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Tuesday, July 27, 1971
Ann Arbor, Michigan News Phone: 76
City Council hears
third party proposal
City C o u n c i l last night
heard representatives of its
Citizens Committee on Third
Parties and Related Matters
d i s c u s s the prospects and
problems involved in easing
the p roce du re by which
minority candidates may at-
tain a place on city election
The committee's report spe-
cifically proposes alterations in
the city charter to allow third
parties to be placed on the ballot
if they can secure signatures
equal to one per cent of the
number of votes gained by the
last successful mayoral candi-
date--or about 150 signatures.
Currently, to get on the ballot,
a party must have statewide
recognition which is accom-
plished by gathering a b o u t
14 000 signatures.
Eric Chester, committee mem-
-Asoc3ted Press ber and member of the Radical
Independent Party (RIP), told
council that no matter how
his candidacy many signatures are required,
nh will oppose RIP would work to be placed
dent Ngyugen on the ballot.
bid uependent "It's just a question of how
much you want to harrass us" he
Chester, the co-author of one
of the committee's two minority
reports, also argued that a new
system must also include ways of
o011 having "run-offs," in which vot-
ers would role for a first and see-
Minh in
Retired Gen. Duong Van "Big" Minh announcedl
for the presidency ol South Vietnam yesterday. Mir
both President Ngyuen Van Thieu and Vice Presi.
Cao Ky in the race, but he made his presidential I
on a free and fair election,
Apollo leaves for mi
spacemenl take theit
--Apollo 15 was launched to-
ward the moon yesterday with
s American astronauts set to trav-
el farther on its surface, stay
longer, take more equipment with
them and bring more material
back than ever before.
Astronauts David Scott, James
Irwin and Alfred Worden, along
with their new moon dune buggy
and their scientific payload, were
hurled into a 100-mile orbit of
the earth aboard the 36 - story
Three hours after launch, the
astronauts reignited the third
stage rocket engine and hurtled
away from earth on a path to
the moon.
The six-minute rocket burn
boosted the spacecraft to a speed
of 24,218 miles per hour, fast
enough to escape the earth's gra-
vity and carry the craft to the
moon in a long coast.
The Apollo 15 astronauts eject-
ed the moon lands
of the rocket and
hull was abandor
guided to an impt
At one point is
the astronauts dis
switch in their
Mission Control
would have no im
The astronauts
an $S-million elet
Rover 1, whichI
will drive a tota
the lunar surface
Scott and trwij
hours outside t
and on the lunar
set up an atomi
ence station whic
to researchers ft
They will gat
pounds of moon
and photograph
which they hope
to the- fiery be
moon and the so
and chc
ar This
aI wouldt
er from the nose electior
the spent rocket a majo
ned, later to be It w
act on the moon. beingc
n the afternoon, had ^to
covered a faulty front-ri
equipment, but 'throwi
later said it added.
pact on the mis- Doe
have with then pumbs
ctric car, called numuber
Scott and Irwin ballot
I of 22 miles on that pe
n will spend 20 Alth
heir spacecraft men qi
surface. They'll rie, it
c - powered sci- roaert
h will feed data signat
or years. parties
.her up to 250 "We
rock, selecting threshh
ing formations Robert
will bear clues 150 si
ginning of the party(
lar system. for ma
iice. --Day-Gary vitaiti
system, he maintained. MAYOR ROBERT HARRIS and City Administrator Guy Larcom
remove the possibility of look on at last night's city council meeting at which the proposals
office holders who win oo oo t lat night sion eei ahssep.
is with a plurality but not si the third party conmission were discussed.
rity of the vote.
.uld also "stop people from MARCH IULIN(:
coerced into thinking they __
vote for one of the two
tnners or they would be
ng away' their votes," he iv a rri
Guthrie, author of the
ttee's other minority re- b"
tressed his claim that then eed
r of signatures needed for
designation be raised and
ople be allowed to run on By ZACHARY SCIIILLER
-partisan basis' as well. A new system of assigning married student housing has quietly
ugh few of the council- slipped into existence, seemingly to the satisfaction of all those in-
uestioned Chester of Guth- volved.
seemed that most of their
was over the number of The new policy, which was approved by the Office of Student Serv-
res to be required of the ices Housing Policy Board at its March 9 meeting. assigns people to the
housing units on a financial basis.
have to set a proper Until this year, all applications were judged on a first-come-first-
sold," cautioned Mayor served basis. The new policy was approved because it is the philosophy
Harris. "If you only need of the board "that the financial benefits which are provided by Univer-
gnatures, the Woof-Woof sity-owned family housing should be made available to those families
could probably run a dog with the greatest financial need."
The new system classifies each applicant financially into one of
three groups. Each applicant completes a financial statement, which is
then given to the Office of Financial Aids for classification purposes.
That office decides into which category the prospective tenant falls.
" " Apartments are then leased for three years to members of the
highest priority group on a first-come-first-served basis. Before the
new policy was put into effect, a tenant could live in married student
housing for as long as he desired. Now, there is a reexamination of the
ain, and he said last night financial status of the tenant every three years to insure that the hous-
no idea what the next step ing is rented to the financially needy.
legal proceedings against The highest priority is composed of those families "whose income
be. is such that they would have to make significant or extreme sacrifices
- , to live in Ann Arbor." The second priority includes families whose
income is such that living in University Housing would be of signifi-
cant benefit to them even though they could afford to pay typical Ann
' IArbor rents.
The lowest priority consists of those who can easily afford to pay
Ann Arbor rents.
Housing Director John Feldkamp noted yesterday that the lowest
- . priority consists, in actuality, mostly of people who do not fill out
financial statements at all.
A discussion of changing the policy had been going on for three
years before the decision was made to change to a system based on
financial needs. Apparently, several tenants were opposed to a system
which would be retroactive. The new system does not coves tenants
who were living in married student housing before June.
Feldkamp said yesterday that he has received almost no com-
plaints about the new system. He said that although apartments aren't
assigned quite as quickly under the new system, no apartments have
Eric Chester been left vacant.
Local radical Eric Chester
was arrested last night for "cre-
ating or exciting a contention
or disturbance" in the Septem-
ber, 1969 LSA Bldg. sit-in, but
was later released on bond.
Chester was picked up at a
City Council meeting where he
was scheduled to speak on a
proposal that would make it
easier for third parties to gain
a place on Ann Arbor's electios
Chester was originally arrest-
ed with 106 others during the
1969 sit-in which led to the
foundation of the student-run
University Cellar bookstore.
Most of those arrested were
convicted in District Court jury
trials during late 1969 and 1970,
and about 65 are presently ap-
pealing their convictions.
Chester, who defended him-
jailed for '69
self at his trial, was sentenced to
21 days in jail and a $280 fine-
a more stringent sentence than
the seven days and $240 given
most of the others convicted.
According to the judge, Ches-
ter was given the stricter sen-
tence because he had been con-
victed before for similar actions.
At that time, Chester says he
thought he'd granted his power
of attorney to Attorney Don Kos-
ter, who with Atty. Dave Gold-
stein is handling most of the ap-
However, neither Koster nor
Goldstein filed an appeal for
Chester, and a few weeks ago,
he was told by a friend that there
was a bench warrant for his ar-
rest signed by District Court
Judge S. J. Elden.
Although he is at present free
on bond, Chester's status remains
he had
in the
him w