Saturday, July 24, 1971 Daily THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Classi fieds tConflianiesl roweOPERSONAL PERSONAL BLOOD DONOR5 31 nn TOesilll URGENTLY NEEDED $1111811Rh. $10 & $12 Rh1 negative 01116 CARRIAGE HOUSE Mlet_ Tes, Thu rFr.P44Wed. 16 '5-8e2 tc' M 61111Col no4iity Blatd(511111 404 %W. Mwsl'h:gn, Ypilantii rile eily BOOKS BANNED \t ooden 41-i394 Spoon Bokss ore .are Recadei ,Digest. t 200 NB Pocib Ace wAnn E69-4775. Open 8,051 .,and 63 16 nOES 'ti 6. ANT PRINT SALE lat tihe 51 B 1 6f;53 j Press.T hurts, Fi., Salt. & Sim.1 1217 _ 1 Peospect, AA. Phone 761-0942 (T,27' 'T B IE COUNTRY IS INVAD NO( WNRS S190 AM. LISTEN FOB SHIN1 ALL BILLIlARDS TABLE TENNIS BOWLING NEW COUNTRY SOUND, AUGUST: 1'T1L 1 A.M1. FBI & SAT. UNION lSt. 6 A.M-IONOFF. cF58 'P17 Residential College Summer Theater presents --Moliere's- J uly 22-24 75 C 8:00 P.M. Thiurs.-Sat. East Quad Aud. .o',eph t n ,e presentsla Mke N 16111Fii 111r11 11 ,lt'651t scnCanaceBerger MIike Nichols,Jack Nicholson,p Candice Bergen, Arhur Garfunkel UAnn-Margret and Jules Feilier., Carnal Knowledge.4 "was sorry to see CARNAL KNOWLEDGE' end.' 2 Vincent Canby New York Times - U C ~1 VR'An Avco Embassy Pcture DOORS OPEN - 12:45~ SHOWS AT 1,35,7,9P.M. DAL5-6240 j H EE1L WOODY !( t 2nd HILARIOUS WEEK! 1/ OPEN 1 PM.E SHWFFIU :._PERSONAL hei BageIFact oy CARRIAGE HOUSE 6;65-8825 Ft c MCATI & GAl' K.lpialI Futoeing Catlee I ntw'beinlg foeted.P Forinfeomtion a1114 15o115ll-et (,l (311)1851-6077. INTRlO-ACT Wkly. & Wknd., Groups. Self - jlw li,, (t - feel - und~erstand - 663-7616. CFtc LATEST IDEAS Ill Creaivce Printing1 foe Pamhlet,1, 1.cee,. Stateoneey, Christ- msCar'ete zc. 1tsual Printintg our iSleiltyS M1BIPre-Cll 761 -0942. WRO KNOWS WHAT EVIL LURKS IN ON WRNS 1290 AM 1111 WNRZ 102.9 PM STEREO, WEEKNIGHTS AT 6.I cFSO DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE wth diu- btle'kiit suts, spoetst~ls and lt'at ferotm Maety's, 710 S. State St. Ftc WE SELL the Se-It and patch the rest. Wtte of thetFP toce Walelbfetis.214 E. W:,sh i gtan, 769-9620. 1111 YOU GET twha't youlIpay foe. Love, Tom ald Harry r COMING AUGUST It IRE COUNTRY SOUND TO WNRS RADIO 1200 AM WEDDING RINGS AND JEWELRY Rate Jhan creale yo011 own design in white oe yellow gold. Reasanable! peices. 760-7550. eFte TV AND STONED RENTALS-Satiofae-; lion Gutaeanteed. Feee Delivsery, oeev- ice, an piEk-up. Call BNa, 662-~ 5671. 6Fto GM BARBERSHOF 8:30-5:15 p.m. Mon.-Sat. UNION 1 57 The Ann Arbor Fair Nonsing Ordi- nanee and lhe University of MiEh-1 igan Regents' bylawa peohibitdia- crimoination in housing. Questions should be dircted 10 Off-Campus Honsing, 764-7400. arsAn energetic MiKiser' Ry MAKCIA ABKAMSON Tile Residential College Play- i p'sfroduction of MOlhere's The Miser con best be described with lope word: energetic. Ofteo thle energy swas ssed nell, lB daocing ond clowning- tbat stilted tbe spirited cnmedy per- fectly. Tbe scuffle between tbe msiser aod La Flecbe in tbe first Set, for example, was beautifnlly choreograpbed ond per'form~ed. Bitt somtim~es energy took tbe at times 5i.