay for equal work.
He stated that long-standing practices of
any university in the administration of its
personnel provide payment of different sala-
ries to persons with different academic de-
gree levels although they are doing "what the
industrial world would call the same job."
He cited an example of a professor and as-
sistant professor, both of whom would be do-
ing substantially the same job but would be
paid differently.

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