Saturday. May 8, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven I ,;%-I ,o%.A 1971jTH.-MICHIGA, -AILY geISeve I news briefs By The Associated Press U.S. unemployment rate climbs to 6.1 per cent HYMN SINGING on the Capitol steps last night and a radio appeal by the Rev. Carl Meintire for thousands to join tomorrow'%; March For Victory set the scene for this weekend's win-the-war rally in Washington. The 64-year-old radio preacher says his gathering of patriots will be an answer to "Haiphong's hippie harranguers." Among the speakers that will address the gathering are Gov. George Wallace of Alabama, Lt. Gov. Lester Maddox of Georgia and a delegation of six ministers from Formosa. SECRETARY OF STATE William Rogers wound up his Mid- east talks in Tel Aviv yesterday still holding hope of diplomatic movement toward peace in the troubled area. In a final session with Israeli Premier Golda Meir and other top policy makers, views were exchanged on U.S. military assistance to Israel and U.S.-Israeli economic relations. THE ARMY said yesterday a former sergeant who told an informal congressional panel his squad killed 30 innocent civilians in Vietnam has refused to talk with army investigators. The former sergeant, Daniel Notley, told an unofficial war crimes panel last week that his squad killed 30 unresisting women and chil- dren to avenge the death of a GI who had been killed by a booby trap. Despite Notley's "lack of cooperation," the Army said it would proceed with its investigation of the incident. ILLEGAL WIRETAPS and electronic surveillance have been used against Leslie Bacon, an antiwar activist being questioned by a federal grand jury, her attorneys said yesterday. They asked a federal court in Seattle, Wash. to order the govern- ment to disclose its use of such devices in its investigation of her or to cancel the subpoena under which she was arrested as a material witness in connection with the U.S. Capitol bombing. THE PENTAGON ANNOUNCED yesterday that disposal of germ warfare weapons at Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas will be- gin Monday. The operation had been delayed until the Defense Department filed a final environmental impact statement with the Council on Environmental Quality. Eighteen months ago, President Nixon announced the end of the use of lethal biological agents and weapons and ordered all exist- ing stockpiles of bacteriological weapons to be destroyed. Tapped? President Nixon jokes about who might be listening to an old phone given to him yesterday after signing a bill establishing a Rural Telephone Bank to finance rural phone systems. BUDDHIST HOLIDAY: Viet cease-fire to begin WASHINGTON )- The nation's jobless rate edged up to 6.1 per cent of the work force last month the government reported yes- terday. The White House and the Labor Department called the figures "disap- pointing." Black unemployment rose to the highest in seven years, the average out-of-work period for all races remained at a five- year high of 10.9 weeks, and the 2.5 million persons who worked part-time but wanted full-time jobes matched t h e eight-year high of last December. The over all jobless rate was up .1 per cent from March and just below the nine year high of 6.2 per cent posted last De- cember at the end of the Gen- eral Motors strike. The Bureau of Labor Statis- tics said the unemployment rate increased so little as to be "es- sentially unchanged." But the fact that it did not drop cast gloom through th e administration, which announc- ed Thursday a 0.3 per cent in- crease in wholesale prices. "We of course would h a v e rather seen it go down," said White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler. Piesident Nixon has pledged unemployment will drop to about 4.5 per cent by the middle of next year. Labor S e c r e t a r y James Hodgson said "this month's re- port on unemployment levels is a disappointment." The National Democratic Committee sai d: "Wholesale prices have gone up. Steel prices have gone up. The dollar is un- der attack in Europe. And now unemployment has risen. And all we get from the Nixon ad- ministration is the w o r n out promise that things w ill get better . . . Some game! Some plan!" SAIGON (IP) - A 48 h o u r Viet Cong cease-fire observance of Buddha's 2,515th birthday anniversary went into effect to- day in South Vietnam, five hours ahead of an allied cease- fire. The birthday anniversary is Sunday and it is a holiday equi- valent to that of Christmas for Christians. The Viet Cong cease-fire per- iod began at 7 a.m. -7p.m., ZDT, yesterday - while the allies set their cease-fire for the 24-hour period running from noon to- day. Before the start of the cease- fire periods, the Indochina air war continued without letup but ground action slackened. Two U.S. F4 Phantom fighter bombers attacked antiaircraft sites in North Vietnam yester- day in the 33rd "protective re- action" strike so far this year. Also in the air, U.S. B52 bomb- ers kept up their saturation bombing of some outlets of the Ho Chi Minh trail that cross from Laos into the northwest corner of South Vietnam. /-- 5404 .1os1 00.1 'Id/ o ~ *bAtRoberD0orfmonn 1 0 l Simone Signoreh -O*l~~ "The Confession" S. -4 O -Gabriee rzetti-ice wso dS L[se O'Artur ondon Jorge Semprun 0V e.,Costo Govras SAT 2 10 6:30, 9:00, 11:30.-SUN: 1:20, 6:30, 9:00 PLUS BO-NUS FEATURE "GOI-FOR THE FURY, "Best Picture" Canes Film Festival FORCE AND FUN OF ...coos SATURDAY "AGY GH AND ends BANRTdaOU rduto SUNDAY FULL OF ST1NGt"-o, 12:30 and 4:40 e A 0 PPYTH orUv VIP~~~PIT AVr E0te 0,Sm ne A Sinreftr 34 Nobel Prze-winners called the Universityof Chicago home. You can too. The University of Chicago is one of the world's great schools, and this year the Summer Session is open to part-time, visiting, and transfer students. Wide variety of courses, on campus and off, day and evening classes. Full University of Chicago aca- demic credit. 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