< inappropriate 10 1i11 action; wben tile mliser's daugb- ter is heartbroken b cause bet fatber wants to marrCy 63r to a r icb old man, it seetis unllikely shse woulid 1711 around so fuioos- 1ly. Muchl of tbe timle the actol's and actresses seemed to be conl- centrating mlore on mlovemsent titan on creating visual comledy witb tbeir faces and actions and expressing Moliere's words in tbe broad comic way tbe play de- mands. Tbeir lines were too oft- en flat and lifeless. Two oafish servants imlported by tbe Iniser for a dinnoer party made small uste of 81511comIic po- tential in therir roles, and pro- voked gigglec inst ead o guf- faw's at best, And somietim~es, \\vhen sincerity was called for, as in tbe love scene between tbe miser's son and the girl be adores, tbe gig- gles remained, Tbe exception to all tbis was Ian Stullberg in twin roles as La- Flecbe and Master Jacques. Stul- berg boo a tremtendously mobile 'face and body, and tbe okill to adapt tbem to every demand of bis roles, He was not only comic, but als alive and individual- a tborougbly engaging cbaracter. Dianne LaMacbia sbowed some of same spirit as Frosine, the wvorldly wise go-between. Tbe play is the comic story of an old miser wbose love for gold interferes witb tbe romancea of bis son and daugbter. Tbings get more and more confused until at last an unexpected twist-dens ex macbins if you like-settles all bappily. The Miser, by Moliere out of Plautus, is not so difficult a play to put on because it is so comic, and tbe RC Players do a fairly creditable job, altbougb it is clear most of cast are quite amateurs. place of acting, Tbe cast was often so busy moving around tbat tbey seemed never to talk to eacb otber ; tbey were always talking at tbe audience. Tbe movement Tonight & Tomorrow IMITATION OF LIFE Don't forget your Kleenex - irrestible tear jerker directed by Douglas Sirk, 1 959. The housekeeper's daughter passes for white in Broadway High Society. Makalia Jacksan, L a n a Turner, S u s a n Kahner, Sandra Dee. ARCH ITECTURE AUDITORIUM 7 :00 & 9:05 75C HI-Fl STUDIO ANNUAL SUMMER SALE Offering REAL price reductions that will not be repeated in 1971 START- I NG NOW Some of our lines " Jensen 0 Acoustic Research " Garrard 0 Kenwood " KLH 0 DUAL " Scott 0 Sherwood " Sony Tel. 668-7942 Unbelievable Sacrif ices- Up to 40 % off Backed up by our Factory Authorized Service 121 W. WASH INGTON-Downtown-i blk. W. of Main 4 rDIAL 662-6264 * At State & Liberty * BANANAS Moves You More than Prunes ! fThe heavenlyl Icigaretel Icommercuall the price of admissioe. gdali eds (of course) COR by OtLsxo' See Woody' sect world o sports? f. .r IflIGAN~7_ tennessee wiITams A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE *Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and N.Y. Drama Critics Circle Award OPENS TUESDAY Additional Performances through Saturday, July 31 LYDIA MENDELSSOHN CURTAIN: 8:00 Box Office Open P:6860 12:30-5:00D Mon., P:6860 12:30-8:00OTues.-Sat. $1.50-$2.50 COMING AUG. 3-7: World Premiere of Phillip Hayes Dean's- THE' GHOST DANCERS I, l,'